A simple SPA using a firebase backend for logging time.
Prod deployment to: https://loggr.cyvaer.com
You'll need the firebase CLI tools in order to setup and run emulators or make manual deployments.
npm i -g firebase-tools
You can run the app manually, backed by firebase emulators, by installing and running dev
npm ci
npm run dev
You can also target the real firestore database:
npm run dev:real-db
These commands run the vite dev server, which makes the app available at http://localhost:5173/.
The easiest way to run end-to-end cypress tests is:
npm run cypress:auto
This will build the project to use the emulators, start the emulators, and invoke a cypress run. Everything tears down automatically.
You can also start the dev server and emulators in the same mode and let them continue running with:
npm run dev:cypress
With the dev server and firebase emulators running in this mode, invoke cypress commands by running them from the command line:
# For interactive Cypress UI
npm run cypress
# To run Cypress without the UI
npm run cypress:run
Note that unlike the commands that run the vite
dev server, these commands build the app in emulators
mode, and rely on the firebase hosting emulator to make the built app available on http://localhost:5000.