A collection of Vulkan samples
Made like the SaschaWillems/Vulkan examples
- Vulkan SDK
- ImGui
- KTX lib
- Vulkan Memory Allocator
- Any C++17 compiler
- tiny glTF
To compile shaders you can use a Python script compileglsl.py in the data
To download assets(models and textures) you can run the Python script downloadassets.py
You must also install the gdown library using the pip install gdown
Just draws a triangle demonstrating how the base class abstracts the routine
Demonstrates how descriptors can be used to access uniform buffers from a shader
Demonstrates how one descriptor can be used to access different parts of a buffer
It is not necessary to use buffers to transfer data to shaders, you can use Push Constants which can transfer small amounts of data to shaders
Demonstrates how specialization constants can be used to set constant values in shaders when creating a pipeline
This example shows how to load and use textures in KTX format
The example uses a texture with mip levels and demonstrates how the LOD bias affects which mip level is chosen
The example demonstrates the use of an image with layers, this allows you to use a single image object as an array
This example demonstrates loading a glTF file with a model