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Releases: moseskarunia/cornerstone


05 Mar 16:31
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[2.0.0-nullsafety.1] - 4 March 2021

  • New: Null-safety! To use, update your dart version to >=2.12.0, or use flutter 2.0.0
  • Update: [CornerstonePersistentRepositoryMixin] If load is called on empty storage, will return a nicer Failure.


24 Feb 14:36
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[1.1.1] - 24 February 2021

  • Fix: Properly export CornerstoneException.


24 Feb 13:51
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  • New: CornerstoneException, a common exception model to make repository layer even more decoupled.
  • Update: Bump json_serialization dependency to ^3.1.1


02 Feb 11:39
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  • Breaking: CornerstonePersistentRepositoryMixin's loadData() is now removed. You just need to add dependency of convertToSnapshot to persistent repository with CornerstonePersistentRepositoryMixin. The mixin now handles loading data, and assigning it to repo.snapshot (Means less code to write!). The snapshot is now named snapshot, and declared in the mixin (you can override it). If you want to use other names for snapshot, you need to override load. You can override snapshot if you want to assign default value to it (See auto_persistent_people_repository.dart in example).
  • First stable release of cornerstone! From now on, breaking changes will only introduced with new major version.


20 Jan 07:52
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cornerstone-v0.1.2 Pre-release
  • New: CornerstonePersistentRepositoryMixin to easily add persistence functionality to your repos. Made possible using Hive.
  • New: Hive as a dependency for CornerstonePersistentRepositoryMixin.
  • New: ConvertExceptionToFailure. A mockable & reusable exception -> failure converter. This way if you have a lot of functions in a repo, doesn't need to keep testing each function for its error handling.
  • New: CornerstoneSnapshot. You can use it as base class for your repositories. It have built-in convenience like timestamp.
  • New: Example project has been updated to also includes CornerstonePersistentRepositoryMixin usage.