Last run date: 2023-04-04.16:35:34
Visual tests module is developed with the C++17 and requires Eigen3 package:
For Ubuntu it can be installed with
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
To run the visualisation you will need to build the CMake project with the
VIS=ON and run the executable ./visualtests-out/visualtests
or simply use the makefile command:
make build-dev VIS=ON run-vis
Based on a Schmalholz and Duretz, 2017. Shows evolution of the grain size during the necking in pure shear boundary conditions mode.
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Based on a Duretz, 2018 Matlab code.
The average stress is characterized by a period of elastic loading followed by a period of
elastoplastic loading during which shear banding takes place.
The transition between the two regimes occurs for a strain of approximately 1.3×10
and an average stress of approximately 2.5 MPa.
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Isotopic based on a Chenin et al., 2019 model. Shows symmetry and development of the rift zone
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The test verifies the accuracy of the velocity and the pressure
fields for a model defining a circular inclusion of high viscosity,
subject to a pure shear boundary condition (Schmid and Podladchikov, 2003).
In order to impose the strain rate boundary conditions similar to those used in Schmid and Podladchikov (2003),
we evaluated the analytic velocity field at the boundary of
the model domain, and used these values as Dirichlet boundary conditions.
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Based on Duretz et. al., 2014 model and shows deformation of power law viscous incompressible fluid with thermomechanical coupling. Model is containing a half‐circular inclusion with a radius of 3 km, whose center is located at the bottom middle of the domain. All thermal boundary conditions are zero flux which yields to upper estimates of the temperature increase due to shear heating.
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Based on Yamato et. al., 2022. Figure show the evolution of shear stress for an inclusion submitted to positive density change (compressible mechanical code with linear viscous material fitting the analytical solution).
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Numerical model of the free surface based on analytical model of Crameri et, al, 2012
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