The examples included in this folder all come with a server that can be started using mvn exec:java
Here's an example configuration:
The ramlFile
configuration parameter should point to your RAML file.
The resourcePackage
is the name of the resource package. This parameter is mandatory,
and serves as the default value for the modelPackage and supportPackage parameters,
should they be undefined. It determines the Java package in which the classes will appear.
The modelPackage
configuration parameter determines the package in which Java package the types
will be generated.
The supportPackage
configuration parameter determines the package in which Java package
the support classes (serializers, responses and such) will be generated.
The generateTypesWith
configuration parameter determines which annotation plugin(s) to use
to generate types. Available options are: jackson, gson, jaxb, javadoc, jsr303
Generate JAX-RS code by running:
mvn raml:generate