- VADR output files created by all VADR scripts
output filesv-annotate.pl
output files- VADR
coordinate string format - VADR sequence naming conventions
All VADR scripts (e.g. v-build.pl
and v-annotate.pl
) create a
common set of three output files. These files are named
where <suffix>
is either log
, cmd
and <outdir>
is the command line argument
that specifies the name of the output directory to create.
These files are the three types of generic files that are supported by
the Sequip
Perl module.
suffix | description |
.log |
log of steps taken by the VADR script (this is identical to the standard output of the program) |
.cmd |
list of the commands run using Perl's system command internally by the VADR script |
.filelist |
list of output files created by the VADR script |
Each format is explained in more detail below.
The .log
files include the same text that is printed to standard output.
The documentation on v-annotate.pl
and v-build.pl
usage go over this output in more detail.
The .cmd
files simply list all the commands run by the Perl system
function internally by the VADR script, each separated by a newline.
The final three lines are special. The third-to-last line lists the
date and time just before the script completed execution. The
second-to-last line lists system info (output by the uname -a
command). The final line is either [ok]
or [fail]
, depending on if
the script ended successfully (zero return status) or did not
(non-zero return status), respectively. If this line is
it will be followed by an error message. An example .cmd
output file for the example command v-build.pl -f --group Norovirus --subgroup GI NC_039897 NC_039897
rm -rf NC_039897
mkdir NC_039897
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/infernal/binaries/esl-reformat --informat afa stockholm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.fa > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.stk
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/infernal/binaries/esl-translate -M -l 3 --watson NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cds.fa > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cds.esl-translate.1.fa
rm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cds.esl-translate.1.fa
rm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cds.esl-translate.2.fa
rm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cds.esl-translate.2.fa.ssi
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/ncbi-blast/bin/makeblastdb -in NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa -dbtype prot > /dev/null
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/infernal/binaries/esl-sfetch NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa NC_039897.1/5..5404:+ | /home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/hmmer/binaries/hmmbuild -n NC_039897/5..5404:+ --informat afa NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.1.hmm - > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.1.hmmbuild
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/infernal/binaries/esl-sfetch NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa NC_039897.1/5388..7025:+ | /home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/hmmer/binaries/hmmbuild -n NC_039897/5388..7025:+ --informat afa NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.2.hmm - > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.2.hmmbuild
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/infernal/binaries/esl-sfetch NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa NC_039897.1/7025..7672:+ | /home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/hmmer/binaries/hmmbuild -n NC_039897/7025..7672:+ --informat afa NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.3.hmm - > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.3.hmmbuild
cat NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.1.hmm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.2.hmm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.3.hmm > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.protein.hmm
rm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.1.hmm
rm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.2.hmm
rm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.3.hmm
cat NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.1.hmmbuild NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.2.hmmbuild NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.3.hmmbuild > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.protein.hmmbuild
rm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.1.hmmbuild
rm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.2.hmmbuild
rm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.3.hmmbuild
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/hmmer/binaries/hmmpress NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.protein.hmm > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.hmmpress
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/infernal/binaries/cmbuild -n NC_039897 --verbose --occfile NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cmbuild.occ --cp9occfile NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cmbuild.cp9occ --fp7occfile NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cmbuild.fp7occ --noss NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.stk > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cmbuild
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/infernal/binaries/cmpress NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cm > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cmpress
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/infernal/binaries/cmfetch NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.cm NC_039897 | /home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/infernal/binaries/cmemit -c - > NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.nt-cseq.fa
/home/nawrocki/vadr-install-dir/ncbi-blast/bin/makeblastdb -in NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.nt.fa -dbtype nucl > /dev/null
rm NC_039897/NC_039897.vadr.nt-cseq.fa
# Wed May 6 18:24:56 EDT 2020
# Darwin Erics-MBP.lan 19.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.0.0: Wed Oct 23 18:29:05 PDT 2019; root:xnu-6153.41.3~44/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
The .filelist
files list the output files created by the VADR
script. This list will typically include at least those files printed
in the file output file list section[log-outputfilelist] of the .log
file, and sometimes more. Each line includes a brief description of
each file. An example .filelist
output file for the example command
v-build.pl -f --group Norovirus --subgroup GI NC_039897 NC_039897
# fasta file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.fa
# feature table format file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.tbl
# feature table format file for YP_009538340.1 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.YP_009538340.1.tbl
# feature table format file for YP_009538341.1 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.YP_009538341.1.tbl
# feature table format file for YP_009538342.1 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.YP_009538342.1.tbl
# Stockholm alignment file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.stk
# fasta sequence file for CDS from NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.cds.fa
# fasta sequence file for translated CDS from NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa
# BLAST db .phr file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa.phr
# BLAST db .pin file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa.pin
# BLAST db .psq file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa.psq
# BLAST db .pdb file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa.pdb
# BLAST db .pot file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa.pot
# BLAST db .ptf file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa.ptf
# BLAST db .pto file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa.pto
# esl-sfetch index file for Bio::Easel::SqFile=HASH(0x7fe64f03cca0) saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa.ssi
# HMMER model db file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.hmm
# hmmbuild build output (concatenated) saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.hmmbuild
# binary HMM and p7 HMM filter file saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.hmm.h3m
# SSI index for binary HMM file saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.hmm.h3i
# optimized p7 HMM filters (MSV part) saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.hmm.h3f
# optimized p7 HMM filters (remainder) saved in: NC_039897.vadr.protein.hmm.h3p
# hmmpress output file saved in: NC_039897.vadr.hmmpress
# CM file saved in: NC_039897.vadr.cm
# cmbuild output file saved in: NC_039897.vadr.cmbuild
# binary CM and p7 HMM filter file saved in: NC_039897.vadr.cm.i1m
# SSI index for binary CM file saved in: NC_039897.vadr.cm.i1i
# optimized p7 HMM filters (MSV part) saved in: NC_039897.vadr.cm.i1f
# optimized p7 HMM filters (remainder) saved in: NC_039897.vadr.cm.i1p
# cmpress output file saved in: NC_039897.vadr.cmpress
# fasta sequence file with cmemit consensus sequence for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.nt.fa
# BLAST db .nhr file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.nt.fa.nhr
# BLAST db .nin file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.nt.fa.nin
# BLAST db .nsq file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.nt.fa.nsq
# BLAST db .ndb file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.nt.fa.ndb
# BLAST db .not file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.nt.fa.not
# BLAST db .ntf file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.nt.fa.ntf
# BLAST db .nto file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.nt.fa.nto
# VADR 'model info' format file for NC_039897 saved in: NC_039897.vadr.minfo
creates many output files. These files are named
where <outdir>
is the second command line
argument given to v-build.pl
. The following table lists many of the
output files with a brief description and in some cases further
references on the file type/format. The .minfo
file format is
documented further below. Example files were all created with the
v-build.pl -f --group Norovirus --subgroup GI NC_039897 NC_039897
file suffix | description | ....example_file.... | reference |
.minfo |
VADR model info file | NC_039897.vadr.minfo | description of format in this document |
.tbl |
5 column tab-delimited feature table | NC_039897.vadr.tbl | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/feature_table/ |
.stk |
Stockholm alignment format | NC_039897.vadr.stk | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_format, http://eddylab.org/infernal/Userguide.pdf (section 9: "File and output formats") |
.vadr.fa |
FASTA format sequence file for single sequence model was built from | NC_039897.vadr.fa | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format |
.cds.fa |
FASTA format sequence file for CDS features extracted from .vadr.fa file, translated to get .protein.fa files |
NC_039897.vadr.cds.fa | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format |
.protein.fa |
FASTA format sequence file for protein translations of .cds.fa file |
NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format |
.protein.fa.phr , .protein.fa.pin , .protein.fa.psq , .protein.fa.pdb , .protein.fa.pot , .protein.fa.ptf , .protein.fa.pto |
BLAST database index files, created by makeblastdb |
- | binary files, not meant to be human-readable |
.nt.fa |
FASTA format sequence file of the consensus sequence output from the CM with cmemit |
NC_039897.vadr.nt.fa | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format |
.nt.fa.nhr , .nt.fa.nin , .nt.fa.nsq , .nt.fa.ndb , .nt.fa.not , .nt.fa.ntf , .nt.fa.nto |
BLAST database index files, created by makeblastdb |
- | binary files, not meant to be human-readable |
.cm |
Infernal 1.1x covariance model file | - | http://eddylab.org/infernal/Userguide.pdf (section 9: "File and output formats") |
.cm.i1m , .cm.i1i , .cm.i1f , .cm.i1p |
Infernal 1.1x covariance model index files, created by cmpress |
- | binary files, not meant to be human-readable |
.cmbuild |
Infernal cmbuild output file |
- | no further documentation |
.cmpress |
Infernal cmpress output file |
- | no further documentation |
.hmm |
HMMER 3.x HMM file | - | http://eddylab.org/software/hmmer/Userguide.pdf ("HMMER profile HMM files" section) |
.hmm.h3m , .hmm.h3i , .hmm.h3f , .hmm.h3p |
HMMER 3.x HMM index files, created by hmmpress |
- | binary files, not meant to be human-readable |
.hmmbuild |
HMMER hmmbuild output file |
- | no further documentation |
.hmmpress |
HMMER hmmpress output file |
- | no further documentation |
VADR .minfo
model info files are created by v-build.pl
and read by v-annotate.pl
They can also be created manually. An example model info file created by the command:
v-build.pl -f --group Norovirus --subgroup GI NC_039897 NC_039897
with VADR 1.0 is:
MODEL NC_039897 blastdb:"NC_039897.vadr.protein.fa" cmfile:"NC_039897.vadr.cm" group:"Norovirus" length:"7745" subgroup:"GI"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"gene" coords:"5..5404:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"ORF1"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"CDS" coords:"5..5404:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"ORF1" product:"nonstructural polyprotein"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"gene" coords:"5388..7025:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"ORF2"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"CDS" coords:"5388..7025:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"ORF2" product:"VP1"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"gene" coords:"7025..7672:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"ORF3"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"CDS" coords:"7025..7672:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"ORF3" product:"VP2"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"mat_peptide" coords:"5..1219:+" parent_idx_str:"1" product:"p48"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"mat_peptide" coords:"1220..2308:+" parent_idx_str:"1" product:"NTPase"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"mat_peptide" coords:"2309..2908:+" parent_idx_str:"1" product:"p22"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"mat_peptide" coords:"2909..3328:+" parent_idx_str:"1" product:"VPg"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"mat_peptide" coords:"3329..3871:+" parent_idx_str:"1" product:"Pro"
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"mat_peptide" coords:"3872..5401:+" parent_idx_str:"1" product:"RdRp"
Model info files have two types of lines:
- Model lines begin with
. - Feature lines begin with
(A third type of line is allowed: comment lines prefixed with #
are allowed, and ignored.)
is always followed by one or more whitespace
characters and then the model name <modelname>
which cannot include
whitespace. FEATURE
lines for model <modelname>
must occur after
line for <modelname>
After <modelname>
, both model and feature lines
contain 0 or more <key>:<value>
pairs meeting the following criteria:
must not include any whitespace or:
must start and end with"
but include no other"
may include whitespace characters<key>:<value>
pairs must be separated by one or more whitespace characters.<modelname>
and the first<key>:<value>
pair must be separated by one or more whitespace characters.
To create multiple qualifier values for the same qualifier
(e.g. multiple 'note' qualifier values), separate each qualifier
value by the string :GBSEP:
in the <value>
field. For example:
FEATURE NC_039897 type:"mat_peptide" coords:"3872..5401:+" parent_idx_str:"1" product:"RdRp" note:"this is note 1:GBSEP:this is note 2"
<key> | <value> | required? | relevance |
length |
reference/consensus length of the covariance model (CM) for this model (CLEN lines in CM file) |
yes | required internally |
blastdb |
file name root of the BLAST DB (not including the directory path) | only if model has >=1 CDS feature | important for protein-validation stage of v-annotate.pl |
group |
group for this model (e.g. Norovirus ) |
only if subgroup <key> is also present |
for v-annotate.pl , useful for enforcing expected group and also included in output |
subgroup |
subgroup for this model (e.g. GI ) |
no | for v-annotate.pl , useful for enforcing expected subgroup and also included in output |
exceptions (e.g. dupregin_exc ) |
varies | no | defines alert exception for a given model reference position range, see more info here |
<key> | <value> | required? | relevance |
type |
feature type, e.g. CDS |
yes | some alerts are type-specific and some types are handled differently than others; e.g. coding potential of CDS and mat_peptide features is verified |
coords |
coordinate string that defines model positions and strand for this feature in this format | yes | used to map/annotate features on sequences via alignment to model |
parent_idx_str |
comma-delimited string that lists parent feature indices (in range [0..<nftr-1>] ) for this feature, nftr is the total number of features for this model |
no | some alerts are propagated from parent features to children |
product |
product name for this feature | no | used as name of feature in .tbl output files, if present |
gene |
gene name for this feature | no | used as name of feature in .tbl output files, if present and product not present |
misc_not_failure |
usually 1 |
no | if the corresponding feature has specific types of fatal alerts, still allow sequence to pass, just make feature a misc_feature in output .tbl file, see here for details |
is_deletable |
usually 1 |
no | if the corresponding feature is completely deleted, non-fatal deletina alert is reported instead of fatal deletins |
canon_splice_sites |
usually 1 |
no | if 1 v-annotate.pl will verify GT/AG splice sites, only relevant for CDS features |
alternative_ftr_set |
name of feature set | no | v-annotate.pl will choose 1 feature from each feature set to annotate, see example in RSV model here |
alternative_ftr_set_subn |
name of feature set followed by period and integer <d> |
no | v-annotate.pl will only annotate this feature if it chooses the corresponding feature number <d> in the stated feature set, see example in RSV model here |
exceptions (e.g. fst_exc ) |
varies | no | defines alert exception for a given model reference position range, see more info here |
will use as many models as exist in the input .minfo
file and input .cm
files. The default VADR v1.0 set of models is 197
Caliciviridae and Flaviviridae viral genome RefSeq models. This
and .cm
files for this library we created by concatenating
the individual .minfo
and .cm
files output from the corresponding
197 v-build.pl
commands for each RefSeq. Additionally, all BLAST
database files must be in the same directory in order to use a VADR library.
Use the v-annotate.pl
, -i
and -b
options to specify paths to
alternative .minfo
files .cm
files and BLAST database directories.
creates many output files.
These files are named <outdir>.vadr.<suffix>
is the second command line argument given to
. The following two tables list many
of the output files with a brief description and in some cases further
references on the file type/format.
..........suffix.......... | ...............description............... | ...................example_file................... | reference |
.pass.list |
list of sequences that pass, one line per sequence | va-noro.9.vadr.pass.list | no further documentation |
.pass.tbl |
5 column tab-delimited feature table of sequences that pass | va-noro.9.vadr.pass.tbl | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/feature_table/ |
.fail.list |
list of sequences that fail, one line per sequence | va-noro.9.vadr.fail.list | no further documentation |
.fail.tbl |
5 column tab-delimited feature table of sequences that fail, with information on fatal alerts | va-noro.9.vadr.fail.tbl | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/feature_table/ |
.alt.list |
tab-delimited file of all fatal alerts listed in .fail.tbl |
va-noro.9.vadr.alt.list | description of format in this document |
.<m>.<f>.<i>.fa |
FASTA format sequence file with predicted sequences for feature type <f> number <i> annotated using model <m> from the .minfo file |
va-noro.9.vadr.NC_039477.CDS.2.fa | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format, sequence naming conventions described here |
.seqstat |
output of esl-seqstat -a run on input sequence file, with lengths of all sequences |
va-noro.9.vadr.seqstat | no further documentation |
There are also ten types of v-annotate.pl
tabular output files with fields separated by
one or more spaces, that are designed to be easily parseable with simple unix tools or scripts.
These files are listed in the table below
suffix | description | ..........example_file.......... | reference |
.alc |
per-alert code information (counts) | va-noro.9.vadr.alc | description of format in this document |
.alt |
per-alert instance information | va-noro.9.vadr.alt | description of format in this document |
.ftr |
per-feature information | va-noro.9.vadr.ftr | description of format in this document |
.mdl |
per-model information | va-noro.9.vadr.mdl | description of format in this document |
.sgm |
per-segment information | va-noro.9.vadr.sgm | description of format in this document |
.sqa |
per-sequence annotation information | va-noro.9.vadr.sqa | description of format in this document |
.sqc |
per-sequence classification information | va-noro.9.vadr.sqc | description of format in this document |
.sda |
per-sequence seed alignment information (only created if -s used) |
va-noro-s.9.vadr.sda | description of format in this document |
.rpn |
per-sequence N replacement information (only created if -r used) |
va-noro-r.9.vadr.rpn | description of format in this document |
All nine types of tabular output files share the following characteristics:
- fields are separated by whitespace (with the possible exception of the final field)
- comment lines begin with
- data lines begin with a non-whitespace character other than
- all lines are either comment lines or data lines
Each of these nine tabular formats are explained in more detail below.
All example files linked to below, except where otherwise stated, were created by the v-annotate.pl
example command
v-annotate.pl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/documentation/annotate-files/noro.9.fa va-noro.9
data lines have 8 or more fields, the names of which appear in the first two
comment lines in each file. There is one data line for each alert code
that occurs at least once in the input sequence file that
processed. Example file.
idx | field | description |
1 | idx |
index of alert code |
2 | alert code |
8 character VADR alert code |
3 | causes failure |
yes if this code is fatal and causes the associated input sequence to FAIL, no if this code is non-fatal |
4 | short description |
short description of the alert that often maps to error message from NCBI's submission system, multiple alert codes can have the same short description |
5 | per type |
feature if this alert pertains to a specific feature in a sequence, sequence if it does not |
6 | num cases |
number of instances of this alert in the output (number of rows for this alert in .alt file), can be more than 1 per sequence |
7 | num seqs |
number of input sequences with at least one instance of this alert |
8 to end | long description |
longer description of the alert, specific to each alert type; this field, unlike all others, contains whitespace |
data lines have 14 or more fields, the names of which appear in the first two
comment lines in each file. There is one data line for each alert instance
that occurs for each input sequence file that v-annotate.pl
Example file.
For more information on the seq coords
and mdl coords
fields, which have different meanings for different alerts, see here.
For examples using a toy model of different types of alerts, see here.
idx | field | description |
1 | idx |
index of alert instance in format <d1>.<d2>.<d3> , where <d1> is the index of the sequence this alert instance pertains to in the input sequence file, <d2> is the index of the feature this alert instance pertains to (range 1..<n> , where <n> is the number of features in this sequence with at least 1 alert instance) and <d3> is the index of the alert instance for this sequence/feature pair |
2 | seq name |
sequence name |
2 | model |
name of the best-matching reference model used to annotate this sequence, coordinates in mdl coords pertain to this model |
4 | ftr type |
type of the feature this alert instance pertains to (e.g. CDS) |
5 | ftr name |
name of the feature this alert instance pertains to |
6 | ftr idx |
index (in input model info file) this alert instance pertains to |
7 | alert code |
8 character VADR alert code |
8 | fail |
yes if this alert code is fatal (automatically causes the sequence to fail), no if not |
9 | alert description |
short description of the alert code that often maps to error message from NCBI's submission system, multiple alert codes can have the same short description |
10 | seq coords |
coordinates in the input sequence relevant to the alert, precise meaning differs per alert, more details are here |
11 | seq len |
total length of all positions described by coordinates in seq coords |
12 | mdl coords |
coordinates in the reference model relevant to the alert, precise meaning differs per alert, more details are here |
13 | mdl len |
total length of all positions described by coordinates in mdl coords |
14 to end | alert detail |
detailed description of the alert instance, possibly with sequence position information; this field, unlike all others, contains whitespace |
data lines have 26 fields, the names of which appear in the first two
comment lines in each file. There is one data line for each
feature that is annotated for each input sequence file that
processed. The set of possible features for each
input sequence depend on its best-matching model, and can be found in
the model info file.
Example file.
idx | field | description |
1 | idx |
index of feature in format <d1>.<d2> , where <d1> is the index of the sequence in which this feature is annotated in the input sequence file, <d2> is the index of the feature (range 1..<n> , where <n> is the number of features annotated for this sequence) |
2 | seq name |
sequence name in which this feature is annotated |
3 | seq len |
length of the sequence with name seq name |
4 | p/f |
PASS if this sequence passes, FAIL if it fails (has >= 1 fatal alerts) |
5 | model |
name of the best-matching model for this sequence |
6 | ftr type |
type of the feature (e.g. CDS) |
7 | ftr name |
name of the feature |
8 | ftr len |
length of the annotated feature in nucleotides in input sequence |
9 | ftr idx |
index (in input model info file) of this feature |
10 | par idx |
index (in input model info file) of parent of this feature, -1 if none |
11 | str |
strand on which the feature is annotated: + for positive/forward/Watson strand, - for negative/reverse/Crick strand |
12 | n_from |
nucleotide start position for this feature in input sequence |
13 | n_to |
nucleotide end position for this feature in input sequence, for CDS features this is typically the final position of a stop codon if CDS is not 3' truncated |
14 | n_instp |
nucleotide position of stop codon not at n_to , or - if none, will be 5' of n_to if early stop (cdsstopn alert), or 3' of n_to if first stop is 3' of n_to (mutendex or ambgnt3c alert), or ? if no in-frame stop exists 3' of n_from ; will always be - if trunc is not no ; |
15 | trc |
indicates whether the feature is truncated or not, where one or both ends of the feature are missing due to a premature end to the sequence; possible values are no for not truncated; 5' for truncated on the 5' end; 3' for truncated on the 3' end; and 5'&3' for truncated on both the 5' and 3' ends; |
16 | 5'N |
number of consecutive N ambiguous nucleotide characters at 5' end, starting at n_from , 0 for none |
17 | 3'N |
number of consecutive N ambiguous nucleotide characters at 3' end, ending at n_to , 0 for none |
18 | p_from |
if a CDS feature, the nucleotide start position for this feature based on the blastx protein-validation step, this will always be the first position of a codon in the blastx-predicted translated region |
19 | p_to |
if a CDS feature, nucleotide stop position for this feature based on the blastx protein-validation step, this will always be the final position of a codon in the blastx-predicted translated region, typically the final position of the codon immediately upstream (prior) of the stop codon if CDS is not 3' truncated |
20 | p_instp |
nucleotide position of stop codon 5' of p_to if an in-frame stop exists before p_to |
21 | p_sc |
raw score of best blastx alignment |
22 | nsa |
number of segments annotated for this feature |
23 | nsn |
number of segments not annotated for this feature |
24 | seq coords |
sequence coordinates of feature, see format of coordinate strings |
25 | mdl coords |
model coordinates of feature, see format of coordinate strings |
26 | ftr alerts |
alerts that pertain to this feature, listed in format SHORT_DESCRIPTION(alertcode) , separated by commas if more than one, - if none |
data lines have 7 fields, the names of which appear in the
first two comment lines in each file. There is one data line for each
model that is the best-matching model for at least one sequence in
the input file, plus 2 additional lines, a line with *all*
in the
field reports the summed counts over all models, and a line
with *none*
in the model
field reports the summed counts for all
sequences that did not match any models. This information is also
included in the .log
output file.
Example file.
idx | field | description |
1 | idx |
index of model |
2 | model |
name of model |
3 | group |
group of model, defined in model info file, or - if none |
4 | subgroup |
subgroup of model, defined in model info file, or - ' if none |
5 | num seqs |
number of sequences for which this model was the best-matching model |
6 | num pass |
number of sequences from num seqs that passed with 0 fatal alerts |
7 | num fail |
number of sequences from num seqs that failed with >= 1 fatal alerts |
data lines have 21 fields, the names of which appear in the
first two comment lines in each file. There is one data line for each
segment of a feature that is annotated for each input sequence
file that v-annotate.pl
processed. Each feature is composed of
1 or more segments, as defined by the coords
field in the model info
Example file.
idx | field | description |
1 | idx |
index of segment in format <d1>.<d2>.<d3> where <d1> is the index of the sequence in which this segment is annotated in the input sequence file, <d2> is the index of the feature (range 1..<n1> , where <n1> is the number of features annotated for this sequence) and <d3> is the index of the segment annotated within that feature (range 1..<n2> where <n2> is the number of segments annotated for this feature) |
2 | seq name |
sequence name in which this feature is annotated |
3 | seq len |
length of the sequence with name seq name |
4 | p/f |
PASS if this sequence passes, FAIL if it fails (has >= 1 fatal alerts) |
5 | model |
name of the best-matching model for this sequence |
6 | ftr type |
type of the feature (e.g. CDS) |
7 | ftr name |
name of the feature |
8 | ftr idx |
index (in input model info file) of this feature |
9 | num sgm |
number of segments annotated for this sequence/feature pair |
10 | sgm idx |
index (in feature) of this segment |
11 | seq from |
nucleotide start position for this segment in input sequence, will be <= seq to if strand (str ) - |
12 | seq to |
nucleotide end position for this segment in input sequence, will be >= seq from if strand (str ) - |
13 | mdl from |
model start position for this segment, will be <= mdl to if strand (str ) - |
14 | mdl to |
model end position for this segment, will be >= mdl from if strand (str ) - |
15 | sgm len |
length, in nucleotides, for this annotated segment in the input sequence |
16 | str |
strand (+ or - ) for this segment in the input sequence |
17 | trc |
indicates whether the segment is truncated or not, where one or both ends of the segment are missing due to a premature end to the sequence; possible values are no for not truncated; 5' for truncated on the 5' end; 3' for truncated on the 3' end; and 5'&3' for truncated on both the 5' and 3' ends; |
18 | 5' pp |
posterior probability of the aligned nucleotide at the 5' boundary of the segment, or - if 5' boundary aligns to a gap (possibly due to a 5' truncation) } |
19 | 3' pp |
posterior probability of the aligned nucleotide at the 3' boundary of the segment, or - if 3' boundary aligns to a gap (possibly due to a 3' truncation) } |
20 | 5' gap |
yes if the 5' boundary of the segment is a gap (possibly due to a 5' truncation), else no } |
21 | 3' gap |
yes if the 3' boundary of the segment is a gap (possibly due to a 3' truncation), else no } |
data lines have 14 fields, the names of which appear in the
first two comment lines in each file. There is one data line for each
sequence in the input sequence file file that v-annotate.pl
processed. .sqa
files include annotation information for each
sequence. .sqc
files include classification information for each
Example file.
idx | field | description |
1 | seq idx |
index of sequence in the input file |
2 | seq name |
sequence name |
3 | seq len |
length of the sequence with name seq name |
4 | p/f |
PASS if this sequence passes, FAIL if it fails (has >= 1 fatal alerts) |
5 | ant |
yes if this sequence was annotated, no if not, due to a per-sequence alert that prevents annotation |
6 | best model |
name of the best-matching model for this sequence |
7 | grp |
group of model best model , defined in model info file, or - if none |
8 | subgp |
subgroup of model best model , defined in model info file, or - ' if none |
9 | nfa |
number of features annotated for this sequence |
10 | nfn |
number of features in model best model that are not annotated for this sequence |
11 | nf5 |
number of annotated features that are 5' truncated |
12 | nf3 |
number of annotated features that are 3' truncated |
13 | nfalt |
number of per-feature alerts reported for this sequence (does not count per-sequence alerts) |
14 | seq alerts |
per-sequence alerts that pertain to this sequence, listed in format SHORT_DESCRIPTION(alertcode) , separated by commas if more than one distinct alert, and only listed once per alert type (even if multiple instances of same alert type), - if none |
data lines have 21 fields, the names of which appear in the
first two comment lines in each file. There is one data line for each
sequence in the input sequence file file that v-annotate.pl
processed. .sqc
files include classification information for
each sequence. .sqa
files include annotation information for
each sequence. For more information on bit scores and bias
see the Infernal User's Guide
Example file.
idx | field | description |
1 | seq idx |
index of sequence in the input file |
2 | seq name |
sequence name |
3 | seq len |
length of the sequence with name seq name |
4 | p/f |
PASS if this sequence passes, FAIL if it fails (has >= 1 fatal alerts) |
5 | ant |
yes if this sequence was annotated, no if not, due to a per-sequence alert that prevents annotation |
6 | model1 |
name of the best-matching model for this sequence, this is the model with the top-scoring hit for this sequence in the classification stage |
7 | grp1 |
group of model model1 , defined in model info file, or - if none |
8 | subgrp1 |
subgroup of model model1 , defined in model info file, or - if none |
9 | score |
summed bit score for all hits on strand str to model model1 for this sequence in the classification stage |
10 | sc/nt |
bit score per nucleotide; score divided by total length (in sequence positions) of all hits to model model1 on strand str in the classification stage |
11 | seq cov |
fraction of sequence positions (seq len ) covered by any hit to model model1 on strand str in the coverage determination stage |
12 | mdl cov |
fraction of model positions (model length - the number of reference positions in model1 ) covered by any hit to model model1 on strand str in the coverage determination stage |
13 | bias |
summed bit score due to biased composition (deviation from expected nucleotide frequencies) of all hits on strand str to model model1 for this sequence in the coverage determination stage |
14 | num hits |
number of hits on strand str to model model1 for this sequence in the coverage determination stage |
15 | str |
strand with the top-scoring hit to model1 for this sequence in the classification stage |
16 | model2 |
name of the second best-matching model for this sequence, this is the model with the top-scoring hit for this sequence across all hits that are not to model1 nor to any model in the same subgroup as model1 in the classification stage (if model1 does not have a subgroup, all other models are considered not in its subgroup) |
17 | grp2 |
group of model model2 , defined in model info file, or - if none |
18 | subgrp2 |
subgroup of model model2 , defined in model info file, or - ' if none |
19 | score diff |
bit score difference between summed bit score for all hits to model1 on strand str and summed bit score for all hits to model2 on strand with top-scoring hit to model2 in the classification stage |
20 | diff/nt |
bit score difference per nucleotide; sc/nt minus sc2/nt where sc2/nt is summed bit score for all hits to model2 on strand with top-scoring hit to model2 in the classification stage |
21 | seq alerts |
per-sequence alerts that pertain to this sequence, listed in format SHORT_DESCRIPTION(alertcode) , separated by commas if more than one, - if none |
files are only output if the v-annotate.pl -s
option is used.
data lines have 16 fields, the names of which appear in the
first two comment lines in each file. There is one data line for each
sequence in the input sequence file file that v-annotate.pl
processed. With -s
, the alignment from the best-scoring blastn HSP
hit is fixed (with some caveats to avoid large gaps and gaps that
include start and stop codons) and used as a seed, and only the 5' and 3' regions before
and after the seed region are aligned with cmalign or glsearch as described
more here. .sda
files include
information about the seed, 5' and 3' regions. Note that the
sequence length fractions in seed fraction
, 5'unaln fraction
and 3'unaln fraction
will not add up to 1.0
due to overlap between
these regions, which is typically 100nt, but can be adjusted with the
option to v-annotate.pl
Example file created with the
command v-annotate.pl -s $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/documentation/annotate-files/noro.9.fa va-noro-s.9
idx | field | description |
1 | seq idx |
index of sequence in the input file |
2 | seq name |
sequence name |
3 | seq len |
length of the sequence with name seq name |
4 | model |
name of the best-matching model for this sequence, this is the model with the top-scoring hit for this sequence in the classification stage |
5 | p/f |
PASS if this sequence passes, FAIL if it fails (has >= 1 fatal alerts) |
6 | seed seq |
sequence coordinates of seed region from blastn, in vadr coords format |
7 | seed mdl |
model coordinates of seed region from blastn, in vadr coords format |
8 | seed fraction |
fraction of seq len in seed region in seed seq |
9 | 5'unaln seq |
sequence coordinates of 5' region not covered by seed seq plus some overlap (typically 100nt) subsequently aligned with cmalign or glsearch, in vadr coords format |
10 | 5'unaln mdl |
model start/stop coordinates for cmalign alignment of 5' region 5'unaln seq , in vadr coords format |
11 | 5'unaln fraction |
fraction of seq len in 5' region in 5'unaln seq |
12 | 3'unaln seq |
sequence coordinates of 3' region not covered by seed seq plus some overlap (typically 100nt) subsequently aligned with cmalign or glsearch, in vadr coords format |
13 | 3'unaln mdl |
model start/stop coordinates for cmalign or glsearch alignment of 3' region 3'unaln seq , in vadr coords format |
14 | 3'unaln fraction |
fraction of seq len in 3' region in 3'unaln seq |
15 | program |
program seed was derived from, either blastn or minimap2 , only minimap2 if --minimap2 option used and minimap2 seed length greater than or equal to blastn seed |
16 | alt-seed fraction |
fraction of seq len in seed region of alternative seed not used (so blastn derived seed if program is minimap2 ), else - if program is blastn |
files are only output if the v-annotate.pl -r
option is used.
data lines have 16 fields, the names of which appear in the
first two comment lines in each file. There is one data line for each
sequence in the input sequence file file that v-annotate.pl
With -r
, sequences are preprocessed with blastn and missing regions between blastn hits are identified and examined for Ns.
The Ns in some of these regions are replaced with the expected nucleotides from the model
as explained more here.
files include
information about these missing regions, referred to as gaps in the .rpn
column headers and below.
Example file created with the command v-annotate.pl -r $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/documentation/annotate-files/noro.9.r.fa va-noro-r.9
idx | field | description |
1 | seq idx |
index of sequence in the input file |
2 | seq name |
sequence name |
3 | seq len |
length of the sequence with name seq name |
4 | model |
name of the best-matching model for this sequence, this is the model with the top-scoring hit for this sequence in the classification stage |
5 | p/f |
PASS if this sequence passes, FAIL if it fails (has >= 1 fatal alerts) |
6 | num_Ns tot |
total number of Ns in the sequence |
7 | num_Ns rp |
number of Ns in the sequence replaced with expected nucleotides from the model consensus |
8 | fract_Ns rp |
fraction of Ns replaced: num_Ns rp /num_Ns tot |
9 | nregs tot |
number of regions between preprocessing stage blastn hits, including region at 5' and 3' ends |
10 | nregs int |
number of internal region between preprocessing stage blastn hits, nreg tot minus number of regions at 5' and/or 3' end |
11 | nregs rp |
number of regions in which one or more Ns were replaced |
12 | nregs rp-full |
number of regions in which entire region was Ns and all Ns were replaced |
13 | nregs rp-part |
number of regions in which entire region was not Ns, but all Ns were replaced |
14 | nnt rp-full |
number of Ns replaced in the nreg rp-full reg |
15 | nnt rp-part |
number of Ns replaced in the nreg rp-part reg |
16 | detail_on_regions [S:seq,M:mdl,D:lendiff,N:#Ns, E:#non_N_match_expected, F:flush_direction,R:region_replaced?]; |
string with details on each region; S : sequence positions of region; M : model positions of region; D :sequence length - model length; N : number of Ns in region; E : number of non-Ns that match expected / total non-Ns or ?/? if replacement not attempted or D is 0 and region is entirely Ns; F : if D is 0 or E is ?/? then - , else 5' if shifting sequence region left gave higher E or 3' if shifting right gave higher E ; R : Y if region was replaced, N if not; |
data lines have 17 fields, the names of which appear in the
first two comment lines in each file. There is one data line for each
alignment doctoring that was performed. An alignment doctoring
occurs only in rare cases. There are two types of alignment
doctorings: insert type and delete types.
An insert type alignment doctoring occurs when the following criteria are met:
the initial alignment returned by cmalign or glsearch includes a single nucleotide insertion after the first position of a start codon or a before the final position of a stop codon
at least one adjacent nucleotide in the input sequence exists 5' of insert (start codon case) or 3' of insert (stop codon case)
the adjacent nucleotide is aligned to a reference position (is not an insertion)
making the adjacent nucleotide an insertion instead of the inserted position in the start/stop codon with the will result in a valid start or stop codon aligned to the reference start or stop codon
A delete type alignment doctoring occurs when the following criteria are met:
the initial alignment returned by cmalign or glsearch includes a gap at the first position of a start codon of a CDS in the reference model, or at the final position of a stop codon of a CDS
at least one adjacent nucleotide in the input sequence exists 5' of gap (start codon case) or 3' of gap (stop codon case)
the adjacent nucleotide is aligned to a reference position (is not an insertion)
swapping the gapped position in the start/stop codon with the adjacent nucleotide will result in a valid start or stop codon aligned to the reference start or stop codon
For every situation where criteria 1 to 3 above are met for either
insert or delete types, a line of
information will be output to the .dcr
file. If criteria 4 is also
met, then field 17 will be yes
, otherwise it will be no
For any doctoring that causes an existing valid start or stop codon in
a nearby CDS to become invalid (even more rare), a second doctoring
takes place to undo the first, and an additional line for this
undoctoring will appear in the .dcr
The relevant code is in the parse_stk_and_add_alignment_alerts()
and doctoring_check_new_codon_validity()
subroutines in v-annotate.pl
The latter subroutine includes simple examples in the comments of its
header section.
idx | field | description |
1 | idx |
index of doctoring instance in format <d1>.<d2> , where <d1> is the index of the sequence this doctoring instance pertains to in the input sequence file, <d2> is the index of the doctoring instance for this sequence |
2 | seq name |
sequence name |
3 | mdl name |
name of the best-matching model for this sequence, this is the model with the top-scoring hit for this sequence in the classification stage, and is the model used to align the sequence |
4 | ftr type |
type of the feature (will always be CDS ) |
5 | ftr name |
name of the CDS feature |
6 | ftr idx |
index (in input model info file) this doctoring instance pertains to |
7 | dcr type |
'delete' or 'insert' indicating type of doctoring |
8 | model pos |
reference model position, either first position of start codon, or final position of stop codon |
9 | indel apos |
alignment position of the insertion (insert type) or deletion (delete type) |
10 | orig seq-uapos |
unaligned sequence position of the first start or final stop position before swap |
11 | new seq-uapos |
unaligned sequence position of the first start or final stop position after swap (if performed) |
12 | codon type |
start if start codon, stop if stop codon |
13 | codon coords |
unaligned sequence coordinates of start or stop codon after potential swap, in vadr coords format |
14 | orig codon |
start or stop codon before potential doctoring (swap) |
15 | new codon |
start or stop codon after potential doctoring (swap) |
16 | dcr iter |
doctoring iteration, 1 if first time the gap and nucleotide may be swapped, 2 if second (swapping back because first swap invalidated previously valid start/stop codon), cannot exceed 2 |
17 | did swap |
yes if doctoring (swap) took place because it created a valid start or stop codon, no if doctoring (swap) did not occur because it would not have created a valid start or stop codon |
files begin with a comment line that names the fields, followed by 0 or more
lines with 8 tab-delimited fields. Example file.
For more information on the seq coords
and mdl coords
fields, which have different meanings for different alerts, see here.
For examples using a toy model of different types of alerts, see here.
idx | field | description |
1 | sequence |
name of sequence this alert pertains to |
2 | model |
name of the best-matching reference model used to annotate this sequence, coordinates in mdl coords pertain to this model |
3 | feature-type |
type of feature the alert/error pertains to, or - if this alert is a per-sequence alert and not a per-feature alert |
4 | feature-name |
name of the feature this alert/error pertains to, of *sequence* if this alert is a per-sequence alert and not a per-feature alert |
5 | error |
short description of the alert/error |
6 | seq coords |
coordinates in the input sequence relevant to the alert, precise meaning differs per alert, more details are here |
7 | mdl coords |
coordinates in the reference model relevant to the alert, precise meaning differs per alert, more details are here |
8 | error-description |
longer description of the alert/error, specific to each alert/error type; this field, unlike all others, contains whitespace |
When run with the --keep
option, v-annotate.pl
will create additional files, some of these may change based on command-line options, in particular -s
and -r
There are additional options that begin with --out_
which specify that a subset of these
files be output. For example the --out_stk
option specifies that stockholm alignment files be output.
suffix | description | reference |
.cm.namelist |
file with list of names of all models in model library | no further documentation |
.in.fa |
copy of input fasta file (if --origfa is used, this will not exist) |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format |
.fa.ssi |
Easel sequence index files | binary file, not meant to be human-readable |
.cls.*.tblout |
tabular output from cmscan (or blastn converted to cmscan format) from classification stage |
http://eddylab.org/infernal/Userguide.pdf (section 9: "File and output formats") |
.cls.*.stdout |
standard output (usually from cmscan ) in classification stage |
no further documentation |
.cdt.<model_name>.tblout |
tabular output from coverage determination stage for model <model_name> |
http://eddylab.org/infernal/Userguide.pdf (section 9: "File and output formats") |
.cdt.<model_name>.stdout |
standard output (usually from cmsearch ) from coverage determination stage for model <model_name> |
http://eddylab.org/infernal/Userguide.pdf (section 9: "File and output formats") |
.<model_name>.fa |
fasta file of sequences classified to <model_name> , used as input to cmsearch in coverage determination stage |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format |
.<model_name>.a.fa |
fasta file of sequences classified to <model_name> , used as input to cmalign in alignment stage |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format |
.<model_name>.<ftr_type>.<ftr_idx>.fa |
fasta file of predicted feature subsequences for feature type <ftr_type> number <ftr_idx> for sequences classified to <model_name> , for CDS, used as input to blastx in protein validation stage |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format |
.<model_name>.align.*.stk |
Stockholm alignment file output from cmalign with 1 or more sequences classified to <model_name> |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_format, http://eddylab.org/infernal/Userguide.pdf (section 9: "File and output formats") |
.<model_name>.align.*.ifile |
cmalign insert output file, created with --ifile option for 1 or more sequences classified to <model_name> |
description of fields at top of file, no further documentation |
.<model_name>.align.*.stdout |
cmalign standard output for 1 or more sequences classified to <model_name> |
no further documentation |
.<model_name>.pv.blastx.fa |
query fasta file used for blastx for sequences classified to <model_name> , with full input sequences and predicted CDS subsequences |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format, sequence naming conventions described here |
.<model_name>.blastx.out |
blastx output for for sequences classified to <model_name> |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279684/ |
.<model_name>.blastx.summary.txt |
summary of blastx output used internally by v-annotate.pl |
no further documentation |
VADR using its own format for specifying coordinates for features and for naming subsequences in some output fasta files.
VADR coordinate strings are made up of one or more tokens with format
, where <d1>
is the start position, <d2>
is the
end position, and <s>
is the strand, either +
or -
, or rarely
if unknown/uncertain. Tokens are separated by a ,
. Each token
defines what is referred to as a single segment
in VADR code and
Here are some examples:
VADR coords string | #segments | meaning | corresponding GenBank format location string |
1..200:+ |
1 | positions 1 to 200 on positive strand |
1..200 |
200..1:- |
1 | positions 200 to 1 on negative strand |
complement(1..200) |
1..200:+,300..400:+ |
2 | positions 1 to 200 on positive strand (segment #1) followed by positions 300 to 400 on positive strand (segment #2) |
join(1..200,300..400) |
400..300:-,200..1:- |
2 | positions 400 to 300 on negative strand (segment #1) followed by positions 200 to 1 on negative strand (segment #2) |
complement(join(1..200,300..400)) |
1..200:+,400..300:- |
2 | positions 1 to 200 on positive strand (segment #1) followed by positions 400 to 300 on negative strand (segment #2) |
join(1..200,complement(300..400)) |
These coords
strings appear in .ftr
output files and as the
in <key>:<value>
pairs in v-build.pl
output model info
) files for FEATURE lines.
FASTA format sequence files output by VADR use a specific naming convention for naming sequences.
Specifically, when naming a new subsequence, VADR scripts will append
a /
character followed by a VADR coordinates
string to sequence names to indicate the positions
(and strand) of the original sequence the new subsequence derives
from. v-annotate.pl
will create names in a similar manner, but
sometimes will add an additional string that defines the feature being
annotated. Here are some examples:
Original sequence name | subsequence name | subseq start | subseq end | subseq strand | notes |
NC_039897.1 |
NC_039897.1/7025..7672:+ |
7025 |
7672 |
+ |
Typical of v-build.pl .cds.fa output files |
JN975492.1 |
JN975492.1/mat_peptide.2/1001-2092:+ |
1001 |
2092 |
+ |
Typical of v-annotate.pl .<model_name>.mat_peptide.<d>.fa output files, this is the predicted sequence of the second mature peptide from model <model-name> in JN975492.1 |