It's probably not realistic for you to consume everything that is below. Pick and choose what is most helpful and useful to you. Feel free to send me feedback as what doesn't work well or you feel is missing!
- Kadenze videos: p5.js -- Session 1
- Chapter 1 text: Processing
- Chapter 1 videos: Processing
- Processing examples
- p5.js examples
- Kadenze videos: p5.js -- Session 2
- Nature of Code Chapter 2 text: Processing
- Nature of Code Chapter 2 videos: Processing
- Processing examples
- p5.js examples
- Attraction and repulsion coding challenge video: p5.js, code
- Newtonian Physics, An Online Textbook (This is long, you may find Chapter 4 to be particularly relevant to this week's discussion.)
- The Physics Classroom -- Newton's Laws
- Mathematics and Physics for Programmers, Chapters 12 and 14
- 1.1: Bouncing ball with no vectors
- 1.2: Bouncing ball with vectors
- 1.2: Bouncing ball with vectors and objects
- 1.3: Vector subtraction
- 1.4: Multiplying a vector
- 1.5: Vector magnitude
- 1.6: Normalizing a vector
- 1.7: Motion 101 (velocity)
- 1.8: Motion 101 (velocity and constant acceleration)
- 1.9: Motion 101 (velocity and random acceleration)
- 1.10: Accelerating towards the mouse
- 1.11: Array of movers accelerating towards the mouse