Introductory examples to plotting in Julia using varios libraries
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- July 20, 2018 - CEBI 0971 Summer@Brown: Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Skills for Biomedicine and Health Care
- June 20, 2018 - BIOL6535 Preclinical Elective Summer 2018 at Brown University.
- Introductory Notebook: Intro Slides
- PlotlyJS Notebook Viewer
- Plots Notebook Viewer
- Seaborn Notebook Viewer
- Gadfly Notebook Viewer
- PyPlot Notebook Viewer
- (For instructors) To locally view the notebooks as slide you can install the notebook extension RISE
- Intro.ipynb -- Intro notebook
- Intro.ipynb -- Julia script matching the corresponding notebook
- plots_basics.ipynb - Jupyter notebook introducing Plots.jl
- plots_basics.jl - Julia script matching the corresponding notebook
- plotlyjs_basics.ipynb - Jupyter notebook introducing PlotlyJS.jl
- plotlyjs_basics.jl - Julia script matching the corresponding notebook
- seaborn_basics.ipynb - Jupyter notebook introducing Seaborn.jl
- seaborn_basics.jl - Julia script matching the corresponding notebook
See install_dependencies.jl if you need to troubleshoot.
# Packages to add - you may already have some of them
# Test all used packages
using Plots
using StatPlots
using DataFrames, RDatasets
using PlotlyJS
using Gadfly
using Seaborn
using Pandas
using PyPlot
using PyCall