diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index ab0a591c..d0adeec0 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -12,22 +12,8 @@
  * ```
-import { CodeError } from '@libp2p/interface/errors'
-import { base58btc } from 'multiformats/bases/base58'
-import { CID } from 'multiformats/cid'
-import { equals as uint8ArrayEquals } from 'uint8arrays/equals'
-import { toString as uint8ArrayToString } from 'uint8arrays/to-string'
-import { bytesToMultiaddrParts, stringToMultiaddrParts, type MultiaddrParts, tuplesToBytes } from './codec.js'
-import { getProtocol, names } from './protocols-table.js'
-const inspect = Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')
-const DNS_CODES = [
-  getProtocol('dns').code,
-  getProtocol('dns4').code,
-  getProtocol('dns6').code,
-  getProtocol('dnsaddr').code
+import { Multiaddr as MultiaddrClass, symbol } from './multiaddr.js'
+import { getProtocol } from './protocols-table.js'
  * Protocols are present in the protocol table
@@ -91,7 +77,6 @@ export interface AbortOptions {
  * All configured {@link Resolver}s
 export const resolvers = new Map<string, Resolver>()
-const symbol = Symbol.for('@multiformats/js-multiaddr/multiaddr')
 export { MultiaddrFilter } from './filter/multiaddr-filter.js'
@@ -444,7 +429,7 @@ export function fromNodeAddress (addr: NodeAddress, transport: string): Multiadd
       throw Error('Invalid addr family, should be 4 or 6.')
-  return new DefaultMultiaddr('/' + [ip, host, transport, addr.port].join('/'))
+  return new MultiaddrClass('/' + [ip, host, transport, addr.port].join('/'))
@@ -488,260 +473,6 @@ export function isMultiaddr (value: any): value is Multiaddr {
   return Boolean(value?.[symbol])
- * Creates a {@link Multiaddr} from a {@link MultiaddrInput}
- */
-class DefaultMultiaddr implements Multiaddr {
-  public bytes: Uint8Array
-  #string: string
-  #tuples: Tuple[]
-  #stringTuples: StringTuple[]
-  #path: string | null
-  [symbol]: boolean = true
-  constructor (addr?: MultiaddrInput) {
-    // default
-    if (addr == null) {
-      addr = ''
-    }
-    let parts: MultiaddrParts
-    if (addr instanceof Uint8Array) {
-      parts = bytesToMultiaddrParts(addr)
-    } else if (typeof addr === 'string') {
-      if (addr.length > 0 && addr.charAt(0) !== '/') {
-        throw new Error(`multiaddr "${addr}" must start with a "/"`)
-      }
-      parts = stringToMultiaddrParts(addr)
-    } else if (isMultiaddr(addr)) { // Multiaddr
-      parts = bytesToMultiaddrParts(addr.bytes)
-    } else {
-      throw new Error('addr must be a string, Buffer, or another Multiaddr')
-    }
-    this.bytes = parts.bytes
-    this.#string = parts.string
-    this.#tuples = parts.tuples
-    this.#stringTuples = parts.stringTuples
-    this.#path = parts.path
-  }
-  toString (): string {
-    return this.#string
-  }
-  toJSON (): string {
-    return this.toString()
-  }
-  toOptions (): MultiaddrObject {
-    let family: 4 | 6 | undefined
-    let transport: string | undefined
-    let host: string | undefined
-    let port: number | undefined
-    let zone = ''
-    const tcp = getProtocol('tcp')
-    const udp = getProtocol('udp')
-    const ip4 = getProtocol('ip4')
-    const ip6 = getProtocol('ip6')
-    const dns6 = getProtocol('dns6')
-    const ip6zone = getProtocol('ip6zone')
-    for (const [code, value] of this.stringTuples()) {
-      if (code === ip6zone.code) {
-        zone = `%${value ?? ''}`
-      }
-      // default to https when protocol & port are omitted from DNS addrs
-      if (DNS_CODES.includes(code)) {
-        transport = tcp.name
-        port = 443
-        host = `${value ?? ''}${zone}`
-        family = code === dns6.code ? 6 : 4
-      }
-      if (code === tcp.code || code === udp.code) {
-        transport = getProtocol(code).name
-        port = parseInt(value ?? '')
-      }
-      if (code === ip4.code || code === ip6.code) {
-        transport = getProtocol(code).name
-        host = `${value ?? ''}${zone}`
-        family = code === ip6.code ? 6 : 4
-      }
-    }
-    if (family == null || transport == null || host == null || port == null) {
-      throw new Error('multiaddr must have a valid format: "/{ip4, ip6, dns4, dns6, dnsaddr}/{address}/{tcp, udp}/{port}".')
-    }
-    const opts: MultiaddrObject = {
-      family,
-      host,
-      transport,
-      port
-    }
-    return opts
-  }
-  protos (): Protocol[] {
-    return this.#tuples.map(([code]) => Object.assign({}, getProtocol(code)))
-  }
-  protoCodes (): number[] {
-    return this.#tuples.map(([code]) => code)
-  }
-  protoNames (): string[] {
-    return this.#tuples.map(([code]) => getProtocol(code).name)
-  }
-  tuples (): Array<[number, Uint8Array?]> {
-    return this.#tuples
-  }
-  stringTuples (): Array<[number, string?]> {
-    return this.#stringTuples
-  }
-  encapsulate (addr: MultiaddrInput): Multiaddr {
-    addr = new DefaultMultiaddr(addr)
-    return new DefaultMultiaddr(this.toString() + addr.toString())
-  }
-  decapsulate (addr: Multiaddr | string): Multiaddr {
-    const addrString = addr.toString()
-    const s = this.toString()
-    const i = s.lastIndexOf(addrString)
-    if (i < 0) {
-      throw new Error(`Address ${this.toString()} does not contain subaddress: ${addr.toString()}`)
-    }
-    return new DefaultMultiaddr(s.slice(0, i))
-  }
-  decapsulateCode (code: number): Multiaddr {
-    const tuples = this.tuples()
-    for (let i = tuples.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-      if (tuples[i][0] === code) {
-        return new DefaultMultiaddr(tuplesToBytes(tuples.slice(0, i)))
-      }
-    }
-    return this
-  }
-  getPeerId (): string | null {
-    try {
-      let tuples: Array<[number, string | undefined]> = []
-      this.stringTuples().forEach(([code, name]) => {
-        if (code === names.p2p.code) {
-          tuples.push([code, name])
-        }
-        // if this is a p2p-circuit address, return the target peer id if present
-        // not the peer id of the relay
-        if (code === names['p2p-circuit'].code) {
-          tuples = []
-        }
-      })
-      // Get the last ipfs tuple ['p2p', 'peerid string']
-      const tuple = tuples.pop()
-      if (tuple?.[1] != null) {
-        const peerIdStr = tuple[1]
-        // peer id is base58btc encoded string but not multibase encoded so add the `z`
-        // prefix so we can validate that it is correctly encoded
-        if (peerIdStr[0] === 'Q' || peerIdStr[0] === '1') {
-          return uint8ArrayToString(base58btc.decode(`z${peerIdStr}`), 'base58btc')
-        }
-        // try to parse peer id as CID
-        return uint8ArrayToString(CID.parse(peerIdStr).multihash.bytes, 'base58btc')
-      }
-      return null
-    } catch (e) {
-      return null
-    }
-  }
-  getPath (): string | null {
-    return this.#path
-  }
-  equals (addr: { bytes: Uint8Array }): boolean {
-    return uint8ArrayEquals(this.bytes, addr.bytes)
-  }
-  async resolve (options?: AbortOptions): Promise<Multiaddr[]> {
-    const resolvableProto = this.protos().find((p) => p.resolvable)
-    // Multiaddr is not resolvable?
-    if (resolvableProto == null) {
-      return [this]
-    }
-    const resolver = resolvers.get(resolvableProto.name)
-    if (resolver == null) {
-      throw new CodeError(`no available resolver for ${resolvableProto.name}`, 'ERR_NO_AVAILABLE_RESOLVER')
-    }
-    const addresses = await resolver(this, options)
-    return addresses.map((a) => new DefaultMultiaddr(a))
-  }
-  nodeAddress (): NodeAddress {
-    const options = this.toOptions()
-    if (options.transport !== 'tcp' && options.transport !== 'udp') {
-      throw new Error(`multiaddr must have a valid format - no protocol with name: "${options.transport}". Must have a valid transport protocol: "{tcp, udp}"`)
-    }
-    return {
-      family: options.family,
-      address: options.host,
-      port: options.port
-    }
-  }
-  isThinWaistAddress (addr?: Multiaddr): boolean {
-    const protos = (addr ?? this).protos()
-    if (protos.length !== 2) {
-      return false
-    }
-    if (protos[0].code !== 4 && protos[0].code !== 41) {
-      return false
-    }
-    if (protos[1].code !== 6 && protos[1].code !== 273) {
-      return false
-    }
-    return true
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns Multiaddr as a human-readable string
-   * https://nodejs.org/api/util.html#utilinspectcustom
-   *
-   * @example
-   * ```js
-   * import { multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr'
-   *
-   * console.info(multiaddr('/ip4/'))
-   * // 'Multiaddr(/ip4/'
-   * ```
-   */
-  [inspect] (): string {
-    return `Multiaddr(${this.#string})`
-  }
  * A function that takes a {@link MultiaddrInput} and returns a {@link Multiaddr}
@@ -756,7 +487,7 @@ class DefaultMultiaddr implements Multiaddr {
  * @param {MultiaddrInput} [addr] - If String or Uint8Array, needs to adhere to the address format of a [multiaddr](https://github.com/multiformats/multiaddr#string-format)
 export function multiaddr (addr?: MultiaddrInput): Multiaddr {
-  return new DefaultMultiaddr(addr)
+  return new MultiaddrClass(addr)
 export { getProtocol as protocols }
diff --git a/src/multiaddr.ts b/src/multiaddr.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..706a30ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/multiaddr.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+ * @packageDocumentation
+ *
+ * An implementation of a Multiaddr in JavaScript
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * import { multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr'
+ *
+ * const ma = multiaddr('/ip4/')
+ * ```
+ */
+import { CodeError } from '@libp2p/interface/errors'
+import { base58btc } from 'multiformats/bases/base58'
+import { CID } from 'multiformats/cid'
+import { equals as uint8ArrayEquals } from 'uint8arrays/equals'
+import { toString as uint8ArrayToString } from 'uint8arrays/to-string'
+import { bytesToMultiaddrParts, stringToMultiaddrParts, type MultiaddrParts, tuplesToBytes } from './codec.js'
+import { getProtocol, names } from './protocols-table.js'
+import { isMultiaddr, type AbortOptions, type MultiaddrInput, type Multiaddr as MultiaddrInterface, type MultiaddrObject, type Protocol, type StringTuple, type Tuple, resolvers, type NodeAddress } from './index.js'
+const inspect = Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')
+export const symbol = Symbol.for('@multiformats/js-multiaddr/multiaddr')
+const DNS_CODES = [
+  getProtocol('dns').code,
+  getProtocol('dns4').code,
+  getProtocol('dns6').code,
+  getProtocol('dnsaddr').code
+ * Creates a {@link Multiaddr} from a {@link MultiaddrInput}
+ */
+export class Multiaddr implements MultiaddrInterface {
+  public bytes: Uint8Array
+  #string: string
+  #tuples: Tuple[]
+  #stringTuples: StringTuple[]
+  #path: string | null
+  [symbol]: boolean = true
+  constructor (addr?: MultiaddrInput) {
+    // default
+    if (addr == null) {
+      addr = ''
+    }
+    let parts: MultiaddrParts
+    if (addr instanceof Uint8Array) {
+      parts = bytesToMultiaddrParts(addr)
+    } else if (typeof addr === 'string') {
+      if (addr.length > 0 && addr.charAt(0) !== '/') {
+        throw new Error(`multiaddr "${addr}" must start with a "/"`)
+      }
+      parts = stringToMultiaddrParts(addr)
+    } else if (isMultiaddr(addr)) { // Multiaddr
+      parts = bytesToMultiaddrParts(addr.bytes)
+    } else {
+      throw new Error('addr must be a string, Buffer, or another Multiaddr')
+    }
+    this.bytes = parts.bytes
+    this.#string = parts.string
+    this.#tuples = parts.tuples
+    this.#stringTuples = parts.stringTuples
+    this.#path = parts.path
+  }
+  toString (): string {
+    return this.#string
+  }
+  toJSON (): string {
+    return this.toString()
+  }
+  toOptions (): MultiaddrObject {
+    let family: 4 | 6 | undefined
+    let transport: string | undefined
+    let host: string | undefined
+    let port: number | undefined
+    let zone = ''
+    const tcp = getProtocol('tcp')
+    const udp = getProtocol('udp')
+    const ip4 = getProtocol('ip4')
+    const ip6 = getProtocol('ip6')
+    const dns6 = getProtocol('dns6')
+    const ip6zone = getProtocol('ip6zone')
+    for (const [code, value] of this.stringTuples()) {
+      if (code === ip6zone.code) {
+        zone = `%${value ?? ''}`
+      }
+      // default to https when protocol & port are omitted from DNS addrs
+      if (DNS_CODES.includes(code)) {
+        transport = tcp.name
+        port = 443
+        host = `${value ?? ''}${zone}`
+        family = code === dns6.code ? 6 : 4
+      }
+      if (code === tcp.code || code === udp.code) {
+        transport = getProtocol(code).name
+        port = parseInt(value ?? '')
+      }
+      if (code === ip4.code || code === ip6.code) {
+        transport = getProtocol(code).name
+        host = `${value ?? ''}${zone}`
+        family = code === ip6.code ? 6 : 4
+      }
+    }
+    if (family == null || transport == null || host == null || port == null) {
+      throw new Error('multiaddr must have a valid format: "/{ip4, ip6, dns4, dns6, dnsaddr}/{address}/{tcp, udp}/{port}".')
+    }
+    const opts: MultiaddrObject = {
+      family,
+      host,
+      transport,
+      port
+    }
+    return opts
+  }
+  protos (): Protocol[] {
+    return this.#tuples.map(([code]) => Object.assign({}, getProtocol(code)))
+  }
+  protoCodes (): number[] {
+    return this.#tuples.map(([code]) => code)
+  }
+  protoNames (): string[] {
+    return this.#tuples.map(([code]) => getProtocol(code).name)
+  }
+  tuples (): Array<[number, Uint8Array?]> {
+    return this.#tuples
+  }
+  stringTuples (): Array<[number, string?]> {
+    return this.#stringTuples
+  }
+  encapsulate (addr: MultiaddrInput): Multiaddr {
+    addr = new Multiaddr(addr)
+    return new Multiaddr(this.toString() + addr.toString())
+  }
+  decapsulate (addr: Multiaddr | string): Multiaddr {
+    const addrString = addr.toString()
+    const s = this.toString()
+    const i = s.lastIndexOf(addrString)
+    if (i < 0) {
+      throw new Error(`Address ${this.toString()} does not contain subaddress: ${addr.toString()}`)
+    }
+    return new Multiaddr(s.slice(0, i))
+  }
+  decapsulateCode (code: number): Multiaddr {
+    const tuples = this.tuples()
+    for (let i = tuples.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+      if (tuples[i][0] === code) {
+        return new Multiaddr(tuplesToBytes(tuples.slice(0, i)))
+      }
+    }
+    return this
+  }
+  getPeerId (): string | null {
+    try {
+      let tuples: Array<[number, string | undefined]> = []
+      this.stringTuples().forEach(([code, name]) => {
+        if (code === names.p2p.code) {
+          tuples.push([code, name])
+        }
+        // if this is a p2p-circuit address, return the target peer id if present
+        // not the peer id of the relay
+        if (code === names['p2p-circuit'].code) {
+          tuples = []
+        }
+      })
+      // Get the last ipfs tuple ['p2p', 'peerid string']
+      const tuple = tuples.pop()
+      if (tuple?.[1] != null) {
+        const peerIdStr = tuple[1]
+        // peer id is base58btc encoded string but not multibase encoded so add the `z`
+        // prefix so we can validate that it is correctly encoded
+        if (peerIdStr[0] === 'Q' || peerIdStr[0] === '1') {
+          return uint8ArrayToString(base58btc.decode(`z${peerIdStr}`), 'base58btc')
+        }
+        // try to parse peer id as CID
+        return uint8ArrayToString(CID.parse(peerIdStr).multihash.bytes, 'base58btc')
+      }
+      return null
+    } catch (e) {
+      return null
+    }
+  }
+  getPath (): string | null {
+    return this.#path
+  }
+  equals (addr: { bytes: Uint8Array }): boolean {
+    return uint8ArrayEquals(this.bytes, addr.bytes)
+  }
+  async resolve (options?: AbortOptions): Promise<Multiaddr[]> {
+    const resolvableProto = this.protos().find((p) => p.resolvable)
+    // Multiaddr is not resolvable?
+    if (resolvableProto == null) {
+      return [this]
+    }
+    const resolver = resolvers.get(resolvableProto.name)
+    if (resolver == null) {
+      throw new CodeError(`no available resolver for ${resolvableProto.name}`, 'ERR_NO_AVAILABLE_RESOLVER')
+    }
+    const addresses = await resolver(this, options)
+    return addresses.map((a) => new Multiaddr(a))
+  }
+  nodeAddress (): NodeAddress {
+    const options = this.toOptions()
+    if (options.transport !== 'tcp' && options.transport !== 'udp') {
+      throw new Error(`multiaddr must have a valid format - no protocol with name: "${options.transport}". Must have a valid transport protocol: "{tcp, udp}"`)
+    }
+    return {
+      family: options.family,
+      address: options.host,
+      port: options.port
+    }
+  }
+  isThinWaistAddress (addr?: Multiaddr): boolean {
+    const protos = (addr ?? this).protos()
+    if (protos.length !== 2) {
+      return false
+    }
+    if (protos[0].code !== 4 && protos[0].code !== 41) {
+      return false
+    }
+    if (protos[1].code !== 6 && protos[1].code !== 273) {
+      return false
+    }
+    return true
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns Multiaddr as a human-readable string
+   * https://nodejs.org/api/util.html#utilinspectcustom
+   *
+   * @example
+   * ```js
+   * import { multiaddr } from '@multiformats/multiaddr'
+   *
+   * console.info(multiaddr('/ip4/'))
+   * // 'Multiaddr(/ip4/'
+   * ```
+   */
+  [inspect] (): string {
+    return `Multiaddr(${this.#string})`
+  }