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This was a work in progress status report on getting ROS onto ev3dev using brickstrap. Now it's become the main instructions on how to use brickstrap to build the ros_comm packages for ev3-dev

These steps have been tested in Ubuntu 16.04.1

Install brickstrap
  1. Follow the ev3dev tutorial for installing brickstrap. n:

  2. Set up a new brickstrap space to work i

  • the -p option allows you to name this workspace
  • the -c option is for which board your using, ev3-ev3dev-jessie is for the Lego EV3.
user@host$ brickstrap -p ev3dev-jessie -c ev3 create-rootfs

This command takes a few minutes.

  1. Enter the brickstrap shell:
user@host$ brickstrap -p ev3dev-jessie -c ev3 shell
Install ros_comm

Once inside of a brickstrap shell:

  1. Install some basics, needed to build and extract further dependencies. Change into host-rootfs (explained in brickstrap tutorial)
(brickstrap)root@host# cd /host-rootfs/home/user
(brickstrap)root@host# apt-get update
(brickstrap)root@host# apt-get install unzip bzip2 build-essential
  1. Install the ROS system dependencies using apt-get install.
    I've added them in list so that they can be updated and maintained easily.
(brickstrap)root@host# wget
(brickstrap)root@host# bash ros-dependencies.debs
  1. Next install the some python packages available through pip
(brickstrap)root@host# pip install -U rosdep rosinstall_generator wstool rosinstall catkin_pkg rospkg
  1. sbcl needs to be downloaded, there is a armel binary available for 1.2.7
    Downlad, unpack it, change to the directory and run the install script:
(brickstrap)root@host# wget
(brickstrap)root@host# tar -xjf sbcl-1.2.7-armel-linux-binary.tar.bz2
(brickstrap)root@host# cd sbcl-1.2.7-armel-linux
(brickstrap)root@host# INSTALL_ROOT=/usr/local sh
(brickstrap)root@host# cd ..
  1. Initialize rosdep:
(brickstrap)root@host# rosdep init
  1. Debian jessie is not officially supported by ROS, so we need to change where it will look for some packages
    Open the 20-default.list file:
(brickstrap)root@host# nano /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/20-default.list

Add the following line to the beginning, in the os-specific listing section.

# os-specific listings first

update rosdep.

(brickstrap)root@host# rosdep update
  1. I created and changed to a new directory ros_comm, just to keep things organized.
    Then create the rosinstall file, initialize the ros workspace, and check the ros dependencies are all met. Note: only ros_comm and common_msgs will be installed, if you need more, add them to rosinstall_generator command.
(brickstrap)root@host# mkdir ros_comm && cd ros_comm
(brickstrap)root@host# rosinstall_generator ros_comm common_msgs --rosdistro kinetic --deps --wet-only --tar > kinetic-ros_comm-wet.rosinstall
(brickstrap)root@host# wstool init src kinetic-ros_comm-wet.rosinstall
(brickstrap)root@host# rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic -y --os=debian:jessie
  1. It's time to install ros using catkin_make_isolated.
(brickstrap)root@host# ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install --install-space /opt/ros/kinetic -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

This step might take a while.

  1. Exit the brickstrap shell and create a tar of the brickstrap rootfs and a disk image from the tar. The python bindings for ev3dev are available by default. If you need c++, see section below and return to this step later.
(brickstrap)root@host# exit
user@host$ brickstrap create-tar
user@host$ brickstrap create-image
  1. Create an SD card from the image, there are two ways to do this:
Install ev3dev-lang-cpp

ev3dev-lang-cpp is the c++ language bindings for ev3dev. Here are unofficial installation instructions. Run these instructions inside of the brickstrap shell from above. If you've closed your brickstrap shell, install brickstrap step 3 will open a new one.

  1. Clone ev3dev-lang-cpp

    (brickstrap)root@host# git clone
  2. Patch the CMakeLists.txt. By default ev3dev-lang-cpp creates a static library which is not installed. This patch creates a shared library and adds install for the library and header file.

    (brickstrap)root@host# cd ev3dev-lang-cpp
    (brickstrap)root@host# wget
    (brickstrap)root@host# git apply install_ev3dev_shared_library_CMakeLists.patch
  3. Build and install.

    (brickstrap)root@host# mkdir build
    (brickstrap)root@host# cd build
    (brickstrap)root@host# cmake ..
    (brickstrap)root@host# make
    (brickstrap)root@host# make install
  4. Return to install ros_comm step 9.


Don't forget to source setup.bash and export ROS_MASTER_URI.

TODO: test export ROS_LANG_DISABLE=genlisp to speedup catkin_make_isolated

ROSCORE is not working on the ev3. I don't know if it's possible or when I will have a chance to investigate further.

Running roscore on a laptop, I was able to run the rospy tutorials talker and listener on the ev3.
I've uploaded a video here of the talker/listener running.

I set all the ip addresses of the machines and ev3 in /etc/hosts, might be my own networking issue.