match (:Slot {Scheduled At
:datetime("2022-11-17T08:30:00Z")})-[:NEXT*0..5]→(slot2)←[:IN_SLOT]-(s:Session)-[:HAS_TOPIC]→(t:Topic) WHERE IN ['Graph Data Science','Cypher'] return slot2.Scheduled At
, s.Title
match (a:Attendee {id:1}) call { with a match (a)-[:STARRED]→()-[:IN_SLOT]→(slot) return collect(distinct slot) as slots } match (a)-[:STARRED]→(s)←[:STARRED]-(peers)-[:STARRED]→(reco) where not exists { (a)-[:STARRED]→(reco) } and none(slot in slots where (reco)-[:IN_SLOT]→(slot)) return reco.Title, count(*) as freq order by freq desc limit 5
unwind range(1,1000) as id merge (a:Attendee {id:id}) with * unwind range(1,8) as dummy call { with a match (s:Session) with a, collect(s) as sessions with a, sessions[toInteger(rand()*size(sessions))] as s merge (a)-[:STARRED]→(s) }
match (s:Session {Title:"CloudScreen: A Graph-Based Drug Repurposing Platform Empowered by Machine Learning"}) match (reco:Session)--(x)--(s) where not x:Room and not x:Slot with reco, count(*) as count, labels(x)[0] as type, as name RETURN reco.Title, collect([type, name, count]) as overlap, sum(count) as freq order by freq desc limit 5
bloom scene action
match (s:Session) where id(s) in $nodes call { with s match p=(reco:Session)--(x)--(s) where not x:Room and not x:Slot return reco, collect(p) as slots, count(*) as freq order by freq desc limit 5 } return *
match (s:Session) where id(s) in $nodes match p=(reco:Session)--(x)--(s) where not x:Room and not x:Slot return reco, collect(p) as slots, count(*) as freq