In this file the same task from the parent folder is performed using the same model with the addition of mlflow workflow.
mlflow is an open source platform to manage the machine learning lifecycles. Using mlflow one can track the model accuracies/ parameters during training and also save the model. The mlfow projects allows the machine learning code to be reused in any other system just by running the mlflow command. The model saved by the mlflow package can be easily used as an independent entity across different languages, without the need of installing any of the paskages used to train the model.
keras, sklearn, tensorlfow, tenosrboard, numpy, pandas, cv2, matplotlib, mlflow
For showing comparison study in the task of Image Segmentation, a dataset where we need to segment lesions from the CT scans of lungs.
There are total 267 CT scans of lungs corresponding with the manually labelled segmented masks.
Here is the link to the dataset.
Make sure you have the above mentioned packages installed in your environment and you have dowloaded and extracted the dataset at Image_Segmentation folder.
Download the reposritory, and in a cmd prompt navigate to the folder Image_Segmentation folder and run:
mlflow run seg_mlflow --no-conda
option is given if you want to run the project in your existing environment. If you want to create a new environment omit this option.
For viewing the mlflow ui open another cmd prompt and navigate to the folder semantic-segmentation and run:
mlflow ui
*Note For running Mlflow ui in windows go to the last comment in the link-> mlflow/mlflow#154
For viewing Tensorboard ui open a cmd prompt and run:
tensorboard --logdir="PATH\TO\LOGS"
For passing parameters to the programs run cmd:
mlflow run seg_mlflow --no-conda -P PARAM_NAME_1=PARAM_VALUE_1 -P PARAM_NAME_2=PARAM_VALUE_2
Here are the available parameters:
--image_path TEXT Path to images folder
--annotation_path TEXT Path to annotations folder
--weights_path TEXT Path to base model weights file
--log_dir TEXT Path to store log files
--initial_lr FLOAT Initial learning rate
--batch_size INTEGER Batch size for training
--seed INTEGER numpy random seed