- docs: added some details for the monitoring section and further instructions for use of the app
- docs: resized image for legibility
- docs: updated format of CHANGELOG.md
- docs: updated README.md and CHANGELOG.md
- ci: Added istio related files, including different versions of app v1 and v2
- fix: Fixed issue with delete function in controller
- docs: corrected some formatting in README file
- docs: added further details and images to README file regarding ansible and istio
- docs: Added details of Kubernetes deployment
- ci: added Ansible app healthcheck
- docs: modified format and added some illustrations
- docs: added details for docker compose up, issues and improvements section
- docs: updated README with Ansible provisioning and associated images
- ci: Updated Ansible playbooks to enable running runningrecords app locally
- ci: Returned redisclient config to heroku config to reenable app after changing it for docker-compose
- ci: Added draft Ansible playbooks for nodejs and redis
- docs: Updated README with details of environment
- ci: readding files that had been stupidly deleted with hard reset
- ci: manifest updated with PersistentVolumeClaim
- ci: added kubernetes manifests - currently with no PersistentVolumeClaim
- ci: modified redisclient config to align it with docker-composefile
- docs: fixed small typos in comments part of file
- docs: fixed small typo in comments part of file
- docs: updated CHANGELOG
- ci: add Dockerfile and docker-compose yml files for container orchestration
- chore: added .vagrant/ to gitignore file
- docs: added images files to store screenshots related to the project
- docs: updating of README.md to cover creation of web app, CI/CD pipeline and iac
- ci: added iac files
- ci: added port process.env.PORT to fix Heroku application error
- ci: change configuration to try and succesfully connect to Heroku Redis
- fix: fixed wrong app dir for Heroku deployment
- ci: added workflows for deployment to Heroku
- test: added API tests
- feat: added update functionality
- refactor: complete refactoring of code to MVC structure
- build: added some dependencies required for testing
- test: added configuration test
- docs: added CHANGELOG.md to repo
- style: minor layout change
- feat: added 'add' and 'delete' functionalities to the app
- feat: added search functionality and the ability to visualise records from redis
- chore: added dump.rdb to gitignore
- fix: downgraded version of redis and node.js due to resolve some issues with hgetall redis method
- fix: fixed issue with redis connection due to breaking change of node redis version
- feat: added app backbone
- Initial commit