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Subduction zone modelling with DOLFINx

This code is provided in support of the work N. Sime, C. R. Wilson & P. E. van Keken, Thermal modeling of subduction zones with prescribed and evolving 2D and 3D slab geometries (2023) (arXiv).

Provided is a DOLFINx implementation of the subduction zone model presented in van Keken et al., A community benchmark for subduction zone modeling Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2010). This implementation may be used to reproduce the cases exhibited, or enable new subduction models with more sophisticated geometries, material models, boundary conditions and geometries. This includes evolving subduction zones with prescribed interface geometries. For example:

Model Temperature field
Community isoviscous benchmark Community
Curved geometry dislocation creep Curved
Dislocation creep Alaska Alaska
Evolving 2D slab Evolving Trench
3D Mariana Trench Mariana Trench
3D Nazca plate
(see Sime et al. 2023, Fig 16.)
Nazca plate


These examples are not intended to be instructive for geophysics modelling or DOLFINx use. Refer to, for example, van Keken et al (2010) and the DOLFINx tutorial, respectively.


Community subduction benchmark reproduction

The standard workflow is as follows:

  1. Generate a 2D mesh. The default parameters are those required by the benchmark.
  1. Run the subduction zone model

In order to reproduce cases 1c, 2a and 2b, isoviscous, diffusion creep and dislocation creep viscosity models are provided in

Custom subduction zone geometry is easily extensible for custom slab geometries defined in the $(x, y)$ plane. The slab surface is approximated by a B-spline interpolation of a sequence of Cartesian points monotonically increasing in the $x$ direction.

A 3D mesh generator example is given in where the given example is an approximation of the Mariana Trench.

3D modelling

Generating 3D geometries is difficult. One must ensure:

  • an appropriate approximation of the slab surface,
  • the B-spline interpolating those points is smooth,
  • the curation of the geometry definitions, volume labels and face labels for the solvers' interpretation,
  • a high quality mesh with well conditioned cells,
  • appropriate resolution of the mesh resolving material coefficients.

The provided mesh generation examples are currently limited to serial processing only; however, parallel computation of the subduction zone model is easily facilitated by MPI, e.g.,

mpirun -np 2 python3

It is recommended to use an iterative solver to solve the 3D linear Stokes system. A simple implementation is provided; however, it is encouraged that the user implement their problem specific solver depending on the complexity of their model.


N. Sime, C. R. Wilson & P. E. van Keken, Thermal modeling of subduction zones with prescribed and evolving 2D and 3D slab geometries (2023) (arXiv).


This work was supported by National Science Foundation grant 2021027.