diff --git a/cross/roundcube/Makefile b/cross/roundcube/Makefile
index cc6d66252e2..099d9018498 100644
--- a/cross/roundcube/Makefile
+++ b/cross/roundcube/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
PKG_NAME = roundcubemail
-PKG_VERS = 1.1.4
+PKG_VERS = 1.6.9
PKG_EXT = tar.gz
-PKG_DIST_SITE = https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/roundcubemail/roundcubemail/$(PKG_VERS)
+PKG_DIST_SITE = https://github.com/roundcube/${PKG_NAME}/releases/download/${PKG_VERS}
diff --git a/cross/roundcube/digests b/cross/roundcube/digests
index 2a6a69b36b6..b12d6899f1a 100644
--- a/cross/roundcube/digests
+++ b/cross/roundcube/digests
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-roundcubemail-1.1.4-complete.tar.gz SHA1 a80d7d53b48e527827407658d7bd90145f401307
-roundcubemail-1.1.4-complete.tar.gz SHA256 9bfe88255d4ffc288f5776de1cead78352469b1766d5ebaebe6e28043affe181
-roundcubemail-1.1.4-complete.tar.gz MD5 260686b4894896744bffa2d8bb259995
+roundcubemail-1.6.9-complete.tar.gz SHA1 b63f74209cf287402f6f44b85877388899261f3c
+roundcubemail-1.6.9-complete.tar.gz SHA256 b61a5f5c22f890c299e935aacfcf0870676990d8aebff0d6cdff075bf17cef4f
+roundcubemail-1.6.9-complete.tar.gz MD5 e733b71422185f296a172d35ca79ef78
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/Makefile b/spk/roundcube/Makefile
index 192455bb5ac..a9fb958a71a 100644
--- a/spk/roundcube/Makefile
+++ b/spk/roundcube/Makefile
@@ -1,39 +1,50 @@
SPK_NAME = roundcube
-SPK_VERS = 1.1.4
-SPK_REV = 4
+SPK_VERS = 1.6.9
+SPK_REV = 5
SPK_ICON = src/roundcube.png
-DSM_UI_DIR = app
+# Pure PHP package, make sure ARCH is not defined
+override ARCH=
+# Due to not obvious WebStation handling requirements
+SPK_DEPENDS = "WebStation:PHP7.4:MariaDB10:Apache2.4"
-MAINTAINER = moneytoo
+MAINTAINER = SynoCommunity
DESCRIPTION = Roundcube is a free and open source webmail solution with a desktop-like user interface which is easy to install/configure and that runs on a standard LAMPP server. It is the same software Synology offers as Mail Station except this does not depend on Mail Server package.
-ADMIN_URL = /roundcube/
DISPLAY_NAME = Roundcube Webmail
-CHANGELOG = DSM6 compatible
+CHANGELOG = "1. Update to v1.6.9.
2. Add PHP profiles for DSM 6.
3. Add backup and restore functions."
HOMEPAGE = https://www.roundcube.net
+SERVICE_SETUP = src/service-setup.sh
+ADMIN_URL = /roundcube/
WIZARDS_DIR = src/wizard/
-CONF_DIR = src/conf/
-INSTALLER_SCRIPT = src/installer.sh
-SSS_SCRIPT = src/dsm-control.sh
+DSM_UI_DIR = app
+DSM_UI_CONFIG = src/app/config
+CONF_DIR = src/conf/
-INSTALL_DEP_SERVICES = apache-web mysql
-START_DEP_SERVICES = apache-web mysql
+include ../../mk/spksrc.common.mk
-INSTALL_PREFIX = /usr/local/$(SPK_NAME)
+# Alternate conf dir for DSM 6
+ifeq ($(call version_lt, ${TCVERSION}, 7.0),1)
+CONF_DIR = src/conf_6/
POST_STRIP_TARGET = roundcube_extra_install
-# Pure PHP package, make sure ARCH is not defined
-override ARCH=
include ../../mk/spksrc.spk.mk
.PHONY: roundcube_extra_install
- install -m 755 -d $(STAGING_DIR)/app
- install -m 644 src/app/config $(STAGING_DIR)/app/config
+ install -m 755 -d $(STAGING_DIR)/web
+ install -m 644 src/web/roundcube.conf $(STAGING_DIR)/web/roundcube.conf
+ install -m 644 src/web/roundcube.json $(STAGING_DIR)/web/roundcube.json
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/conf/PKG_DEPS b/spk/roundcube/src/conf/PKG_DEPS
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f832e23f1a..00000000000
--- a/spk/roundcube/src/conf/PKG_DEPS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/conf/resource b/spk/roundcube/src/conf/resource
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..423f8201f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/roundcube/src/conf/resource
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ "mariadb10-db": {
+ "admin-account-m10": "root",
+ "admin-pw-m10": "{{wizard_mysql_password_root}}",
+ "create-db": {
+ "db-collision": "skip",
+ "db-name": "roundcube",
+ "flag": "{{wizard_create_db}}"
+ },
+ "drop-db-uninst": true,
+ "drop-user-uninst": true,
+ "grant-user": {
+ "db-name": "roundcube",
+ "flag": "{{mysql_grant_user}}",
+ "host": "localhost",
+ "user-name": "roundcube",
+ "user-pw": "{{wizard_mysql_password_roundcube}}"
+ }
+ },
+ "webservice": {
+ "pkg_dir_prepare": [
+ {
+ "group": "http",
+ "mode": "0755",
+ "source": "/var/packages/roundcube/target/share/roundcube",
+ "target": "roundcube",
+ "user": "sc-roundcube"
+ }
+ ],
+ "portals": [
+ {
+ "alias": "roundcube",
+ "app": "com.synocommunity.packages.roundcube",
+ "name": "Roundcube Webmail",
+ "service": "roundcube",
+ "type": "alias"
+ }
+ ],
+ "services": [
+ {
+ "backend": 2,
+ "display_name": "Roundcube Webmail",
+ "icon": "app/images/roundcube-{0}.png",
+ "php": {
+ "backend": 8,
+ "extensions": [
+ "curl",
+ "exif",
+ "gd",
+ "iconv",
+ "imagick",
+ "intl",
+ "ldap",
+ "mysqli",
+ "openssl",
+ "pdo_mysql",
+ "sockets",
+ "zip"
+ ],
+ "group": "http",
+ "profile_desc": "PHP Profile for roundcube",
+ "profile_name": "roundcube Profile",
+ "user": "sc-roundcube"
+ },
+ "root": "roundcube",
+ "service": "roundcube",
+ "type": "apache_php"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/conf_6/privilege b/spk/roundcube/src/conf_6/privilege
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b9c1e00600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/roundcube/src/conf_6/privilege
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "defaults": {
+ "run-as": "root"
+ },
+ "username": "sc-roundcube",
+ "join-groupname": "http"
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/conf_6/resource b/spk/roundcube/src/conf_6/resource
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..28a580e178d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/roundcube/src/conf_6/resource
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "mariadb10-db": {
+ "admin-account-m10": "root",
+ "admin-pw-m10": "{{wizard_mysql_password_root}}",
+ "create-db": {
+ "db-collision": "skip",
+ "db-name": "roundcube",
+ "flag": "{{wizard_create_db}}"
+ },
+ "drop-db-uninst": true,
+ "drop-user-uninst": true,
+ "grant-user": {
+ "db-name": "roundcube",
+ "flag": "{{mysql_grant_user}}",
+ "host": "localhost",
+ "user-name": "roundcube",
+ "user-pw": "{{wizard_mysql_password_roundcube}}"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/dsm-control.sh b/spk/roundcube/src/dsm-control.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index a1cce5f6818..00000000000
--- a/spk/roundcube/src/dsm-control.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Package
-DNAME="Roundcube Webmail"
-case $1 in
- start)
- exit 0
- ;;
- stop)
- exit 0
- ;;
- status)
- exit 0
- ;;
- log)
- exit 1
- ;;
- *)
- exit 1
- ;;
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/installer.sh b/spk/roundcube/src/installer.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 90e10690979..00000000000
--- a/spk/roundcube/src/installer.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# Package
-DNAME="Roundcube Webmail"
-# Others
-BUILDNUMBER="$(/bin/get_key_value /etc.defaults/VERSION buildnumber)"
-USER="$([ "${BUILDNUMBER}" -ge "4418" ] && echo -n http || echo -n nobody)"
-MYSQL="$([ "${BUILDNUMBER}" -ge "7321" ] && echo -n /bin/mysql || echo -n /usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysql)"
-MYSQLDUMP="$([ "${BUILDNUMBER}" -ge "7321" ] && echo -n /bin/mysqldump || echo -n /usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqldump)"
-preinst ()
- # Check database
- if [ "${SYNOPKG_PKG_STATUS}" == "INSTALL" ]; then
- if ! ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" -e quit > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "Incorrect MySQL root password"
- exit 1
- fi
- if ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" mysql -e "SELECT User FROM user" | grep ^${MYSQL_USER}$ > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "MySQL user ${MYSQL_USER} already exists"
- exit 1
- fi
- if ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" -e "SHOW DATABASES" | grep ^${MYSQL_DATABASE}$ > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "MySQL database ${MYSQL_DATABASE} already exists"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- exit 0
-postinst ()
- # Link
- # Install the web interface
- cp -pR ${INSTALL_DIR}/share/${PACKAGE} ${WEB_DIR}
- rm -fr ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/installer
- # Setup database and configuration files
- if [ "${SYNOPKG_PKG_STATUS}" == "INSTALL" ]; then
- ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" -e "CREATE DATABASE ${MYSQL_DATABASE}; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ${MYSQL_DATABASE}.* TO '${MYSQL_USER}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '${wizard_mysql_password_roundcube}';"
- ${MYSQL} -u ${MYSQL_USER} -p"${wizard_mysql_password_roundcube}" ${MYSQL_DATABASE} < ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/SQL/mysql.initial.sql
- sed -e "s|^\(\$config\['db_dsnw'\] =\).*$|\1 \'mysqli://roundcube:${wizard_mysql_password_roundcube}@localhost/roundcube\';|" \
- -e "s|^\(\$config\['default_host'\] =\).*$|\1 \'${wizard_roundcube_default_host}\';|" \
- -e "s|^\(\$config\['smtp_server'\] =\).*$|\1 \'${wizard_roundcube_smtp_server}\';|" \
- -e "s|^\(\$config\['smtp_port'\] =\).*$|\1 \'${wizard_roundcube_smtp_port:=25}\';|" \
- -e "s|^\(\$config\['smtp_user'\] =\).*$|\1 \'${wizard_roundcube_smtp_user}\';|" \
- -e "s|^\(\$config\['smtp_pass'\] =\).*$|\1 \'${wizard_roundcube_smtp_pass}\';|" \
- ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/config/config.inc.php.sample > ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/config/config.inc.php
- fi
- # Fix permissions
- chown -R ${USER} ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}
- exit 0
-preuninst ()
- # Check database
- if [ "${SYNOPKG_PKG_STATUS}" == "UNINSTALL" ] && ! ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" -e quit > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "Incorrect MySQL root password"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Check database export location
- if [ "${SYNOPKG_PKG_STATUS}" == "UNINSTALL" -a -n "${wizard_dbexport_path}" ]; then
- if [ -f "${wizard_dbexport_path}" -o -e "${wizard_dbexport_path}/${MYSQL_DATABASE}.sql" ]; then
- echo "File ${wizard_dbexport_path}/${MYSQL_DATABASE}.sql already exists. Please remove or choose a different location"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- exit 0
-postuninst ()
- # Remove link
- rm -f ${INSTALL_DIR}
- # Export and remove database
- if [ "${SYNOPKG_PKG_STATUS}" == "UNINSTALL" ]; then
- if [ -n "${wizard_dbexport_path}" ]; then
- mkdir -p ${wizard_dbexport_path}
- ${MYSQLDUMP} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" ${MYSQL_DATABASE} > ${wizard_dbexport_path}/${MYSQL_DATABASE}.sql
- fi
- ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" -e "DROP DATABASE ${MYSQL_DATABASE}; DROP USER '${MYSQL_USER}'@'localhost';"
- fi
- # Remove the web interface
- rm -fr ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}
- exit 0
-preupgrade ()
- rm -fr ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}
- mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}
- # Save pre 1.0.0 configuration files
- mv ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/config/db.inc.php ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/
- mv ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/config/main.inc.php ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/
- # Save configuration files for version >= 1.0.0
- mv ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/config/config.inc.php ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/
- # Save user installed plugins
- mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/plugins
- for plugin in ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/plugins/*/
- do
- dir=`basename $plugin`
- if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_DIR}/share/${PACKAGE}/plugins/${dir} ]; then
- cp -pR ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/plugins/${dir} ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/plugins/
- fi
- done
- # Save user installed skins
- mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/skins
- for skin in ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/skins/*/
- do
- dir=`basename $skin`
- if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_DIR}/share/${PACKAGE}/skins/${dir} ]; then
- cp -pR ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/skins/${dir} ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/skins/
- fi
- done
- exit 0
-postupgrade ()
- # Restore pre 1.0.0 configuration files, still 1.0.0 compatible
- mv ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/db.inc.php ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/config/db.inc.php
- mv ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/main.inc.php ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/config/main.inc.php
- # Restore configuration files for version >= 1.0.0
- mv ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/config.inc.php ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/config/config.inc.php
- # Restore user installed plugins
- for plugin in ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/plugins/*/
- do
- dir=`basename $plugin`
- if [ ! -d ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/plugins/${dir} ]; then
- cp -pR ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/plugins/${dir} ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/plugins/
- fi
- done
- # Restore user installed skins
- for skin in ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/skin/*/
- do
- dir=`basename $skin`
- if [ ! -d ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/skins/${dir} ]; then
- cp -pR ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/skins/${dir} ${WEB_DIR}/${PACKAGE}/skins/
- fi
- done
- rm -fr ${TMP_DIR}/${PACKAGE}
- exit 0
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/service-setup.sh b/spk/roundcube/src/service-setup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..0597c11ccd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/roundcube/src/service-setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+# Package
+SC_DNAME="Roundcube Webmail"
+# Others
+if [ "${SYNOPKG_DSM_VERSION_MAJOR}" -ge 7 ]; then
+ WEB_DIR="/var/services/web_packages"
+ WEB_DIR="/var/services/web"
+ # DSM 6 file and process ownership
+ WEB_USER="http"
+ WEB_GROUP="http"
+exec_php ()
+ PHP="/usr/local/bin/php74"
+ # Define the resource file
+ RESOURCE_FILE="${SYNOPKG_PKGDEST}/web/roundcube.json"
+ # Extract extensions and assign to variable
+ if [ -f "$RESOURCE_FILE" ]; then
+ PHP_SETTINGS=$(jq -r '.extensions | map("-d extension=" + . + ".so") | join(" ")' "$RESOURCE_FILE")
+ else
+ fi
+ # Fix for mysqli default socket on DSM 6
+ if [ ${SYNOPKG_DSM_VERSION_MAJOR} -lt 7 ]; then
+ PHP_SETTINGS="${PHP_SETTINGS} -d mysqli.default_socket=/run/mysqld/mysqld10.sock"
+ fi
+ if [ ${SYNOPKG_DSM_VERSION_MAJOR} -lt 7 ]; then
+ /bin/su "$WEB_USER" -s /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}"
+ else
+ fi
+ return $?
+validate_preinst ()
+ # Check for modification to PHP template defaults on DSM 6
+ if [ ${SYNOPKG_DSM_VERSION_MAJOR} -lt 7 ]; then
+ WS_TMPL_DIR="/var/packages/WebStation/target/misc"
+ WS_TMPL_FILE="php74_fpm.mustache"
+ # Check for PHP template defaults
+ if ! grep -q -E '^user = http$' "${WS_TMPL_PATH}" || ! grep -q -E '^listen\.owner = http$' "${WS_TMPL_PATH}"; then
+ echo "PHP template defaults have been modified. Installation is not supported."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "${SYNOPKG_PKG_STATUS}" = "INSTALL" ]; then
+ if ! ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" -e quit > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Incorrect MySQL 'root' password"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" mysql -e "SELECT User FROM user" | grep ^${MYSQL_USER}$ > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "MySQL user '${MYSQL_USER}' already exists"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" -e "SHOW DATABASES" | grep ^${MYSQL_DATABASE}$ > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "MySQL database '${MYSQL_DATABASE}' already exists"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Check for valid backup to restore
+ if [ "${wizard_roundcube_restore}" = "true" ] && [ -n "${wizard_backup_file}" ]; then
+ if [ ! -f "${wizard_backup_file}" ]; then
+ echo "The backup file path specified is incorrect or not accessible"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Check backup file prefix
+ filename=$(basename "${wizard_backup_file}")
+ expected_prefix="${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}_backup_v"
+ if [ "${filename#"$expected_prefix"}" = "$filename" ]; then
+ echo "The backup filename does not start with the expected prefix"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+service_postinst ()
+ # Web interface setup for DSM 6 -- used by INSTALL and UPGRADE
+ if [ ${SYNOPKG_DSM_VERSION_MAJOR} -lt 7 ]; then
+ # Install the web interface
+ echo "Installing web interface"
+ rsync -aX ${SYNOPKG_PKGDEST}/share/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/ ${WEB_ROOT} 2>&1
+ # Install web configurations
+ WS_CFG_DIR="/usr/syno/etc/packages/WebStation"
+ WS_CFG_FILE="WebStation.json"
+ PHP_CFG_FILE="PHPSettings.json"
+ PHP_PROF_NAME="Default PHP 7.4 Profile"
+ WS_BACKEND="$(jq -r '.default.backend' ${WS_CFG_PATH})"
+ WS_PHP="$(jq -r '.default.php' ${WS_CFG_PATH})"
+ RSYNC_ARCH_ARGS="--backup --suffix=.bak --remove-source-files"
+ # Check if Apache is the selected back-end
+ if [ ! "$WS_BACKEND" = "2" ]; then
+ echo "Set Apache as the back-end server"
+ jq '.default.backend = 2' ${WS_CFG_PATH} > ${TMP_WS_CFG_PATH}
+ rsync -aX ${RSYNC_ARCH_ARGS} ${TMP_WS_CFG_PATH} ${WS_CFG_DIR}/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ # Check if default PHP profile is selected
+ if [ -z "$WS_PHP" ] || [ "$WS_PHP" = "null" ]; then
+ echo "Enable default PHP profile"
+ # Locate default PHP profile
+ PHP_PROF_ID="$(jq -r '. | to_entries[] | select(.value | type == "object" and .profile_desc == "'"$PHP_PROF_NAME"'") | .key' "${PHP_CFG_PATH}")"
+ jq ".default.php = \"$PHP_PROF_ID\"" "${WS_CFG_PATH}" > ${TMP_WS_CFG_PATH}
+ rsync -aX ${RSYNC_ARCH_ARGS} ${TMP_WS_CFG_PATH} ${WS_CFG_DIR}/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ # Check for PHP profile
+ if ! jq -e ".[\"${SC_PKG_NAME}\"]" "${PHP_CFG_PATH}" >/dev/null; then
+ echo "Add PHP profile for ${SC_DNAME}"
+ jq --slurpfile newProfile ${SYNOPKG_PKGDEST}/web/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}.json '.["'"${SC_PKG_NAME}"'"] = $newProfile[0]' ${PHP_CFG_PATH} > ${TMP_PHP_CFG_PATH}
+ rsync -aX ${RSYNC_ARCH_ARGS} ${TMP_PHP_CFG_PATH} ${WS_CFG_DIR}/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ # Check for Apache config
+ if [ ! -f "/usr/local/etc/apache24/sites-enabled/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}.conf" ]; then
+ echo "Add Apache config for ${SC_DNAME}"
+ rsync -aX ${SYNOPKG_PKGDEST}/web/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}.conf /usr/local/etc/apache24/sites-enabled/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ # Restart Apache if configs have changed
+ if [ "$RESTART_APACHE" = "yes" ]; then
+ if jq -e 'to_entries | map(select((.key | startswith("'"${SC_PKG_PREFIX}"'")) and .key != "'"${SC_PKG_NAME}"'")) | length > 0' "${PHP_CFG_PATH}" >/dev/null; then
+ echo " [WARNING] Multiple PHP profiles detected, will require restart of DSM to load new configs"
+ else
+ echo "Restart Apache to load new configs"
+ ${SYNOSVC} --restart pkgctl-Apache2.4
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Clean-up temporary files
+ ${RM} ${TEMPDIR}
+ fi
+ # Fix permissions
+ if [ ${SYNOPKG_DSM_VERSION_MAJOR} -lt 7 ]; then
+ chown -R ${WEB_USER}:${WEB_GROUP} ${WEB_ROOT} 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ "${SYNOPKG_PKG_STATUS}" = "INSTALL" ]; then
+ # Check restore action
+ if [ "${wizard_roundcube_restore}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "The backup file is valid, performing restore"
+ # Extract archive to temp folder
+ tar -xzf "${wizard_backup_file}" -C "${TEMPDIR}" 2>&1
+ # Fix file ownership
+ if [ ${SYNOPKG_DSM_VERSION_MAJOR} -lt 7 ]; then
+ chown -R ${WEB_USER}:${WEB_GROUP} ${TEMPDIR} 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ # Restore configuration file
+ echo "Restoring configuration to ${WEB_DIR}/config"
+ rsync -aX -I ${TEMPDIR}/config/config.inc.php ${CFG_FILE} 2>&1
+ # Restore user installed plugins
+ if [ -n "$(find "${TEMPDIR}/plugins" -maxdepth 0 -type d -not -empty 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+ echo "Restoring user installed plugins to ${WEB_DIR}/plugins"
+ for plugin in "${TEMPDIR}/plugins"/*/
+ do
+ dir=$(basename $plugin)
+ if [ ! -d "${WEB_ROOT}/plugins/${dir}" ]; then
+ rsync -aX -I ${TEMPDIR}/plugins/${dir} ${WEB_ROOT}/plugins/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # Restore user installed skins
+ if [ -n "$(find "${TEMPDIR}/skins" -maxdepth 0 -type d -not -empty 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+ echo "Restoring user installed skins to ${WEB_DIR}/skins"
+ for skin in "${TEMPDIR}/skins"/*/
+ do
+ dir=$(basename $skin)
+ if [ ! -d "${WEB_ROOT}/skins/${dir}" ]; then
+ rsync -aX -I ${TEMPDIR}/skins/${dir} ${WEB_ROOT}/skins/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # Update database password
+ MARIADB_PASSWORD_ESCAPED=$(printf '%s' "${wizard_mysql_password_roundcube}" | sed 's/[&/\]/\\&/g')
+ sed -i "s|\(\$config\['db_dsnw'\] = 'mysqli://roundcube:\)[^@]*\(@unix(/run/mysqld/mysqld10.sock)/roundcube';\)|\1${MARIADB_PASSWORD_ESCAPED}\2|" "${CFG_FILE}"
+ # Restore the Database
+ echo "Restoring database to ${MYSQL_DATABASE}"
+ ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" ${MYSQL_DATABASE} < ${TEMPDIR}/database/${MYSQL_DATABASE}-dbbackup.sql 2>&1
+ # Clean-up temporary files
+ ${RM} "${TEMPDIR}"
+ else
+ # Setup initial database structure
+ ${MYSQL} -u ${MYSQL_USER} -p"${wizard_mysql_password_roundcube}" ${MYSQL_DATABASE} < ${WEB_ROOT}/SQL/mysql.initial.sql
+ # Setup configuration file
+ sed -e "s|^\(\$config\['db_dsnw'\] =\).*$|\1 \'mysqli://roundcube:${wizard_mysql_password_roundcube}@unix(/run/mysqld/mysqld10.sock)/roundcube\';|" \
+ -e "s|^\(\$config\['imap_host'\] =\).*$|\1 \'${wizard_roundcube_imap_host}\';|" \
+ -e "s|^\(\$config\['smtp_host'\] =\).*$|\1 \'${wizard_roundcube_smtp_host}\';|" \
+ -e "s|^\(\$config\['smtp_user'\] =\).*$|\1 \'${wizard_roundcube_smtp_user}\';|" \
+ -e "s|^\(\$config\['smtp_pass'\] =\).*$|\1 \'${wizard_roundcube_smtp_pass}\';|" \
+ ${WEB_ROOT}/config/config.inc.php.sample > ${CFG_FILE}
+ # Fix permissions
+ if [ ${SYNOPKG_DSM_VERSION_MAJOR} -lt 7 ]; then
+ chown -R ${WEB_USER}:${WEB_GROUP} ${WEB_ROOT} 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+validate_preuninst ()
+ # Check database
+ if [ "${SYNOPKG_PKG_STATUS}" = "UNINSTALL" ] && ! ${MYSQL} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" -e quit > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Incorrect MySQL 'root' password"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Check export directory
+ if [ "${SYNOPKG_PKG_STATUS}" = "UNINSTALL" ] && [ -n "${wizard_export_path}" ]; then
+ if [ ! -d "${wizard_export_path}" ]; then
+ # If the export path directory does not exist, create it
+ ${MKDIR} "${wizard_export_path}" || {
+ # If mkdir fails, print an error message and exit
+ echo "Error: Unable to create directory ${wizard_export_path}. Check permissions."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ elif [ ! -w "${wizard_export_path}" ]; then
+ # If the export path directory is not writable, print an error message and exit
+ echo "Error: Unable to write to directory ${wizard_export_path}. Check permissions."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+service_preuninst ()
+ if [ "${SYNOPKG_PKG_STATUS}" = "UNINSTALL" ] && [ -n "${wizard_export_path}" ]; then
+ # Prepare archive structure
+ if [ -f "/var/packages/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/INFO" ]; then
+ SC_PKG_VER=$(awk -F'"' '/version=/ {split($2, v, "-"); print v[1]}' "/var/packages/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/INFO")
+ fi
+ TEMPDIR="${SYNOPKG_PKGTMP}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}_backup_v${SC_PKG_VER}_$(date +"%Y%m%d")"
+ # Backup the configuration file
+ echo "Copying previous configuration from ${WEB_ROOT}/config"
+ ${MKDIR} "${TEMPDIR}/config"
+ rsync -aX ${CFG_FILE} ${TEMPDIR}/config/ 2>&1
+ # Save user installed plugins
+ echo "Copying user installed plugins from ${WEB_ROOT}/plugins"
+ ${MKDIR} ${TEMPDIR}/plugins
+ for plugin in "${WEB_ROOT}/plugins"/*/
+ do
+ dir=$(basename $plugin)
+ if [ ! -d "${SYNOPKG_PKGDEST}/share/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/plugins/${dir}" ]; then
+ rsync -aX ${WEB_ROOT}/plugins/${dir} ${TEMPDIR}/plugins/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ done
+ # Save user installed skins
+ echo "Copying user installed skins from ${WEB_ROOT}/skins"
+ ${MKDIR} ${TEMPDIR}/skins
+ for skin in "${WEB_ROOT}/skins"/*/
+ do
+ dir=$(basename $skin)
+ if [ ! -d "${SYNOPKG_PKGDEST}/share/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/skins/${dir}" ]; then
+ rsync -aX ${WEB_ROOT}/skins/${dir} ${TEMPDIR}/skins/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ done
+ # Backup the Database
+ echo "Copying previous database from ${MYSQL_DATABASE}"
+ ${MKDIR} "${TEMPDIR}/database"
+ ${MYSQLDUMP} -u root -p"${wizard_mysql_password_root}" ${MYSQL_DATABASE} > ${TEMPDIR}/database/${MYSQL_DATABASE}-dbbackup.sql 2>&1
+ # Create backup archive
+ archive_name="$(basename "$TEMPDIR").tar.gz"
+ echo "Creating compressed archive of ${SC_DNAME} data in file $archive_name"
+ tar -C "$TEMPDIR" -czf "${SYNOPKG_PKGTMP}/$archive_name" . 2>&1
+ # Move archive to export directory
+ RSYNC_BAK_ARGS="--backup --suffix=.bak"
+ rsync -aX ${RSYNC_BAK_ARGS} "${SYNOPKG_PKGTMP}/$archive_name" "${wizard_export_path}/" 2>&1
+ echo "Backup file copied successfully to ${wizard_export_path}"
+ # Clean-up temporary files
+ ${RM} "${TEMPDIR}"
+ ${RM} "${SYNOPKG_PKGTMP}/$archive_name"
+ fi
+service_postuninst ()
+ # Web interface removal for DSM 6 -- used by UNINSTALL and UPGRADE
+ if [ ${SYNOPKG_DSM_VERSION_MAJOR} -lt 7 ]; then
+ # Remove the web interface
+ echo "Removing web interface"
+ ${RM} ${WEB_ROOT}
+ # Remove web configurations
+ WS_CFG_DIR="/usr/syno/etc/packages/WebStation"
+ PHP_CFG_FILE="PHPSettings.json"
+ RSYNC_ARCH_ARGS="--backup --suffix=.bak --remove-source-files"
+ # Check for PHP profile
+ if jq -e ".[\"${SC_PKG_NAME}\"]" "${PHP_CFG_PATH}" >/dev/null; then
+ echo "Removing PHP profile for ${SC_DNAME}"
+ jq 'del(.["'"${SC_PKG_NAME}"'"])' ${PHP_CFG_PATH} > ${TMP_PHP_CFG_PATH}
+ rsync -aX ${RSYNC_ARCH_ARGS} ${TMP_PHP_CFG_PATH} ${WS_CFG_DIR}/ 2>&1
+ ${RM} "${WS_CFG_DIR}/php_profile/${SC_PKG_NAME}"
+ fi
+ # Check for Apache config
+ if [ -f "/usr/local/etc/apache24/sites-enabled/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}.conf" ]; then
+ echo "Removing Apache config for ${SC_DNAME}"
+ ${RM} /usr/local/etc/apache24/sites-enabled/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}.conf
+ fi
+ # Restart Apache if configs have changed
+ if [ "$RESTART_APACHE" = "yes" ]; then
+ if jq -e 'to_entries | map(select((.key | startswith("'"${SC_PKG_PREFIX}"'")) and .key != "'"${SC_PKG_NAME}"'")) | length > 0' "${PHP_CFG_PATH}" >/dev/null; then
+ echo " [WARNING] Multiple PHP profiles detected, will require restart of DSM to load new configs"
+ else
+ echo "Restart Apache to load new configs"
+ ${SYNOSVC} --restart pkgctl-Apache2.4
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Clean-up temporary files
+ ${RM} ${TEMPDIR}
+ fi
+service_save ()
+ # Prepare temp folder
+ # Save pre 1.0.0 configuration files
+ if [ -f "${WEB_ROOT}/config/db.inc.php" ]; then
+ rsync -aX ${WEB_ROOT}/config/db.inc.php ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${WEB_ROOT}/config/main.inc.php" ]; then
+ rsync -aX ${WEB_ROOT}/config/main.inc.php ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ # Save configuration files for version >= 1.0.0
+ # Save user installed plugins
+ for plugin in "${WEB_ROOT}/plugins"/*/
+ do
+ dir=$(basename $plugin)
+ if [ ! -d "${SYNOPKG_PKGDEST}/share/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/plugins/${dir}" ]; then
+ rsync -aX ${WEB_ROOT}/plugins/${dir} ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/plugins/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ done
+ # Save user installed skins
+ for skin in "${WEB_ROOT}/skins"/*/
+ do
+ dir=$(basename $skin)
+ if [ ! -d "${SYNOPKG_PKGDEST}/share/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/skins/${dir}" ]; then
+ rsync -aX ${WEB_ROOT}/skins/${dir} ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/skins/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ done
+service_restore ()
+ # Restore pre 1.0.0 configuration files, still 1.0.0 compatible
+ if [ -f "${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/db.inc.php" ]; then
+ rsync -aX -I ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/db.inc.php ${WEB_ROOT}/config/db.inc.php 2>&1
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/main.inc.php" ]; then
+ rsync -aX -I ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/main.inc.php ${WEB_ROOT}/config/main.inc.php 2>&1
+ fi
+ # Restore configuration files for version >= 1.0.0
+ rsync -aX -I ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/config.inc.php ${CFG_FILE} 2>&1
+ # Restore user installed plugins
+ if [ -n "$(find "${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/plugins" -maxdepth 0 -type d -not -empty 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+ for plugin in "${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/plugins"/*/
+ do
+ dir=$(basename $plugin)
+ if [ ! -d "${WEB_ROOT}/plugins/${dir}" ]; then
+ rsync -aX -I ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/plugins/${dir} ${WEB_ROOT}/plugins/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # Restore user installed skins
+ if [ -n "$(find "${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/skins" -maxdepth 0 -type d -not -empty 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+ do
+ dir=$(basename $skin)
+ if [ ! -d "${WEB_ROOT}/skins/${dir}" ]; then
+ rsync -aX -I ${SYNOPKG_TEMP_UPGRADE_FOLDER}/${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}/skins/${dir} ${WEB_ROOT}/skins/ 2>&1
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/web/roundcube.conf b/spk/roundcube/src/web/roundcube.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cc1152fdfef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/roundcube/src/web/roundcube.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Alias "/roundcube" "/var/services/web/roundcube"
+ ProxySet timeout=3600
+ SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://roundcube"
+ DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.html
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/web/roundcube.json b/spk/roundcube/src/web/roundcube.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae74ec8a6b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/roundcube/src/web/roundcube.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "backend": 8,
+ "custom_open_basedir": false,
+ "display_errors": false,
+ "enable_cache": true,
+ "enable_xdebug": false,
+ "extensions": [
+ "curl",
+ "exif",
+ "gd",
+ "iconv",
+ "imagick",
+ "intl",
+ "ldap",
+ "mysqli",
+ "openssl",
+ "pdo_mysql",
+ "sockets",
+ "zip"
+ ],
+ "fpm_settings": {
+ "max_children": 20,
+ "max_spare_servers": 3,
+ "min_spare_servers": 1,
+ "mode": "dynamic",
+ "start_servers": 2
+ },
+ "open_basedir": "",
+ "php_settings": {
+ "mysqli.default_socket": "/run/mysqld/mysqld10.sock"
+ },
+ "profile_desc": "PHP Profile for roundcube",
+ "profile_name": "roundcube Profile"
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/install_uifile b/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/install_uifile
deleted file mode 100644
index f843dbe6bf0..00000000000
--- a/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/install_uifile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- "step_title": "Roundcube database configuration",
- "items": [{
- "type": "password",
- "desc": "Enter your MySQL password.",
- "subitems": [{
- "key": "wizard_mysql_password_root",
- "desc": "Root password"
- }]
- }, {
- "type": "password",
- "desc": "A 'roundcube' MySQL user and database will be created. Please enter a password for the 'roundcube' user.",
- "subitems": [{
- "key": "wizard_mysql_password_roundcube",
- "desc": "Roundcube password"
- }]
- }]
-}, {
- "step_title": "Roundcube hosts configuration",
- "items": [{
- "type": "textfield",
- "desc": "Log-in IMAP server. Leave blank to show a textbox at login. (Sample usage: 'ssl://imap.gmail.com:993', 'localhost', or blank)",
- "subitems": [{
- "key": "wizard_roundcube_default_host",
- "desc": "Default host"
- }]
- }, {
- "type": "textfield",
- "desc": "SMTP server. (Sample usage: 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com', 'localhost', or blank for PHP mail() function)",
- "subitems": [{
- "key": "wizard_roundcube_smtp_server",
- "desc": "SMTP server",
- "defaultValue": "localhost"
- }]
- }]
-}, {
- "step_title": "Roundcube SMTP configuration",
- "items": [{
- "type": "textfield",
- "desc": "SMTP port (default is 25; 465 for SSL; 587 for submission)",
- "subitems": [{
- "key": "wizard_roundcube_smtp_port",
- "desc": "SMTP port",
- "defaultValue": "25",
- "validator": {
- "allowBlank": false
- }
- }]
- }, {
- "type": "textfield",
- "desc": "SMTP username (if required)",
- "subitems": [{
- "key": "wizard_roundcube_smtp_user",
- "desc": "SMTP username"
- }]
- }, {
- "type": "password",
- "desc": "SMTP password (if required)",
- "subitems": [{
- "key": "wizard_roundcube_smtp_pass",
- "desc": "SMTP password"
- }]
- }]
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/install_uifile.sh b/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/install_uifile.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2162503e53f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/install_uifile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+# for backwards compatability
+if [ -z "${SYNOPKG_PKGDEST_VOL}" ]; then
+quote_json ()
+ sed -e 's|\\|\\\\|g' -e 's|\"|\\\"|g'
+page_append ()
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo "$2"
+ elif [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ echo "$1"
+ else
+ echo "$1,$2"
+ fi
+TYPE_STEP_TITLE="Roundcube Webmail installation type"
+DATABASE_STEP_TITLE="Roundcube Webmail database configuration"
+HOST_STEP_TITLE="Roundcube Webmail hosts configuration"
+SMTP_STEP_TITLE="Roundcube Webmail SMTP configuration"
+CONFIRM_STEP_TITLE="Roundcube Webmail confirm restore"
+PHP_STEP_TITLE="Multiple PHP profiles"
+RESTORE_ERROR_TEXT="An empty file path is not allowed when restore is enabled."
+ CHECK_BACKUP_RESTORE=$(/bin/cat<= 0 ; i--) {
+ var step = wizardDialog.getStep(wizardDialog.customuiIds[i]);
+ if (title === step.headline) {
+ return step;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ function isRestoreChecked(wizardDialog) {
+ var typeStep = findStepByTitle(wizardDialog, "${TYPE_STEP_TITLE}");
+ if (!typeStep) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return typeStep.getComponent("${RESTORE_BACKUP_FILE}").checked;
+ }
+ }
+ ACTIVAETE=$(/bin/cat< 0' "${PHP_CFG_PATH}" >/dev/null; then
+ return 0 # true
+ else
+ return 1 # false
+ fi
+main "$@"
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/uninstall_uifile b/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/uninstall_uifile
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e7d85e4d3..00000000000
--- a/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/uninstall_uifile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- "step_title": "Remove Roundcube database",
- "items": [{
- "desc": "Attention: The roundcube database will be removed during package uninstallation. All mailbox settings and contacts will be deleted."
- }, {
- "type": "password",
- "desc": "Enter your MySQL password",
- "subitems": [{
- "key": "wizard_mysql_password_root",
- "desc": "Root password"
- }]
- }, {
- "type": "textfield",
- "desc": "Optional: Provide directory for database export. Leave blank to skip export. The directory will be created if it does not exist",
- "subitems": [{
- "key": "wizard_dbexport_path",
- "desc": "Database export location",
- "validator": {
- "allowBlank": true,
- "regex": {
- "expr": "/^\\\/volume[0-9]+\\\//",
- "errorText": "Path should begin with /volume?/ with ? the number of the volume"
- }
- }
- }]
- }]
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/uninstall_uifile.sh b/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/uninstall_uifile.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d18098b298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/uninstall_uifile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# for backwards compatability
+if [ "${SYNOPKG_DSM_VERSION_MAJOR}" -lt 7 ]; then
+ if [ -z "${SYNOPKG_PKGDEST_VOL}" ]; then
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${SYNOPKG_PKGNAME}" ]; then
+ SYNOPKG_PKGNAME="roundcube"
+ fi
+quote_json ()
+ sed -e 's|\\|\\\\|g' -e 's|\"|\\\"|g'
+page_append ()
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo "$2"
+ elif [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ echo "$1"
+ else
+ echo "$1,$2"
+ fi
+ERROR_TEXT="Path should begin with /volume?/ with ? the number of the volume"
+main "$@"
diff --git a/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/upgrade_uifile b/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/upgrade_uifile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..90d2683e3d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spk/roundcube/src/wizard/upgrade_uifile
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "step_title": "Roundcube Webmail upgrade",
+ "items": [{
+ "desc": "The upgrading process ensures that your configurations and files are saved prior to updating your setup."
+ }, {
+ "type": "multiselect",
+ "subitems": [{
+ "key": "wizard_create_db",
+ "desc": "Creates initial DB",
+ "defaultValue": false,
+ "hidden": true
+ }, {
+ "key": "mysql_grant_user",
+ "desc": "Initializes user rights",
+ "defaultValue": false,
+ "hidden": true
+ }]
+ }]