diff --git a/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/esm3.py b/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/esm3.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a0ce8e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/esm3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+# # Build a protein folding dashboard with ESM3, Molstar, and Gradio
+# ![Image of dashboard UI for ESM3 protein folding](https://modal-cdn.com/example-esm3-ui.png)
+# There are perhaps a quadrillion distinct proteins on the planet Earth,
+# each one a marvel of nanotechnology discovered by painstaking evolution.
+# We know the amino acid sequence of nearly a billion but we only
+# know the three-dimensional structure of a few hundred thousand,
+# gathered by slow, difficult observational methods like X-ray crystallography.
+# Built upon this data are machine learning models like
+# Evolutionary Scale's [ESM3](https://github.com/facebookresearch/esm)
+# that can predict the structure of any sequence in seconds.
+# In this example, we'll show how you can use Modal to not
+# just run the latest protein-folding model but also build tools around it for
+# you and your team of scientists to understand and analyze the results.
+# ## Basic Setup
+import base64
+import io
+from pathlib import Path
+import modal
+MINUTES = 60 # seconds
+app = modal.App("example-esm3-dashboard")
+# ### Create a Volume to store ESM3 model weights and Entrez sequence data
+# To minimize cold start times, we'll store the ESM3 model weights on a Modal
+# [Volume](https://modal.com/docs/guide/volumes).
+# For patterns and best practices for storing model weights on Modal, see
+# [this guide](https://modal.com/docs/guide/model-weights).
+# We'll use this same distributed storage primitive to store sequence data.
+volume = modal.Volume.from_name(
+ "example-esm3-dashboard", create_if_missing=True
+VOLUME_PATH = Path("/vol")
+# ### Define dependencies in container images
+# The container image for structure inference is based on Modal's default slim Debian
+# Linux image with `esm` for loading and running the model, `gemmi` for
+# managing protein structure file conversions, and `hf_transfer`
+# for faster downloading of the model weights from Hugging Face.
+esm3_image = (
+ modal.Image.debian_slim(python_version="3.11")
+ .pip_install(
+ "esm==3.1.1",
+ "torch==2.4.1",
+ "gemmi==0.7.0",
+ "huggingface_hub[hf_transfer]==0.26.2",
+ )
+# We'll also define a separate image, with different dependencies,
+# for the part of our app that hosts the dashboard.
+# This helps reduce the complexity of Python dependency management
+# by "walling off" the different parts, e.g. separating
+# functions that depend on finicky ML packages
+# from those that depend on pedantic web packages.
+# Dependencies include `gradio` for building a web UI in Python and
+# `biotite` for extracting sequences from UniProt accession numbers.
+# You can read more about how to configure container images on Modal in
+# [this guide](https://modal.com/docs/guide/images).
+web_app_image = modal.Image.debian_slim(python_version="3.11").pip_install(
+ "gradio~=4.44.0", "biotite==0.41.2", "fastapi[standard]==0.115.4"
+# Here we "pre-import" libraries that will be used by the functions we run
+# on Modal in a given image using the `with image.imports` context manager.
+with esm3_image.imports():
+ import tempfile
+ import gemmi
+ import torch
+ from esm.models.esm3 import ESM3
+ from esm.sdk.api import ESMProtein, GenerationConfig
+with web_app_image.imports():
+ import biotite.database.entrez as entrez
+ import biotite.sequence.io.fasta as fasta
+ from fastapi import FastAPI
+# ## Define a `Model` inference class for ESM3
+# Next, we map the model's setup and inference code onto Modal.
+# 1. For setup code that only needs to run once, we put it in a method
+# decorated with `@enter`, which runs on container start. For details,
+# see [this guide](https://modal.com/docs/guide/cold-start).
+# 2. The rest of the inference code goes in a method decorated with `@method`.
+# 3. We accelerate the compute-intensive inference with a GPU, specifically an A10G.
+# For more on using GPUs on Modal, see [this guide](https://modal.com/docs/guide/gpu).
+ image=esm3_image,
+ volumes={VOLUME_PATH: volume},
+ secrets=[modal.Secret.from_name("huggingface-secret")],
+ gpu="A10G",
+ timeout=20 * MINUTES,
+class Model:
+ @modal.enter()
+ def enter(self):
+ self.model = ESM3.from_pretrained("esm3_sm_open_v1")
+ self.model.to("cuda")
+ print("using half precision and tensor cores for fast ESM3 inference")
+ self.model = self.model.half()
+ torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True
+ self.max_steps = 250
+ print(f"setting max ESM steps to: {self.max_steps}")
+ def convert_protein_to_MMCIF(self, esm_protein, output_path):
+ structure = gemmi.read_pdb_string(esm_protein.to_pdb_string())
+ doc = structure.make_mmcif_document()
+ doc.write_file(str(output_path), gemmi.cif.WriteOptions())
+ def get_generation_config(self, num_steps):
+ return GenerationConfig(track="structure", num_steps=num_steps)
+ @modal.method()
+ def inference(self, sequence: str):
+ num_steps = min(len(sequence), self.max_steps)
+ print(f"running ESM3 inference with num_steps={num_steps}")
+ esm_protein = self.model.generate(
+ ESMProtein(sequence=sequence), self.get_generation_config(num_steps)
+ )
+ print("checking for errors in output")
+ if hasattr(esm_protein, "error_msg"):
+ raise ValueError(esm_protein.error_msg)
+ print("converting ESMProtein into MMCIF file")
+ save_path = Path(tempfile.mktemp() + ".mmcif")
+ self.convert_protein_to_MMCIF(esm_protein, save_path)
+ print("returning MMCIF bytes")
+ return io.BytesIO(save_path.read_bytes())
+# ## Serve a dashboard as an `asgi_app`
+# In this section we'll create a web interface around the ESM3 model
+# that can help scientists and stakeholders understand and interrogate the results of the model.
+# You can deploy this UI, along with the backing inference endpoint,
+# with the following command:
+# ```bash
+# modal deploy esm3.py
+# ```
+# ### Integrating Modal Functions
+# The integration between our dashboard and our inference backend
+# is made simple by the Modal SDK:
+# because the definition of the `Model` class is available in the same Python
+# context as the defintion of the web UI,
+# we can instantiate an instance and call its methods with `.remote`.
+# The inference runs in a GPU-accelerated container with all of ESM3's
+# dependencies, while this code executes in a CPU-only container
+# with only our web dependencies.
+def run_esm(sequence: str) -> str:
+ sequence = sequence.strip()
+ print("running ESM")
+ mmcif_buffer = Model().inference.remote(sequence)
+ print("converting mmCIF bytes to base64 for compatibility with HTML")
+ mmcif_content = mmcif_buffer.read().decode()
+ mmcif_base64 = base64.b64encode(mmcif_content.encode()).decode()
+ return get_molstar_html(mmcif_base64)
+# ### Building a UI in Python with Gradio
+# We'll visualize the results using [Mol* ](https://molstar.org/).
+# Mol* (pronounced "molstar") is an open-source toolkit for
+# visualizing and analyzing large-scale molecular data, including secondary structures
+# and residue-specific positions of proteins.
+# Second, we'll create links to lookup the metadata and structure of known
+# proteins using the [Universal Protein Resource](https://www.uniprot.org/)
+# database from the UniProt consortium which is supported by the European
+# Bioinformatics Institute, the National Human Genome Research
+# Institute, and the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. UniProt
+# is also a hub that links to many other databases, like the RCSB Protein
+# Data Bank.
+# To pull sequence data, we'll use the [Biotite](https://www.biotite-python.org/)
+# library to pull [FASTA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format) files from
+# UniProt which contain labelled sequences.
+# You should see the URL for this UI in the output of `modal deploy`
+# or on your [Modal app dashboard](https://modal.com/apps) for this app.
+assets_path = Path(__file__).parent / "frontend"
+ image=web_app_image,
+ concurrency_limit=1, # Gradio requires sticky sessions
+ allow_concurrent_inputs=1000, # but can handle many async inputs
+ volumes={VOLUME_PATH: volume},
+ mounts=[modal.Mount.from_local_dir(assets_path, remote_path="/assets")],
+def ui():
+ import gradio as gr
+ from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
+ from gradio.routes import mount_gradio_app
+ web_app = FastAPI()
+ # custom styles: an icon, a background, and some CSS
+ @web_app.get("/favicon.ico", include_in_schema=False)
+ async def favicon():
+ return FileResponse("/assets/favicon.svg")
+ @web_app.get("/assets/background.svg", include_in_schema=False)
+ async def background():
+ return FileResponse("/assets/background.svg")
+ css = Path("/assets/index.css").read_text()
+ theme = gr.themes.Default(
+ primary_hue="green", secondary_hue="emerald", neutral_hue="neutral"
+ )
+ title = "Predict & Visualize Protein Structures"
+ with gr.Blocks(
+ theme=theme, css=css, title=title, js=always_dark()
+ ) as interface:
+ gr.Markdown(f"# {title}")
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ gr.Markdown("## Enter UniProt ID ")
+ uniprot_num_box = gr.Textbox(
+ label="Enter UniProt ID or select one on the right",
+ placeholder="e.g. P02768, P69905, etc.",
+ )
+ get_sequence_button = gr.Button(
+ "Retrieve Sequence from UniProt ID", variant="primary"
+ )
+ uniprot_link_button = gr.Button(
+ value="View protein on UniProt website"
+ )
+ uniprot_link_button.click(
+ fn=None,
+ inputs=uniprot_num_box,
+ js=get_js_for_uniprot_link(),
+ )
+ with gr.Column():
+ example_uniprots = get_uniprot_examples()
+ def extract_uniprot_num(example_idx):
+ uniprot = example_uniprots[example_idx]
+ return uniprot[uniprot.index("[") + 1 : uniprot.index("]")]
+ gr.Markdown("## Example UniProt Accession Numbers")
+ with gr.Row():
+ half_len = int(len(example_uniprots) / 2)
+ with gr.Column():
+ for i, uniprot in enumerate(
+ example_uniprots[:half_len]
+ ):
+ btn = gr.Button(uniprot, variant="secondary")
+ btn.click(
+ fn=lambda j=i: extract_uniprot_num(j),
+ outputs=uniprot_num_box,
+ )
+ with gr.Column():
+ for i, uniprot in enumerate(
+ example_uniprots[half_len:]
+ ):
+ btn = gr.Button(uniprot, variant="secondary")
+ btn.click(
+ fn=lambda j=i + half_len: extract_uniprot_num(
+ j
+ ),
+ outputs=uniprot_num_box,
+ )
+ gr.Markdown("## Enter Sequence")
+ sequence_box = gr.Textbox(
+ label="Enter a sequence or retrieve it from a UniProt ID",
+ placeholder="e.g. MVTRLE..., PVTTIMHALL..., etc.",
+ )
+ get_sequence_button.click(
+ fn=get_sequence, inputs=[uniprot_num_box], outputs=[sequence_box]
+ )
+ run_esm_button = gr.Button("Run ESM3 Folding", variant="primary")
+ gr.Markdown("## ESM3 Predicted Structure")
+ molstar_html = gr.HTML()
+ run_esm_button.click(
+ fn=run_esm, inputs=sequence_box, outputs=molstar_html
+ )
+ # return a FastAPI app for Modal to serve
+ return mount_gradio_app(app=web_app, blocks=interface, path="/")
+# ## Folding from the command line
+# If you want to quickly run the ESM3 model without the web interface, you can
+# run it from the command line like this:
+# ```shell
+# modal run esm3
+# ```
+# This will run the same inference code above on Modal. The results are
+# returned in the [Crystallographic Information File](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystallographic_Information_File)
+# format, which you can render with the online [Molstar Viewer](https://molstar.org/viewer/).
+def main(
+ sequence: str = None,
+ output_dir: str = None,
+ if sequence is None:
+ print("using sequence for insulin [P01308]")
+ sequence = (
+ )
+ if output_dir is None:
+ output_dir = Path("/tmp/esm3")
+ output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ output_path = output_dir / "output.mmcif"
+ print("starting inference on Modal")
+ results_buffer = Model().inference.remote(sequence)
+ print(f"writing results to {output_path}")
+ output_path.write_bytes(results_buffer.read())
+# ## Addenda
+# The remainder of this code is boilerplate.
+# ### Extracting Sequences from UniProt Accession Numbers
+# To retrieve sequence information we'll utilize the `biotite` library which
+# will allow us to fetch [fasta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format)
+# sequence files from the [National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Entrez database](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Web/Search/entrezfs.html).
+def get_sequence(uniprot_num: str) -> str:
+ try:
+ DATA_PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ uniprot_num = uniprot_num.strip()
+ fasta_path = DATA_PATH / f"{uniprot_num}.fasta"
+ print(f"Fetching {fasta_path} from the entrez database")
+ entrez.fetch_single_file(
+ uniprot_num, fasta_path, db_name="protein", ret_type="fasta"
+ )
+ fasta_file = fasta.FastaFile.read(fasta_path)
+ protein_sequence = fasta.get_sequence(fasta_file)
+ return str(protein_sequence)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return f"Error: {e}"
+# ### Supporting functions for the Gradio app
+# The following Python code is used to enhance the Gradio app,
+# mostly by generating some extra HTML & JS and handling styling.
+def get_js_for_uniprot_link():
+ url = "https://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/"
+ end = "/entry#structure"
+ return f"""(uni_id) => {{ if (!uni_id) return; window.open("{url}" + uni_id + "{end}"); }}"""
+def get_molstar_html(mmcif_base64):
+ return f"""
+ """
+def get_uniprot_examples():
+ return [
+ "Albumin [P02768]",
+ "Insulin [P01308]",
+ "Hemoglobin [P69905]",
+ "Lysozyme [P61626]",
+ "BRCA1 [P38398]",
+ "Immunoglobulin [P01857]",
+ "Actin [P60709]",
+ "Ribonuclease [P07998]",
+ ]
+def always_dark():
+ return """
+ function refresh() {
+ const url = new URL(window.location);
+ if (url.searchParams.get('__theme') !== 'dark') {
+ url.searchParams.set('__theme', 'dark');
+ window.location.href = url.href;
+ }
+ }
+ """
diff --git a/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/frontend/background.svg b/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/frontend/background.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0dd408fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/frontend/background.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/frontend/favicon.svg b/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/frontend/favicon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bd233cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/frontend/favicon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39a6d0c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/frontend/index.css
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* Bit of Modal Labs color scheming for the Gradio.app UI
+from https://github.com/modal-labs/modal-examples */
+a {
+ text-decoration: inherit !important;
+gradio-app {
+ background-image: url(/assets/background.svg) !important;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
+ background-size 100% auto;
+ padding-top: 3%;
+ background-color: black;
diff --git a/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/gradio_ui.png b/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/gradio_ui.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e53a60c85
Binary files /dev/null and b/06_gpu_and_ml/protein-folding/gradio_ui.png differ