Panic room watches your sensitive files and panics when someone tries to mess with them.
- Watches named groups of files and sends alerts if they are modified
- Allows for fine-grained selection of watcher rules.
- Supports AWS SNS for sending notifications to multiple channels. (e.g. Email, SMS, Webhooks)
- name: My Wordpress Site Root
paths: ["/var/www/**/*"]
excludes: ["/var/www/wp-uploads/**/*"]
alerters: ["sysops"]
- name: All wordpress code
paths: ["/var/www/**/*.php"]
alerters: ["weblog"]
- name: /etc/passwd
paths: ["/etc/passwd"]
alerters: ["sysops"]
- name: sysops
type: sns
aws_region: eu-west-1
topic_arn: arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:12345678:panicroom-sysops
- name: weblog
type: log
path: /data/log/wordpress_files.log
./panicroom --config-path <CONFIG_PATH>
It is possible to filter SNS messages on a per-subscriber basis based on the operation name.
The following operation names exist:
These are sent in the "operation"
message attribute. To filter a subscription to only created or removed files:
"operation": ["REMOVE","CREATE"]
- Dot not support watching directories directly.
- Does not properly handle newly created files.
- SNS alerters will send an alert for each single event which can quickly flood notification channels.
[ ] Watch directories for new files and add matching files to watcher lists and handle their notifications. [ ] SNS Alerter: Group alerts together and push a single notification of all events after a short hysteresis (5s)