NEIApplicationConfig allows developers to have configurations defined in a config file per environment & bundle identifier, which makes deployment and testing multiple versions easier. While usage of application properties via .plist is useful, NEIApplicationConfig allows you can easily target Simulator, Device and Production environments respectively, in addition to overrides specific to a bundle identifier, e.g. Production, Beta, Adhoc, etc. With NEIApplicationConfig, you will specify a default configuration as a baseline, and overrides that are pertinent to their respective environments.
NEIApplicationConfig is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "NEIApplicationConfig"
Create ApplicationConfig plist for each environment:
Upon loading, the application will ALWAYS load ApplicationConfig.plist, and optionally ApplicaitonConfig.debug.plist if the DEBUG macro is enabled, and ApplicationConfig.simulator.plist if the application is running in the simulator.
Using this method, a released application will only utilize ApplicationConfig.plist, as it is neither being debugged, nor is it running in the simulator, and if its being debugged on a device, both ApplicationConfig.plist and ApplicationConfig.debug.plist will be loaded and merged, while ApplicationConfig.simulator.plist will be utilized if executing within the simulator.
In addition to the aformentioned load orders, each configuration may include a bundle identifier as a key, whose value must be a dictionary for overriding purposes, which will subsequently be added to the root of the merged application configuration. This allows developers to target specific bundle configurations, such as Beta, Adhoc, etc, which may be needed to point to different backing server, such as staging.
For example, you want to test new enhancements to be released which should point to a staging server instead of production. You may therefore add com.myapp.beta.AppName key whose dictionary contains keys which point to the corresponding web service urls, etc.
NEIApplicationConfig may always use static singleton method defaults() to get the default/merged configuration, or assign the defaults to a variable config which will be used to reference configuration.
import NEIApplicationConfig
class YourViewController : UIViewController {
let config = NEIApplicationConfig.defaults()
func methodUsingConfig() {
let booleanValue = config.get(booleanForKey: "VALUE_ENABLED", defaultValue: false)
let stringWithDefaultValue = config.get(stringForKey: "STRING_KEY", defaultValue: "DEFAULT_VALUE")
let stringOrNil = config.get(stringForKey: "STRING_KEY")
config.set(object:true,forKey:"IS_AWESOME_API") //sets or overrides a value set in the config. However, setting is not persisted
if let truth = config.get(booleanForKey: "IS_AWESOME_API", defaultValue: true) {
Objective C
@implementation YouViewController {
- (void) methodUsingConfig() {
NEIApplicationConfig * config = [NEIApplicationConfig defaults];
BOOL enabled = [config booleanForKey:@"VALUE_ENABLED" value:false];
NSString * stringValue = [config stringForKey:@"STRING_KEY" value:@"defualt value"];
[config setObject:@(true) forKey:@"IS_AWESOME_API"];
if([config booleanForKey:@"IS_AWESOME_API" value:NO]) {
// ....
@interface NEIApplicationConfig : NSObject
+ (nonnull NEIApplicationConfig *)defaults;
+ (nonnull NEIApplicationConfig *)setObject:(nullable id)object forKey:(nonnull NSString *)key NS_SWIFT_NAME(set(value:key:));
+ (nullable NSObject *)objectForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key NS_SWIFT_NAME( get(objectForKey:) );
+ (nonnull NSArray *)allKeys NS_SWIFT_NAME(keys());
+ (nonnull NSObject *)objectForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(nonnull NSObject *)value NS_SWIFT_NAME( get(objectForKey:defaultValue:) );
+ (nonnull NSString *)stringForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(nonnull NSString *)default_value NS_SWIFT_NAME( get(stringForKey:defaultValue:));
+ (nullable NSString *)stringForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key NS_SWIFT_NAME( get(stringForKey:) );
+ (nullable Class)classForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(nullable NSString *)value NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(classForKey:defaultValue:));
+ (nullable Class)classForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(classForKey:));
+ (BOOL)booleanForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(BOOL)default_value NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(boolforKey:defaultValue:));
+ (NSInteger)intForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(NSInteger)default_value NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(intForKey:defaultValue:));
+ (float)floatForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(float)default_value NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(floatForKey:defaultValue:));
+ (nullable CTFontRef)createFontWithName:(nonnull NSString *)name ;
+ (nullable UIFont *)fontWithName: (nonnull NSString *)name NS_SWIFT_NAME(font(named:));
+ (nonnull NEIApplicationConfig *)configWithScope:(nullable NSString *)scope NS_SWIFT_NAME(with(scope:));
+ (nonnull NEIApplicationConfig *)configWithDictionary:(nullable NSDictionary *)dictionary NS_SWIFT_NAME(with(dictionary:));
#pragma mark - Instance Methods
- (nonnull NEIApplicationConfig *)setObject:(nullable id)value forKey:(nonnull NSString *)key NS_SWIFT_NAME(set(object:forKey:));
- (nullable NSObject *)objectForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(objectForKey:));
- (nonnull NSString *)stringForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(nonnull NSString *)default_value NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(stringForKey:defaultValue:));
- (nullable NSString *)stringForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(stringForKey:));
- (float)floatForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(float)default_value NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(floatForKey:value:));
- (nullable UIFont *)fontWithName:(nonnull NSString *)name NS_SWIFT_NAME(font(named:));
- (nullable CTFontRef)createFontWithName:(nonnull NSString *)name ;
- (nonnull NSArray *)allKeys NS_SWIFT_NAME(keys());
- (nullable Class)classForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(nonnull NSString *)value NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(classForKey:defaultValue:));
- (BOOL)booleanForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(BOOL)default_value NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(booleanForKey:defaultValue:));
- (NSInteger)intForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(NSInteger)default_value NS_SWIFT_NAME(get(intForKey:defaultValue:));
- (nonnull NSObject *)objectForKey:(nonnull NSString *)key value:(nonnull NSObject *)default_value;
#pragma mark -
- (nullable id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(nonnull NSString*)key;
- (void)setObject:(nullable id)obj forKeyedSubscript:(nonnull NSString *)key;
- Variable Interpolation
- Better Documentation
GHOST, ghost [at]
NEIApplicationConfig is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.