This study aims to detect sarcasm/hateful memes by using text and image features in unimodal(using only text) and multimodal(using text and image data) fashion to see the performance of the classifier in detecting sarcasm/hate.
Link to Raw memes in google drive-
- Text-mining-Data-preparation-Final.ipynb --> The first section code is about extracting text, Objects and Labels from Google API using Google API Secured key. Merging the labelled data from annotators and raw prepared data. Twitter memes extraction program is in Another file with name- twitter_memes_extraction.ipynb
The output labels,objects and text are in the CSV file -> Full_data.csv Labeled memes taken into model consideration-> Final_df.csv
Text_Analytics_Project_PreProcessing-Final.ipynb --> This is the file where we did text cleaning process from the Final_df.csv - the cleaned text output is in final_dataframe.csv, on which we performed Exploratory Data Analysis and Modelling.Various pre-processing techniques were used to solve OCR errors like word segmentation, Internet slang contractions, spelling correction using language models.
Text-mining-Data-Exploratory-Data-Analysis-Final.ipynb --> Conducted exploratory data analysis to understand the data(Used Topic modelling, word frequency plots, Named Entity Recognition using spacy language model, Bigrams & Trigrams to understand the conext of a meme). Used pre-trained fasttext model with urban dictionary embeddings to get better representations of internet slang words
Text-mining-Data-Modelling-Final.ipynb --> File in which we did modelling on only text and built Multimodals on Text as well as Images. Built four models to check which type of model has outperformed others and can be used to improve the current algorithms
-->This file can be run on GPU in Google collab. This is facebook community pytorch implementation of prodcution ready code for Facebook AI research project. we made minor changes to this code, so that we can compare the performance of our model with theirs.
Refer to Project document for- Insights from our current work and future possible work