Releases: molgenis/molgenis-pipelines
Releases · molgenis/molgenis-pipelines
Demultiplexing pipeline 2.1.2
- fix bug in writing .finished file to correct logs directory
- fixing cronjob
- added copying data to molgenis06
NGS_RNA-3.2.2 (Frog)
- Variant calling per chromosome
- bugfixes for qc statistics per sample in qc report
- readme text updated
- automated detection of strandedness based on prepKit
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NGS_RNA-3.2.1 (elephant)
- more flexibility between genome build
- more flexibility for running the pipeline on different animals
- added pipeline version to QC report
- added tool versions to the genarated README
- bugfix for Flagstat and Hisat statistics in QC report
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Demultiplexing pipeline 2.1.1
- small fix in moving data to results dir (before: everything from intermediateDir was moved into results dir, now only sample specific results)
NGS_DNA-3.2.1 pipeline (Caribou)
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Major changes:
- Replaced Picard tools SortBam, MergeBam and MarkDuplicates for Sambamba tools
- renamed CheckSex protocol to GenderCheck
- Splitted the metrics calculations
- added CramConversion (turned off in workflow)
- added CoveragePerTarget
- updated to new compute version v15.12.4
- upgraded to Java 8
Minor changes + bugfixes
- fixed GenderCheck for a WGS sample
- extended walltime for Delly and added more memory
- changed PERCENTAGE_DUPLICATES to PERCENT_DUPLICATION in dedup metrics (QC report)
- added new batch options (per chr or 1 batch)
- added #string project to every protocol
- fixed VariantCalling bug (sex is Unknown bug)
Demultiplexing pipeline 2.1.0
Added automated scripts to start the pipeline automatically when the sequencer is finished.
small bugfixes
Made a pipeline that is getting the Utrecht data out of the sFTP, then filter the data and run a tool (NIPTeR) that does the calculation and finally creating a html and pdf file
Demultiplexing pipeline 2.0.2
Fix for 5GPM samples (with no barcode)
NGS_DNA-3.1.2 pipeline (Bison)
- UPDATED the old version numbers, newest NGS_DNA version is now in the directory NGS_DNA
- added DellyAnnotator
- fixed >200-samples issue
- added pipeline version to QCReport
- bugfixes
- removed IndelRealigment step
- splitted collect metrics step into 4 steps
Demultiplexing pipeline 2.0.1
rewrote protocols written in freemarker template to bash code