DjangoLaunch is a Robot Framework library for starting and stoppping Django.
It has been forked from
Keywords are documented in Robot Framework Django Launch Keyword Documentation.
Install with:
pip install robotframework-djangolaunch
An example using robotframework-browser:
*** Variables *** ${SERVER} http://localhost:55001 *** Settings *** Documentation Django Robot Tests Library DjangoLaunch 55001 settings=mysite.robotframework_settings Library Browser Suite Setup Open Django and Browser Suite Teardown Close Django and Browser *** Keywords *** Open Django and Browser Start Django New Persistent Context Close Django and Browser Close Browser Stop Django *** Test Cases *** Scenario: As a visitor I can visit the django default page New Page ${SERVER} Get Element text=Hello, World
The GitHub project main workflow has a live example on how to install dependencies and runt it.
Copyright kitconcept GmbH.
Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0, robotframework-djangolaunch is free and Open Source software.
This library was developed by Timo Stollenwerk at kitconcept.