I started this project to understand Arduino. h and how my arduino works. For this I had to learn how to work with bits, what is the UART, what is the Shift Register, etc. I hope this project has improved me as an engineer and programmer.
- Digital ports using
- Output mode
- UART driver
- library for 74hc595
- library for 1 Digit 7-Segment Display
- Digital ports using
- Input mode
- DHT11 library
- write documentation
- library for 4 Digit 7-Segment Display
- write documentation
- library LCD1602 Module (Display)
- write documentation
git clone https://github.com/mur4ik18/Arduino_Mega2560_library
cd Arduino_Mega2560_library
Available examples:
- blink
- shift_register
- 1dig_7seg_display
make example_name