- Select a system to use for setup that has a wired network adapter
- Browse to https://www.ubnt.com/download/edgemax and download the latest firmware for "ERLite-3/ERPoe-5"
- hard-code your setup system's wired IP to
- connect your setup system to eth0 on ERLite-3
- Power up the ERLite-3
- Browse to
username: ubnt
password: ubnt - Click 'System' (at the bottom left), scroll down to find 'update firmware' (lower right), click 'upload a file'
Select the firmware file downloaded previously
(ER-e100.v1.9.7+hotfix.4.5024004.tar as of this writing) - Reboot
- change password for ubnt
- create user 'admin'
- enable public/private key auth for admin
copy id_rsa.pub from your workstation to /config/pubkeys/<your-system-name>_rsa.pub
(replace "<your-system-name>_rsa.pub" with something that will remind you where this key came from...)
Load the keys into the router config
loadkey admin /config/pubkeys/<your-system-name>_rsa.pub
# for normal configure commands, "commit" will restart affected services
# the "loadkey" macro does not generate the restart of ssh that is
# required for recognition of the new keys
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
- Run the 'LoadBalance' wizard
eth1 -> (your first ISP)
eth2 -> (your second ISP)
eth0 -> (your LAN; enable or disable DHCP as appropriate for your situation)
- change the Port for ssh in 'system' (to eg 2202)
- Create "WAN_LOCAL" rule to allow new connections -> 2202 -> 2202 to allow remote ssh connections