Metropolitan France is the name for the "continental" France without overseas departments. The five overseas departments include:
- French Guiana -- in South America
- Guadeloupe -- in the Caribbean (Americas)
- Martinique -- in the Caribbean (Americas)
- Mayotte -- in the Indian Ocean (Africa)
- Réunion -- in the Indian Ocean (Africa)
Some entries divived by:
- area under government control
- area administered by Turkish Cypriots
See and
Country Comparison pages are presorted lists of data from selected Factbook data fields. Country Comparison pages are generally given in descending order - highest to lowest - such as Population and Area. The two exceptions are Unemployment Rate and Inflation Rate, which are in ascending - lowest to highest - order.
Country Comparison pages are available for the following 79 fields in seven of the ten Factbook categories.
(Source: Guide to Country Comparisons)
worldfactbook gem by Sayem Khan (aka sayem); fetches data from its own mirror, that is, (last updated 2011?)
the_country_identity gem by Raul Pino (aka p1nox); fetches data from an RDF Turtle endpoint hosted by the Research Group Data and Web Science at the University of Mannheim, Germany
- worldfactbook-dataset by Richard Marr (aka richmarr); fetches data using Node.js (last updated 2013)
- openfactbook datasets & tools by Eckhard Licher; uses official (offline) download archive (last updated 2014); incl. flags, maps, and more
Steps to update to new page structure.
What links to use? (Example - Austria (au
- Print version? (check: is the print version up-to-date)
- add new pages to /test/data/src
- update /test/test_sanitizer.rb (to try new pages)