Releases: molgenis/NGS_DNA
4.0.2 (GATK4 pipeline)
- updated all tool versions for running on gearshift
3.5.5 (Uakari)
replaced hard filter FS for SOR
- for indels: "FS > 200.0" is now "SOR > 10.0"
- for snps: "FS > 60.0" is now "SOR > 3.0"
added fastQ information to the header of the vcf
added gendercheck information to resultsfolder (was not in resultsfolder before)
3.5.4 (Tiger)
requesting resources for a protocol is now handled via a parameters file (bigger datasets sometimes require more resources). all #MOLGENIS headers are removed from the protocols. This can now be used with the new Molgenis-Compute (see below)
reads with a mapping quality below 20 will not be used in calculating coverage
new Molgenis-Compute-19.01.1-Java-11.0.2 version (before: Molgenis-Compute-17.08.1-Java-1.8.0_74)
- (diagnostics) fixing ONCO_v5 issue. The pipeline will execute genderCheck automatically when there is chrX available. ONCO_v5 has only a very small percentage of targets on chrX which is not reliable enough. fix: when ONCO, no GenderCheck
- rejected samples (due to no or 0.0% reads for a barcode) were not removed from the samplesheet.
- Gavin bugfix: when choosing option BOTH the merged INFO fields will be pasted directly to the other INFO fields without a separator, this is now fixed (with perl replace command)
3.5.3 (Scorpion)
- Documentation updates
- Fix in copying the vcf files for the concordance check
3.5.2 (Rhino)
- added GavinStandAlone to the NGS_DNA repo
- updated docs
- tiny bugs in the dependencies in the workflow
- bugfix in GenderCalculate, when there is noChrX it will produces an error due to missing initialisation of a variable
- Gavin output will be outputted in compressed format due to issues with downstream analysis
3.5.1 (Quetzal)
MarkDuplicates: lanes from same sample are merged instead of per lane
first version of CartegeniaTree (NOT IN USE by diagnostics)
Determine trio's (using VCFped,
using vcfanno for annotation of the variants ( (Field names are between round brackets)
- gnomAD gnomAD_Hom, gnomAD_Hemi, gnomAD_AN, gnomAD_exome_AF_MAX, gnomAD_exome_RF_Filter,EXAC_AF)
- CGD CGD_Condition, CGD_Inheritance, CGD_AgeGroup, CGD_Manfest_cat, CGD_invent_cat, invent_rat)
- Clinvar (clinvar_dn, clinvar_isdb, clinvar_hgvs, clinvar_sig)
new version of GAVIN (
- CGD_26jun2018.txt.gz
- clinvar.vkgl.patho.26june2018.vcf.gz
- FDR_allGenes_r1.2.tsv
- GAVIN_calibrations_r0.5.tsv
updated tools
- SnpEff/4.3t-Java-1.8.0_74
- multiqc/1.6
- gavin-plus/1.5.0-Java-1.8.0_74
- ngs-utils/18.06.2
- BCFtools/1.6-foss-2015b
new tools:
- created folder that can be picked up by ChronQC for long time statistics
- removing rejected samples out of samplesheet ( if samples will be rejected this will be mailed to mailing group)
- added cram index file
- added single read functionality
- some data will be moved directly to resultsfolder (bam,cram,fastqc,gVCF)
3.4.4 (Pelican)
- docs
- changed prm/cluster for diagnostics
- decreased resources used in some protocols
- removed unused workflows (gonl/hmf)
- removed crashing the pipeline on the genderCheck, now instead it will drop an email and the gender that is calculated will be the "truth" while continuining the pipeline
- added coverage check, when more than 10% of the targets are below 20x coverage, the sample will be rejected (writing to ${sampleNameID}.rejected )
- added check if bedfile exists
- CopyToResultsDir: copying rejectedSamples => misplaced quote
- removed FIFO pipe in prepareFastQ step since this sometimes occurs in an error
3.4.3 (Okapi)
GeneNetwork annotation step
new QCReport (MultiQC)
included track and trace in header and footer
panels and exomes can now be in one project
fixing phiX concordance check
3.4.2 (Nightingale)
Updated data staging prm->tmp in NGS_DNA and removed this from NGS_Automated.
updated test (is now testing for both external_samples as in-house samples)
added startFromVcf part to the pipeline
NGS_DNA 3.4.1 (Mandrill)
- created trackNtrace header/footer + removal of cutadapt in PrepareFastQ
- fix for not having a vcf index issue
- removing EBROOTSAMBAMBA since it is added to the PATH
- added gender check alarm when samplesheet says e.g. Male and calculated gender is Female
- changing output in PrepareFastQ step since it has storage issues when deploying multiple big jobs
- added M&M part to QCReport
- added set -eu to first rocket
- changed generate_template (it will now work with named arguments)