This is the raw help text for the command line interface.
Wrap arbitrary commands as Windows services
Usage: shawl.exe
shawl.exe <COMMAND>
Add a new service
Run a command as a service; only works when launched by the Windows service manager
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
Add a new service
Usage: shawl.exe add [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> -- <COMMAND>...
Command to run as a service
--pass <codes>
Exit codes that should be considered successful (comma-separated) [default: 0]
Always restart the command regardless of the exit code
Never restart the command regardless of the exit code
--restart-if <codes>
Restart the command if the exit code is one of these (comma-separated)
--restart-if-not <codes>
Restart the command if the exit code is not one of these (comma-separated)
--stop-timeout <ms>
How long to wait in milliseconds between sending the wrapped process a ctrl-C event and
forcibly killing it [default: 3000]
Disable all of Shawl's logging
Disable logging of output from the command running as a service
--log-dir <path>
Write log file to a custom directory. This directory will be created if it doesn't exist
--log-as <LOG_AS>
Use a different name for the main log file. Set this to just the desired base name of the
log file. For example, `--log-as shawl` would result in a log file named
`shawl_rCURRENT.log` instead of the normal `shawl_for_<name>_rCURRENT.log` pattern
--log-cmd-as <LOG_CMD_AS>
Use a separate log file for the wrapped command's stdout and stderr. Set this to just the
desired base name of the log file. For example, `--log-cmd-as foo` would result in a log
file named `foo_rCURRENT.log`. The output will be logged as-is without any additional log
--log-rotate <LOG_ROTATE>
Threshold for rotating log files. Valid options: `daily`, `hourly`, `bytes=n` (every N
bytes) [default: bytes=2097152]
--log-retain <LOG_RETAIN>
How many old log files to retain [default: 2]
Append the service start arguments to the command
--env <ENV>
Additional environment variable in the format 'KEY=value' (repeatable)
--path <PATH>
Additional directory to append to the PATH environment variable (repeatable)
--path-prepend <path>
Additional directory to prepend to the PATH environment variable (repeatable)
--priority <PRIORITY>
Process priority of the command to run as a service [possible values: realtime, high,
above-normal, normal, below-normal, idle]
--cwd <path>
Working directory in which to run the command. You may provide a relative path, and it
will be converted to an absolute one
--dependencies <DEPENDENCIES>
Other services that must be started first (comma-separated)
--name <NAME>
Name of the service to create
-h, --help
Print help
Run a command as a service; only works when launched by the Windows service manager
Usage: shawl.exe run [OPTIONS] -- <COMMAND>...
Command to run as a service
--pass <codes>
Exit codes that should be considered successful (comma-separated) [default: 0]
Always restart the command regardless of the exit code
Never restart the command regardless of the exit code
--restart-if <codes>
Restart the command if the exit code is one of these (comma-separated)
--restart-if-not <codes>
Restart the command if the exit code is not one of these (comma-separated)
--stop-timeout <ms>
How long to wait in milliseconds between sending the wrapped process a ctrl-C event and
forcibly killing it [default: 3000]
Disable all of Shawl's logging
Disable logging of output from the command running as a service
--log-dir <path>
Write log file to a custom directory. This directory will be created if it doesn't exist
--log-as <LOG_AS>
Use a different name for the main log file. Set this to just the desired base name of the
log file. For example, `--log-as shawl` would result in a log file named
`shawl_rCURRENT.log` instead of the normal `shawl_for_<name>_rCURRENT.log` pattern
--log-cmd-as <LOG_CMD_AS>
Use a separate log file for the wrapped command's stdout and stderr. Set this to just the
desired base name of the log file. For example, `--log-cmd-as foo` would result in a log
file named `foo_rCURRENT.log`. The output will be logged as-is without any additional log
--log-rotate <LOG_ROTATE>
Threshold for rotating log files. Valid options: `daily`, `hourly`, `bytes=n` (every N
bytes) [default: bytes=2097152]
--log-retain <LOG_RETAIN>
How many old log files to retain [default: 2]
Append the service start arguments to the command
--env <ENV>
Additional environment variable in the format 'KEY=value' (repeatable)
--path <PATH>
Additional directory to append to the PATH environment variable (repeatable)
--path-prepend <path>
Additional directory to prepend to the PATH environment variable (repeatable)
--priority <PRIORITY>
Process priority of the command to run as a service [possible values: realtime, high,
above-normal, normal, below-normal, idle]
--cwd <path>
Working directory in which to run the command. Must be an absolute path
--name <NAME>
Name of the service; used in logging, but does not need to match real name [default:
-h, --help
Print help