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UltiSnips snippets for Dart

A collection of snippets for writing Dart. Start by reading about UltiSnips if you haven't used if before.


Some of the snippets that save the most typing.

Dart code


Import line. im<tab>some_package becomes import 'package:some_package/some_package.dart';


For-in loop. for<tab>element becomes

for(var element in elements) {


Try-catch. Most useful from visual mode with a block selected, fills the selection in the try, then tab to fill out the catch.



Each of these triggers has 2 modes. At the beginning of the line they generate a top-level/instance method. After other characters they generate a closure.

  • m
    • m<tab>ReturnType<tab>methodName<tab>ArgType argument becomes

      ReturnType methodName(ArgType argument) {
    • After other characters: m<tab>argument becomes

      (argument) {
  • r
    • r<tab>ReturnType<tab>methodName<tab>ArgType argument becomes

      ReturnType methodName(ArgType argument) => |

    • After other characters: r<tab>argument becomes

      (argument) => |

Prepending either trigger with a makes it use 'async mode'. For example, at the beginning of a line:

ar<tab>ReturnType<tab>methodName<tab>ArgType argument becomes

Future<ReturnType> methodName(ArgType argument) async => |

Angular Snippets


A @Component annotation and class. Saves the most time if you follow a naming convention: a class name SomeName has a selector like some-name, a template at some_name.html, and styles at some_name.css or some_name.scss.css. Fills out a default name which works well if this component lives in a file named some_name.dart.



Install this repository and UltiSnips using your favorite method. If you used vim-plug:

Plug 'SirVer/Ultisnips'
Plug 'natebosch/dartlang-snippets'