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Martin Zurowietz edited this page Dec 19, 2015 · 6 revisions

This action can call a remote webhook url and send the form data to it.

Example controller:

return function($site, $pages, $page) {

   $form = uniform(
         'required' => array(
            'name'      => '',
            'message' => '',
            '_from'     => 'email'
         'actions' => array(
               '_action' => 'webhook',
               'only' => array(
               'url' => '',
               'params' => array(
                  'method' => 'post',
                  'data' => array(
                     'token' => 'my_access_token'

   return compact('form');

The template looks as usual. In this case it has a name, message and _from field. The example above takes only the content of the name field, adds the given token and sends both to as a POST request.


url (required)

The url, the request should be sent to.


The parameter array of the request. Can contain the HTTP 'method' or additional 'data'. The data will be merged with the form data.

For the defaults and the possible options, see the remote class of the Kirby Toolkit.


An array of form field names that should be sent to the webhook. Any form field not specified in this array will be discarded. This option takes precedence over the except option. This does not affect the data fields manually given in the data parameter.


An array of form field names that should not be sent to the webhook. Any form field not present in this array will be sent to the webhook. This does not affect the data fields manually given in the data parameter. If the only array is specified, this option will be ignored.


Send the data as JSON. Default is false, which will result in the data being sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

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