Everyone needs a good website, and this one is mine. This is actually the second attempt at building my own website. The original version used no Bootstrap. I set that as my constraint to force myself to master CSS layout and design. I made some good headway, but soon put it aside for more interesting projects. Two years later, I gave up and started over again this time with Bootstrap, which is what you see here.
The website is bear's bones. There's a blog for stray thoughts, a broken photo album, and a to do list of projects which I hope to fill up one day. There's also links to hunt me down on Github and Twitter. I even hope to one day have a privacy policy just for the hell of it.
That's all for now. If you are reading this, then I encourage you to make your own website using Github Pages and Google Domain services. It's really easy and inexpensive. If I can do this, just about anyone else can.