- Extracted default flash options to
so you can set the message timeout. - Use
when nuking cookies by @zeppelin [#14] - Check $flashContainer dynamically by @nfedyashev [#15].
- Fixed issues with applications on the .herokuapp.com domain [#16].
- Moved Javascript methods to an
module. This breaks calling$.showFlashMessage
, hence another major release [#11] - Make sure that the flash events are invoked after a handler had a chance to bind [#10]
- Changed default alerts to never autohide [#6]
- Bootstrap handler: All conventional Rails notices are correctly styled by @conzett [#12]
- Turbolinks are supported thanks to @yoyos [#13]
- Fixes to cookie nuking by @asaletnik [#7]
- Changed message escaping logic to use the Rails html_safe conventions (Possibly breaking change)
- Grand refactoring
- Compatibility with Rails 3 Asset Pipeline
- Dropped compatibility with Rails 2
- Decoupled logic from presentation
- Compatibility with Bootstrap
- Event-driven architecture