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Ember Addons

0xADADA edited this page Feb 3, 2018 · 10 revisions

Useful Ember addons and what they're for.

coveralls tests code coverage reporter for
ember-cli-code-coverage tests code coverage generator using Istanbul
ember-cli-content-security-policy security library to simplify CSP configuration
ember-cli-eslint code quality linting for javascript for Ember
ember-cli-fastboot infrastructure enables server side rendering of templates
ember-cli-inline-content infrastructure helper to render content directly into the index.html file
ember-cli-mirage tests framework for mocking server API responses
ember-cli-one-script deployment, infrastructure concats app.js and vendor.js into single file
ember-cli-sass infrastructure Write SASS instead of raw CSS
ember-cli-template-lint tests, quality linting for templates
ember-cli-update CLI, infrastructure CLI tool to help versioning app
ember-cp-validations library UI validations library
ember-fetch library AJAX replacement, network requests
ember-i18n i18n internationalization framework
ember-i18n-cp-validations i18n, library internationalized UI validations library
ember-page-title infrastructure helpers for adding page titles
ember-route-action-helper library helpers for writing route actions
ember-simple-auth library OAuth authentication library
ember-svg-jar library SVG rendering framework
ember-test-component tests test helper for mocking dependency injected components
eslint code quality linting for javascript
eslint-plugin-ember code quality linting rules specific to ember
qunit-dom tests DOM assertion helpers for qunit
stylelint code quality linting for CSS
stylelint-config-standard code quality linting rules for CSS
system-font-i18n-css CSS OS default fonts
torii library OAuth provider library
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