Releases: mobiledgex/edge-cloud-ui
E-6229 cloudlet details page shows empty value for "Platform High Availability"
E-6225 Connections inputs are not consistent between App/TrustPolicy/TrustPolicyException
E-6018 Create App Instances gives "Invalid Cluster Name" error when Auto Cluster is selected
E 5994 Add Status Page text to Sign Up Email
Bug Fixes
E-5963 add Trust Policy Exception
E-5975 Allow App to be defined with zero inbound ports
E-6170 add deployment and platformhighavailability to create cloudlet page
E-6180 should be able to update app with decimal value in serverlessconfig.vcpus
E-6187 Organization creation not shown for a user managing a Viewer role
Bug Fixes & Improvement
E-6174 Federation - Country Code field will bring up autofill to populate field not checking if Alpha-2
E-6176 Cloudlet pools page not working after backend cloudlet pool change
E-6173 Attempting to delete a guest federation that has a shared zone does not display error on webui
Big Fixes
Bug Fixes
E-5780 description help on create cloudlet page for envvars trust policy and gpu driver
E-5929 update for allowserverless config workers
E-6046 Create Network needs help text for Routes CIDR* and IP*(Next hop IP) and Connection Type
E-6073 Logs filter limit value defaults to 25 after clicking refresh and ignores users value in filter
E-6085 updating cloudlet maintenance state is failing
E-6087 Create Network would be helpful if you could also sort by Connection Type
E-6106 Register missing the account fields to create a new user
Bug Fixes
Big Fixes and Improvement
E-5804 [Web-UI] Support Federation Phase-1
E-5969 WEB UI Implementation of Federation Create for zones shared by the partner.
E-5970 WEB UI Implementation of Federation Create for zones shared by the partner.
E-5972 Federation Module for create federation
Bug Fixes
E-6031 [Cloudlet Monitoring] Please add hover over pop up notification/information for CPU, Memory and Disk bar
E-6039 [Monitoring] Cluster Instance page redirects to App Instance page after every refresh - Page locks up after someime. Memory leakage issue
E-6044 Audit logs events usage filter does not clear search txt on refresh
E-6045 monitoring page refresh interval gets stuck on and if changing to clusterinst refresh returns to appinst
Bug Fixes
E-5929 Create App needs server-less options
E-6016 AppInstances which have Health Status "Unknown" show a green cross instead of red
E-6017 'Select-All' checkbox should get automatically unchecked when user unchecks all checkboxes that are present
E-6021 When creating a new org, the "Return to Organisations" button should show without scrolling