Releases: net-daemon/netdaemon
Release 22.13.1
👀 Summary
✨ New features
- #694 Subscribe to MQTT topics and return Observable @eugeneniemand
⚡ Enhancements
- #686 Fixes the nuget push command @helto4real
- #691 Better error handling and warnings for configuration @helto4real
🐛 Bug Fixes
⬆️ Dependency Updates
- #683 Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.0.0 to 17.1.0 @dependabot
- #687 Bump Moq from 4.16.1 to 4.17.1 @dependabot
- #690 Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 @dependabot
- #689 Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 @dependabot
- #688 Bump Moq from 4.17.1 to 4.17.2 @dependabot
- #692 Dependecy upgrades @helto4real
- #695 Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0 @dependabot
👀 Summary
✨ New features
- #694 Subscribe to MQTT topics and return Observable @eugeneniemand
⚡ Enhancements
- #686 Fixes the nuget push command @helto4real
- #691 Better error handling and warnings for configuration @helto4real
🐛 Bug Fixes
⬆️ Dependency Updates
- #683 Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.0.0 to 17.1.0 @dependabot
- #687 Bump Moq from 4.16.1 to 4.17.1 @dependabot
- #690 Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 @dependabot
- #689 Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 @dependabot
- #688 Bump Moq from 4.17.1 to 4.17.2 @dependabot
- #692 Dependecy upgrades @helto4real
- #695 Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0 @dependabot
👀 Summary
Another great NetDaemon release. This time we will introduce some new cool features (V3 only). We are adding an extension method that will wait for a state to be valid a specific time. A common task is when a motion sensor stop sensing motion and is off for a specific time then turn off light. Thanks @FrankBakkerNl for this.
We are continuing adding features and making the API move towards the final release for MQTT entity creation extension. Please see the docs for mqtt extension for details. Thanks @skotl for your hard work on this.
✨ New features
- #680 Extension method to wait for a state to be vald for a specific time @FrankBakkerNl
- #677 Support dynamic options on MQTT entity creation @skotl
⬆️ Dependency Updates
- #673 Bump FluentAssertions from 6.4.0 to 6.5.0 @dependabot
- #671 Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 @dependabot
- #670 Bump System.IO.Pipelines from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 @dependabot
- #676 Upgrade Roslyn analyzers @helto4real
- #681 Bump Serilog.AspNetCore from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0 @dependabot
- #678 Bump FluentAssertions from 6.5.0 to 6.5.1 @dependabot
👀 Summary
This release addresses the reports of timeout logs. This hot-fix ether will fix the problem or at least log better what service calls that is being timed out. If you experience time out logs please update to this version.
⚡ Enhancements
- #672 Better timeout management and error handling of results @helto4real
⬆️ Dependency Updates
- #669 Bump coverlet.msbuild from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 @dependabot
- #668 Bump coverlet.collector from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 @dependabot
Hotfix release for add-on dependecy
👀 Summary
Ok the V3 story continues... We bring you important new features and some important bugfixes.
We are now able to call service on a IEnumerable. This is a great feature by @FrankBakkerNl that allows us to include all entities in a domain with one call.
We got some feedback on the MQTT extension and fixed some bugs on it. Thanks @skotl for your hard work on this. @ludeeus added support for the add-on getting the MQTT config automatically given you have the MQTT add-on installed.
We also found a bug that in rare conditions we could send messages in the wrong order to HA that expects the message id:s to be in order. We now added a slim semaphore to protect message sending. Thanks @BeeHiveJava finding this one and @BeeHiveJava and @FrankBakkerNl collaborating on fixing this issue.
That's all folks!
✨ New features
- #661 Added ExtensionMethods to codegen for calling service methods in IEnumerable @FrankBakkerNl
⚡ Enhancements
- #662 More optionality around entity creation, simplified public method signatures @skotl
- #663 Add MQTT configuration to addon @ludeeus
🐛 Bug Fixes
- #665 fix: use lock when sending messages to ha @BeeHiveJava
- #666 SemaphoreSlim @FrankBakkerNl
- #667 Managed mqtt client, updated mqtt test app @skotl
👀 Summary
Hey folks!
We continuing adding new features in V3. This release I am proud to announce a better way to create, update and delete custom entities using MQTT discovery. The current way using the integration is not a safe way. We recommend any user to move to this extension instead if you need to create custom entities. Thanks to @skotl and @eugeneniemand for your hard work on this! See docs how to use this new feature. Finally we fixed the [Focus]
to work like V2 with a warning if not in development environment.
Some other noticeable changes is that we did a better naming of input booleans representing app states. Your apps can get new names!. We also now remove all input booleans helpers that are not used anymore by an app at startup. Finally when using Developer environment we have different naming so it will not use the production one.
Last but not least we are now making sure we log any faulty service call so we can always find the causes of errors and not fail silently.
✨ New features
- #657 Automatically remove unused app state input booleans @helto4real
- #658 Mqtt extension to create an update entities in HA @eugeneniemand
⚡ Enhancements
- #652 FocusFilter @FrankBakkerNl
- #653 Add background task tracking and proper error handling @helto4real
- #654 Add snake casing to app input booleans @helto4real
- #659 Adds specific naming rules for when is in development for input booleans app states @helto4real
🐛 Bug Fixes
- #655 Fix Cron taks were sometimes run twice due to clock skew @FrankBakkerNl
👀 Summary
💥 Breaking changes
- #648 Remove_Common @FrankBakkerNl
✨ New features
- #624 DisposableScheduler @FrankBakkerNl
⚡ Enhancements
- #638 Fix dev docs to point to instead @helto4real
- #639 Clean up unused files in Docker folder @helto4real
- #642 Update admin build process @ludeeus
- #640 Bash lint/cleanup @ludeeus
- #641 Testbuild the add-on container @ludeeus
- #644 feat: introduce app instance factory to allow extending app instantiation logic @BeeHiveJava
- #647 RenameAppMOdelAddMethods @FrankBakkerNl
🐛 Bug Fixes
- #643 Remove standard values for environment vars in docker file @helto4real
- #646 Loads HassModel.Integration the proper way @helto4real