diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 15c48f6d61..0bbbfdf3ba 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
real reason it shouldn't keep working - add to `__all__`.
- Switch SCons build to use setuptools' supported version fetcher from
the old homegrown one.
+ - Improve wording of manpage "Functions and Environment Methods" section.
RELEASE 4.8.0 - Sun, 07 Jul 2024 17:22:20 -0700
diff --git a/RELEASE.txt b/RELEASE.txt
index 887ceb2eff..534727d66c 100644
--- a/RELEASE.txt
+++ b/RELEASE.txt
@@ -62,9 +62,7 @@ PACKAGING
-- List any significant changes to the documentation (not individual
- typo fixes, even if they're mentioned in src/CHANGES.txt to give
- the contributor credit)
+- Improve wording of manpage "Functions and Environment Methods" section.
diff --git a/doc/man/scons.xml b/doc/man/scons.xml
index ea518c84c5..cea021c996 100644
--- a/doc/man/scons.xml
+++ b/doc/man/scons.xml
@@ -2519,7 +2519,7 @@ that can be used in &SConscript; files. Quick links:
Construction EnvironmentsToolsBuilder Methods
- Methods and Functions to do Things
+ Functions and Environment MethodsSConscript VariablesConstruction VariablesConfigure Contexts
@@ -3384,89 +3384,98 @@ object.
-Methods and Functions To Do Things
+&SCons; Functions and Environment Methods
-In addition to Builder methods,
-provides a number of other &consenv; methods
-and global functions to
-manipulate the build configuration.
-Usually, a &consenv; method
-and global function with the same name both exist
-for convenience.
-In the following list, the global function
-is documented in this style:
+&SCons; provides a variety of &consenv; methods
+and global functions to manipulate the build configuration.
+Often, a &consenv; method and a global function with
+the same name exist for convenience.
+In this section, both forms are shown if the function can be called
+in either way.
+The documentation style for these is as follows:
-Function(arguments, [optional arguments])
+Function(arguments, [optional arguments, ...]) # Global function
+env.Function(arguments, [optional arguments, ...]) # Environment method
-and the &consenv; method looks like:
-env.Function(arguments, [optional arguments])
+In these function signatures,
+arguments in brackets ([]) are optional,
+and ellipses (...) indicate possible repetition.
+Positional vs. keyword arguments are usually detailed
+in the following text, not in the signature itself.
+The &Python; positional-only (/)
+and keyword-only (*) markers are not used.
-If the function can be called both ways,
-then both forms are listed.
+When the &Python; keyword=value style is shown,
+it can have two meanings.
+If the keyword argument is known to the function,
+the value is the default for that argument if it is omitted.
+If the keyword is unknown to the function,
+some methods treat it as a &consvar; assignment;
+otherwise an exception is raised for an unknown argument.
-The global function and same-named
-&consenv; method
-provide almost identical functionality, with a couple of exceptions.
-First, many of the &consenv; methods affect only that
-&consenv;, while the global function has a
-global effect (or, alternatively, takes an additional
-positional argument to specify the affected &consenv;).
-Second, where appropriate,
-calling the functionality through a &consenv; will
-substitute &consvars; into
-any supplied string arguments, while the global function,
-unless it takes a &consenv; parameter,
-does not have the context of a &consenv; to pick variables from,
-and thus cannot perform substitutions.
-For example:
+A global function and a same-named &consenv; method
+have the same base functionality,
+with two key differences:
+&Consenv; methods that change the environment
+act on the environment instance from which they are called,
+while the corresponding global function acts on
+a special “hidden” &consenv; called the Default Environment.
+In some cases, the global function may take
+an initial argument giving the object to operate on.
+String-valued arguments
+(including strings in list-valued arguments)
+are subject to construction variable expansion
+by the environment method form;
+variable expansion is not immediately performed in the global function.
+For example, Default('$MYTARGET')
+adds '$MYTARGET' to the
+list of default targets,
+while if the value in env of
+MYTARGET is 'mine',
+env.Default('$MYTARGET' adds
+to the default targets.
+For more details on &consvar; expansion, see the
+&Consvars; section.
-env = Environment(FOO='foo')
-In the above example,
-the call to the global &f-Default;
-function will add a target named
-to the list of default targets,
-while the call to the
-&f-env-Default; &consenv; method
-will expand the value
-and add a target named
-to the list of default targets.
-For more on &consvar; expansion,
-see the
-section below.
-Global functions are automatically in scope inside
-&SConscript; files.
-If you have custom &Python; code that you import into an &SConscript; file,
-such code will need to bring them into their own scope.
-You can do that by adding the following import
-to the &Python; module:
+Global functions are automatically in scope inside &SConscript; files.
+If your project adds &Python; modules that you include
+via the &Python; import statement
+from an &SConscript; file,
+such code will need to add the functions
+to that module’s global scope explicitly.
+You can do that by adding the following import to the &Python; module:
+from SCons.Script import *.
-from SCons.Script import *
+&SCons; provides the following &consenv; methods and global functions.
+The list can be augmented on a project basis using &f-link-AddMethod;
-&Consenv; methods
-and global functions provided by