Zira client directory
This simple repository will help you develop easy integration with our system.
We're using an API key as a way of securing user applications. API key must be added in the request header called X-API-Key.
X-API-Key: aa54d7a9-6dd0-5ab2-9834-21ccb953c060
- To get an API key, log in to zira.com and go to Applications Tab:
- Click on the + and choose a name for the Application.
- After that you will be presented with an API key.
- Keep that key secure, and don't share it with 3rd party.
Use your favorit http client to access our API functions. Below is plain HTTP request.
POST /zira-client/post HTTP/1.1
Host: api.zira.us
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 86
"postTypeId": "1",
"content": "Hello everyone!",
"toChannelId": "5218"