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The Internals of Expresso

This section of the tutorial documents the internal workings of expresso. Expresso makes great use of clojure’s abstraction mechanism like protocols and multimethods and uses a datadriven approach where possible. This makes it very flexible and open to be extendet. Expresso’s aim is to base its algorithms on domain knowledge, for example in the form of rules. I will go through the big parts of expresso and explain the internals of each:

Expresso Protocols

Expresso is based on abstractions provided by protocols. The protocols are all well documented in the protocols.clj file in the expresso code.

Constructing Expressions

The fundamental function for expresso construction is the numeric.expresso.construct/ce function which creates an expression with the specified symbol and arguments. There are several multimethod based steps on constructing expressions

Choosing the expresso-symbol

The symbols that get passed to ce can be namespace qualified. If expresso knows about the function it uses a short name, so clojure.core.matrix/add is mapped to the symbol +. If no short name is specified in the expresso-name multimethod the default implementation returns the symbol unchanged. The expresso name of the symbol is then used during the rest of the constructing phase.

Constructing the symbols used in the argument list

This enables properties of symbols to be defined in simple to remember keys in the metadata. This slots does not have to represent the final structure of the metadata, which is an implementation detail. The behaviour of this phase is documented in the expresso-basics section about annotating symbols

Constructing Dispatch

After the first two steps, the following constructing dispatch methods are called. The first that succeeds returns the final constructed expression.


This is the first dispatch method. It dispatches also on the symbol of the expression to be constructed. If some symbols require special construction this is the dispatch function to use. For example the elementwise core.matrix function are registered at this dispatch method to do their shape inference


This is used for the symbols which specify extractors like mzero?, … The dispatch method dispatches on the symbols and returns a matching relation which specifies the matching behaviour of the extractor. With this relation an instance of numeric.expresso.impl.pimplementaiton.BasicExtractor is created which has its own implementation of the PMatch protocol which is used during the rule application.


If the other two dispatch functions returned nil, this catch-all constructing mechanism is applied. It does nothing but create a list of (symbol args*) with the right metadata representing its properties added to the symbol

adding the informations about the symbol

This adds the properties known to a symbol. It is done by the multifunction. The properties added include :properties like :commutative or :associative and the :exec-func like clojure.core.matrix/add. protocol implementation for example can use the data added here, like the PExecute protocol which uses the :exec-func key in the symbol metadata. Also for all :commutative functions the commutative :matcher-rel is choosen which determines the behaviour during matching.

The Rule Based Translator

The rule based translator is the core of expresso. It self is build on top of core.logic.

The rule Macro

Like documented in the section about term-rewriting of this tutorial, the rule macro constructs a rule from a pattern, a transition and an optional guard. The rule macro creates a 3-element vector of [pattern transition guard] If no guard is specified, the core.logic succeed goal is used. the transition part can also be a core.logic relation.

replacing ?-symbols with fresh lvars

the ?-symbols in the expressions inside the rule are converted by the rule macro to core.logic lvars with the name of the symbol. This lvars are then unified during rule application.

Applying a rule

The rule application proceeds in three stages and occurs in a run 1 core.logic context.

Matching the input

In this phase the input is matched with core.logic with the semantics specified by the PMatch protocol. For extractors this is the extractor-rel function and for normal expressions it is the :matching-rel key in the symbol metadata This matching strategy is applied.

checking the guard

The next step in the core.logic relation of applying a rules is checking if the guard succeeds with the bindings for the lvars established during matching

applying the transformation

The last step is applying the transformation. In the case it is just an expression, the result of the rule application is unified with this expression If it is a core.logic relation, then the relation is called insteadl


Some post-processing is done for example the extracting of the seq-matchers is done here.

Transforming an expression according to rules

Expresso provides several functions for rule application. You can look into numeric.expresso.rules for the documentation of these functions. It is planned that expresso gets proper rule application strategy as function compositions in the future. For now the normal transformation function is transform-expression which does a fully recursive bottom-up application of rules until the normal form - in which no rule applies anymore - is reached. To speed up performance on this method, tagging is used to mark expressions that are in normal form according to a set of rules.


At its current stand, simplifying is just a 2-step translation according to the rules in simplify.clj. This is a very good example of the power of rule based translation with semantic matching.

Solving Equations

The expresso solver is split into two function, solve-system and solve where solve is the solver for one equation.

Solving a single equation.

The equation solver is itself based on solve-rules which are top level rules which get a [variable equation] vector and have a function/relation which implements a solving strategy. This also makes the solving system extensible.

Solving multiple equations.

Expresso has two solvers for multiple equations. A solver for linear systems which can solve systems of expressions if it can construct a numeric matrix out of it and then solves it with the fraction free gaussian elimination algorithms which is also part of expresso. If this doesn’t apply the general multiple equation solving function is invoked, which repeatedly uses solve and substitution to solve the system of equations.

Optimizing Expressions

The optimizer is based on a vector which contains optimization runs, functions which take the expression and return an optimized form of the expression. Each of the functions in the vector is applied and the resulting expression returned.