1. Given array A of n integers and given a number X, find out if there is a pair of elements (a,b), whose summation is equal to X. If yes, the program should return True otherwise False.
A = [-8, 1, 4, 6, 10, 45]
X = 16, Output= True
def check(l, x):
s = set()
for e in l:
if x-e in s:
return True
return False
2. There is given non-empty array A of N arrays of two numbers. First number in inner array is always smaller than the second. The task is to write a program to compute the output array with all inner overlapping lists merged.
Example inputs :
[[1,2], [7,8], [3,4], [2,6], [100,300], [200, 305], [500, 515], [490,550]]
[[1,2], [2,6], [3,4],[7,8],[100,300], [200, 305], [500, 515]]
(output: [(1,6), (7,8), (100, 305), (490, 550)])
def merger(couples):
i = 0
while i<len(couples)-1:
if couples[i][1]>=couples[i+1][0]:
couples[i][1] = max(couples[i+1][1], couples[i][1])
i += 1
return couples
3.You have two SQL tables: producers and perfumes.
The producers dataset :
producer_name perfume_name
producer_1 perfume_1
producer_1 perfume_2
producer_2 perfume_3
producer_2 perfume_4
producer_2 perfume_5
producer_3 perfume_6
The perfumes dataset:
perfume_name sold_bottles
perfume_1 1000
perfume_2 1500
perfume_3 34000
perfume_4 29000
perfume_5 40000
perfume_6 4400
Create an SQL query that shows the TOP 3 producers who sold the most perfumes in total.
SELECT producer_name, SUM(perfumes.sold_bottles) AS sum_perfumes FROM producers, perfumes WHERE producers.perfume_name=perfumes.perfume_name GROUP BY producer_name SORT ASCENDING LIMIT 3
4.We will see N=100 job candidates whose levels are random between 0 and 10. We see the candidates one-by-one, and after seeing each candidate, we have to make a decision on the spot whether to hire this candidate or not. This decision is irrevocable and we cannot change our mind later! Our policy for selecting a candidate is the following:
* Reject the first R candidates, for some value R.
* Then hire the first one we see that is better than the best among the first R.
Write a program that finds the value of R that is _maximizing the probability to hire the best out of the N candidates_ using simulations.
import random
def simulate(candidates, r):
best_among_first_r = max(candidates[:r])
for i, val in enumerate(candidates[r:]):
if val > best_among_first_r:
if val==max(candidates[i:]):
return 1
return 0
return 0
def run_n_simulations_for_r(n, r):
sum = 0
for i in range(n):
candidates = [random.randint(0,10) for i in range(100)]
sum += simulate(candidates, r)
return sum/n
def try_rs():
scores = [run_n_simulations_for_r(1000,r) for r in range(0,100)]