diff --git a/tests/integration/210.command.deploy.test.cjs b/tests/integration/commands/deploy/deploy.test.mjs
similarity index 65%
rename from tests/integration/210.command.deploy.test.cjs
rename to tests/integration/commands/deploy/deploy.test.mjs
index 0bfdf381555..d622dd11bf7 100644
--- a/tests/integration/210.command.deploy.test.cjs
+++ b/tests/integration/commands/deploy/deploy.test.mjs
@@ -1,50 +1,64 @@
-const { join } = require('path')
-const process = require('process')
+import path from 'path'
+import process from 'process'
+import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
-const test = require('ava')
-const { Response, default: fetch } = require('node-fetch')
+import fetch from 'node-fetch'
+import { afterAll, beforeAll, describe, test } from 'vitest'
-const callCli = require('./utils/call-cli.cjs')
-const { createLiveTestSite, generateSiteName } = require('./utils/create-live-test-site.cjs')
-const got = require('./utils/got.cjs')
-const { withSiteBuilder } = require('./utils/site-builder.cjs')
+import callCli from '../../utils/call-cli.cjs'
+import { createLiveTestSite, generateSiteName } from '../../utils/create-live-test-site.cjs'
+import { withSiteBuilder } from '../../utils/site-builder.cjs'
+const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
const SITE_NAME = generateSiteName('netlify-test-deploy-')
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
const validateContent = async ({ content, path, siteUrl, t }) => {
+ const response = await fetch(`${siteUrl}${path}`)
+ const body = await response.text()
+ const statusCode = response.status
try {
- const { body } = await got(`${siteUrl}${path}`)
- t.is(body, content)
- } catch (error) {
- const {
- response: { body, statusCode, statusMessage },
- } = error
if (content === undefined) {
- t.is(statusCode, 404)
+ t.expect(response.status).toBe(404)
+ t.expect(body).toEqual(content)
+ } catch (error) {
+ const {
+ response: { statusMessage },
+ } = error
throw new Error(`Failed getting content: ${statusCode} - ${statusMessage} - ${body}`)
const validateDeploy = async ({ content, contentMessage, deploy, siteName, t }) => {
- t.truthy(deploy.site_name)
- t.truthy(deploy.deploy_url)
- t.truthy(deploy.deploy_id)
- t.truthy(deploy.logs)
- t.is(deploy.site_name, siteName, contentMessage)
+ t.expect(deploy.site_name).toBeTruthy()
+ t.expect(deploy.deploy_url).toBeTruthy()
+ t.expect(deploy.deploy_id).toBeTruthy()
+ t.expect(deploy.logs).toBeTruthy()
+ t.expect(deploy.site_name, contentMessage).toEqual(siteName)
await validateContent({ siteUrl: deploy.deploy_url, path: '', content, t })
-if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
- test.before(async (t) => {
+const context = {}
+describe.skipIf(process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE === 'true').concurrent('commands/deploy', () => {
+ beforeAll(async () => {
const { account, siteId } = await createLiveTestSite(SITE_NAME)
- t.context.siteId = siteId
- t.context.account = account
+ context.siteId = siteId
+ context.account = account
+ })
+ afterAll(async () => {
+ const { siteId } = context
+ console.log(`deleting test site "${SITE_NAME}". ${siteId}`)
+ await callCli(['sites:delete', siteId, '--force'])
- test.serial('should deploy site when dir flag is passed', async (t) => {
+ test('should deploy site when dir flag is passed', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-public-folder', async (builder) => {
const content = '
@@ -56,14 +70,14 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
const deploy = await callCli(['deploy', '--json', '--dir', 'public'], {
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
}).then((output) => JSON.parse(output))
await validateDeploy({ deploy, siteName: SITE_NAME, content, t })
- test.serial('should deploy site by name', async (t) => {
+ test('should deploy site by name', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-public-folder', async (builder) => {
const content = '⊂◉‿◉つ
@@ -87,7 +101,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
- test.serial('should deploy site when publish directory set in netlify.toml', async (t) => {
+ test('should deploy site when publish directory set in netlify.toml', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-public-folder', async (builder) => {
const content = '⊂◉‿◉つ
@@ -105,14 +119,14 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
const deploy = await callCli(['deploy', '--json'], {
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
}).then((output) => JSON.parse(output))
await validateDeploy({ deploy, siteName: SITE_NAME, content, t })
- test.serial('should deploy Edge Functions when directory exists', async (t) => {
+ test('should deploy Edge Functions when directory exists', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-public-folder', async (builder) => {
const content = 'Edge Function works NOT'
@@ -135,7 +149,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
const options = {
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
await callCli(['build'], options)
@@ -151,7 +165,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
- test.serial('should deploy Edge Functions with custom cwd when directory exists', async (t) => {
+ test('should deploy Edge Functions with custom cwd when directory exists', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-public-folder', async (builder) => {
const content = 'Edge Function works NOT'
const pathPrefix = 'app/cool'
@@ -177,7 +191,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
const options = {
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
await callCli(['build', '--cwd', pathPrefix], options)
@@ -195,7 +209,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
- test.serial('should run build command before deploy when build flag is passed', async (t) => {
+ test('should run build command before deploy when build flag is passed', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-public-folder', async (builder) => {
const content = '⊂◉‿◉つ
@@ -213,14 +227,14 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
const output = await callCli(['deploy', '--build'], {
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
- t.is(output.includes('Netlify Build completed in'), true)
+ t.expect(output.includes('Netlify Build completed in')).toBe(true)
- test.serial('should return valid json when both --build and --json are passed', async (t) => {
+ test('should return valid json when both --build and --json are passed', async () => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-public-folder', async (builder) => {
const content = '⊂◉‿◉つ
@@ -238,14 +252,14 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
const output = await callCli(['deploy', '--build', '--json'], {
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
- test.serial('should deploy hidden public folder but ignore hidden/__MACOSX files', async (t) => {
+ test('should deploy hidden public folder but ignore hidden/__MACOSX files', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-a-dedicated-publish-folder', async (builder) => {
@@ -276,7 +290,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
const deploy = await callCli(['deploy', '--json'], {
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
}).then((output) => JSON.parse(output))
await validateDeploy({ deploy, siteName: SITE_NAME, content: 'index', t })
@@ -301,7 +315,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
- test.serial('should filter node_modules from root directory', async (t) => {
+ test('should filter node_modules from root directory', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-a-project-directory', async (builder) => {
@@ -324,7 +338,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
const deploy = await callCli(['deploy', '--json'], {
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
}).then((output) => JSON.parse(output))
await validateDeploy({ deploy, siteName: SITE_NAME, content: 'index', t })
@@ -337,7 +351,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
- test.serial('should not filter node_modules from publish directory', async (t) => {
+ test('should not filter node_modules from publish directory', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-a-project-directory', async (builder) => {
@@ -360,7 +374,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
const deploy = await callCli(['deploy', '--json'], {
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
}).then((output) => JSON.parse(output))
await validateDeploy({ deploy, siteName: SITE_NAME, content: 'index', t })
@@ -373,22 +387,22 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
- test.serial('should exit with error when deploying an empty directory', async (t) => {
+ test('should exit with error when deploying an empty directory', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-an-empty-directory', async (builder) => {
await builder.buildAsync()
try {
await callCli(['deploy', '--dir', '.'], {
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
} catch (error) {
- t.is(error.stderr.includes('Error: No files or functions to deploy'), true)
+ t.expect(error.stderr.includes('Error: No files or functions to deploy')).toBe(true)
- test.serial('should refresh configuration when --build is passed', async (t) => {
+ test('should refresh configuration when --build is passed', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-public-folder', async (builder) => {
await builder
@@ -406,8 +420,8 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
name: 'mutator',
plugin: {
onPreBuild: async ({ netlifyConfig }) => {
- // eslint-disable-next-line n/global-require
- const { mkdir, writeFile } = require('fs').promises
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef, n/global-require
+ const { mkdir, writeFile } = require('fs/promises')
const generatedFunctionsDir = 'new_functions'
netlifyConfig.functions.directory = generatedFunctionsDir
@@ -426,18 +440,18 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
['deploy', '--build', '--json'],
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
- const { body, statusCode } = await got(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/hello`)
- t.is(body, 'Hello')
- t.is(statusCode, 200)
+ const response = await fetch(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/hello`)
+ t.expect(await response.text()).toEqual('Hello')
+ t.expect(response.status).toBe(200)
- test.serial('should deploy functions from internal functions directory', async (t) => {
+ test('should deploy functions from internal functions directory', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-internal-functions', async (builder) => {
await builder
@@ -488,57 +502,61 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
['deploy', '--build', '--json'],
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
- t.is(await got(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/func-1`).text(), 'User 1')
- t.is(await got(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/func-2`).text(), 'User 2')
- t.is(await got(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/func-3`).text(), 'Internal 3')
- const func4Resp = await fetch(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/func-4`)
- t.is(func4Resp.status, 404)
- t.is(await got(`${deployUrl}/internal-v2-func`).text(), 'Internal V2 API')
+ const [response1, response2, response3, response4, response5] = await Promise.all([
+ fetch(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/func-1`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ fetch(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/func-2`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ fetch(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/func-3`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ fetch(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/func-4`),
+ fetch(`${deployUrl}/internal-v2-func`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ ])
+ t.expect(response1).toEqual('User 1')
+ t.expect(response2).toEqual('User 2')
+ t.expect(response3).toEqual('Internal 3')
+ t.expect(response4.status).toBe(404)
+ t.expect(response5, 'Internal V2 API')
- test.serial(
- 'should deploy functions from internal functions directory when setting `base` to a sub-directory',
- async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-internal-functions-sub-directory', async (builder) => {
- await builder
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- build: { base: 'sub-directory' },
- functions: { directory: 'functions' },
- },
- })
- .withFunction({
- path: 'func-1.js',
- pathPrefix: 'sub-directory/.netlify/functions-internal',
- handler: async () => ({
- statusCode: 200,
- body: 'Internal',
- }),
- })
- .buildAsync()
- const { deploy_url: deployUrl } = await callCli(
- ['deploy', '--build', '--json'],
- {
- cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ test('should deploy functions from internal functions directory when setting `base` to a sub-directory', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-internal-functions-sub-directory', async (builder) => {
+ await builder
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ build: { base: 'sub-directory' },
+ functions: { directory: 'functions' },
- true,
- )
+ })
+ .withFunction({
+ path: 'func-1.js',
+ pathPrefix: 'sub-directory/.netlify/functions-internal',
+ handler: async () => ({
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: 'Internal',
+ }),
+ })
+ .buildAsync()
- t.is(await got(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/func-1`).text(), 'Internal')
- })
- },
- )
+ const { deploy_url: deployUrl } = await callCli(
+ ['deploy', '--build', '--json'],
+ {
+ cwd: builder.directory,
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
+ },
+ true,
+ )
+ const response = await fetch(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/func-1`).then((res) => res.text())
+ t.expect(response).toEqual('Internal')
+ })
+ })
- test.serial('should handle redirects mutated by plugins', async (t) => {
+ test('should handle redirects mutated by plugins', async (t) => {
await withSiteBuilder('site-with-public-folder', async (builder) => {
const content = '⊂◉‿◉つ
await builder
@@ -586,7 +604,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
['deploy', '--json', '--build'],
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
@@ -595,27 +613,33 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
['api', 'getDeploy', '--data', JSON.stringify({ deploy_id: deploy.deploy_id })],
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
const redirectsMessage = fullDeploy.summary.messages.find(({ title }) => title === '3 redirect rules processed')
- t.is(redirectsMessage.description, 'All redirect rules deployed without errors.')
+ t.expect(redirectsMessage.description).toEqual('All redirect rules deployed without errors.')
await validateDeploy({ deploy, siteName: SITE_NAME, content, t })
+ const [pluginRedirectResponse, _redirectsResponse, netlifyTomResponse] = await Promise.all([
+ fetch(`${deploy.deploy_url}/other-api/hello`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ fetch(`${deploy.deploy_url}/api/hello`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ fetch(`${deploy.deploy_url}/not-existing`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ ])
// plugin redirect
- t.is(await got(`${deploy.deploy_url}/other-api/hello`).text(), 'hello')
+ t.expect(pluginRedirectResponse).toEqual('hello')
// _redirects redirect
- t.is(await got(`${deploy.deploy_url}/api/hello`).text(), 'hello')
+ t.expect(_redirectsResponse).toEqual('hello')
// netlify.toml redirect
- t.is(await got(`${deploy.deploy_url}/not-existing`).text(), content)
+ t.expect(netlifyTomResponse).toEqual(content)
- test.serial('should deploy pre-bundled functions when a valid manifest file is found', async (t) => {
- const bundledFunctionPath = join(__dirname, 'assets', 'bundled-function-1.zip')
+ test('should deploy pre-bundled functions when a valid manifest file is found', async (t) => {
+ const bundledFunctionPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../assets', 'bundled-function-1.zip')
const bundledFunctionData = {
mainFile: '/some/path/bundled-function-1.js',
name: 'bundled-function-1',
@@ -640,7 +664,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
functions: [
- path: join(builder.directory, '.netlify', 'functions', 'bundled-function-1.zip'),
+ path: path.join(builder.directory, '.netlify', 'functions', 'bundled-function-1.zip'),
timestamp: Date.now(),
@@ -664,17 +688,17 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
['deploy', '--json'],
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
- t.is(await got(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/bundled-function-1`).text(), 'Pre-bundled')
+ const response = await fetch(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/bundled-function-1`).then((res) => res.text())
+ t.expect(response).toEqual('Pre-bundled')
- test.serial('should not deploy pre-bundled functions when the --skip-functions-cache flag is used', async (t) => {
- const bundledFunctionPath = join(__dirname, 'assets', 'bundled-function-1.zip')
+ test('should not deploy pre-bundled functions when the --skip-functions-cache flag is used', async (t) => {
+ const bundledFunctionPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../assets', 'bundled-function-1.zip')
const bundledFunctionData = {
mainFile: '/some/path/bundled-function-1.js',
name: 'bundled-function-1',
@@ -699,7 +723,7 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
functions: [
- path: join(builder.directory, '.netlify', 'functions', 'bundled-function-1.zip'),
+ path: path.join(builder.directory, '.netlify', 'functions', 'bundled-function-1.zip'),
timestamp: Date.now(),
@@ -723,85 +747,74 @@ if (process.env.NETLIFY_TEST_DISABLE_LIVE !== 'true') {
['deploy', '--json', '--skip-functions-cache'],
cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
- t.is(await got(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/bundled-function-1`).text(), 'Bundled at deployment')
+ const response = await fetch(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/bundled-function-1`).then((res) => res.text())
+ t.expect(response).toEqual('Bundled at deployment')
- test.serial(
- 'should not deploy pre-bundled functions when the manifest file is older than the configured TTL',
- async (t) => {
- const age = 18e4
- const bundledFunctionPath = join(__dirname, 'assets', 'bundled-function-1.zip')
- const bundledFunctionData = {
- mainFile: '/some/path/bundled-function-1.js',
- name: 'bundled-function-1',
- runtime: 'js',
- }
+ test('should not deploy pre-bundled functions when the manifest file is older than the configured TTL', async (t) => {
+ const age = 18e4
+ const bundledFunctionPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../assets', 'bundled-function-1.zip')
+ const bundledFunctionData = {
+ mainFile: '/some/path/bundled-function-1.js',
+ name: 'bundled-function-1',
+ runtime: 'js',
+ }
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-functions-manifest-3', async (builder) => {
- await builder
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- build: { publish: 'out' },
- functions: { directory: 'functions' },
- },
- })
- .withCopiedFile({
- src: bundledFunctionPath,
- path: '.netlify/functions/bundled-function-1.zip',
- })
- .withContentFile({
- path: '.netlify/functions/manifest.json',
- content: JSON.stringify({
- functions: [
- {
- ...bundledFunctionData,
- path: join(builder.directory, '.netlify', 'functions', 'bundled-function-1.zip'),
- },
- ],
- timestamp: Date.now() - age,
- version: 1,
- }),
- })
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'out/index.html',
- content: 'Hello world',
- })
- .withFunction({
- path: 'bundled-function-1.js',
- handler: async () => ({
- statusCode: 200,
- body: 'Bundled at deployment',
- }),
- })
- .buildAsync()
- const { deploy_url: deployUrl } = await callCli(
- ['deploy', '--json'],
- {
- cwd: builder.directory,
- env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: t.context.siteId },
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-functions-manifest-3', async (builder) => {
+ await builder
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ build: { publish: 'out' },
+ functions: { directory: 'functions' },
- true,
- )
+ })
+ .withCopiedFile({
+ src: bundledFunctionPath,
+ path: '.netlify/functions/bundled-function-1.zip',
+ })
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: '.netlify/functions/manifest.json',
+ content: JSON.stringify({
+ functions: [
+ {
+ ...bundledFunctionData,
+ path: path.join(builder.directory, '.netlify', 'functions', 'bundled-function-1.zip'),
+ },
+ ],
+ timestamp: Date.now() - age,
+ version: 1,
+ }),
+ })
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'out/index.html',
+ content: 'Hello world',
+ })
+ .withFunction({
+ path: 'bundled-function-1.js',
+ handler: async () => ({
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: 'Bundled at deployment',
+ }),
+ })
+ .buildAsync()
- t.is(await got(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/bundled-function-1`).text(), 'Bundled at deployment')
- })
- },
- )
+ const { deploy_url: deployUrl } = await callCli(
+ ['deploy', '--json'],
+ {
+ cwd: builder.directory,
+ env: { NETLIFY_SITE_ID: context.siteId },
+ },
+ true,
+ )
- test.after('cleanup', async (t) => {
- const { siteId } = t.context
- console.log(`deleting test site "${SITE_NAME}". ${siteId}`)
- await callCli(['sites:delete', siteId, '--force'])
+ const response = await fetch(`${deployUrl}/.netlify/functions/bundled-function-1`).then((res) => res.text())
+ t.expect(response).toEqual('Bundled at deployment')
+ })
-test('always pass, used for forked PRs since ava fails when no tests are present', (t) => {
- t.pass()
diff --git a/vitest.config.ts b/vitest.config.ts
index 52aeeabfdf6..b6a958e335a 100644
--- a/vitest.config.ts
+++ b/vitest.config.ts
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
test: {
include: ['tests/**/*.test.mjs', 'tests/**/*.test.ts'],
testTimeout: 60_000,
+ hookTimeout: 60_000,
deps: {
external: ['**/fixtures/**', '**/node_modules/**'],
interopDefault: false,