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Dongseong Hwang edited this page Aug 8, 2013 · 5 revisions


  • Define tizenos variable to build XWalk for Tizen OS
> ./xwalk/gyp_xwalk -Dtizenos=1 -Duse_aura=1 -Duse_gconf=0 -Duse_xi2_mt=2

Integration points

Integration with Tizen framework.

  • XWalk runtime should handle various callbacks: pause, resume, low_battery, device_orientation, etc.
  • There are two options: OSP layer or capi-appfw-application package.
  • XWalk chooses capi-appfw-application because it is more thin.
struct _appdata ad;
memset(&ad, 0x0, sizeof(struct _appdata)); PACKAGE;

app_event_callback_s event_callback;
event_callback.create = app_create;
event_callback.terminate = _terminate;
event_callback.pause = _pause; 
event_callback.resume = _resume;
event_callback.service = _service;
event_callback.low_memory = NULL; 
event_callback.low_battery = NULL; 
event_callback.device_orientation = NULL; 
event_callback.language_changed = _lang_changed;
event_callback.region_format_changed = NULL; 

app_efl_main(&argc, &argv, &event_callback, &ad);

  • app_efl_main() calls elm_init() and elm_run().
  • So XWalk aura runtime is integrated with ecore main loop.

Integration with Tizen Window Manager

  • Illume2 is the window manager part of Tizen OS and communicates elementary via the x11 protocol (Couple of atoms with some information).
  • There are two options: Communication using the atoms, or Implementing elementary window wrapper.
  • XWalk chooses implementing elementary window wrapper because:
  • Prevent from depending Illume2's implementation detail.
  • XWalk already is integrated with ecore main loop, so it is easy to make elementary window.
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