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Project 2: B+ Trees

This project is due: Friday, 2/21/2020, 11:59 PM.


In this project, you will be implementing B+ tree indices.


You should watch the B+ Trees lectures before working on this project.

Getting Started

The project files you'll be making changes to are all located in src/main/java/edu/berkeley/cs186/database/index. See the section "Submitting the Assignment" for a full list of the files we'll be grading you on. The test cases for this project are all located in src/test/java/edu/berkeley/cs186/database/index. To build and test your code in the container, run the following inside /cs186/sp20-moocbase:

git pull origin master
mvn clean test -D proj=2

There should be 16 failures, 4 errors, and 20 tests run.

It is essential that you run git pull in the /cs186/sp20-moocbase directory before starting work on this project to get the most recent updates.

Understanding the Skeleton Code

The index directory contains a partial implementation of an Alternative 2 B+ tree (BPlusTree), an implementation that you will complete in this project. Every B+ tree maps keys of type DataBox (a single value or "cell" in a table) to values of type RecordId. A B+ tree is composed of inner nodes (InnerNode) and leaf nodes (LeafNode). Every B+ tree is persisted to disk (through the Buffer Manager and Disk Space Manager), and every inner node and leaf node is stored on its own page. Calls are done through BPlusTree, which propagate through zero or more InnerNodes, and eventually terminate at a LeafNode.

Both LeafNode and InnerNode inherit from BPlusNode, which has some useful methods implemented already.

You should read through all of the code in the index directory. Many comments contain critical information on how you must implement certain functions. For example, BPlusNode::put specifies how to redistribute entries after a split. You are responsible for reading these comments. If you do not obey the comments, you will lose points. Here are a few of the most notable points:

  • Our implementation of B+ trees does not support duplicate keys. You will throw an exception whenever a duplicate key is inserted.
  • Our implementation of B+ trees assumes that inner nodes and leaf nodes can be serialized on a single page. You do not have to support nodes that span multiple pages.
  • Our implementation of delete does not rebalance the tree. Thus, the invariant that all non-root leaf nodes in a B+ tree of order d contain between d and 2d entries is broken. Note that actual B+ trees do rebalance after deletion, but we will not be implementing rebalancing trees in this project for the sake of simplicity.

LockContext objects

There are a couple of points in this project, where a method will take in objects of the type LockContext. You do not need to worry too much about these objects right now; they will become more relevant in Project 4.

If there are any methods you wish to call that require these objects, use the ones passed in to the method you are implementing, or defined in the class of the method you are implementing (this.lockContext for BPlusTree and this.treeContext for InnerNode and LeafNode).

B+ Tree

You should first implement the fromBytes in LeafNode. This method reads a LeafNode from a page. For information on how a leaf node is serialized, see LeafNode::toBytes. For an example on how to read a node from disk, see InnerNode::fromBytes. Once you have implemented fromBytes, you should be passing testToAndFromBytes.

After implementing fromBytes, you will need to implement the following methods in LeafNode, InnerNode, and BPlusTree:

  • get
  • getLeftmostLeaf (LeafNode and InnerNode only)
  • put
  • remove
  • bulkLoad

For information on what these methods should do, refer to the comments in BPlusTree and BPlusNode. Do not forget to call sync when implementing the three mutating methods (put, remove, and bulkLoad); it's easy to forget.

Each of these methods, although split into three different classes, can be viewed as one recursive action each - the BPlusTree method starts the call, the InnerNode method is the recursive case, and the LeafNode method is the base case. It's suggested that you work on one method at a time (over all three classes).

You will also need to implement the following methods in BPlusTree:

  • scanAll
  • scanGreaterEqual

In order to implement these, you will have to complete the BPlusTreeIterator inner class in

After this, you should pass all the Project 2 tests we have provided to you (and any you add yourselves). These are all the provided tests in database.index.*.


To help you debug, we have implemented the toDotPDFFile method of BPlusTree. You can add a call to this method in a test to generate a PDF file of your B+ tree.

For example,

BPlusTree tree = ...

If you get "Cannot run program "dot", and are running your code inside the container, run the following (inside your container) and then try again:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y graphviz

If you are running this outside your container (inside your IDE, for example), you need to install GraphViz. Alternatively, you can run the following inside your container after the exception is thrown to manually generate a PDF file from the file:

dot -T pdf -o out.pdf

Submitting the Assignment

See the main readme for submission instructions. The assignment number for this project is proj2.

You may not modify the signature of any methods or classes that we provide to you, but you're free to add helper methods.

You should make sure that all code you modify belongs to files with proj2 todo comments in them (e.g. don't add helper methods to DataBox). A full list of files that you may modify follows:

  • index/
  • index/
  • index/

Make sure that your code does not use any static (non-final) variables - this may cause odd behavior when running with maven vs. in your IDE (tests run through the IDE often run with a new instance of Java for each test, so the static variables get reset, but multiple tests per Java instance may be run when using maven, where static variables do not get reset).


We strongly encourage testing your code yourself. The given tests for this project are not comprehensive tests: it is possible to write incorrect code that passes them all (but not get full score).

Things that you might consider testing for include: anything that we specify in the comments or in this document that a method should do that you don't see a test already testing for, and any edge cases that you can think of. Think of what valid inputs might break your code and cause it not to perform as intended, and add a test to make sure things are working.

To help you get started, here is one case that is not in the given tests (and will be included in the hidden tests): everything should work properly even if we delete everything from the BPlusTree (iterator should immediately return false for hasNext).

To add a unit test, open up the appropriate test file (in src/test/java/edu/berkeley/cs186/database/index) and simply add a new method to the file with a @Test annotation, for example:

public void testEverythingDeleted() {
    // your test code here

Many test classes have some setup code done for you already: take a look at other tests in the file for an idea of how to write the test code.


  • 60% of your grade will be made up of tests released to you (the tests that we provided in database.index.*).
  • 40% of your grade will be made up of hidden, unreleased tests that we will run on your submission after the deadline.