- We're going to make a chart about the number of babies born per minute in the US
- Show the simple
that creates a div and calling a script - Show the simple
quickly, only note that it's simple styles
script_1.js | Start
- Start with
that only has the constants & commented sections
script_2.js | Create SVG
- Create SVG and show that it's there by making its background red
- Explain the margin convention -> show URL
script_3.js | Read in data
- Read in the data
- Console log the data
- Convert to numeric
script_4.js | Timeline plot
- Draw circles for the actual births
- First use time for
and births fory
, so literal data -> pixel transformation -> Makes no sense - Create a
as anx
- First use time for
script_5.js | Radial plot
- Turn the scales into radial ones
- Move the overall
group to the middle - First with full
circle - Then create small gap
- Adjust
formulas to have gap on top
- Move the overall
script_6.js | Loess & average line
- Add loess line -> Show URL of radial line and loess line
- Difficult to tell how these lines compare to each other, so we add an average line
- Create average line by using the SVG arc path in separate function -> Show arc-path URL
script_7.js | Area chart
- Copy the loess line scale into an area scale
- Create simple area chart
script_8.js | Concentric color fills
- Use the area scale to create a
- Create two new groups: area below & above and apply the clip path
- Fill the above clip path with concentric circles
- Fill the below clip path with concentric circles
script_9.js | Shadow filter
- Create a shadow filter (take from
) - Add outer "chart-area" circle and note that it "breaks the chart"
- Add a shadow to each concentric circle through "filter"
script_10.js | Circles on top
- We want to show the exact minute datapoints that lie below the area as well
- First move the current circles to the front -> doesn't look good
- Darker when they are on the white background, and almost white when they fall on the area
- Move the background grey ones back
- Copy the circles to a layer on top and apply clip path
script_11.js | Titles
- Add title and subtitle to chart
script_12.js | Time arcs
- Want to add hour labels around the edge
- Going to create a very thin donut chart to do this - Show default donut chart URL & d3-shape URL
- For a donut chart we need d3 to help in creating the arcs
- First we use the pie layout to divide the circle up into 24 equal areas in terms of start and end angle
- Then we create an arc function that can turn the pie data into SVG paths
- Then we draw those arcs
script_13.js | Time labels
- Add an
to the arc segments - Create texts for each of the time labels and append a
script_14.js | Gridlines
- Create the gridline paths by using the average line path function
- Create the gridline labels
script_15.js | Annotations
- Add annotations
- Go to Susie's website to show what it is
- Get the annotationData (from
) - Create the
function & call it on the group
Final | Show end results
- My end result of 3 charts
- Portfolio for printed end result
- Zan's SciAm blog for deeper analysis
- Zan & my write-up for much more in-depth explanation of the idea, design & creation process