state: pre-alpha-unstable
omnibuf is a serialization format that will be the hearth of omniql
- it is implemented over flatbuffers
- support same flatbuffers types + a Resource type [is some sort of table with batteries, intended to represent the resources of your database or backend]
- it does not support namespaces, instead all the definition are organized by application version.
- schemas are written using yaml files.
the initial implementation is very inefficient and bloated (this is intended, we will improve it with time when we have a good benchmark procedure) , it consist in store all the binaries in an associative array, where the key is the file path/tree path
of such binary,the path allow us to know how to decode such binary due tha the last two element always come in a pair of the type [kind, id], when a binary need to do a reference to other it will use the full path for it, this add a lot of unnecessary bytes for transport the binaries, but give us a other features as tradeoff
const (Worker=0, Tool=1)
type Worker struct{
name string
type Tool struct{
creator Worker
owner Worker
({key: [0,1], value: {name: "arnold"}}, {key: [0,1,1,1], value: {creator: [0,1], owner:[0,1]}}]