This week we want to explore book recommendation data as a graph. And what better source for that than goodreads.
If you rather watch the recording of our livestream, enjoy it here, otherwise keep on reading.
I found a well sized dataset on Kaggle that has the following files
books.csv (10k books and authors)
tags.csv (230k tags)
book_tags.csv (1M tags for books)
ratings.csv (53k ratings)
to_read.csv (53k to read intentions)
This should pretty well into our free database limits on AuraDB, except for the tags.
Frankly those tags are also a mess, so many have been used only a few times, so we can limit our data to those that have at least 100 uses, which leaves us with 2081 tags.
As so often I use xsv
as a nice command line tool for CSV processing.
Here we join the data from the two tag-files together (by tag_id
) and only keep rows where the count
column has at least 3 digits (regexp).
xsv join tag_id tags.csv tag_id book_tags.csv | \
xsv search -s count "\d{3,}" | xsv count
xsv join tag_id tags.csv tag_id book_tags.csv | \
xsv search -s count "\d{3,}" | \
xsv select tag_id,goodreads_book_id,count \
> book_tags_reduced.csv
For the actual tags_reduced.csv
file we do the same but then have to de-duplciate ourselves.
We can use sort
and uniq
on a header-less tags file to de-duplicate the tags.
After our database is running, we can use the Import
button to open Data Importer
If you don’t want to do the steps manually you can click on the three dots …
and load the model with data zip file from here.
There we add our 5 CSV files to the left side and start drawing our model, follow the video for the individual steps.
create the nodes and relationships (drag from halo of the node)
name them and sometimes reverse the relationships
select a csv file for each element and map the columns from the file
rename / provide types for some fields (like ratings, year, count)
select an id field for nodes
The CSV files turn incrasingly green as you progress.
Then hit the Run Import
button to start the import, and provide the password that you hopefully saved!
Unfortunately not all data fits into our free database but it’s only 4k users and 12k ratings that are left behind, so not too much to worry.
As the authors are only provided as comma separated list in our data, we can run the following statement to post-process them and split them into individual nodes.
// find authors and books
MATCH (n:Author)-[:WROTE]->(b)
// split author name by comma
WITH b, n, split(,', ') as names
// turn list of names in to rows of name
UNWIND names as name
// get-or-create an author with that name
MERGE (a:Author {name:name})
// if it's a new author node, then the previous one was a a combined author
WITH * WHERE n <> a
// get rid of the combined author and it's relationships
// create a new relationship to the book
MERGE (a)-[:WROTE]->(b);
// Added 5841 labels, created 5841 nodes, deleted 4664 nodes, set 5841 properties, deleted 10000 relationships, created 13209 relationships, completed after 1152 ms.
You see our free database is now pretty full, close to 100% of the node and relationship limits.
Now that we have our data in the database click the Explore data in browser
button, which takes you to our database UI.
Here we can run exploratory queries on the data.
The query language is Cypher which is like SQL for graphs, it’s centered all around expressing visual patterns of your data (plus the regular filters, aggregation, pagination etc.).
You can learn all about it in the short graphacademy course.
match (n) return labels(n) as label, count(*)
These are the counts that we have in the database now:
╒══════════╤══════════╕ │"label" │"count(*)"│ ╞══════════╪══════════╡ │["Book"] │10000 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │["Tag"] │2081 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │["User"] │31071 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │["Author"]│5841 │ └──────────┴──────────┘
MATCH (n:Author)
RETURN n, size( (n)-[:WROTE]->()) as books
order by books desc limit 20
We knew that Terry Pratchett was really prolific, but I was blown away by Stephen Kings 97 books.
╒═════════════════╤═══════╕ │"" │"books"│ ╞═════════════════╪═══════╡ │"James Patterson"│98 │ ├─────────────────┼───────┤ │"Stephen King" │97 │ ├─────────────────┼───────┤ │"Nora Roberts" │65 │ ├─────────────────┼───────┤ │"Dean Koontz" │64 │ ├─────────────────┼───────┤ │"Terry Pratchett"│50 │ ├─────────────────┼───────┤ │"Agatha Christie"│43 │ ├─────────────────┼───────┤ │"J.D. Robb" │41 │ ├─────────────────┼───────┤ │"Neil Gaiman" │41 │ ├─────────────────┼───────┤ │"Meg Cabot" │38 │ ├─────────────────┼───────┤ │"Janet Evanovich"│37 │ └─────────────────┴───────┘
MATCH (n:Book)
RETURN n, size( (n)<-[:WROTE]-()) as authors
order by authors desc limit 20
match (t:Tag {name:"sherlock-holmes"})<-[r:TAGGED]-(b:Book)<-[w:WROTE]-(a)
return *
match (t:Tag)<-[r:TAGGED]-(b:Book)-[:TAGGED]->(other:Tag)
where contains 'dystop' and not contains 'dystop'
return, count(*) as freq order by freq desc skip 20 limit 20
Here are tags related to dystopia
, you can already see that it mixes structural (ownership, intent to read, type of book) with genere tags and that the nomenclature is all over the place. |
freq |
ebook |
263 |
adventure |
243 |
scifi |
241 |
audiobooks |
236 |
read-in-2014 |
233 |
teen |
218 |
ebooks |
211 |
sci-fi-fantasy |
205 |
read-in-2015 |
199 |
my-books |
189 |
audio |
187 |
i-own |
184 |
wish-list |
182 |
book-club |
179 |
read-in-2013 |
171 |
favorite-books |
163 |
ya-fiction |
163 |
read-in-2016 |
161 |
read-in-2012 |
144 |
default |
139 |
We can also look at our users, and how they rated books, to visualize it, we can put the rating on each relationship from the detail pane on the right.
match (u:User {user_id:'314'})-[r:RATED]->(b) return *
Let’s compute some recommendations for our users 314
First we start with content based recommendations, usually via genre or authors. As the tags are not well structured for genres, let’s go with the authors.
So we expand from the highly rated (>= 4) books from our user, to their authors and which other books they’ve written.
Then we use those book’s average rating to sort the results and exclude the books from recommendations that the user has already rated (no matter how) i.e. read.
MATCH (u:User {user_id:'314'})-[r:RATED]->(b)<-[w1:WROTE]-(author)-[w2:WROTE]->(reco)
WHERE r.rating >= 4
AND NOT (u)-[:RATED]->(reco)
AND NOT reco.title contains 'Harry'
RETURN DISTINCT reco.title,, reco.average_rating
ORDER BY reco.average_rating DESC SKIP 20 LIMIT 10
Here is the 2nd page of recommendations, after the first one had a few too obvious ones.
One drawback is that there is no information which books are the same (just in a different edition or language) or contained in which box set, that’s why we excluded Harry
books manually.
reco.title | |
reco.average_rating |
The Silkworm (Cormoran Strike, #2) |
J.K. Rowling |
4.03 |
Strange Pilgrims |
Gabriel García Márquez |
4.02 |
Starship Troopers |
Robert A. Heinlein |
3.99 |
Of Love and Other Demons |
Gabriel García Márquez |
3.98 |
Methuselah’s Children |
Robert A. Heinlein |
3.98 |
Time Enough for Love |
Robert A. Heinlein |
3.96 |
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them |
J.K. Rowling |
3.95 |
Chronicle of a Death Foretold |
Gabriel García Márquez |
3.95 |
The Children of Húrin |
J.R.R. Tolkien |
3.94 |
Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-Earth |
J.R.R. Tolkien |
3.93 |
In a collaborative filtering or peer recommendation, you try to find the people that are most similar to yourself (have rated most closely) and then look what else they rated favorably.
That is the "people also bought" recommendation you often see on all kinds of sites.
We can return the frequency a recommeded book showed up in this peer group, and use that for sorting our data, or combine/multiply it with it’s average rating.
So our full recommendation query is only those 3 lines
find peers via similar rating
find their their highly rated books
compute frequency of recommendations
MATCH (u:User {user_id:'314'})-[r:RATED]->(book)<-[r2:RATED]-(peer)-[r3:RATED]->(reco)
// exclude already read books
WHERE NOT (u)-[:RATED]->(reco)
// peers show similar rating behavior
AND abs(r.rating-r2.rating) <= 1
// highly rated books from peers
AND r3.rating >= 4
// count how frequently the recommend book shows up
WITH reco, count(*) as freq
// find the authors for our books
MATCH (reco)<-[:WROTE]-(author)
RETURN reco.title, freq, reco.average_rating, freq*reco.average_rating as score, collect( as authors
Here is the result from page 2, so enough to read for our user 314
reco.title |
freq |
reco.average_rating |
score |
authors |
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, #1) |
249 |
4.2 |
1045.8 |
[Douglas Adams] |
The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy |
233 |
4.37 |
1018.21 |
[Douglas Adams] |
The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3) |
213 |
4.47 |
952.1099999999999 |
[J.R.R. Tolkien] |
A Short History of Nearly Everything |
218 |
4.19 |
913.4200000000001 |
[Bill Bryson] |
In a Sunburned Country |
218 |
4.05 |
882.9 |
[Bill Bryson] |
Neither Here nor There: Travels in Europe |
219 |
3.88 |
849.72 |
[Bill Bryson] |
Hatchet (Brian’s Saga, #1) |
222 |
3.68 |
816.96 |
[Gary Paulsen] |
I’m a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America after Twenty Years Away |
205 |
3.89 |
797.45 |
[Bill Bryson] |
Heidi |
196 |
3.97 |
778.12 |
[Beverly Cleary,Johanna Spyri,Angelo Rinaldi] |
The Lord of the Rings: The Art of The Fellowship of the Ring |
160 |
4.59 |
734.4 |
[Gary Russell] |
This was a really fun episode, we got a lot of runway out of the data.
Here are some ways on how to go further: * You can export your own GoodReads Data and combine it with this dataset * There are many, larger datasets of goodreads data on Kaggle or elsewhere e.g. from our colleague Jennifer Reif * Classification (structural, generes, behavioral) and deduplication of Tags * Connect similar books, like translations, book-sets etc. to allow to exclude them from recommendations * Develop multi-score recommendations, with weights * Built an api, web- or mobile app on top of this data, e.g. with GraphQL or Spring Data