diff --git a/javascripts/results_charts.js b/javascripts/results_charts.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5313342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascripts/results_charts.js
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+function reConstructAccvsPerfChart(category) {
+ availabilities = [ "Available", "Preview", "RDI" ];
+ availabilities.forEach(function(availability) {
+ // filtered data as per the user choice
+ //console.log(filteredResults.length);
+ drawAccvsPerfPlot(category, availability);
+ });
+function drawAccvsPerfPlot(category, availability) {
+ // the data here is the preprocessed data through function preprocessData
+ models = []
+ if (category == "datacenter") {
+ models = models_datacenter;
+ }
+ else{
+ models = models_edge;
+ }
+ models.forEach(function(model, index) {
+ let accuracyMetric = ``;
+ // Currently the first accuracy matrix is used to construct the scatter plot
+ if (accuracyUnits.hasOwnProperty(model)) {
+ accuracyMetric = accuracyUnits[model].split(",")[0].trim();
+ }
+ if (category === "datacenter") {
+ let extractedData = extractTableDataForAccVsPerf(model, availability);
+ const chartContainer = document.getElementById(`AccVsPerfScatterPlot_${model}_open_${category}_${availability}`);
+ if (extractedData.length === 0) {
+ if (chartContainer) {
+ chartContainer.style.display = 'none'; // hide the div
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (chartContainer) {
+ chartContainer.style.display = 'block'; // Show the div
+ }
+ // let filteredData = filterForAccvsPerfPlot(data, model, category, division, accuracyMetric);
+ if (extractedData.length !== 0) {
+ let chart = new CanvasJS.Chart(`AccVsPerfScatterPlot_${model}_open_${category}_${availability}`, {
+ animationEnabled: true,
+ theme: "light2",
+ title:{
+ text: `Accuracy vs Performance for ${model}`
+ },
+ axisX:{
+ title: "Performance"
+ },
+ axisY:{
+ title: "Accuracy",
+ includeZero: false
+ },
+ data: [{
+ type: "scatter",
+ toolTipContent: "ID: {id}
Submitter: {submitter}
System: {system}
Accelerator: {accelerator}
Scenario: {scenario}
Performance: {x}
Accuracy: {y}",
+ dataPoints: extractedData
+ }]
+ });
+ chart.render();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function extractTableDataForAccVsPerf(model, availability) {
+ let mylocation = [], system_names = [], submitter = [], accelerator = [], offline_accuracy = [], offline_performance = [], server_accuracy = [], server_performance = [];
+ let locationIndex = {}, locCount = 0;
+ let extractedData = [];
+ let childTag = `#results_${model}_${availability}`
+ const escapedChildTag = childTag.replace(/\./g, '\\.');
+ // console.log(`#results_${model}_${availability}`)
+ $(`${escapedChildTag} tbody tr td:nth-child(1)`).each( function(){
+ if (!($(this).is(":hidden")) ){
+ var x = $(this).text();
+ mylocation.push(x );
+ if (! (x in locationIndex)) {
+ locationIndex[x] = locCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $(`${escapedChildTag} tbody tr td:nth-child(2)`).each( function(){
+ if (!($(this).is(":hidden")) )
+ system_names.push( $(this).text() );
+ });
+ $(`${escapedChildTag} tbody tr td:nth-child(3)`).each( function(){
+ if (!($(this).is(":hidden")) )
+ submitter.push( $(this).text() );
+ });
+ $(`${escapedChildTag} tbody tr td:nth-child(4)`).each( function(){
+ if (!($(this).is(":hidden")) )
+ accelerator.push( $(this).text() );
+ });
+ $(`${escapedChildTag} tbody tr td:nth-child(6)`).each( function(){
+ if (!($(this).is(":hidden")) )
+ server_accuracy.push( $(this).text() );
+ });
+ $(`${escapedChildTag} tbody tr td:nth-child(7)`).each( function(){
+ if (!($(this).is(":hidden")) )
+ server_performance.push( $(this).text() );
+ });
+ $(`${escapedChildTag} tbody tr td:nth-child(8)`).each( function(){
+ if (!($(this).is(":hidden")) )
+ offline_accuracy.push( $(this).text() );
+ });
+ $(`${escapedChildTag} tbody tr td:nth-child(9)`).each( function(){
+ if (!($(this).is(":hidden")) )
+ offline_performance.push( $(this).text() );
+ });
+ Object.entries(locationIndex).forEach(([id, index]) => {
+ let tmpDict = {};
+ tmpDict["id"] = id;
+ tmpDict["system"] = system_names[index];
+ tmpDict["submitter"] = submitter[index];
+ tmpDict["accelerator"] = accelerator[index];
+ if (offline_accuracy[index] !== '' && offline_accuracy[index] !== undefined) {
+ tmpDict["scenario"] = "Offline";
+ tmpDict["markerType"] = "circle";
+ // the accuracy value is in the format " 42.0595, 19.8530, 26.7729, 1194.4000 "
+ // using to fixed, returns a string, which we have to convert to float again
+ tmpDict["y"] = parseFloat(parseFloat(offline_accuracy[index].trim().split(',')[0].trim()).toFixed(4));
+ tmpDict["x"] = parseFloat(parseFloat(offline_performance[index].trim()).toFixed(4));
+ // copy of tmpDict object is pushed to the returning array as only reference to the object is pushed
+ // this results in modification of already pushed content
+ extractedData.push({ ...tmpDict });
+ }
+ if (server_accuracy[index] !== '' && server_accuracy[index] !== undefined) {
+ tmpDict["scenario"] = "Server";
+ tmpDict["markerType"] = "triangle";
+ // the accuracy value is in the format " 42.0595, 19.8530, 26.7729, 1194.4000 "
+ tmpDict["y"] = parseFloat(parseFloat(server_accuracy[index].trim().split(',')[0].trim()).toFixed(4));
+ tmpDict["x"] = parseFloat(parseFloat(server_performance[index].trim()).toFixed(4));
+ extractedData.push({ ...tmpDict });
+ }
+ });
+ // console.log(extractedData);
+ return extractedData;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascripts/results_tablesorter.js b/javascripts/results_tablesorter.js
index 04828b6..4800a33 100644
--- a/javascripts/results_tablesorter.js
+++ b/javascripts/results_tablesorter.js
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
readAllData().then(function(allData) {
// console.log(allData);
reConstructTables(category, division, with_power[0], allData);
+ if (division === "open") {
+ reConstructAccvsPerfChart(category);
+ }
constructChartFromSummary(allData, category, division, with_power[0]);
}).catch(function(error) {
@@ -583,6 +586,11 @@ function constructOpenTable(category, with_power, availability, data) {
html = ''
models.forEach(function(model, index) {
html += constructOpenTableModel(model, category, with_power, availability, data);
+ if (category === "datacenter") {
+ html += `