This is an api to utilize RedCAP api with ruby.
To start:
Test cases are the best place to look for examples. Here are some simple examples.
r ={:token => "abc123", :url => "http://localhost/redcap/api"}) # Authentication token provided by RedCAP, server API url.
r ={:token => "abc123", :url => "http://localhost/redcap/api", :parser => JSON}) # Set the parser, default is JSON, other parsers are Nokogiri::XML, CSV, RedcapSurveyApi::EmptyParser. See tests for examples.
r.export() # returns all records in 'parser' format, provide additional hash of parameters in you want to override or add any additional RedCAP options.
r.export_metadata() # returns all metadata records in JSON format, provide additional hash of parameters in you want to override or add any additional RedCAP options.
r.export_metadata_fields() # returns all fields (this is a sub-set of metadata).
r.import() # imports new records.
r.export({:parser => RedcapSurveyApi::EmptyParser}) # returns the raw data, this allows you to get data without going through the parser.
There is also a helper class added to ruby Hash allowing you to convert a ruby array to a http-post style array. I created this after having some issues filtering on 'forms' and 'fields'
params = {:fields => ['record_id', 'lab_id'], :forms => ['slide_tracking', 'id_shipping']} # This is the data I want to send to RedCAP, limiting the fields and forms
r.export_metadata(params.to_http_post_array()) # This gets the metadata for only those fields/forms by using the newly added method on Hash 'to_http_post_array'.
- Fork it ([my-github-username]/redcap-survey-api/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request