- Nothing changed yet.
- Remove traces of plone.directives.form (which implicitly added grok as a dependency). [gforcada]
- Silent a plone.behavior warning. [gforcada]
- Specify compatibility in setup.py for versions which are tested and remove unittest2 dependency [tomgross]
- Add schemaeditor support [datakurre]
- Handle indexing from scripts. Fixes collective#12 [gforcada]
- Fix encoding error when transforming HTML to text. [jone]
- Drop Plone 4.1 support. [jone]
- Mark title and description of p.a.dexterity's IBasic as searchable by default. [jone]
- Add a no_longer_searchable utility function. [jone]
- Plone 4.3 support. [jone]
- Eliminate grok / martian dependencies in favor of the new plone.supermodel directives. #5 [jone]
- Do not try to convert text/plain in files, just index it as it is. [zupo]
Fix missing field bug. #3
- Log an error when indexing an object and one of its schemas defines a missing field as searchable.
- Make sure that indexing other existing fields of the same schema works.
- searchable utils function: raise AttributeError when field is missing.
Added support for marking fields searchable in plone.supermodel XML models. This is done by implementing a IFieldMetadataHandler that is capable of serializing/de-serializing the corresponding taggedValue to/from XML. [lgraf]
method for marking fields of third party schemas as searchable. [kagesenshi]
- ignore the request in the get_field_widget method, to avoid problems with request variables wich have the same name than the field. [phgross]
- Added test-buildout for plone-4.1.x [lgraf]
- Added IntFieldConverter, wich return the plain value instead of the render method (600000 --> 600,000) [phgross]
- Fixed querying of tagged values: use helper function mergedTaggedValueList - which also looks up tagged values on superclasses. [jbaumann]
- Fixed html to text transform call: added source mimetype. [jbaumann]
- Fixed data transforms in NamedFileConverter [lgraf]
- Made reindexer more robust, since sometimes the field values may be wrong. [jbaumann]
- Do not traverse to "view" in indexer, this could cause security issues especially in tests. Using now a fake-view for enabling z2 mode. [jbaumann]
- Fixed assertion bug when using a IDynamicTextIndexExtender adapter. [jbaumann]
- Moved IDynamicTextIndexExtender to interfaces module. [jbaumann]
- The plone.namedfile is now optional. The new namedfile converting adapter is only registered if its present [jbaumann]
- Re-implemented converting of field data with an newly introduced adapter. The default converter just converts the widget in display mode and transforms it to text/plain. [jbaumann]
- Fixed tests for compaitbility with plone.app.testing 4.0a3: Use TEST_USER_ID instead of TEST_USER_NAME [jbaumann]
- fixed Bug UnicodeError: while indexing lists or dicts with special chars (Non-Ascii characters) [phgross]
- Fixed MANIFEST.in [jbaumann]
- Initial release