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liuche edited this page Aug 9, 2019 · 10 revisions

QA Test Plan:

FFTV Commandline Launch

To launch FFTV from the commandline, use the following command:

adb shell am start -n -a android.intent.action.MAIN

Any of the flags mentioned in this page can be added to the end of this command. When testing on a debug build, remember to use the correct package name:

adb shell am start -n -a android.intent.action.MAIN

Fretboard Experiments

We run A/B tests in FFTV, but in testing we want the ability to launch the FFTV app with a specific experiment branch, so we can test/verify specific changes (rather than hoping to be put into a specific bucket).

FFTV can be started from commandline with experiment branches specified (with some sample experiments included):

adb shell am start -n -a android.intent.action.MAIN --esa qaActiveExperiments TvGuideChannels-2195:B,HintBar-2011:A

Experiment input is of the format (and the list must be comma-separated, no spaces): experimentName:branch


  • experimentName: experiment names can be found in this config file
  • branch: this determines which branch of the experiment will be launched (this is inconsistent: for TV Guide channels, branch B will show the channels; for HintBar, branch A will show the hint bar)


  • If you set an override with this command, the app will remain with that set of specified experiments, until either another override with a different set of experiments is run, or the app data is cleared.
  • App must be restarted to guarantee the changes show.

This functionality was added in #2320.

Pocket background fetch

To make testing the Pocket background fetch easier, we have exposed a way to set the delay to a specified number of seconds. You can start the app with a custom intent through the command line with this command:

adb shell am start -n -a android.intent.action.MAIN --el qaFetchDelaySeconds 10

The important flag here is qaFetchDelaySeconds, which is the number of seconds from now that you want the fetch to happen.

When you run this command, the specified fetch will only happen once. This ensures that we do not accidentally leave this build installed and end up spamming the server. The next time you open the app, it will return to the regular production fetch schedule. This means that everytime you want a customized delay, you need to open the app with this command. Another thing to note is that Pocket only updates their videos every 6 hours currently, so the content will not change every time you fetch. If you uninstall the app, you will see the default videos, and then can test fetching the new content.

This functionality was added in #2325.

Locale Selection

To make it easier to test locale-restricted features, we've added a option to set the locale when launching FFTV through the command line. You can select any of the locales in this file with the qaSelectedLocale flag:

adb shell am start -n -a android.intent.action.MAIN --es qaSelectedLocale zh-CN

This will change only the locale of the application, not the actual device. Exiting the app will reset the locale to the device default.

Note: If there are any calls to get the current locale before the intent is processed, there may be odd behavior from decisions made before the new locale is set.

This functionality was added in #2418.

Making GV builds

To build: ./gradlew assemblegeckodebug

And the output will be: app/build/outputs/apk/gecko/debug/app-gecko-debug.apk

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