diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 9566f15..ba9f07c 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -4,9 +4,16 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are d Generated by [`auto-changelog`](https://github.com/CookPete/auto-changelog). -#### [v7.0.0](https://github.com/mintproject/model-catalog-python-api-client/compare/6.0.0...v7.0.0) +#### [vVERSION](https://github.com/mintproject/model-catalog-python-api-client/compare/7.0.0...vVERSION) + +- fix: generate-client [`d5a71cd`](https://github.com/mintproject/model-catalog-python-api-client/commit/d5a71cd6330fe5af6b2802ee30bf57ae8cbaed94) + +### [7.0.0](https://github.com/mintproject/model-catalog-python-api-client/compare/6.0.0...7.0.0) + +> 10 April 2021 - Update to version 1.7.0 [`925a372`](https://github.com/mintproject/model-catalog-python-api-client/commit/925a3724b6185af1de3dbe17e9bfe4bb48b5d1d7) +- add: changelog [`a78b27a`](https://github.com/mintproject/model-catalog-python-api-client/commit/a78b27a80bcf57f402522a42a055ca6f42ea0394) ### [6.0.0](https://github.com/mintproject/model-catalog-python-api-client/compare/5.0.0...6.0.0) diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d8fa33c..e74ab0f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ This is the API of the Software Description Ontology at [https://w3id.org/okn/o/ This Python package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech) project: - API version: v1.7.0 -- Package version: 7.0.0 +- Package version: 7.1.0 - Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen ## Requirements. @@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description *DataTransformationSetupApi* | [**datatransformationsetups_id_get**](docs/endpoints/DataTransformationSetupApi.md#datatransformationsetups_id_get) | **GET** /datatransformationsetups/{id} | Get a single DataTransformationSetup by its id *DataTransformationSetupApi* | [**datatransformationsetups_id_put**](docs/endpoints/DataTransformationSetupApi.md#datatransformationsetups_id_put) | **PUT** /datatransformationsetups/{id} | Update an existing DataTransformationSetup *DataTransformationSetupApi* | [**datatransformationsetups_post**](docs/endpoints/DataTransformationSetupApi.md#datatransformationsetups_post) | **POST** /datatransformationsetups | Create one DataTransformationSetup +*DatasetSpecificationApi* | [**custom_configuration_id_inputs_get**](docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecificationApi.md#custom_configuration_id_inputs_get) | **GET** /custom/configuration/{id}/inputs | Gets all inputs of a configuration +*DatasetSpecificationApi* | [**custom_datasetspecifications_get**](docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecificationApi.md#custom_datasetspecifications_get) | **GET** /custom/datasetspecifications | Gets all inputs of a configuration *DatasetSpecificationApi* | [**datasetspecifications_get**](docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecificationApi.md#datasetspecifications_get) | **GET** /datasetspecifications | List all instances of DatasetSpecification *DatasetSpecificationApi* | [**datasetspecifications_id_delete**](docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecificationApi.md#datasetspecifications_id_delete) | **DELETE** /datasetspecifications/{id} | Delete an existing DatasetSpecification *DatasetSpecificationApi* | [**datasetspecifications_id_get**](docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecificationApi.md#datasetspecifications_id_get) | **GET** /datasetspecifications/{id} | Get a single DatasetSpecification by its id diff --git a/docs/endpoints/CatalogIdentifier.md b/docs/endpoints/CatalogIdentifier.md index ca5fb8d..9d14778 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/CatalogIdentifier.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/CatalogIdentifier.md @@ -3,23 +3,23 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_default_value** | [**list[AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring]**](AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring.md) | Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] -**has_maximum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] +**adjusts_variable** | [**list[Variable]**](Variable.md) | Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**has_accepted_values** | **list[str]** | Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" | [optional] **has_data_type** | **list[str]** | Property that indicates the data type of a parameter | [optional] +**has_default_value** | [**list[AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring]**](AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring.md) | Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] **has_fixed_value** | [**list[AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring]**](AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring.md) | Value of a parameter in a software setup. | [optional] +**has_maximum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] +**has_minimum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] **has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Property that links an instance of a dataset (or a dataset specification) to the presentation of a variable contained (or expected to be contained) on it. | [optional] +**has_step_size** | **list[float]** | Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**position** | **list[int]** | Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution | [optional] **recommended_increment** | **list[float]** | Value that represents how a parameter should be incremented on each iteration of a software component execution. This value is important when preparing execution ensembles automatically, e.g., simulating crop production varying the parameter \"fertilizer amount\" in increments of 10%. | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_minimum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] -**has_accepted_values** | **list[str]** | Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" | [optional] -**adjusts_variable** | [**list[Variable]**](Variable.md) | Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable | [optional] **relevant_for_intervention** | [**list[Intervention]**](Intervention.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**position** | **list[int]** | Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **uses_unit** | [**list[Unit]**](Unit.md) | Property used to link a variable presentation or time interval to the unit they are represented in | [optional] -**has_step_size** | **list[float]** | Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/CausalDiagram.md b/docs/endpoints/CausalDiagram.md index 6b461c3..aa7e816 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/CausalDiagram.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/CausalDiagram.md @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_diagram_part** | [**list[AnyOfVariablePresentationProcess]**](AnyOfVariablePresentationProcess.md) | Property that links a causal diagram with its constituent nodes | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**has_diagram_part** | [**list[AnyOfVariablePresentationProcess]**](AnyOfVariablePresentationProcess.md) | Property that links a causal diagram with its constituent nodes | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] diff --git a/docs/endpoints/ConfigurationSetup.md b/docs/endpoints/ConfigurationSetup.md index b329dae..5e303fc 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/ConfigurationSetup.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/ConfigurationSetup.md @@ -3,70 +3,70 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] -**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**adjustable_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Copyright holder for a software component | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] +**date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] +**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files | [optional] +**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property | [optional] **has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Contact person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**tag** | **list[str]** | Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] +**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] +**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function | [optional] +**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model | [optional] +**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration | [optional] +**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] **has_sample_execution** | [**list[SampleExecution]**](SampleExecution.md) | Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration | [optional] **has_sample_result** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] -**was_derived_from_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. | [optional] -**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] -**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] -**date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] **has_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model | [optional] -**status** | **list[str]** | Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. | [optional] -**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] -**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Function to link a function with its corresponding container | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_support_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. | [optional] **has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Typical data sources that are used by a software component | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] +**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] **issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component | [optional] -**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Function to link a function with its corresponding container | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] -**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] -**has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] **memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Memory requirements of a software | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] +**operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] **processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Processor requirements of a software component | [optional] -**adjustable_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup | [optional] -**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] -**has_support_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] **readme** | **list[str]** | URl to the readme file of a software component | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] -**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration | [optional] -**operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] +**status** | **list[str]** | Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] +**tag** | **list[str]** | Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Property that indicates that a software component (or any of its outputs) can be used to calculate a particular index. The rationale for this property is that indices are usually calculated by applying post-processing steps to the outputs of a software component. | [optional] -**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. | [optional] +**was_derived_from_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/CoupledModel.md b/docs/endpoints/CoupledModel.md index 6a5b4a2..fbc9338 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/CoupledModel.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/CoupledModel.md @@ -3,59 +3,66 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **date_published** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **doi** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**uses_model** | [**list[Model]**](Model.md) | Property that describes which models are used by a coupled model | [optional] +**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] +**has_input_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as input for this model | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_model_category** | [**list[ModelCategory]**](ModelCategory.md) | Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_output_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as output for this model | [optional] +**has_process** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model | [optional] **has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**limitations** | **list[str]** | Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**parameterization** | **list[str]** | Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient | [optional] +**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**runtime_estimation** | **list[str]** | An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**theoretical_basis** | **list[str]** | What is the theory behind the processes described in the model | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**uses_model** | [**list[Model]**](Model.md) | Property that describes which models are used by a coupled model | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/DataTransformation.md b/docs/endpoints/DataTransformation.md index 7fb52a7..837b47f 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/DataTransformation.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/DataTransformation.md @@ -3,67 +3,67 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] -**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Copyright holder for a software component | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] +**date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] +**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files | [optional] +**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property | [optional] **has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Contact person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**tag** | **list[str]** | Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] +**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] +**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function | [optional] +**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model | [optional] +**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration | [optional] +**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] **has_sample_execution** | [**list[SampleExecution]**](SampleExecution.md) | Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration | [optional] **has_sample_result** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] -**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] -**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] -**date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] **has_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model | [optional] -**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] -**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Function to link a function with its corresponding container | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_support_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. | [optional] **has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Typical data sources that are used by a software component | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] +**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] **issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component | [optional] -**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Function to link a function with its corresponding container | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] -**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] -**has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] **memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Memory requirements of a software | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] +**operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] **processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Processor requirements of a software component | [optional] -**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] -**has_support_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] **readme** | **list[str]** | URl to the readme file of a software component | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] -**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration | [optional] -**operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] +**tag** | **list[str]** | Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Property that indicates that a software component (or any of its outputs) can be used to calculate a particular index. The rationale for this property is that indices are usually calculated by applying post-processing steps to the outputs of a software component. | [optional] -**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/DataTransformationSetup.md b/docs/endpoints/DataTransformationSetup.md index d26988a..dd3edd2 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/DataTransformationSetup.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/DataTransformationSetup.md @@ -3,70 +3,70 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] -**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**adjustable_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Copyright holder for a software component | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] +**date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] +**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files | [optional] +**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property | [optional] **has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Contact person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**tag** | **list[str]** | Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] +**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] +**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function | [optional] +**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model | [optional] +**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration | [optional] +**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] **has_sample_execution** | [**list[SampleExecution]**](SampleExecution.md) | Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration | [optional] **has_sample_result** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] -**was_derived_from_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. | [optional] -**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] -**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] -**date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] **has_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model | [optional] -**status** | **list[str]** | Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. | [optional] -**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] -**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Function to link a function with its corresponding container | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_support_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. | [optional] **has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Typical data sources that are used by a software component | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] +**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] **issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component | [optional] -**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Function to link a function with its corresponding container | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] -**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] -**has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] **memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Memory requirements of a software | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] +**operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] **processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Processor requirements of a software component | [optional] -**adjustable_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup | [optional] -**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] -**has_support_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] **readme** | **list[str]** | URl to the readme file of a software component | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] -**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration | [optional] -**operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] +**status** | **list[str]** | Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] +**tag** | **list[str]** | Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Property that indicates that a software component (or any of its outputs) can be used to calculate a particular index. The rationale for this property is that indices are usually calculated by applying post-processing steps to the outputs of a software component. | [optional] -**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. | [optional] +**was_derived_from_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecification.md b/docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecification.md index 0b907b5..86df2a1 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecification.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecification.md @@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_dimensionality** | **list[int]** | Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification | [optional] -**has_format** | **list[str]** | Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. | [optional] -**path_location** | **list[str]** | Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` | [optional] -**has_file_structure** | **list[object]** | Relates a dataset specification to the data structure definition | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **has_data_transformation** | [**list[DataTransformation]**](DataTransformation.md) | Property that associates an input/output with their corresponding data transformation. | [optional] -**has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Property that links an instance of a dataset (or a dataset specification) to the presentation of a variable contained (or expected to be contained) on it. | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] +**has_data_transformation_setup** | [**list[DataTransformationSetup]**](DataTransformationSetup.md) | Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs | [optional] +**has_dimensionality** | **list[int]** | Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification | [optional] +**has_file_structure** | **list[object]** | Relates a dataset specification to the data structure definition | [optional] **has_fixed_resource** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Property that links a parameter or an input to a fixed value. For example, in a given configuration a parameter with the planting date for a model could be fixed to avoid the user changing it for that region. | [optional] +**has_format** | **list[str]** | Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. | [optional] +**has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Property that links an instance of a dataset (or a dataset specification) to the presentation of a variable contained (or expected to be contained) on it. | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **is_transformed_from** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that links a dataset specification from a model configuration or setup to the output from a target data transformation. This occurs when a data transformation produces several outputs, but only one of them is the one needed for a model | [optional] -**has_data_transformation_setup** | [**list[DataTransformationSetup]**](DataTransformationSetup.md) | Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**path_location** | **list[str]** | Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` | [optional] **position** | **list[int]** | Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecificationApi.md b/docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecificationApi.md index 43fe25f..f524604 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecificationApi.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/DatasetSpecificationApi.md @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.models.mint.isi.edu/v1.7.0* Method | HTTP request | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- +[**custom_configuration_id_inputs_get**](DatasetSpecificationApi.md#custom_configuration_id_inputs_get) | **GET** /custom/configuration/{id}/inputs | Gets all inputs of a configuration +[**custom_datasetspecifications_get**](DatasetSpecificationApi.md#custom_datasetspecifications_get) | **GET** /custom/datasetspecifications | Gets all inputs of a configuration [**datasetspecifications_get**](DatasetSpecificationApi.md#datasetspecifications_get) | **GET** /datasetspecifications | List all instances of DatasetSpecification [**datasetspecifications_id_delete**](DatasetSpecificationApi.md#datasetspecifications_id_delete) | **DELETE** /datasetspecifications/{id} | Delete an existing DatasetSpecification [**datasetspecifications_id_get**](DatasetSpecificationApi.md#datasetspecifications_id_get) | **GET** /datasetspecifications/{id} | Get a single DatasetSpecification by its id @@ -11,6 +13,122 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description [**datasetspecifications_post**](DatasetSpecificationApi.md#datasetspecifications_post) | **POST** /datasetspecifications | Create one DatasetSpecification +# **custom_configuration_id_inputs_get** +> list[DatasetSpecification] custom_configuration_id_inputs_get(id, username=username, custom_query_name=custom_query_name) + +Gets all inputs of a configuration + +Gets all inputs of a configuration + +### Example + +```python +from __future__ import print_function +import time +import modelcatalog +from modelcatalog.rest import ApiException +from pprint import pprint + +# Create an instance of the API class +api_instance = modelcatalog.DatasetSpecificationApi() +id = 'id_example' # str | The ID of the resource +username = 'username_example' # str | Username to query (optional) +custom_query_name = 'search_datasetspecification_by_configurationid' # str | Name of the custom query (optional) (default to 'search_datasetspecification_by_configurationid') + +try: + # Gets all inputs of a configuration + api_response = api_instance.custom_configuration_id_inputs_get(id, username=username, custom_query_name=custom_query_name) + pprint(api_response) +except ApiException as e: + print("Exception when calling DatasetSpecificationApi->custom_configuration_id_inputs_get: %s\n" % e) +``` + +### Parameters + +Name | Type | Description | Notes +------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- + **id** | **str**| The ID of the resource | + **username** | **str**| Username to query | [optional] + **custom_query_name** | **str**| Name of the custom query | [optional] [default to 'search_datasetspecification_by_configurationid'] + +### Return type + +[**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) + +### Authorization + +No authorization required + +### HTTP request headers + + - **Content-Type**: Not defined + - **Accept**: application/json + +### HTTP response details +| Status code | Description | Response headers | +|-------------|-------------|------------------| +**200** | Gets all inputs of a configuration | - | + +[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../) + +# **custom_datasetspecifications_get** +> list[DatasetSpecification] custom_datasetspecifications_get(configurationid, username=username, custom_query_name=custom_query_name) + +Gets all inputs of a configuration + +Gets all inputs of a configuration + +### Example + +```python +from __future__ import print_function +import time +import modelcatalog +from modelcatalog.rest import ApiException +from pprint import pprint + +# Create an instance of the API class +api_instance = modelcatalog.DatasetSpecificationApi() +configurationid = 'configurationid_example' # str | The ID of the configuration +username = 'username_example' # str | Username to query (optional) +custom_query_name = 'custom_allinputs' # str | Name of the custom query (optional) (default to 'custom_allinputs') + +try: + # Gets all inputs of a configuration + api_response = api_instance.custom_datasetspecifications_get(configurationid, username=username, custom_query_name=custom_query_name) + pprint(api_response) +except ApiException as e: + print("Exception when calling DatasetSpecificationApi->custom_datasetspecifications_get: %s\n" % e) +``` + +### Parameters + +Name | Type | Description | Notes +------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- + **configurationid** | **str**| The ID of the configuration | + **username** | **str**| Username to query | [optional] + **custom_query_name** | **str**| Name of the custom query | [optional] [default to 'custom_allinputs'] + +### Return type + +[**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) + +### Authorization + +No authorization required + +### HTTP request headers + + - **Content-Type**: Not defined + - **Accept**: application/json + +### HTTP response details +| Status code | Description | Response headers | +|-------------|-------------|------------------| +**200** | Gets all inputs of a configuration | - | + +[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../) + # **datasetspecifications_get** > list[DatasetSpecification] datasetspecifications_get(username=username, label=label, page=page, per_page=per_page) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/DefaultApi.md b/docs/endpoints/DefaultApi.md index 55e6e70..9b72db8 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/DefaultApi.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/DefaultApi.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ No authorization required ### HTTP response details | Status code | Description | Response headers | |-------------|-------------|------------------| -**200** | successful operation | * X-Rate-Limit - calls per hour allowed by the user
* X-Expires-After - date in UTC when token expires
| +**200** | successful operation | * X-Expires-After - date in UTC when token expires
* X-Rate-Limit - calls per hour allowed by the user
| **400** | unsuccessful operation | - | [[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/EmpiricalModel.md b/docs/endpoints/EmpiricalModel.md index c36ef31..b5bed0d 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/EmpiricalModel.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/EmpiricalModel.md @@ -3,58 +3,65 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **date_published** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **doi** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] +**has_input_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as input for this model | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_model_category** | [**list[ModelCategory]**](ModelCategory.md) | Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_output_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as output for this model | [optional] +**has_process** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model | [optional] **has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**limitations** | **list[str]** | Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**parameterization** | **list[str]** | Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient | [optional] +**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**runtime_estimation** | **list[str]** | An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**theoretical_basis** | **list[str]** | What is the theory behind the processes described in the model | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Emulator.md b/docs/endpoints/Emulator.md index dce6848..2e0084c 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Emulator.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Emulator.md @@ -3,58 +3,65 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **date_published** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **doi** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] +**has_input_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as input for this model | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_model_category** | [**list[ModelCategory]**](ModelCategory.md) | Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_output_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as output for this model | [optional] +**has_process** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model | [optional] **has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**limitations** | **list[str]** | Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**parameterization** | **list[str]** | Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient | [optional] +**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**runtime_estimation** | **list[str]** | An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**theoretical_basis** | **list[str]** | What is the theory behind the processes described in the model | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/FundingInformation.md b/docs/endpoints/FundingInformation.md index a8f0db0..c9979c6 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/FundingInformation.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/FundingInformation.md @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**funding_grant** | **list[str]** | Grant number used for funding | [optional] +**funding_source** | [**list[Organization]**](Organization.md) | Link to the organization funding a software component | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**funding_source** | [**list[Organization]**](Organization.md) | Link to the organization funding a software component | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**funding_grant** | **list[str]** | Grant number used for funding | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/GeoCoordinates.md b/docs/endpoints/GeoCoordinates.md index 04750cf..a3d8a65 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/GeoCoordinates.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/GeoCoordinates.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**elevation** | **list[str]** | Elevation of a location (WGS84) | [optional] -**latitude** | **list[str]** | Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**elevation** | **list[str]** | Elevation of a location (WGS84) | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] +**latitude** | **list[str]** | Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) | [optional] **longitude** | **list[str]** | Longitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/GeoShape.md b/docs/endpoints/GeoShape.md index b318fd9..fca1781 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/GeoShape.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/GeoShape.md @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**elevation** | **list[str]** | Elevation of a location (WGS84) | [optional] -**latitude** | **list[str]** | Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **box** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**elevation** | **list[str]** | Elevation of a location (WGS84) | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] +**latitude** | **list[str]** | Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) | [optional] **longitude** | **list[str]** | Longitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Grid.md b/docs/endpoints/Grid.md index 9dbb721..3b4de61 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Grid.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Grid.md @@ -3,24 +3,24 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_dimensionality** | **list[int]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_format** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**path_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_file_structure** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**has_coordinate_system** | **list[str]** | Coordinate system used in a grid | [optional] **has_data_transformation** | [**list[DataTransformation]**](DataTransformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] +**has_data_transformation_setup** | [**list[DataTransformationSetup]**](DataTransformationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_dimension** | **list[str]** | Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) | [optional] +**has_dimensionality** | **list[int]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_file_structure** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_fixed_resource** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_coordinate_system** | **list[str]** | Coordinate system used in a grid | [optional] +**has_format** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_shape** | **list[str]** | Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. | [optional] **has_spatial_resolution** | **list[str]** | Spatial resolution of a grid (e.g., 50m) | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **is_transformed_from** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_shape** | **list[str]** | Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. | [optional] -**has_dimension** | **list[str]** | Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) | [optional] -**has_data_transformation_setup** | [**list[DataTransformationSetup]**](DataTransformationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**path_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **position** | **list[int]** | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/HybridModel.md b/docs/endpoints/HybridModel.md index 57d0f61..2103082 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/HybridModel.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/HybridModel.md @@ -3,58 +3,65 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **date_published** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **doi** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] +**has_input_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as input for this model | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_model_category** | [**list[ModelCategory]**](ModelCategory.md) | Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_output_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as output for this model | [optional] +**has_process** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model | [optional] **has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**limitations** | **list[str]** | Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**parameterization** | **list[str]** | Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient | [optional] +**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**runtime_estimation** | **list[str]** | An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**theoretical_basis** | **list[str]** | What is the theory behind the processes described in the model | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Image.md b/docs/endpoints/Image.md index c92b3d0..91aa65b 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Image.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Image.md @@ -3,21 +3,21 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_dimensionality** | **list[int]** | Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification | [optional] -**has_format** | **list[str]** | Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. | [optional] -**path_location** | **list[str]** | Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` | [optional] -**has_file_structure** | **list[object]** | Relates a dataset specification to the data structure definition | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] **has_data_transformation** | [**list[DataTransformation]**](DataTransformation.md) | Property that associates an input/output with their corresponding data transformation. | [optional] -**has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Property that links an instance of a dataset (or a dataset specification) to the presentation of a variable contained (or expected to be contained) on it. | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] +**has_data_transformation_setup** | [**list[DataTransformationSetup]**](DataTransformationSetup.md) | Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs | [optional] +**has_dimensionality** | **list[int]** | Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification | [optional] +**has_file_structure** | **list[object]** | Relates a dataset specification to the data structure definition | [optional] **has_fixed_resource** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Property that links a parameter or an input to a fixed value. For example, in a given configuration a parameter with the planting date for a model could be fixed to avoid the user changing it for that region. | [optional] +**has_format** | **list[str]** | Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. | [optional] +**has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Property that links an instance of a dataset (or a dataset specification) to the presentation of a variable contained (or expected to be contained) on it. | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **is_transformed_from** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that links a dataset specification from a model configuration or setup to the output from a target data transformation. This occurs when a data transformation produces several outputs, but only one of them is the one needed for a model | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] -**has_data_transformation_setup** | [**list[DataTransformationSetup]**](DataTransformationSetup.md) | Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**path_location** | **list[str]** | Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` | [optional] **position** | **list[int]** | Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **value** | [**list[AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring]**](AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring.md) | Value associated to the described entity | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Model.md b/docs/endpoints/Model.md index ef74d0f..f2827d0 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Model.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Model.md @@ -3,58 +3,65 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **date_published** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **doi** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] +**has_input_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as input for this model | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_model_category** | [**list[ModelCategory]**](ModelCategory.md) | Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_output_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as output for this model | [optional] +**has_process** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model | [optional] **has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**limitations** | **list[str]** | Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**parameterization** | **list[str]** | Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient | [optional] +**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**runtime_estimation** | **list[str]** | An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**theoretical_basis** | **list[str]** | What is the theory behind the processes described in the model | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/ModelCategory.md b/docs/endpoints/ModelCategory.md index f46563b..26c2588 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/ModelCategory.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/ModelCategory.md @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**parent_category** | [**list[ModelCategory]**](ModelCategory.md) | Indicates this subcategory parent category | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/ModelConfiguration.md b/docs/endpoints/ModelConfiguration.md index 22975d7..8e24c89 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/ModelConfiguration.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/ModelConfiguration.md @@ -3,76 +3,82 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] -**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_region** | [**list[Region]**](Region.md) | Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**tag** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_sample_execution** | [**list[SampleExecution]**](SampleExecution.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_sample_result** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**date_published** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**doi** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_causal_diagram** | [**list[CausalDiagram]**](CausalDiagram.md) | Diagram associated to a model configuration | [optional] +**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**date_published** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] **has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_output_time_interval** | [**list[TimeInterval]**](TimeInterval.md) | Time interval used in the model configuration | [optional] -**doi** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_process** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model configuration | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] +**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_input_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as input for this model | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_model_category** | [**list[ModelCategory]**](ModelCategory.md) | Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] **has_model_result_table** | **list[str]** | Sample result table associated with a model configuration | [optional] +**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_output_time_interval** | [**list[TimeInterval]**](TimeInterval.md) | Time interval used in the model configuration | [optional] +**has_output_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as output for this model | [optional] +**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_process** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model | [optional] **has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_region** | [**list[Region]**](Region.md) | Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region | [optional] +**has_sample_execution** | [**list[SampleExecution]**](SampleExecution.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_sample_result** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Description not available | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_causal_diagram** | [**list[CausalDiagram]**](CausalDiagram.md) | Diagram associated to a model configuration | [optional] -**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] **has_support_script_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**limitations** | **list[str]** | Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**parameterization** | **list[str]** | Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient | [optional] +**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**runtime_estimation** | **list[str]** | An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**tag** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**theoretical_basis** | **list[str]** | What is the theory behind the processes described in the model | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/ModelConfigurationSetup.md b/docs/endpoints/ModelConfigurationSetup.md index e135b03..64c4710 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/ModelConfigurationSetup.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/ModelConfigurationSetup.md @@ -3,85 +3,91 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] -**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] +**adjustable_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] **calibrated_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that was calibrated in this particular model configuration calibration | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**calibration_interval** | **list[str]** | Property that represents the temporal interval used to calibrate a model | [optional] +**calibration_method** | **list[str]** | Calibration method used for a particular model configuration or setup | [optional] +**calibration_target_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable for which the model was calibrated for. For example, in a hydrology model one calibrate the predicted river width by varying hydrologic conductivity | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**calibration_method** | **list[str]** | Calibration method used for a particular model configuration or setup | [optional] -**has_region** | [**list[Region]**](Region.md) | Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**tag** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_sample_execution** | [**list[SampleExecution]**](SampleExecution.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_sample_result** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**was_derived_from_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**date_published** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**doi** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_causal_diagram** | [**list[CausalDiagram]**](CausalDiagram.md) | Diagram associated to a model configuration | [optional] +**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**date_published** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] **has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**calibration_interval** | **list[str]** | Property that represents the temporal interval used to calibrate a model | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_output_time_interval** | [**list[TimeInterval]**](TimeInterval.md) | Time interval used in the model configuration | [optional] -**status** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**doi** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**parameter_assignment_method** | **list[str]** | Property that indicates how have the parameters assigned in a model configuration (e.g., using an expert guess, by using calibration, etc.) | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_process** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model configuration | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] +**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_input_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as input for this model | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_model_category** | [**list[ModelCategory]**](ModelCategory.md) | Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] **has_model_result_table** | **list[str]** | Sample result table associated with a model configuration | [optional] -**calibration_target_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable for which the model was calibrated for. For example, in a hydrology model one calibrate the predicted river width by varying hydrologic conductivity | [optional] +**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_output_time_interval** | [**list[TimeInterval]**](TimeInterval.md) | Time interval used in the model configuration | [optional] +**has_output_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as output for this model | [optional] +**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_process** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model | [optional] **has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_region** | [**list[Region]**](Region.md) | Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region | [optional] +**has_sample_execution** | [**list[SampleExecution]**](SampleExecution.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_sample_result** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Description not available | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_causal_diagram** | [**list[CausalDiagram]**](CausalDiagram.md) | Diagram associated to a model configuration | [optional] -**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**adjustable_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] **has_support_script_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**limitations** | **list[str]** | Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**valid_until** | **list[str]** | Date until which the calibration of a model is valid. For example, a trained model with data from 2005-2010 may only be valid for predictions until 2015. | [optional] -**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**parameter_assignment_method** | **list[str]** | Property that indicates how have the parameters assigned in a model configuration (e.g., using an expert guess, by using calibration, etc.) | [optional] +**parameterization** | **list[str]** | Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient | [optional] +**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**runtime_estimation** | **list[str]** | An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**status** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**tag** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**theoretical_basis** | **list[str]** | What is the theory behind the processes described in the model | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**valid_until** | **list[datetime]** | Date until which the calibration of a model is valid. For example, a trained model with data from 2005-2010 may only be valid for predictions until 2015. | [optional] +**was_derived_from_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/NumericalIndex.md b/docs/endpoints/NumericalIndex.md index c24bcba..9ff33be 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/NumericalIndex.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/NumericalIndex.md @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_standard_variable** | [**list[StandardVariable]**](StandardVariable.md) | the standard name of a variable | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**has_standard_variable** | [**list[StandardVariable]**](StandardVariable.md) | the standard name of a variable | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Organization.md b/docs/endpoints/Organization.md index d73a895..fd74b7c 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Organization.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Organization.md @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Parameter.md b/docs/endpoints/Parameter.md index 9807d7e..53e5904 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Parameter.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Parameter.md @@ -3,23 +3,23 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_default_value** | [**list[AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring]**](AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring.md) | Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] -**has_maximum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] +**adjusts_variable** | [**list[Variable]**](Variable.md) | Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**has_accepted_values** | **list[str]** | Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" | [optional] **has_data_type** | **list[str]** | Property that indicates the data type of a parameter | [optional] +**has_default_value** | [**list[AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring]**](AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring.md) | Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] **has_fixed_value** | [**list[AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring]**](AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring.md) | Value of a parameter in a software setup. | [optional] +**has_maximum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] +**has_minimum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] **has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Property that links an instance of a dataset (or a dataset specification) to the presentation of a variable contained (or expected to be contained) on it. | [optional] +**has_step_size** | **list[float]** | Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**position** | **list[int]** | Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution | [optional] **recommended_increment** | **list[float]** | Value that represents how a parameter should be incremented on each iteration of a software component execution. This value is important when preparing execution ensembles automatically, e.g., simulating crop production varying the parameter \"fertilizer amount\" in increments of 10%. | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_minimum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] -**has_accepted_values** | **list[str]** | Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" | [optional] -**adjusts_variable** | [**list[Variable]**](Variable.md) | Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable | [optional] **relevant_for_intervention** | [**list[Intervention]**](Intervention.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**position** | **list[int]** | Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **uses_unit** | [**list[Unit]**](Unit.md) | Property used to link a variable presentation or time interval to the unit they are represented in | [optional] -**has_step_size** | **list[float]** | Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Person.md b/docs/endpoints/Person.md index de2aa5d..3f0f295 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Person.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Person.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**email** | **list[str]** | Email of a person | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**email** | **list[str]** | Email of a person | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/PointBasedGrid.md b/docs/endpoints/PointBasedGrid.md index e1a8462..55aed83 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/PointBasedGrid.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/PointBasedGrid.md @@ -3,24 +3,24 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_dimensionality** | **list[int]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_format** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**path_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_file_structure** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**has_coordinate_system** | **list[str]** | Coordinate system used in a grid | [optional] **has_data_transformation** | [**list[DataTransformation]**](DataTransformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] +**has_data_transformation_setup** | [**list[DataTransformationSetup]**](DataTransformationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_dimension** | **list[str]** | Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) | [optional] +**has_dimensionality** | **list[int]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_file_structure** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_fixed_resource** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_coordinate_system** | **list[str]** | Coordinate system used in a grid | [optional] +**has_format** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_shape** | **list[str]** | Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. | [optional] **has_spatial_resolution** | **list[str]** | Spatial resolution of a grid (e.g., 50m) | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **is_transformed_from** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_shape** | **list[str]** | Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. | [optional] -**has_dimension** | **list[str]** | Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) | [optional] -**has_data_transformation_setup** | [**list[DataTransformationSetup]**](DataTransformationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**path_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **position** | **list[int]** | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Process.md b/docs/endpoints/Process.md index 0dfaf9d..7879d7b 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Process.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Process.md @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**influences** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that captures if a physical process influences another process | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**influences** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that captures if a physical process influences another process | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Region.md b/docs/endpoints/Region.md index cab4280..61301d8 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Region.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Region.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**geo** | [**list[AnyOfGeoCoordinatesGeoShape]**](AnyOfGeoCoordinatesGeoShape.md) | Specific coordinates or shape associated with a region | [optional] -**part_of** | [**list[Region]**](Region.md) | Indicates whether a region is part of another region | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**geo** | [**list[AnyOfGeoCoordinatesGeoShape]**](AnyOfGeoCoordinatesGeoShape.md) | Specific coordinates or shape associated with a region | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**part_of** | [**list[Region]**](Region.md) | Indicates whether a region is part of another region | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/SampleCollection.md b/docs/endpoints/SampleCollection.md index 9e948ab..bfc9dbd 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/SampleCollection.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/SampleCollection.md @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **data_catalog_identifier** | **list[str]** | An identifier for resources with metadata entries in a data catalog | [optional] -**has_part** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Property designed to reference the elements included in a sample collection. | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**has_part** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Property designed to reference the elements included in a sample collection. | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] diff --git a/docs/endpoints/SampleExecution.md b/docs/endpoints/SampleExecution.md index d1f259d..6ef2bb7 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/SampleExecution.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/SampleExecution.md @@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Software.md b/docs/endpoints/Software.md index 94b6968..3c1ded0 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Software.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Software.md @@ -3,54 +3,54 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] -**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Typical data sources that are used by a software component | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Copyright holder for a software component | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] +**date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] **has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Contact person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] **has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] +**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Typical data sources that are used by a software component | [optional] +**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] **memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Memory requirements of a software | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] +**operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] **processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Processor requirements of a software component | [optional] -**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] **readme** | **list[str]** | URl to the readme file of a software component | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] **short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] -**date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] -**operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Property that indicates that a software component (or any of its outputs) can be used to calculate a particular index. The rationale for this property is that indices are usually calculated by applying post-processing steps to the outputs of a software component. | [optional] -**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/SoftwareConfiguration.md b/docs/endpoints/SoftwareConfiguration.md index 95b334b..b702929 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/SoftwareConfiguration.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/SoftwareConfiguration.md @@ -3,67 +3,67 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] -**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Copyright holder for a software component | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] +**date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] +**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files | [optional] +**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property | [optional] **has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Contact person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**tag** | **list[str]** | Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] +**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] +**has_implementation_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function | [optional] +**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model | [optional] +**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration | [optional] +**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] **has_sample_execution** | [**list[SampleExecution]**](SampleExecution.md) | Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration | [optional] **has_sample_result** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] -**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] -**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] -**date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] **has_setup** | [**list[ConfigurationSetup]**](ConfigurationSetup.md) | Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**has_output** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model | [optional] -**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] -**has_component_location** | **list[str]** | Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Function to link a function with its corresponding container | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_support_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. | [optional] **has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Typical data sources that are used by a software component | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] +**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] **issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component | [optional] -**has_software_image** | [**list[SoftwareImage]**](SoftwareImage.md) | Function to link a function with its corresponding container | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] -**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] -**has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] **memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Memory requirements of a software | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] +**operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] **processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Processor requirements of a software component | [optional] -**has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] -**has_support_script_location** | **list[str]** | Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] **readme** | **list[str]** | URl to the readme file of a software component | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] -**has_parameter** | [**list[Parameter]**](Parameter.md) | Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration | [optional] -**operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] +**tag** | **list[str]** | Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Property that indicates that a software component (or any of its outputs) can be used to calculate a particular index. The rationale for this property is that indices are usually calculated by applying post-processing steps to the outputs of a software component. | [optional] -**has_input** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/SoftwareImage.md b/docs/endpoints/SoftwareImage.md index 3c0ce23..b3d5c99 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/SoftwareImage.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/SoftwareImage.md @@ -3,56 +3,56 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] +**available_in_registry** | **list[str]** | Property that indicates in which registry the software image being described can be found. For example, https://hub.docker.com | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Copyright holder for a software component | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] -**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Contact person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] -**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] **date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Typical data sources that are used by a software component | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] +**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] **had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] -**available_in_registry** | **list[str]** | Property that indicates in which registry the software image being described can be found. For example, https://hub.docker.com | [optional] -**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] +**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Contact person responsible for a software component | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] **has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**has_execution_command** | **list[str]** | Execution instructions on how to run the image | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] +**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] -**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Memory requirements of a software | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] -**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Processor requirements of a software component | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Typical data sources that are used by a software component | [optional] **has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] -**readme** | **list[str]** | URl to the readme file of a software component | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] +**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Memory requirements of a software | [optional] **operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Processor requirements of a software component | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] +**readme** | **list[str]** | URl to the readme file of a software component | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Property that indicates that a software component (or any of its outputs) can be used to calculate a particular index. The rationale for this property is that indices are usually calculated by applying post-processing steps to the outputs of a software component. | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/SoftwareVersion.md b/docs/endpoints/SoftwareVersion.md index 34385ca..edc9401 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/SoftwareVersion.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/SoftwareVersion.md @@ -3,57 +3,57 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Copyright holder for a software component | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] -**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Contact person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**tag** | **list[str]** | Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] -**has_configuration** | [**list[SoftwareConfiguration]**](SoftwareConfiguration.md) | Property that links a model to one of its configurations. A model may have multiple configurations, each of which is unique in terms of the inputs and outputs it uses. | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | The creator of a software component | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] **date_published** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was published | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] -**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] -**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Typical data sources that are used by a software component | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] +**doi** | **list[str]** | Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component | [optional] **had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Date when a software component was created | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Contributor to a software component | [optional] -**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built | [optional] +**has_configuration** | [**list[SoftwareConfiguration]**](SoftwareConfiguration.md) | Property that links a model to one of its configurations. A model may have multiple configurations, each of which is unique in terms of the inputs and outputs it uses. | [optional] +**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Contact person responsible for a software component | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the documentation of the model | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. | [optional] **has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Frequently asked questions about a software | [optional] +**has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Property that links a software project to its funding information | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. | [optional] +**has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs | [optional] -**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Memory requirements of a software | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | How to cite this software | [optional] -**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Processor requirements of a software component | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Typical data sources that are used by a software component | [optional] **has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. | [optional] -**readme** | **list[str]** | URl to the readme file of a software component | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions | [optional] +**has_version_id** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the version of this software | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the resource being described | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Keywords associated with a software component | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component | [optional] +**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Memory requirements of a software | [optional] **operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Operating systems under which a software component can operate | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. | [optional] +**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Processor requirements of a software component | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component | [optional] +**readme** | **list[str]** | URl to the readme file of a software component | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Main publication to cite for this software component | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | A summarized description of the resource | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Software requirements needed to install a software component | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided | [optional] +**tag** | **list[str]** | Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Property that indicates that a software component (or any of its outputs) can be used to calculate a particular index. The rationale for this property is that indices are usually calculated by applying post-processing steps to the outputs of a software component. | [optional] -**has_version_id** | **list[str]** | Identifier of the version of this software | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Website of the software | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/SourceCode.md b/docs/endpoints/SourceCode.md index 95f2818..a63b362 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/SourceCode.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/SourceCode.md @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] -**programming_language** | **list[str]** | Language used to code a software component | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **code_repository** | **list[str]** | URL to the code repository of a software component | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | License of a software component or its source code | [optional] +**programming_language** | **list[str]** | Language used to code a software component | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/SpatiallyDistributedGrid.md b/docs/endpoints/SpatiallyDistributedGrid.md index 746bb80..70fa5b9 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/SpatiallyDistributedGrid.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/SpatiallyDistributedGrid.md @@ -3,24 +3,24 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_dimensionality** | **list[int]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_format** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**path_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_file_structure** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**has_coordinate_system** | **list[str]** | Coordinate system used in a grid | [optional] **has_data_transformation** | [**list[DataTransformation]**](DataTransformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] +**has_data_transformation_setup** | [**list[DataTransformationSetup]**](DataTransformationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_dimension** | **list[str]** | Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) | [optional] +**has_dimensionality** | **list[int]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_file_structure** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_fixed_resource** | [**list[SampleResource]**](SampleResource.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_coordinate_system** | **list[str]** | Coordinate system used in a grid | [optional] +**has_format** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_presentation** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_shape** | **list[str]** | Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. | [optional] **has_spatial_resolution** | **list[str]** | Spatial resolution of a grid (e.g., 50m) | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **is_transformed_from** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_shape** | **list[str]** | Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. | [optional] -**has_dimension** | **list[str]** | Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) | [optional] -**has_data_transformation_setup** | [**list[DataTransformationSetup]**](DataTransformationSetup.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**path_location** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **position** | **list[int]** | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/TheoryGuidedModel.md b/docs/endpoints/TheoryGuidedModel.md index 88b200d..8e720cb 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/TheoryGuidedModel.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/TheoryGuidedModel.md @@ -3,58 +3,65 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] -**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **compatible_visualization_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] **copyright_holder** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] -**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**author** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **date_published** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] -**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **doi** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_build_file** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_contact_person** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_documentation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_download_url** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**has_example** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_explanation_diagram** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model | [optional] +**has_faq** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_funding** | [**list[FundingInformation]**](FundingInformation.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_grid** | [**list[Grid]**](Grid.md) | Grid information about the model | [optional] +**has_input_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as input for this model | [optional] +**has_installation_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_model_category** | [**list[ModelCategory]**](ModelCategory.md) | Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Description not available | [optional] -**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**date_created** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**contributor** | [**list[Person]**](Person.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_output_variable** | [**list[VariablePresentation]**](VariablePresentation.md) | Variable that is used as output for this model | [optional] +**has_process** | [**list[Process]**](Process.md) | Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model | [optional] **has_purpose** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_instructions** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_sample_visualization** | [**list[Visualization]**](Visualization.md) | Description not available | [optional] -**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**citation** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_source_code** | [**list[SourceCode]**](SourceCode.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**has_typical_data_source** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **has_usage_notes** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**has_version** | [**list[SoftwareVersion]**](SoftwareVersion.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**identifier** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**issue_tracker** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**keywords** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**has_assumption** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**license** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**limitations** | **list[str]** | Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) | [optional] +**logo** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**memory_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] **operating_systems** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_executable_notebook** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] -**has_equation** | [**list[Equation]**](Equation.md) | Equations used in the model | [optional] +**parameterization** | **list[str]** | Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient | [optional] +**processor_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**publisher** | [**list[AnyOfOrganizationPerson]**](AnyOfOrganizationPerson.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**readme** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**reference_publication** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**runtime_estimation** | **list[str]** | An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations | [optional] +**screenshot** | [**list[Image]**](Image.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**short_description** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**software_requirements** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**support_details** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] +**theoretical_basis** | **list[str]** | What is the theory behind the processes described in the model | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **useful_for_calculating_index** | [**list[NumericalIndex]**](NumericalIndex.md) | Description not available | [optional] +**website** | **list[str]** | Description not available | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/TimeInterval.md b/docs/endpoints/TimeInterval.md index 8b8e375..366e36b 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/TimeInterval.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/TimeInterval.md @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**interval_unit** | [**list[Unit]**](Unit.md) | Unit used in an interval (e.g., month) | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**interval_unit** | [**list[Unit]**](Unit.md) | Unit used in an interval (e.g., month) | [optional] +**interval_value** | [**list[AnyOfintegerstring]**](AnyOfintegerstring.md) | Value used in the time interval of a model (e.g., 1 month, 5 days, 'harvest cycle') | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] -**interval_value** | [**list[AnyOfintegerstring]**](AnyOfintegerstring.md) | Value used in the time interval of a model (e.g., 1 month, 5 days, 'harvest cycle') | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/VariablePresentation.md b/docs/endpoints/VariablePresentation.md index 7d6ed37..4f7fd58 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/VariablePresentation.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/VariablePresentation.md @@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_default_value** | [**list[AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring]**](AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring.md) | Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] -**has_standard_variable** | [**list[StandardVariable]**](StandardVariable.md) | the standard name of a variable | [optional] -**has_maximum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] -**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] -**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] -**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] +**has_constraint** | **list[str]** | Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property | [optional] +**has_default_value** | [**list[AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring]**](AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring.md) | Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] **has_long_name** | **list[str]** | Properties that relate the variable representation to its long name. The long name is useful for context (e.g., precipitation is less ambiguous than P) but not as precise as the standard name. | [optional] -**has_short_name** | **list[str]** | A short name (e.g., temperature) capturing the high-level concept of the variable | [optional] +**has_maximum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] **has_minimum_accepted_value** | [**list[AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger]**](AnyOfDateTimefloatinteger.md) | Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) | [optional] -**part_of_dataset** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Associates a presentation with a dataset where the presentation occurs | [optional] +**has_short_name** | **list[str]** | A short name (e.g., temperature) capturing the high-level concept of the variable | [optional] +**has_standard_variable** | [**list[StandardVariable]**](StandardVariable.md) | the standard name of a variable | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] +**label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] +**part_of_dataset** | [**list[DatasetSpecification]**](DatasetSpecification.md) | Associates a presentation with a dataset where the presentation occurs | [optional] +**type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **uses_unit** | [**list[Unit]**](Unit.md) | Property used to link a variable presentation or time interval to the unit they are represented in | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/docs/endpoints/Visualization.md b/docs/endpoints/Visualization.md index 911a3d5..5a885e8 100644 --- a/docs/endpoints/Visualization.md +++ b/docs/endpoints/Visualization.md @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- -**has_format** | **list[str]** | Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. | [optional] -**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] -**was_derived_from_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Property that identifies the software used to create a visualization | [optional] **description** | **list[str]** | small description | [optional] +**had_primary_source** | **list[object]** | Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. | [optional] +**has_format** | **list[str]** | Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. | [optional] **id** | **str** | identifier | [optional] **label** | **list[str]** | short description of the resource | [optional] **type** | **list[str]** | type of the resource | [optional] **value** | [**list[AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring]**](AnyOfURIbooleanDateTimefloatintegerstring.md) | Value associated to the described entity | [optional] +**was_derived_from_software** | [**list[Software]**](Software.md) | Property that identifies the software used to create a visualization | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../) diff --git a/generate-client.sh b/generate-client.sh index ce2b986..9e12e43 100644 --- a/generate-client.sh +++ b/generate-client.sh @@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ set -e dir=${PWD} parentdir="$(dirname "$dir")" -REPO_TAG=$1 -FILE=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mintproject/model-catalog-api/$REPO_TAG/openapi.yaml +URL=$1 + + docker run -ti --rm -v ${PWD}:/local openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v4.1.2 \ generate \ - -i $FILE \ + -i $URL \ -g python \ -o /local/ \ -c /local/openapi-config.json \ diff --git a/modelcatalog/__init__.py b/modelcatalog/__init__.py index 8fdfc8e..d45009c 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/__init__.py +++ b/modelcatalog/__init__.py @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import -__version__ = "7.0.0" +__version__ = "7.1.0" # import apis into sdk package from modelcatalog.api.catalog_identifier_api import CatalogIdentifierApi diff --git a/modelcatalog/api/dataset_specification_api.py b/modelcatalog/api/dataset_specification_api.py index a61fbec..09b53c3 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/api/dataset_specification_api.py +++ b/modelcatalog/api/dataset_specification_api.py @@ -36,6 +36,238 @@ def __init__(self, api_client=None): api_client = ApiClient() self.api_client = api_client + def custom_configuration_id_inputs_get(self, id, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 + """Gets all inputs of a configuration # noqa: E501 + + Gets all inputs of a configuration # noqa: E501 + This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an + asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True + >>> thread = api.custom_configuration_id_inputs_get(id, async_req=True) + >>> result = thread.get() + + :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously + :param str id: The ID of the resource (required) + :param str username: Username to query + :param str custom_query_name: Name of the custom query + :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will + be returned without reading/decoding response + data. Default is True. + :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one + number provided, it will be total request + timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of + (connection, read) timeouts. + :return: list[DatasetSpecification] + If the method is called asynchronously, + returns the request thread. + """ + kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True + return self.custom_configuration_id_inputs_get_with_http_info(id, **kwargs) # noqa: E501 + + def custom_configuration_id_inputs_get_with_http_info(self, id, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 + """Gets all inputs of a configuration # noqa: E501 + + Gets all inputs of a configuration # noqa: E501 + This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an + asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True + >>> thread = api.custom_configuration_id_inputs_get_with_http_info(id, async_req=True) + >>> result = thread.get() + + :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously + :param str id: The ID of the resource (required) + :param str username: Username to query + :param str custom_query_name: Name of the custom query + :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code + and headers + :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will + be returned without reading/decoding response + data. Default is True. + :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one + number provided, it will be total request + timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of + (connection, read) timeouts. + :return: tuple(list[DatasetSpecification], status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict)) + If the method is called asynchronously, + returns the request thread. + """ + + local_var_params = locals() + + all_params = ['id', 'username', 'custom_query_name'] # noqa: E501 + all_params.append('async_req') + all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') + all_params.append('_preload_content') + all_params.append('_request_timeout') + + for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']): + if key not in all_params: + raise ApiTypeError( + "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" + " to method custom_configuration_id_inputs_get" % key + ) + local_var_params[key] = val + del local_var_params['kwargs'] + # verify the required parameter 'id' is set + if ('id' not in local_var_params or + local_var_params['id'] is None): + raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `custom_configuration_id_inputs_get`") # noqa: E501 + + collection_formats = {} + + path_params = {} + if 'id' in local_var_params: + path_params['id'] = local_var_params['id'] # noqa: E501 + + query_params = [] + if 'username' in local_var_params: + query_params.append(('username', local_var_params['username'])) # noqa: E501 + if 'custom_query_name' in local_var_params: + query_params.append(('custom_query_name', local_var_params['custom_query_name'])) # noqa: E501 + + header_params = {} + + form_params = [] + local_var_files = {} + + body_params = None + # HTTP header `Accept` + header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept( + ['application/json']) # noqa: E501 + + # Authentication setting + auth_settings = [] # noqa: E501 + + return self.api_client.call_api( + '/custom/configuration/{id}/inputs', 'GET', + path_params, + query_params, + header_params, + body=body_params, + post_params=form_params, + files=local_var_files, + response_type='list[DatasetSpecification]', # noqa: E501 + auth_settings=auth_settings, + async_req=local_var_params.get('async_req'), + _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'), # noqa: E501 + _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True), + _request_timeout=local_var_params.get('_request_timeout'), + collection_formats=collection_formats) + + def custom_datasetspecifications_get(self, configurationid, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 + """Gets all inputs of a configuration # noqa: E501 + + Gets all inputs of a configuration # noqa: E501 + This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an + asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True + >>> thread = api.custom_datasetspecifications_get(configurationid, async_req=True) + >>> result = thread.get() + + :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously + :param str configurationid: The ID of the configuration (required) + :param str username: Username to query + :param str custom_query_name: Name of the custom query + :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will + be returned without reading/decoding response + data. Default is True. + :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one + number provided, it will be total request + timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of + (connection, read) timeouts. + :return: list[DatasetSpecification] + If the method is called asynchronously, + returns the request thread. + """ + kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True + return self.custom_datasetspecifications_get_with_http_info(configurationid, **kwargs) # noqa: E501 + + def custom_datasetspecifications_get_with_http_info(self, configurationid, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 + """Gets all inputs of a configuration # noqa: E501 + + Gets all inputs of a configuration # noqa: E501 + This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an + asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True + >>> thread = api.custom_datasetspecifications_get_with_http_info(configurationid, async_req=True) + >>> result = thread.get() + + :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously + :param str configurationid: The ID of the configuration (required) + :param str username: Username to query + :param str custom_query_name: Name of the custom query + :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code + and headers + :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will + be returned without reading/decoding response + data. Default is True. + :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one + number provided, it will be total request + timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of + (connection, read) timeouts. + :return: tuple(list[DatasetSpecification], status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict)) + If the method is called asynchronously, + returns the request thread. + """ + + local_var_params = locals() + + all_params = ['configurationid', 'username', 'custom_query_name'] # noqa: E501 + all_params.append('async_req') + all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') + all_params.append('_preload_content') + all_params.append('_request_timeout') + + for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']): + if key not in all_params: + raise ApiTypeError( + "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" + " to method custom_datasetspecifications_get" % key + ) + local_var_params[key] = val + del local_var_params['kwargs'] + # verify the required parameter 'configurationid' is set + if ('configurationid' not in local_var_params or + local_var_params['configurationid'] is None): + raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `configurationid` when calling `custom_datasetspecifications_get`") # noqa: E501 + + collection_formats = {} + + path_params = {} + + query_params = [] + if 'username' in local_var_params: + query_params.append(('username', local_var_params['username'])) # noqa: E501 + if 'configurationid' in local_var_params: + query_params.append(('configurationid', local_var_params['configurationid'])) # noqa: E501 + if 'custom_query_name' in local_var_params: + query_params.append(('custom_query_name', local_var_params['custom_query_name'])) # noqa: E501 + + header_params = {} + + form_params = [] + local_var_files = {} + + body_params = None + # HTTP header `Accept` + header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept( + ['application/json']) # noqa: E501 + + # Authentication setting + auth_settings = [] # noqa: E501 + + return self.api_client.call_api( + '/custom/datasetspecifications', 'GET', + path_params, + query_params, + header_params, + body=body_params, + post_params=form_params, + files=local_var_files, + response_type='list[DatasetSpecification]', # noqa: E501 + auth_settings=auth_settings, + async_req=local_var_params.get('async_req'), + _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'), # noqa: E501 + _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True), + _request_timeout=local_var_params.get('_request_timeout'), + collection_formats=collection_formats) + def datasetspecifications_get(self, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 """List all instances of DatasetSpecification # noqa: E501 diff --git a/modelcatalog/api_client.py b/modelcatalog/api_client.py index e259c36..4b9dbb4 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/api_client.py +++ b/modelcatalog/api_client.py @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def __init__(self, configuration=None, header_name=None, header_value=None, self.default_headers[header_name] = header_value self.cookie = cookie # Set default User-Agent. - self.user_agent = 'OpenAPI-Generator/7.0.0/python' + self.user_agent = 'OpenAPI-Generator/7.1.0/python' def __del__(self): if self._pool: diff --git a/modelcatalog/configuration.py b/modelcatalog/configuration.py index c2f54ba..642ca60 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/configuration.py +++ b/modelcatalog/configuration.py @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ def to_debug_report(self): "OS: {env}\n"\ "Python Version: {pyversion}\n"\ "Version of the API: v1.7.0\n"\ - "SDK Package Version: 7.0.0".\ + "SDK Package Version: 7.1.0".\ format(env=sys.platform, pyversion=sys.version) def get_host_settings(self): @@ -288,11 +288,11 @@ def get_host_settings(self): 'description': "No description provided", }, { - 'url': "https://dev.api.models.mint.isi.edu/v1.7.0", + 'url': "http://localhost:8080/v1.7.0", 'description': "No description provided", }, { - 'url': "http://localhost:8080/v1.7.0", + 'url': "https://api.models.wildfire.mint.isi.edu/v1.7.0", 'description': "No description provided", } ] diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/catalog_identifier.py b/modelcatalog/models/catalog_identifier.py index 5ed9079..744e2d7 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/catalog_identifier.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/catalog_identifier.py @@ -31,131 +31,108 @@ class CatalogIdentifier(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_default_value': 'list[object]', - 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', + 'adjusts_variable': 'list[Variable]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'has_accepted_values': 'list[str]', 'has_data_type': 'list[str]', + 'has_default_value': 'list[object]', 'has_fixed_value': 'list[object]', + 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', + 'has_minimum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', + 'has_step_size': 'list[float]', + 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', + 'position': 'list[int]', 'recommended_increment': 'list[float]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_minimum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', - 'has_accepted_values': 'list[str]', - 'adjusts_variable': 'list[Variable]', 'relevant_for_intervention': 'list[Intervention]', - 'position': 'list[int]', - 'id': 'str', - 'uses_unit': 'list[Unit]', - 'has_step_size': 'list[float]' + 'type': 'list[str]', + 'uses_unit': 'list[Unit]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_default_value': 'hasDefaultValue', - 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'hasMaximumAcceptedValue', + 'adjusts_variable': 'adjustsVariable', 'description': 'description', + 'has_accepted_values': 'hasAcceptedValues', 'has_data_type': 'hasDataType', + 'has_default_value': 'hasDefaultValue', 'has_fixed_value': 'hasFixedValue', + 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'hasMaximumAcceptedValue', + 'has_minimum_accepted_value': 'hasMinimumAcceptedValue', 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', + 'has_step_size': 'hasStepSize', + 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', + 'position': 'position', 'recommended_increment': 'recommendedIncrement', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_minimum_accepted_value': 'hasMinimumAcceptedValue', - 'has_accepted_values': 'hasAcceptedValues', - 'adjusts_variable': 'adjustsVariable', 'relevant_for_intervention': 'relevantForIntervention', - 'position': 'position', - 'id': 'id', - 'uses_unit': 'usesUnit', - 'has_step_size': 'hasStepSize' + 'type': 'type', + 'uses_unit': 'usesUnit' } - def __init__(self, has_default_value=None, has_maximum_accepted_value=None, description=None, has_data_type=None, has_fixed_value=None, has_presentation=None, label=None, recommended_increment=None, type=None, has_minimum_accepted_value=None, has_accepted_values=None, adjusts_variable=None, relevant_for_intervention=None, position=None, id=None, uses_unit=None, has_step_size=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, adjusts_variable=None, description=None, has_accepted_values=None, has_data_type=None, has_default_value=None, has_fixed_value=None, has_maximum_accepted_value=None, has_minimum_accepted_value=None, has_presentation=None, has_step_size=None, id=None, label=None, position=None, recommended_increment=None, relevant_for_intervention=None, type=None, uses_unit=None): # noqa: E501 """CatalogIdentifier - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_default_value = None - self._has_maximum_accepted_value = None + self._adjusts_variable = None self._description = None + self._has_accepted_values = None self._has_data_type = None + self._has_default_value = None self._has_fixed_value = None + self._has_maximum_accepted_value = None + self._has_minimum_accepted_value = None self._has_presentation = None + self._has_step_size = None + self._id = None self._label = None + self._position = None self._recommended_increment = None - self._type = None - self._has_minimum_accepted_value = None - self._has_accepted_values = None - self._adjusts_variable = None self._relevant_for_intervention = None - self._position = None - self._id = None + self._type = None self._uses_unit = None - self._has_step_size = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_default_value = has_default_value - self.has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value + self.adjusts_variable = adjusts_variable self.description = description + self.has_accepted_values = has_accepted_values self.has_data_type = has_data_type + self.has_default_value = has_default_value self.has_fixed_value = has_fixed_value + self.has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value + self.has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value self.has_presentation = has_presentation + self.has_step_size = has_step_size + if id is not None: + self.id = id self.label = label + self.position = position self.recommended_increment = recommended_increment - self.type = type - self.has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value - self.has_accepted_values = has_accepted_values - self.adjusts_variable = adjusts_variable self.relevant_for_intervention = relevant_for_intervention - self.position = position - if id is not None: - self.id = id + self.type = type self.uses_unit = uses_unit - self.has_step_size = has_step_size - - @property - def has_default_value(self): - """Gets the has_default_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - - Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_default_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] - """ - return self._has_default_value - - @has_default_value.setter - def has_default_value(self, has_default_value): - """Sets the has_default_value of this CatalogIdentifier. - - Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 - - :param has_default_value: The has_default_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] - """ - - self._has_default_value = has_default_value @property - def has_maximum_accepted_value(self): - """Gets the has_maximum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + def adjusts_variable(self): + """Gets the adjusts_variable of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_maximum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The adjusts_variable of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Variable] """ - return self._has_maximum_accepted_value + return self._adjusts_variable - @has_maximum_accepted_value.setter - def has_maximum_accepted_value(self, has_maximum_accepted_value): - """Sets the has_maximum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. + @adjusts_variable.setter + def adjusts_variable(self, adjusts_variable): + """Sets the adjusts_variable of this CatalogIdentifier. - Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable # noqa: E501 - :param has_maximum_accepted_value: The has_maximum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param adjusts_variable: The adjusts_variable of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Variable] """ - self._has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value + self._adjusts_variable = adjusts_variable @property def description(self): @@ -180,6 +157,29 @@ def description(self, description): self._description = description + @property + def has_accepted_values(self): + """Gets the has_accepted_values of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + + Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_accepted_values of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_accepted_values + + @has_accepted_values.setter + def has_accepted_values(self, has_accepted_values): + """Sets the has_accepted_values of this CatalogIdentifier. + + Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" # noqa: E501 + + :param has_accepted_values: The has_accepted_values of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_accepted_values = has_accepted_values + @property def has_data_type(self): """Gets the has_data_type of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 @@ -203,6 +203,29 @@ def has_data_type(self, has_data_type): self._has_data_type = has_data_type + @property + def has_default_value(self): + """Gets the has_default_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + + Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_default_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._has_default_value + + @has_default_value.setter + def has_default_value(self, has_default_value): + """Sets the has_default_value of this CatalogIdentifier. + + Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_default_value: The has_default_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._has_default_value = has_default_value + @property def has_fixed_value(self): """Gets the has_fixed_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 @@ -226,6 +249,52 @@ def has_fixed_value(self, has_fixed_value): self._has_fixed_value = has_fixed_value + @property + def has_maximum_accepted_value(self): + """Gets the has_maximum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + + Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_maximum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._has_maximum_accepted_value + + @has_maximum_accepted_value.setter + def has_maximum_accepted_value(self, has_maximum_accepted_value): + """Sets the has_maximum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. + + Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_maximum_accepted_value: The has_maximum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value + + @property + def has_minimum_accepted_value(self): + """Gets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + + Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._has_minimum_accepted_value + + @has_minimum_accepted_value.setter + def has_minimum_accepted_value(self, has_minimum_accepted_value): + """Sets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. + + Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_minimum_accepted_value: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value + @property def has_presentation(self): """Gets the has_presentation of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 @@ -250,142 +319,119 @@ def has_presentation(self, has_presentation): self._has_presentation = has_presentation @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :return: The label of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._label - - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this CatalogIdentifier. - - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :param label: The label of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._label = label - - @property - def recommended_increment(self): - """Gets the recommended_increment of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + def has_step_size(self): + """Gets the has_step_size of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - Value that represents how a parameter should be incremented on each iteration of a software component execution. This value is important when preparing execution ensembles automatically, e.g., simulating crop production varying the parameter \"fertilizer amount\" in increments of 10%. # noqa: E501 + Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 # noqa: E501 - :return: The recommended_increment of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_step_size of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[float] """ - return self._recommended_increment + return self._has_step_size - @recommended_increment.setter - def recommended_increment(self, recommended_increment): - """Sets the recommended_increment of this CatalogIdentifier. + @has_step_size.setter + def has_step_size(self, has_step_size): + """Sets the has_step_size of this CatalogIdentifier. - Value that represents how a parameter should be incremented on each iteration of a software component execution. This value is important when preparing execution ensembles automatically, e.g., simulating crop production varying the parameter \"fertilizer amount\" in increments of 10%. # noqa: E501 + Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 # noqa: E501 - :param recommended_increment: The recommended_increment of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :param has_step_size: The has_step_size of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 :type: list[float] """ - self._recommended_increment = recommended_increment + self._has_step_size = has_step_size @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The id of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._type + return self._id - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this CatalogIdentifier. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this CatalogIdentifier. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param id: The id of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._type = type + self._id = id @property - def has_minimum_accepted_value(self): - """Gets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The label of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_minimum_accepted_value + return self._label - @has_minimum_accepted_value.setter - def has_minimum_accepted_value(self, has_minimum_accepted_value): - """Sets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this CatalogIdentifier. - Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_minimum_accepted_value: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param label: The label of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value + self._label = label @property - def has_accepted_values(self): - """Gets the has_accepted_values of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + def position(self): + """Gets the position of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" # noqa: E501 + Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_accepted_values of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The position of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[int] """ - return self._has_accepted_values + return self._position - @has_accepted_values.setter - def has_accepted_values(self, has_accepted_values): - """Sets the has_accepted_values of this CatalogIdentifier. + @position.setter + def position(self, position): + """Sets the position of this CatalogIdentifier. - Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" # noqa: E501 + Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution # noqa: E501 - :param has_accepted_values: The has_accepted_values of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param position: The position of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[int] """ - self._has_accepted_values = has_accepted_values + self._position = position @property - def adjusts_variable(self): - """Gets the adjusts_variable of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + def recommended_increment(self): + """Gets the recommended_increment of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable # noqa: E501 + Value that represents how a parameter should be incremented on each iteration of a software component execution. This value is important when preparing execution ensembles automatically, e.g., simulating crop production varying the parameter \"fertilizer amount\" in increments of 10%. # noqa: E501 - :return: The adjusts_variable of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Variable] + :return: The recommended_increment of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[float] """ - return self._adjusts_variable + return self._recommended_increment - @adjusts_variable.setter - def adjusts_variable(self, adjusts_variable): - """Sets the adjusts_variable of this CatalogIdentifier. + @recommended_increment.setter + def recommended_increment(self, recommended_increment): + """Sets the recommended_increment of this CatalogIdentifier. - Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable # noqa: E501 + Value that represents how a parameter should be incremented on each iteration of a software component execution. This value is important when preparing execution ensembles automatically, e.g., simulating crop production varying the parameter \"fertilizer amount\" in increments of 10%. # noqa: E501 - :param adjusts_variable: The adjusts_variable of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Variable] + :param recommended_increment: The recommended_increment of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[float] """ - self._adjusts_variable = adjusts_variable + self._recommended_increment = recommended_increment @property def relevant_for_intervention(self): @@ -411,50 +457,27 @@ def relevant_for_intervention(self, relevant_for_intervention): self._relevant_for_intervention = relevant_for_intervention @property - def position(self): - """Gets the position of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - - Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution # noqa: E501 - - :return: The position of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[int] - """ - return self._position - - @position.setter - def position(self, position): - """Sets the position of this CatalogIdentifier. - - Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution # noqa: E501 - - :param position: The position of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[int] - """ - - self._position = position - - @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The type of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._type - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this CatalogIdentifier. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this CatalogIdentifier. - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param type: The type of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._type = type @property def uses_unit(self): @@ -479,29 +502,6 @@ def uses_unit(self, uses_unit): self._uses_unit = uses_unit - @property - def has_step_size(self): - """Gets the has_step_size of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - - Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_step_size of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[float] - """ - return self._has_step_size - - @has_step_size.setter - def has_step_size(self, has_step_size): - """Sets the has_step_size of this CatalogIdentifier. - - Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 # noqa: E501 - - :param has_step_size: The has_step_size of this CatalogIdentifier. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[float] - """ - - self._has_step_size = has_step_size - def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/causal_diagram.py b/modelcatalog/models/causal_diagram.py index a56cdb1..dc8b3c9 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/causal_diagram.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/causal_diagram.py @@ -31,61 +31,38 @@ class CausalDiagram(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_diagram_part': 'list[object]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'has_diagram_part': 'list[object]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_diagram_part': 'hasDiagramPart', 'description': 'description', + 'has_diagram_part': 'hasDiagramPart', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, has_diagram_part=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, has_diagram_part=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """CausalDiagram - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_diagram_part = None self._description = None + self._has_diagram_part = None self._id = None self._label = None self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_diagram_part = has_diagram_part self.description = description + self.has_diagram_part = has_diagram_part if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label self.type = type - @property - def has_diagram_part(self): - """Gets the has_diagram_part of this CausalDiagram. # noqa: E501 - - Property that links a causal diagram with its constituent nodes # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_diagram_part of this CausalDiagram. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] - """ - return self._has_diagram_part - - @has_diagram_part.setter - def has_diagram_part(self, has_diagram_part): - """Sets the has_diagram_part of this CausalDiagram. - - Property that links a causal diagram with its constituent nodes # noqa: E501 - - :param has_diagram_part: The has_diagram_part of this CausalDiagram. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] - """ - - self._has_diagram_part = has_diagram_part - @property def description(self): """Gets the description of this CausalDiagram. # noqa: E501 @@ -109,6 +86,29 @@ def description(self, description): self._description = description + @property + def has_diagram_part(self): + """Gets the has_diagram_part of this CausalDiagram. # noqa: E501 + + Property that links a causal diagram with its constituent nodes # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_diagram_part of this CausalDiagram. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._has_diagram_part + + @has_diagram_part.setter + def has_diagram_part(self, has_diagram_part): + """Sets the has_diagram_part of this CausalDiagram. + + Property that links a causal diagram with its constituent nodes # noqa: E501 + + :param has_diagram_part: The has_diagram_part of this CausalDiagram. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._has_diagram_part = has_diagram_part + @property def id(self): """Gets the id of this CausalDiagram. # noqa: E501 diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/configuration_setup.py b/modelcatalog/models/configuration_setup.py index b855fe6..2d18a1b 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/configuration_setup.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/configuration_setup.py @@ -31,802 +31,779 @@ class ConfigurationSetup(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_implementation_script_location': 'list[str]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'adjustable_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', + 'date_published': 'list[str]', + 'description': 'list[str]', + 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_component_location': 'list[str]', + 'has_constraint': 'list[str]', 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'tag': 'list[str]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', + 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', + 'has_implementation_script_location': 'list[str]', + 'has_input': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_output': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', + 'has_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', + 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', 'has_sample_execution': 'list[SampleExecution]', 'has_sample_result': 'list[SampleResource]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'was_derived_from_setup': 'list[ConfigurationSetup]', - 'has_constraint': 'list[str]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', - 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]', - 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', + 'has_sample_visualization': 'list[Visualization]', 'has_setup': 'list[ConfigurationSetup]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', - 'has_output': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', - 'status': 'list[str]', - 'doi': 'list[str]', - 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 'has_component_location': 'list[str]', - 'support_details': 'list[str]', - 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'has_software_image': 'list[SoftwareImage]', + 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', + 'has_support_script_location': 'list[str]', 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', - 'description': 'list[str]', - 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', - 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', - 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'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'status': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'tag': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', - 'has_input': 'list[DatasetSpecification]' + 'was_derived_from_setup': 'list[ConfigurationSetup]', + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', - 'keywords': 'keywords', - 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', - 'has_implementation_script_location': 'hasImplementationScriptLocation', - 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', - 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'adjustable_parameter': 'adjustableParameter', + 'author': 'author', + 'citation': 'citation', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'compatibleVisualizationSoftware', + 'contributor': 'contributor', 'copyright_holder': 'copyrightHolder', - 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', - 'logo': 'logo', + 'date_created': 'dateCreated', + 'date_published': 'datePublished', + 'description': 'description', + 'doi': 'doi', + 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', + 'has_component_location': 'hasComponentLocation', + 'has_constraint': 'hasConstraint', 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', - 'tag': 'tag', - 'id': 'id', - 'identifier': 'identifier', + 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', + 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', + 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', + 'has_example': 'hasExample', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'has_execution_command': 'hasExecutionCommand', + 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', + 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', + 'has_implementation_script_location': 'hasImplementationScriptLocation', + 'has_input': 'hasInput', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'has_output': 'hasOutput', + 'has_parameter': 'hasParameter', + 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', 'has_sample_execution': 'hasSampleExecution', 'has_sample_result': 'hasSampleResult', - 'author': 'author', - 'was_derived_from_setup': 'wasDerivedFromSetup', - 'has_constraint': 'hasConstraint', - 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', - 'short_description': 'shortDescription', - 'has_execution_command': 'hasExecutionCommand', - 'date_published': 'datePublished', - 'license': 'license', - 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', 'has_setup': 'hasSetup', - 'has_example': 'hasExample', - 'publisher': 'publisher', - 'has_output': 'hasOutput', - 'status': 'status', - 'doi': 'doi', - 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', - 'has_component_location': 'hasComponentLocation', - 'support_details': 'supportDetails', - 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'has_software_image': 'hasSoftwareImage', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_support_script_location': 'hasSupportScriptLocation', 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', - 'description': 'description', - 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', - 'screenshot': 'screenshot', - 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', - 'has_software_image': 'hasSoftwareImage', - 'date_created': 'dateCreated', - 'contributor': 'contributor', - 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', - 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', - 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', + 'keywords': 'keywords', + 'label': 'label', + 'license': 'license', + 'logo': 'logo', 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', - 'website': 'website', - 'citation': 'citation', + 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', - 'adjustable_parameter': 'adjustableParameter', - 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', - 'has_support_script_location': 'hasSupportScriptLocation', + 'publisher': 'publisher', 'readme': 'readme', - 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', - 'has_parameter': 'hasParameter', - 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'status': 'status', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'tag': 'tag', + 'type': 'type', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', - 'has_input': 'hasInput' + 'was_derived_from_setup': 'wasDerivedFromSetup', + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, tag=None, id=None, identifier=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, author=None, was_derived_from_setup=None, has_constraint=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, has_execution_command=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_setup=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, has_output=None, status=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, has_component_location=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, has_software_image=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, adjustable_parameter=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_support_script_location=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, has_parameter=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, has_input=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, adjustable_parameter=None, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_component_location=None, has_constraint=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_execution_command=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, has_input=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_output=None, has_parameter=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_setup=None, has_software_image=None, has_source_code=None, has_support_script_location=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, status=None, support_details=None, tag=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, was_derived_from_setup=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """ConfigurationSetup - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_implementation_script_location = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._adjustable_parameter = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None + self._date_created = None + self._date_published = None + self._description = None + self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_component_location = None + self._has_constraint = None self._has_contact_person = None - self._tag = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_execution_command = None + self._has_faq = None + self._has_funding = None + self._has_implementation_script_location = None + self._has_input = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._has_output = None + self._has_parameter = None + self._has_purpose = None self._has_sample_execution = None self._has_sample_result = None - self._author = None - self._was_derived_from_setup = None - self._has_constraint = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None - self._has_execution_command = None - self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None + self._has_sample_visualization = None self._has_setup = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None - self._has_output = None - self._status = None - self._doi = None - self._has_funding = None - self._has_component_location = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None + self._has_software_image = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_support_script_location = None self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None - self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_usage_notes = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None self._issue_tracker = None - self._has_software_image = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None - self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None - self._has_sample_visualization = None + self._keywords = None + self._label = None + self._license = None + self._logo = None self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None + self._operating_systems = None self._processor_requirements = None - self._adjustable_parameter = None - self._has_usage_notes = None - self._has_support_script_location = None + self._publisher = None self._readme = None - self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None - self._has_parameter = None - self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._status = None + self._support_details = None + self._tag = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None - self._has_input = None + self._was_derived_from_setup = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo + self.date_created = date_created + self.date_published = date_published + self.description = description + self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_component_location = has_component_location + self.has_constraint = has_constraint self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - self.tag = tag - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command + self.has_faq = has_faq + self.has_funding = has_funding + self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self.has_input = has_input + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.has_output = has_output + self.has_parameter = has_parameter + self.has_purpose = has_purpose self.has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution self.has_sample_result = has_sample_result - self.author = author - self.was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup - self.has_constraint = has_constraint - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description - self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command - self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization self.has_setup = has_setup - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher - self.has_output = has_output - self.status = status - self.doi = doi - self.has_funding = has_funding - self.has_component_location = has_component_location - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version + self.has_software_image = has_software_image + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.has_software_image = has_software_image - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor - self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions - self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self.keywords = keywords + self.label = label + self.license = license + self.logo = logo self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation + self.operating_systems = operating_systems self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements - self.adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter - self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location + self.publisher = publisher self.readme = readme - self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption - self.has_parameter = has_parameter - self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.status = status + self.support_details = support_details + self.tag = tag + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index - self.has_input = has_input + self.was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def adjustable_parameter(self): + """Gets the adjustable_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 + Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The adjustable_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Parameter] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._adjustable_parameter - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. + @adjustable_parameter.setter + def adjustable_parameter(self, adjustable_parameter): + """Sets the adjustable_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 + Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param adjustable_parameter: The adjustable_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Parameter] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The author of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._keywords + return self._author - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this ConfigurationSetup. + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this ConfigurationSetup. - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param author: The author of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._author = author @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The citation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._citation - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this ConfigurationSetup. + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this ConfigurationSetup. - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param citation: The citation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._citation = citation @property - def has_implementation_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] """ - return self._has_implementation_script_location + return self._compatible_visualization_software - @has_implementation_script_location.setter - def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): - """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] """ - self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The contributor of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._contributor - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this ConfigurationSetup. + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this ConfigurationSetup. - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param contributor: The contributor of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._contributor = contributor @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The copyright_holder of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._copyright_holder - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this ConfigurationSetup. + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this ConfigurationSetup. - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._date_created - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this ConfigurationSetup. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this ConfigurationSetup. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._date_created = date_created @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_published of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._date_published - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this ConfigurationSetup. - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param date_published: The date_published of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions - - @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] - """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software - - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this ConfigurationSetup. - - Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] - """ - - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._date_published = date_published - @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + @property + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._description - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this ConfigurationSetup. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this ConfigurationSetup. - Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param description: The description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._description = description @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._doi - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this ConfigurationSetup. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this ConfigurationSetup. - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._doi = doi @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The had_primary_source of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._logo + return self._had_primary_source - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this ConfigurationSetup. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._logo = logo + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_contact_person of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_assumption of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._has_assumption - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this ConfigurationSetup. - Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def tag(self): - """Gets the tag of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :return: The tag of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_build_file of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._tag + return self._has_build_file - @tag.setter - def tag(self, tag): - """Sets the tag of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this ConfigurationSetup. - Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :param tag: The tag of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._tag = tag + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_component_location(self): + """Gets the has_component_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_component_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._has_component_location - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_component_location.setter + def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): + """Sets the has_component_location of this ConfigurationSetup. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._has_component_location = has_component_location @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_constraint(self): + """Gets the has_constraint of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_constraint of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_constraint - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_constraint.setter + def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): + """Sets the has_constraint of this ConfigurationSetup. - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_constraint = has_constraint @property - def has_sample_execution(self): - """Gets the has_sample_execution of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 + Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_execution of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleExecution] + :return: The has_contact_person of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_sample_execution + return self._has_contact_person - @has_sample_execution.setter - def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): - """Sets the has_sample_execution of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 + Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleExecution] + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def has_sample_result(self): - """Gets the has_sample_result of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_result of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The has_documentation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_sample_result + return self._has_documentation - @has_sample_result.setter - def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): - """Sets the has_sample_result of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_download_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_download_instructions - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def was_derived_from_setup(self): - """Gets the was_derived_from_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The was_derived_from_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :return: The has_download_url of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._was_derived_from_setup + return self._has_download_url - @was_derived_from_setup.setter - def was_derived_from_setup(self, was_derived_from_setup): - """Sets the was_derived_from_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :param was_derived_from_setup: The was_derived_from_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def has_constraint(self): - """Gets the has_constraint of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_constraint of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_constraint + return self._has_example - @has_constraint.setter - def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): - """Sets the has_constraint of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this ConfigurationSetup. - Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_constraint = has_constraint + self._has_example = has_example @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_executable_instructions - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_executable_notebook - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this ConfigurationSetup. - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property def has_execution_command(self): @@ -852,303 +829,349 @@ def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_faq - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this ConfigurationSetup. - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._license + return self._has_funding - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this ConfigurationSetup. - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._license = license + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_implementation_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_implementation_script_location - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_implementation_script_location.setter + def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): + """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location @property - def has_setup(self): - """Gets the has_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_input(self): + """Gets the has_input of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 + Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :return: The has_input of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - return self._has_setup + return self._has_input - @has_setup.setter - def has_setup(self, has_setup): - """Sets the has_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_input.setter + def has_input(self, has_input): + """Sets the has_input of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 + Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 - :param has_setup: The has_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :param has_input: The has_input of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - self._has_setup = has_setup + self._has_input = has_input @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_installation_instructions - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_output(self): + """Gets the has_output of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_output of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + """ + return self._has_output + + @has_output.setter + def has_output(self, has_output): + """Sets the has_output of this ConfigurationSetup. + + Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + + :param has_output: The has_output of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + """ + + self._has_output = has_output + + @property + def has_parameter(self): + """Gets the has_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Parameter] + """ + return self._has_parameter + + @has_parameter.setter + def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): + """Sets the has_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. + + Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + + :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Parameter] + """ + + self._has_parameter = has_parameter + + @property + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_purpose of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_purpose - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this ConfigurationSetup. - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def has_output(self): - """Gets the has_output of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_execution(self): + """Gets the has_sample_execution of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_output of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The has_sample_execution of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleExecution] """ - return self._has_output + return self._has_sample_execution - @has_output.setter - def has_output(self, has_output): - """Sets the has_output of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_sample_execution.setter + def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): + """Sets the has_sample_execution of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 - :param has_output: The has_output of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleExecution] """ - self._has_output = has_output + self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution @property - def status(self): - """Gets the status of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_result(self): + """Gets the has_sample_result of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 - :return: The status of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_result of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._status + return self._has_sample_result - @status.setter - def status(self, status): - """Sets the status of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_sample_result.setter + def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): + """Sets the has_sample_result of this ConfigurationSetup. - Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 - :param status: The status of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._status = status + self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_sample_visualization - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this ConfigurationSetup. - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_setup(self): + """Gets the has_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 + Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_setup - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_setup.setter + def has_setup(self, has_setup): + """Sets the has_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 + Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_setup: The has_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_setup = has_setup @property - def has_component_location(self): - """Gets the has_component_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_software_image(self): + """Gets the has_software_image of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 + Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_component_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_software_image of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] """ - return self._has_component_location + return self._has_software_image - @has_component_location.setter - def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): - """Sets the has_component_location of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_software_image.setter + def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): + """Sets the has_software_image of this ConfigurationSetup. - Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 + Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareImage] """ - self._has_component_location = has_component_location + self._has_software_image = has_software_image @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_source_code of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_source_code - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_support_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_support_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_support_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_support_script_location - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_support_script_location.setter + def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): + """Sets the has_support_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -1174,96 +1197,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_usage_notes - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this ConfigurationSetup. - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_version of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_version - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this ConfigurationSetup. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this ConfigurationSetup. - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_version: The has_version of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_version = has_version @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The id of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._screenshot + return self._id - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this ConfigurationSetup. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this ConfigurationSetup. - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param id: The id of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this ConfigurationSetup. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1289,142 +1312,96 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def has_software_image(self): - """Gets the has_software_image of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_software_image of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] - """ - return self._has_software_image - - @has_software_image.setter - def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): - """Sets the has_software_image of this ConfigurationSetup. - - Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - - :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareImage] - """ - - self._has_software_image = has_software_image - - @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this ConfigurationSetup. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this ConfigurationSetup. - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created - - @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The contributor of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] - """ - return self._contributor - - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this ConfigurationSetup. - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param contributor: The contributor of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] - """ - - self._contributor = contributor + self._keywords = keywords @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._label - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this ConfigurationSetup. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this ConfigurationSetup. - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._label = label @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._license - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this ConfigurationSetup. - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._license = license @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this ConfigurationSetup. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this ConfigurationSetup. - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1450,50 +1427,27 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :return: The website of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._website - - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this ConfigurationSetup. - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :param website: The website of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._website = website - - @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._operating_systems - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this ConfigurationSetup. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this ConfigurationSetup. - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1519,211 +1473,234 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def adjustable_parameter(self): - """Gets the adjustable_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The publisher of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._publisher + + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this ConfigurationSetup. + + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param publisher: The publisher of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._publisher = publisher + + @property + def readme(self): + """Gets the readme of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup # noqa: E501 + URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The adjustable_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Parameter] + :return: The readme of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._adjustable_parameter + return self._readme - @adjustable_parameter.setter - def adjustable_parameter(self, adjustable_parameter): - """Sets the adjustable_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. + @readme.setter + def readme(self, readme): + """Sets the readme of this ConfigurationSetup. - Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup # noqa: E501 + URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param adjustable_parameter: The adjustable_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Parameter] + :param readme: The readme of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter + self._readme = readme @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._reference_publication - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this ConfigurationSetup. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def has_support_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_support_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_support_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The screenshot of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_support_script_location + return self._screenshot - @has_support_script_location.setter - def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): - """Sets the has_support_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 - :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location + self._screenshot = screenshot @property - def readme(self): - """Gets the readme of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The readme of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The short_description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._readme + return self._short_description - @readme.setter - def readme(self, readme): - """Sets the readme of this ConfigurationSetup. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this ConfigurationSetup. - URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param readme: The readme of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._readme = readme + self._short_description = short_description @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._software_requirements - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this ConfigurationSetup. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this ConfigurationSetup. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def status(self): + """Gets the status of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The status of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._status - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this ConfigurationSetup. + @status.setter + def status(self, status): + """Sets the status of this ConfigurationSetup. - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param status: The status of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._status = status @property - def has_parameter(self): - """Gets the has_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Parameter] + :return: The support_details of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_parameter + return self._support_details - @has_parameter.setter - def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): - """Sets the has_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Parameter] + :param support_details: The support_details of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_parameter = has_parameter + self._support_details = support_details @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def tag(self): + """Gets the tag of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The tag of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._tag - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this ConfigurationSetup. + @tag.setter + def tag(self, tag): + """Sets the tag of this ConfigurationSetup. - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param tag: The tag of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._tag = tag @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The type of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._type - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this ConfigurationSetup. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param type: The type of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1749,27 +1726,50 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index @property - def has_input(self): - """Gets the has_input of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def was_derived_from_setup(self): + """Gets the was_derived_from_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 + Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_input of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The was_derived_from_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - return self._has_input + return self._was_derived_from_setup - @has_input.setter - def has_input(self, has_input): - """Sets the has_input of this ConfigurationSetup. + @was_derived_from_setup.setter + def was_derived_from_setup(self, was_derived_from_setup): + """Sets the was_derived_from_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. - Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 + Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. # noqa: E501 - :param has_input: The has_input of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param was_derived_from_setup: The was_derived_from_setup of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - self._has_input = has_input + self._was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup + + @property + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Website of the software # noqa: E501 + + :return: The website of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._website + + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this ConfigurationSetup. + + Website of the software # noqa: E501 + + :param website: The website of this ConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._website = website def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/coupled_model.py b/modelcatalog/models/coupled_model.py index b8d8166..4b124f9 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/coupled_model.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/coupled_model.py @@ -31,873 +31,993 @@ class CoupledModel(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_grid': 'list[Grid]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', - 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', - 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'description': 'list[str]', 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 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'readme': 'list[str]', + 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'id': 'str', + 'identifier': 'list[str]', + 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', + 'keywords': 'list[str]', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'limitations': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', - 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', - 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]' + 'parameterization': 'list[str]', + 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'runtime_estimation': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'theoretical_basis': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', + 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', + 'uses_model': 'list[Model]', + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 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def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_grid=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, id=None, identifier=None, author=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, uses_model=None, has_model_category=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_equation=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_equation=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_grid=None, has_input_variable=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_model_category=None, has_output_variable=None, has_process=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_source_code=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, limitations=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, parameterization=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, runtime_estimation=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, theoretical_basis=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, uses_model=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """CoupledModel - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_grid = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None - self._has_contact_person = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None - self._author = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None + self._date_created = None self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_explanation_diagram = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None + self._description = None self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_contact_person = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_equation = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_explanation_diagram = None + self._has_faq = None self._has_funding = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None - self._uses_model = None + self._has_grid = None + self._has_input_variable = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None self._has_model_category = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None + self._has_output_variable = None + self._has_process = None self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None self._has_sample_visualization = None - self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._processor_requirements = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None self._has_usage_notes = None - self._readme = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None + self._license = None + self._limitations = None + self._logo = None + self._memory_requirements = None self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None - self._has_equation = None + self._parameterization = None + self._processor_requirements = None + self._publisher = None + self._readme = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._runtime_estimation = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._theoretical_basis = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None + self._uses_model = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_grid = has_grid - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo - self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier - self.author = author - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description + self.date_created = date_created self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher + self.description = description self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_equation = has_equation + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self.has_faq = has_faq self.has_funding = has_funding - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot - self.uses_model = uses_model + self.has_grid = has_grid + self.has_input_variable = has_input_variable + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions self.has_model_category = has_model_category - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor + self.has_output_variable = has_output_variable + self.has_process = has_process self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.readme = readme + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.license = license + self.limitations = limitations + self.logo = logo + self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook - self.has_equation = has_equation + self.parameterization = parameterization + self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.publisher = publisher + self.readme = readme + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + self.uses_model = uses_model + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The author of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._author - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this CoupledModel. + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param author: The author of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._author = author @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The citation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._keywords + return self._citation - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this CoupledModel. + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param citation: The citation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._citation = citation @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] + """ + return self._compatible_visualization_software + + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this CoupledModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The contributor of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] + """ + return self._contributor + + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this CoupledModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param contributor: The contributor of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] + """ + + self._contributor = contributor + + @property + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The copyright_holder of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._copyright_holder + + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this CoupledModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + + @property + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The date_created of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._date_created - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this CoupledModel. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._date_created = date_created @property - def has_grid(self): - """Gets the has_grid of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_grid of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Grid] + :return: The date_published of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_grid + return self._date_published - @has_grid.setter - def has_grid(self, has_grid): - """Sets the has_grid of this CoupledModel. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this CoupledModel. - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_grid: The has_grid of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Grid] + :param date_published: The date_published of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_grid = has_grid + self._date_published = date_published @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._description - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this CoupledModel. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this CoupledModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._description = description @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._doi - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this CoupledModel. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._doi = doi @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._type + return self._had_primary_source - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this CoupledModel. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this CoupledModel. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._type = type + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_assumption of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._has_assumption - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this CoupledModel. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] + :return: The has_build_file of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software + return self._has_build_file - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this CoupledModel. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_contact_person of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._has_contact_person - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this CoupledModel. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[object] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_documentation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._has_documentation - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this CoupledModel. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_download_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._has_download_instructions - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this CoupledModel. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_contact_person of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_download_url of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._has_download_url - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this CoupledModel. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_equation(self): + """Gets the has_equation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_equation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Equation] """ - return self._id + return self._has_equation - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this CoupledModel. + @has_equation.setter + def has_equation(self, has_equation): + """Sets the has_equation of this CoupledModel. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_equation: The has_equation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Equation] """ - self._id = id + self._has_equation = has_equation @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_example - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this CoupledModel. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_example = has_example @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_executable_instructions - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this CoupledModel. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_executable_notebook - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this CoupledModel. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_explanation_diagram(self): + """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_explanation_diagram - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this CoupledModel. + @has_explanation_diagram.setter + def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): + """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this CoupledModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_faq - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this CoupledModel. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._license + return self._has_funding - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this CoupledModel. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._license = license + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_grid(self): + """Gets the has_grid of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_grid of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Grid] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_grid - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this CoupledModel. + @has_grid.setter + def has_grid(self, has_grid): + """Sets the has_grid of this CoupledModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_grid: The has_grid of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Grid] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_grid = has_grid @property - def has_explanation_diagram(self): - """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_input_variable(self): + """Gets the has_input_variable of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_input_variable of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_explanation_diagram + return self._has_input_variable - @has_explanation_diagram.setter - def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): - """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this CoupledModel. + @has_input_variable.setter + def has_input_variable(self, has_input_variable): + """Sets the has_input_variable of this CoupledModel. - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_input_variable: The has_input_variable of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self._has_input_variable = has_input_variable @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_installation_instructions - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this CoupledModel. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_model_category(self): + """Gets the has_model_category of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_model_category of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ModelCategory] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_model_category - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this CoupledModel. + @has_model_category.setter + def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): + """Sets the has_model_category of this CoupledModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ModelCategory] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_model_category = has_model_category @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_output_variable(self): + """Gets the has_output_variable of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_output_variable of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_output_variable - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this CoupledModel. + @has_output_variable.setter + def has_output_variable(self, has_output_variable): + """Sets the has_output_variable of this CoupledModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_output_variable: The has_output_variable of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_output_variable = has_output_variable @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_process(self): + """Gets the has_process of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_process of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Process] + """ + return self._has_process + + @has_process.setter + def has_process(self, has_process): + """Sets the has_process of this CoupledModel. + + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 + + :param has_process: The has_process of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Process] + """ + + self._has_process = has_process + + @property + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_purpose of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_purpose - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this CoupledModel. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_sample_visualization - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this CoupledModel. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_source_code of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_source_code - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this CoupledModel. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -923,142 +1043,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :return: The description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._description - - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this CoupledModel. - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :param description: The description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._description = description - - @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_usage_notes - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this CoupledModel. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_version of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._screenshot + return self._has_version - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this CoupledModel. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] - """ - - self._screenshot = screenshot - - @property - def uses_model(self): - """Gets the uses_model of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - - Property that describes which models are used by a coupled model # noqa: E501 - - :return: The uses_model of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Model] - """ - return self._uses_model - - @uses_model.setter - def uses_model(self, uses_model): - """Sets the uses_model of this CoupledModel. - - Property that describes which models are used by a coupled model # noqa: E501 - - :param uses_model: The uses_model of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Model] + :param has_version: The has_version of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._uses_model = uses_model + self._has_version = has_version @property - def has_model_category(self): - """Gets the has_model_category of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_model_category of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ModelCategory] + :return: The id of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_model_category + return self._id - @has_model_category.setter - def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): - """Sets the has_model_category of this CoupledModel. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this CoupledModel. - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ModelCategory] + :param id: The id of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_model_category = has_model_category + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this CoupledModel. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1084,119 +1158,119 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this CoupledModel. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created + self._keywords = keywords @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The contributor of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] + :return: The label of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._contributor + return self._label - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this CoupledModel. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this CoupledModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param contributor: The contributor of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] + :param label: The label of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._contributor = contributor + self._label = label @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._license - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this CoupledModel. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._license = license @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def limitations(self): + """Gets the limitations of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The limitations of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._limitations - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this CoupledModel. + @limitations.setter + def limitations(self, limitations): + """Sets the limitations of this CoupledModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param limitations: The limitations of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._limitations = limitations @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization - - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this CoupledModel. + return self._logo + + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1222,50 +1296,50 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The website of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._website + return self._operating_systems - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this CoupledModel. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param website: The website of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._website = website + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def parameterization(self): + """Gets the parameterization of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The parameterization of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._parameterization - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this CoupledModel. + @parameterization.setter + def parameterization(self, parameterization): + """Sets the parameterization of this CoupledModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param parameterization: The parameterization of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._parameterization = parameterization @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1291,27 +1365,27 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this CoupledModel. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property def readme(self): @@ -1337,119 +1411,188 @@ def readme(self, readme): self._readme = readme @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._reference_publication - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this CoupledModel. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this CoupledModel. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def runtime_estimation(self): + """Gets the runtime_estimation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :return: The runtime_estimation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._runtime_estimation + + @runtime_estimation.setter + def runtime_estimation(self, runtime_estimation): + """Sets the runtime_estimation of this CoupledModel. + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :param runtime_estimation: The runtime_estimation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + + @property + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this CoupledModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._short_description - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this CoupledModel. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._short_description = short_description @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._software_requirements - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this CoupledModel. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._support_details - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this CoupledModel. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this CoupledModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._support_details = support_details @property - def has_equation(self): - """Gets the has_equation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + def theoretical_basis(self): + """Gets the theoretical_basis of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_equation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Equation] + :return: The theoretical_basis of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_equation + return self._theoretical_basis - @has_equation.setter - def has_equation(self, has_equation): - """Sets the has_equation of this CoupledModel. + @theoretical_basis.setter + def theoretical_basis(self, theoretical_basis): + """Sets the theoretical_basis of this CoupledModel. - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_equation: The has_equation of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Equation] + :param theoretical_basis: The theoretical_basis of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_equation = has_equation + self._theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this CoupledModel. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1474,6 +1617,52 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + @property + def uses_model(self): + """Gets the uses_model of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + + Property that describes which models are used by a coupled model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The uses_model of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Model] + """ + return self._uses_model + + @uses_model.setter + def uses_model(self, uses_model): + """Sets the uses_model of this CoupledModel. + + Property that describes which models are used by a coupled model # noqa: E501 + + :param uses_model: The uses_model of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Model] + """ + + self._uses_model = uses_model + + @property + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The website of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._website + + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this CoupledModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param website: The website of this CoupledModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._website = website + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/data_transformation.py b/modelcatalog/models/data_transformation.py index 3067444..d24a186 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/data_transformation.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/data_transformation.py @@ -31,537 +31,583 @@ class DataTransformation(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_implementation_script_location': 'list[str]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', + 'date_published': 'list[str]', + 'description': 'list[str]', + 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_component_location': 'list[str]', + 'has_constraint': 'list[str]', 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'tag': 'list[str]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', + 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', + 'has_implementation_script_location': 'list[str]', + 'has_input': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_output': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', + 'has_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', + 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', 'has_sample_execution': 'list[SampleExecution]', 'has_sample_result': 'list[SampleResource]', - 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'has_software_image': 'list[SoftwareImage]', - 'date_created': 'list[str]', - 'contributor': 'list[Person]', - 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'has_sample_visualization': 'list[Visualization]', + 'keywords': 'list[str]', + 'label': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'website': 'list[str]', - 'citation': 'list[str]', + 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', - 'has_support_script_location': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', 'readme': 'list[str]', - 'label': 'list[str]', - 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', - 'has_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', - 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'tag': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', - 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'license': 'license', - 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', 'has_setup': 'hasSetup', - 'has_example': 'hasExample', - 'publisher': 'publisher', - 'has_output': 'hasOutput', - 'doi': 'doi', - 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', - 'has_component_location': 'hasComponentLocation', - 'support_details': 'supportDetails', - 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'has_software_image': 'hasSoftwareImage', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_support_script_location': 'hasSupportScriptLocation', 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', - 'description': 'description', - 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', - 'screenshot': 'screenshot', - 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', - 'has_software_image': 'hasSoftwareImage', - 'date_created': 'dateCreated', - 'contributor': 'contributor', - 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', - 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', - 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', + 'keywords': 'keywords', + 'label': 'label', + 'license': 'license', + 'logo': 'logo', 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', - 'website': 'website', - 'citation': 'citation', + 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', - 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', - 'has_support_script_location': 'hasSupportScriptLocation', + 'publisher': 'publisher', 'readme': 'readme', - 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', - 'has_parameter': 'hasParameter', - 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'tag': 'tag', + 'type': 'type', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', - 'has_input': 'hasInput' + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, tag=None, id=None, identifier=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, author=None, has_constraint=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, has_execution_command=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_setup=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, has_output=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, has_component_location=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, has_software_image=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_support_script_location=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, has_parameter=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, has_input=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_component_location=None, has_constraint=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_execution_command=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, has_input=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_output=None, has_parameter=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_setup=None, has_software_image=None, has_source_code=None, has_support_script_location=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, tag=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """DataTransformation - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_implementation_script_location = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None + self._date_created = None + self._date_published = None + self._description = None + self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_component_location = None + self._has_constraint = None self._has_contact_person = None - self._tag = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_execution_command = None + self._has_faq = None + self._has_funding = None + self._has_implementation_script_location = None + self._has_input = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._has_output = None + self._has_parameter = None + self._has_purpose = None self._has_sample_execution = None self._has_sample_result = None - self._author = None - self._has_constraint = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None - self._has_execution_command = None - self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None + self._has_sample_visualization = None self._has_setup = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None - self._has_output = None - self._doi = None - self._has_funding = None - self._has_component_location = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None + self._has_software_image = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_support_script_location = None self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None - self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_usage_notes = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None self._issue_tracker = None - self._has_software_image = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None - self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None - self._has_sample_visualization = None + self._keywords = None + self._label = None + self._license = None + self._logo = None self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None + self._operating_systems = None self._processor_requirements = None - self._has_usage_notes = None - self._has_support_script_location = None + self._publisher = None self._readme = None - self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None - self._has_parameter = None - self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._tag = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None - self._has_input = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo + self.date_created = date_created + self.date_published = date_published + self.description = description + self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_component_location = has_component_location + self.has_constraint = has_constraint self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - self.tag = tag - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command + self.has_faq = has_faq + self.has_funding = has_funding + self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self.has_input = has_input + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.has_output = has_output + self.has_parameter = has_parameter + self.has_purpose = has_purpose self.has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution self.has_sample_result = has_sample_result - self.author = author - self.has_constraint = has_constraint - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description - self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command - self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization self.has_setup = has_setup - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher - self.has_output = has_output - self.doi = doi - self.has_funding = has_funding - self.has_component_location = has_component_location - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version + self.has_software_image = has_software_image + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.has_software_image = has_software_image - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor - self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions - self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self.keywords = keywords + self.label = label + self.license = license + self.logo = logo self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation + self.operating_systems = operating_systems self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements - self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location + self.publisher = publisher self.readme = readme - self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption - self.has_parameter = has_parameter - self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.tag = tag + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index - self.has_input = has_input + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The author of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._author - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this DataTransformation. + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this DataTransformation. - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param author: The author of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._author = author @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The citation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._keywords + return self._citation - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this DataTransformation. + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this DataTransformation. - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param citation: The citation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._citation = citation @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._compatible_visualization_software - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this DataTransformation. + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformation. - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The contributor of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] + """ + return self._contributor + + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this DataTransformation. + + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param contributor: The contributor of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] + """ + + self._contributor = contributor + + @property + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + + Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The copyright_holder of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._copyright_holder + + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this DataTransformation. + + Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def has_implementation_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_implementation_script_location + return self._date_created - @has_implementation_script_location.setter - def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): - """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformation. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this DataTransformation. - Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self._date_created = date_created @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_published of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._date_published - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this DataTransformation. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this DataTransformation. - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param date_published: The date_published of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._date_published = date_published @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._description - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this DataTransformation. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this DataTransformation. - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._description = description @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._doi - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this DataTransformation. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this DataTransformation. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._doi = doi @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._had_primary_source - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformation. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this DataTransformation. - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] + :return: The has_assumption of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software + return self._has_assumption - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformation. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this DataTransformation. - Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_build_file of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._has_build_file - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this DataTransformation. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this DataTransformation. - Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_component_location(self): + """Gets the has_component_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_component_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._has_component_location - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this DataTransformation. + @has_component_location.setter + def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): + """Sets the has_component_location of this DataTransformation. - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._has_component_location = has_component_location @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_constraint(self): + """Gets the has_constraint of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_constraint of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._has_constraint - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this DataTransformation. + @has_constraint.setter + def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): + """Sets the has_constraint of this DataTransformation. - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._has_constraint = has_constraint @property def has_contact_person(self): @@ -587,510 +633,510 @@ def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def tag(self): - """Gets the tag of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The tag of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_documentation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._tag + return self._has_documentation - @tag.setter - def tag(self, tag): - """Sets the tag of this DataTransformation. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this DataTransformation. - Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :param tag: The tag of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._tag = tag + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_download_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._has_download_instructions - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this DataTransformation. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this DataTransformation. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_download_url of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_download_url - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this DataTransformation. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this DataTransformation. - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def has_sample_execution(self): - """Gets the has_sample_execution of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_execution of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleExecution] + :return: The has_example of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_sample_execution + return self._has_example - @has_sample_execution.setter - def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): - """Sets the has_sample_execution of this DataTransformation. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this DataTransformation. - Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleExecution] + :param has_example: The has_example of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution + self._has_example = has_example @property - def has_sample_result(self): - """Gets the has_sample_result of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_result of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_sample_result + return self._has_executable_instructions - @has_sample_result.setter - def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): - """Sets the has_sample_result of this DataTransformation. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformation. - Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_executable_notebook - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this DataTransformation. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformation. - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def has_constraint(self): - """Gets the has_constraint of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_execution_command(self): + """Gets the has_execution_command of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 + Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_constraint of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_execution_command of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_constraint + return self._has_execution_command - @has_constraint.setter - def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): - """Sets the has_constraint of this DataTransformation. + @has_execution_command.setter + def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): + """Sets the has_execution_command of this DataTransformation. - Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 + Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 - :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param has_execution_command: The has_execution_command of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_constraint = has_constraint + self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_faq - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this DataTransformation. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this DataTransformation. - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_funding - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this DataTransformation. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this DataTransformation. - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def has_execution_command(self): - """Gets the has_execution_command of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_implementation_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 + Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_execution_command of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_execution_command + return self._has_implementation_script_location - @has_execution_command.setter - def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): - """Sets the has_execution_command of this DataTransformation. + @has_implementation_script_location.setter + def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): + """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformation. - Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 + Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 - :param has_execution_command: The has_execution_command of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command + self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_input(self): + """Gets the has_input of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_input of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_input - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this DataTransformation. + @has_input.setter + def has_input(self, has_input): + """Sets the has_input of this DataTransformation. - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_input: The has_input of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_input = has_input @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._license + return self._has_installation_instructions - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this DataTransformation. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformation. - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._license = license + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_output(self): + """Gets the has_output of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_output of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_output - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this DataTransformation. + @has_output.setter + def has_output(self, has_output): + """Sets the has_output of this DataTransformation. - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_output: The has_output of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_output = has_output @property - def has_setup(self): - """Gets the has_setup of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_parameter(self): + """Gets the has_parameter of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_setup of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :return: The has_parameter of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Parameter] """ - return self._has_setup + return self._has_parameter - @has_setup.setter - def has_setup(self, has_setup): - """Sets the has_setup of this DataTransformation. + @has_parameter.setter + def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): + """Sets the has_parameter of this DataTransformation. - Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 - :param has_setup: The has_setup of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Parameter] """ - self._has_setup = has_setup + self._has_parameter = has_parameter @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_purpose of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_purpose - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this DataTransformation. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this DataTransformation. - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_execution(self): + """Gets the has_sample_execution of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_sample_execution of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleExecution] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_sample_execution - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this DataTransformation. + @has_sample_execution.setter + def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): + """Sets the has_sample_execution of this DataTransformation. - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleExecution] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution @property - def has_output(self): - """Gets the has_output of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_result(self): + """Gets the has_sample_result of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_output of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The has_sample_result of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._has_output + return self._has_sample_result - @has_output.setter - def has_output(self, has_output): - """Sets the has_output of this DataTransformation. + @has_sample_result.setter + def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): + """Sets the has_sample_result of this DataTransformation. - Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 - :param has_output: The has_output of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._has_output = has_output + self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_sample_visualization - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this DataTransformation. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformation. - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_setup(self): + """Gets the has_setup of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 + Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_setup of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_setup - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this DataTransformation. + @has_setup.setter + def has_setup(self, has_setup): + """Sets the has_setup of this DataTransformation. - Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 + Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_setup: The has_setup of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_setup = has_setup @property - def has_component_location(self): - """Gets the has_component_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_software_image(self): + """Gets the has_software_image of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 + Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_component_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_software_image of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] """ - return self._has_component_location + return self._has_software_image - @has_component_location.setter - def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): - """Sets the has_component_location of this DataTransformation. + @has_software_image.setter + def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): + """Sets the has_software_image of this DataTransformation. - Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 + Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareImage] """ - self._has_component_location = has_component_location + self._has_software_image = has_software_image @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_source_code of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_source_code - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this DataTransformation. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this DataTransformation. - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_support_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_support_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_support_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_support_script_location - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this DataTransformation. + @has_support_script_location.setter + def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): + """Sets the has_support_script_location of this DataTransformation. - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -1116,96 +1162,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_usage_notes - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this DataTransformation. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this DataTransformation. - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_version of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_version - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this DataTransformation. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this DataTransformation. - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_version: The has_version of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_version = has_version @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The id of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._screenshot + return self._id - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this DataTransformation. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this DataTransformation. - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param id: The id of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this DataTransformation. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this DataTransformation. - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1231,142 +1277,96 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def has_software_image(self): - """Gets the has_software_image of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - - Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_software_image of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] - """ - return self._has_software_image - - @has_software_image.setter - def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): - """Sets the has_software_image of this DataTransformation. - - Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - - :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareImage] - """ - - self._has_software_image = has_software_image - - @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this DataTransformation. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this DataTransformation. - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created - - @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The contributor of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] - """ - return self._contributor - - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this DataTransformation. - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param contributor: The contributor of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] - """ - - self._contributor = contributor + self._keywords = keywords @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._label - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this DataTransformation. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this DataTransformation. - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._label = label @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._license - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformation. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this DataTransformation. - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._license = license @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformation. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this DataTransformation. - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1389,53 +1389,30 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): :type: list[str] """ - self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements - - @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :return: The website of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._website - - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this DataTransformation. - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :param website: The website of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._website = website + self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._operating_systems - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this DataTransformation. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this DataTransformation. - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1461,188 +1438,211 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this DataTransformation. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this DataTransformation. - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property - def has_support_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_support_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def readme(self): + """Gets the readme of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 + URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_support_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The readme of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_support_script_location + return self._readme - @has_support_script_location.setter - def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): - """Sets the has_support_script_location of this DataTransformation. + @readme.setter + def readme(self, readme): + """Sets the readme of this DataTransformation. - Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 + URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param readme: The readme of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location + self._readme = readme @property - def readme(self): - """Gets the readme of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The readme of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._readme + return self._reference_publication - @readme.setter - def readme(self, readme): - """Sets the readme of this DataTransformation. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this DataTransformation. - URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :param readme: The readme of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._readme = readme + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this DataTransformation. + + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._short_description - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this DataTransformation. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this DataTransformation. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._short_description = short_description @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._software_requirements - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this DataTransformation. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this DataTransformation. - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_parameter(self): - """Gets the has_parameter of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_parameter of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Parameter] + :return: The support_details of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_parameter + return self._support_details - @has_parameter.setter - def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): - """Sets the has_parameter of this DataTransformation. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this DataTransformation. - Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Parameter] + :param support_details: The support_details of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_parameter = has_parameter + self._support_details = support_details @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def tag(self): + """Gets the tag of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The tag of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._tag - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this DataTransformation. + @tag.setter + def tag(self, tag): + """Sets the tag of this DataTransformation. - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param tag: The tag of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._tag = tag @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The type of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._type - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformation. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this DataTransformation. - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :param type: The type of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1668,27 +1668,27 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index @property - def has_input(self): - """Gets the has_input of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 + Website of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_input of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The website of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_input + return self._website - @has_input.setter - def has_input(self, has_input): - """Sets the has_input of this DataTransformation. + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this DataTransformation. - Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 + Website of the software # noqa: E501 - :param has_input: The has_input of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param website: The website of this DataTransformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_input = has_input + self._website = website def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/data_transformation_setup.py b/modelcatalog/models/data_transformation_setup.py index 91865a5..3081fde 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/data_transformation_setup.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/data_transformation_setup.py @@ -31,802 +31,779 @@ class DataTransformationSetup(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_implementation_script_location': 'list[str]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'adjustable_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', + 'date_published': 'list[str]', + 'description': 'list[str]', + 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_component_location': 'list[str]', + 'has_constraint': 'list[str]', 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'tag': 'list[str]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', + 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', + 'has_implementation_script_location': 'list[str]', + 'has_input': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_output': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', + 'has_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', + 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', 'has_sample_execution': 'list[SampleExecution]', 'has_sample_result': 'list[SampleResource]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'was_derived_from_setup': 'list[ConfigurationSetup]', - 'has_constraint': 'list[str]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', - 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]', - 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', + 'has_sample_visualization': 'list[Visualization]', 'has_setup': 'list[ConfigurationSetup]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', - 'has_output': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', - 'status': 'list[str]', - 'doi': 'list[str]', - 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 'has_component_location': 'list[str]', - 'support_details': 'list[str]', - 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'has_software_image': 'list[SoftwareImage]', + 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', + 'has_support_script_location': 'list[str]', 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', - 'description': 'list[str]', - 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', - 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', - 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', + 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'id': 'str', + 'identifier': 'list[str]', 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', - 'has_software_image': 'list[SoftwareImage]', - 'date_created': 'list[str]', - 'contributor': 'list[Person]', - 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'has_sample_visualization': 'list[Visualization]', + 'keywords': 'list[str]', + 'label': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'website': 'list[str]', - 'citation': 'list[str]', + 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'adjustable_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', - 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', - 'has_support_script_location': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', 'readme': 'list[str]', - 'label': 'list[str]', - 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', - 'has_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', - 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'status': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'tag': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', - 'has_input': 'list[DatasetSpecification]' + 'was_derived_from_setup': 'list[ConfigurationSetup]', + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', - 'keywords': 'keywords', - 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', - 'has_implementation_script_location': 'hasImplementationScriptLocation', - 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', - 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'adjustable_parameter': 'adjustableParameter', + 'author': 'author', + 'citation': 'citation', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'compatibleVisualizationSoftware', + 'contributor': 'contributor', 'copyright_holder': 'copyrightHolder', - 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', - 'logo': 'logo', + 'date_created': 'dateCreated', + 'date_published': 'datePublished', + 'description': 'description', + 'doi': 'doi', + 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', + 'has_component_location': 'hasComponentLocation', + 'has_constraint': 'hasConstraint', 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', - 'tag': 'tag', - 'id': 'id', - 'identifier': 'identifier', + 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', + 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', + 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', + 'has_example': 'hasExample', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'has_execution_command': 'hasExecutionCommand', + 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', + 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', + 'has_implementation_script_location': 'hasImplementationScriptLocation', + 'has_input': 'hasInput', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'has_output': 'hasOutput', + 'has_parameter': 'hasParameter', + 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', 'has_sample_execution': 'hasSampleExecution', 'has_sample_result': 'hasSampleResult', - 'author': 'author', - 'was_derived_from_setup': 'wasDerivedFromSetup', - 'has_constraint': 'hasConstraint', - 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', - 'short_description': 'shortDescription', - 'has_execution_command': 'hasExecutionCommand', - 'date_published': 'datePublished', - 'license': 'license', - 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', 'has_setup': 'hasSetup', - 'has_example': 'hasExample', - 'publisher': 'publisher', - 'has_output': 'hasOutput', - 'status': 'status', - 'doi': 'doi', - 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', - 'has_component_location': 'hasComponentLocation', - 'support_details': 'supportDetails', - 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'has_software_image': 'hasSoftwareImage', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_support_script_location': 'hasSupportScriptLocation', 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', - 'description': 'description', - 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', - 'screenshot': 'screenshot', - 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', - 'has_software_image': 'hasSoftwareImage', - 'date_created': 'dateCreated', - 'contributor': 'contributor', - 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', - 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', - 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', + 'keywords': 'keywords', + 'label': 'label', + 'license': 'license', + 'logo': 'logo', 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', - 'website': 'website', - 'citation': 'citation', + 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', - 'adjustable_parameter': 'adjustableParameter', - 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', - 'has_support_script_location': 'hasSupportScriptLocation', + 'publisher': 'publisher', 'readme': 'readme', - 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', - 'has_parameter': 'hasParameter', - 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'status': 'status', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'tag': 'tag', + 'type': 'type', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', - 'has_input': 'hasInput' + 'was_derived_from_setup': 'wasDerivedFromSetup', + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, tag=None, id=None, identifier=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, author=None, was_derived_from_setup=None, has_constraint=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, has_execution_command=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_setup=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, has_output=None, status=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, has_component_location=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, has_software_image=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, adjustable_parameter=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_support_script_location=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, has_parameter=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, has_input=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, adjustable_parameter=None, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_component_location=None, has_constraint=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_execution_command=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, has_input=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_output=None, has_parameter=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_setup=None, has_software_image=None, has_source_code=None, has_support_script_location=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, status=None, support_details=None, tag=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, was_derived_from_setup=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """DataTransformationSetup - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_implementation_script_location = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._adjustable_parameter = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None + self._date_created = None + self._date_published = None + self._description = None + self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_component_location = None + self._has_constraint = None self._has_contact_person = None - self._tag = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_execution_command = None + self._has_faq = None + self._has_funding = None + self._has_implementation_script_location = None + self._has_input = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._has_output = None + self._has_parameter = None + self._has_purpose = None self._has_sample_execution = None self._has_sample_result = None - self._author = None - self._was_derived_from_setup = None - self._has_constraint = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None - self._has_execution_command = None - self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None + self._has_sample_visualization = None self._has_setup = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None - self._has_output = None - self._status = None - self._doi = None - self._has_funding = None - self._has_component_location = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None + self._has_software_image = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_support_script_location = None self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None - self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_usage_notes = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None self._issue_tracker = None - self._has_software_image = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None - self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None - self._has_sample_visualization = None + self._keywords = None + self._label = None + self._license = None + self._logo = None self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None + self._operating_systems = None self._processor_requirements = None - self._adjustable_parameter = None - self._has_usage_notes = None - self._has_support_script_location = None + self._publisher = None self._readme = None - self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None - self._has_parameter = None - self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._status = None + self._support_details = None + self._tag = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None - self._has_input = None + self._was_derived_from_setup = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo + self.date_created = date_created + self.date_published = date_published + self.description = description + self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_component_location = has_component_location + self.has_constraint = has_constraint self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - self.tag = tag - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command + self.has_faq = has_faq + self.has_funding = has_funding + self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self.has_input = has_input + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.has_output = has_output + self.has_parameter = has_parameter + self.has_purpose = has_purpose self.has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution self.has_sample_result = has_sample_result - self.author = author - self.was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup - self.has_constraint = has_constraint - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description - self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command - self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization self.has_setup = has_setup - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher - self.has_output = has_output - self.status = status - self.doi = doi - self.has_funding = has_funding - self.has_component_location = has_component_location - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version + self.has_software_image = has_software_image + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.has_software_image = has_software_image - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor - self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions - self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self.keywords = keywords + self.label = label + self.license = license + self.logo = logo self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation + self.operating_systems = operating_systems self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements - self.adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter - self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location + self.publisher = publisher self.readme = readme - self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption - self.has_parameter = has_parameter - self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.status = status + self.support_details = support_details + self.tag = tag + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index - self.has_input = has_input + self.was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def adjustable_parameter(self): + """Gets the adjustable_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 + Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The adjustable_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Parameter] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._adjustable_parameter - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. + @adjustable_parameter.setter + def adjustable_parameter(self, adjustable_parameter): + """Sets the adjustable_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 + Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param adjustable_parameter: The adjustable_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Parameter] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The author of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._keywords + return self._author - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this DataTransformationSetup. + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this DataTransformationSetup. - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param author: The author of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._author = author @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The citation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._citation - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this DataTransformationSetup. + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this DataTransformationSetup. - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param citation: The citation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._citation = citation @property - def has_implementation_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] """ - return self._has_implementation_script_location + return self._compatible_visualization_software - @has_implementation_script_location.setter - def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): - """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] """ - self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The contributor of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._contributor - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this DataTransformationSetup. + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this DataTransformationSetup. - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param contributor: The contributor of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._contributor = contributor @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The copyright_holder of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._copyright_holder - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this DataTransformationSetup. + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this DataTransformationSetup. - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._date_created - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this DataTransformationSetup. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this DataTransformationSetup. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._date_created = date_created @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_published of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._date_published - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this DataTransformationSetup. - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param date_published: The date_published of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions - - @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] - """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software - - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformationSetup. - - Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] - """ - - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._date_published = date_published - @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + @property + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._description - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this DataTransformationSetup. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this DataTransformationSetup. - Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param description: The description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._description = description @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._doi - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this DataTransformationSetup. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this DataTransformationSetup. - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._doi = doi @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The had_primary_source of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._logo + return self._had_primary_source - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this DataTransformationSetup. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._logo = logo + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_contact_person of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_assumption of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._has_assumption - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this DataTransformationSetup. - Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def tag(self): - """Gets the tag of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :return: The tag of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_build_file of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._tag + return self._has_build_file - @tag.setter - def tag(self, tag): - """Sets the tag of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this DataTransformationSetup. - Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :param tag: The tag of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._tag = tag + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_component_location(self): + """Gets the has_component_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_component_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._has_component_location - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_component_location.setter + def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): + """Sets the has_component_location of this DataTransformationSetup. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._has_component_location = has_component_location @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_constraint(self): + """Gets the has_constraint of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_constraint of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_constraint - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_constraint.setter + def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): + """Sets the has_constraint of this DataTransformationSetup. - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_constraint = has_constraint @property - def has_sample_execution(self): - """Gets the has_sample_execution of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 + Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_execution of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleExecution] + :return: The has_contact_person of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_sample_execution + return self._has_contact_person - @has_sample_execution.setter - def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): - """Sets the has_sample_execution of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 + Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleExecution] + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def has_sample_result(self): - """Gets the has_sample_result of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_result of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The has_documentation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_sample_result + return self._has_documentation - @has_sample_result.setter - def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): - """Sets the has_sample_result of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_download_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_download_instructions - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def was_derived_from_setup(self): - """Gets the was_derived_from_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The was_derived_from_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :return: The has_download_url of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._was_derived_from_setup + return self._has_download_url - @was_derived_from_setup.setter - def was_derived_from_setup(self, was_derived_from_setup): - """Sets the was_derived_from_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :param was_derived_from_setup: The was_derived_from_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def has_constraint(self): - """Gets the has_constraint of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_constraint of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_constraint + return self._has_example - @has_constraint.setter - def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): - """Sets the has_constraint of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this DataTransformationSetup. - Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_constraint = has_constraint + self._has_example = has_example @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_executable_instructions - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_executable_notebook - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformationSetup. - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property def has_execution_command(self): @@ -852,303 +829,349 @@ def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_faq - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this DataTransformationSetup. - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._license + return self._has_funding - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this DataTransformationSetup. - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._license = license + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_implementation_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_implementation_script_location - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_implementation_script_location.setter + def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): + """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location @property - def has_setup(self): - """Gets the has_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_input(self): + """Gets the has_input of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 + Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :return: The has_input of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - return self._has_setup + return self._has_input - @has_setup.setter - def has_setup(self, has_setup): - """Sets the has_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_input.setter + def has_input(self, has_input): + """Sets the has_input of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 + Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 - :param has_setup: The has_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :param has_input: The has_input of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - self._has_setup = has_setup + self._has_input = has_input @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_installation_instructions - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_output(self): + """Gets the has_output of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_output of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + """ + return self._has_output + + @has_output.setter + def has_output(self, has_output): + """Sets the has_output of this DataTransformationSetup. + + Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + + :param has_output: The has_output of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + """ + + self._has_output = has_output + + @property + def has_parameter(self): + """Gets the has_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Parameter] + """ + return self._has_parameter + + @has_parameter.setter + def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): + """Sets the has_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. + + Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + + :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Parameter] + """ + + self._has_parameter = has_parameter + + @property + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_purpose of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_purpose - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this DataTransformationSetup. - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def has_output(self): - """Gets the has_output of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_execution(self): + """Gets the has_sample_execution of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_output of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The has_sample_execution of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleExecution] """ - return self._has_output + return self._has_sample_execution - @has_output.setter - def has_output(self, has_output): - """Sets the has_output of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_sample_execution.setter + def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): + """Sets the has_sample_execution of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 - :param has_output: The has_output of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleExecution] """ - self._has_output = has_output + self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution @property - def status(self): - """Gets the status of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_result(self): + """Gets the has_sample_result of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 - :return: The status of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_result of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._status + return self._has_sample_result - @status.setter - def status(self, status): - """Sets the status of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_sample_result.setter + def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): + """Sets the has_sample_result of this DataTransformationSetup. - Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 - :param status: The status of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._status = status + self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_sample_visualization - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformationSetup. - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_setup(self): + """Gets the has_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 + Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_setup - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_setup.setter + def has_setup(self, has_setup): + """Sets the has_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 + Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_setup: The has_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_setup = has_setup @property - def has_component_location(self): - """Gets the has_component_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_software_image(self): + """Gets the has_software_image of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 + Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_component_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_software_image of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] """ - return self._has_component_location + return self._has_software_image - @has_component_location.setter - def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): - """Sets the has_component_location of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_software_image.setter + def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): + """Sets the has_software_image of this DataTransformationSetup. - Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 + Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareImage] """ - self._has_component_location = has_component_location + self._has_software_image = has_software_image @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_source_code of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_source_code - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_support_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_support_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_support_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_support_script_location - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_support_script_location.setter + def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): + """Sets the has_support_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -1174,96 +1197,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_usage_notes - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this DataTransformationSetup. - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_version of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_version - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this DataTransformationSetup. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this DataTransformationSetup. - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_version: The has_version of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_version = has_version @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The id of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._screenshot + return self._id - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this DataTransformationSetup. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this DataTransformationSetup. - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param id: The id of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this DataTransformationSetup. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1289,142 +1312,96 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def has_software_image(self): - """Gets the has_software_image of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_software_image of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] - """ - return self._has_software_image - - @has_software_image.setter - def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): - """Sets the has_software_image of this DataTransformationSetup. - - Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - - :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareImage] - """ - - self._has_software_image = has_software_image - - @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this DataTransformationSetup. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this DataTransformationSetup. - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created - - @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The contributor of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] - """ - return self._contributor - - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this DataTransformationSetup. - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param contributor: The contributor of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] - """ - - self._contributor = contributor + self._keywords = keywords @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._label - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this DataTransformationSetup. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this DataTransformationSetup. - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._label = label @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._license - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this DataTransformationSetup. - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._license = license @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformationSetup. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this DataTransformationSetup. - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1450,50 +1427,27 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :return: The website of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._website - - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this DataTransformationSetup. - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :param website: The website of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._website = website - - @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._operating_systems - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this DataTransformationSetup. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this DataTransformationSetup. - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1519,211 +1473,234 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def adjustable_parameter(self): - """Gets the adjustable_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The publisher of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._publisher + + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this DataTransformationSetup. + + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param publisher: The publisher of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._publisher = publisher + + @property + def readme(self): + """Gets the readme of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup # noqa: E501 + URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The adjustable_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Parameter] + :return: The readme of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._adjustable_parameter + return self._readme - @adjustable_parameter.setter - def adjustable_parameter(self, adjustable_parameter): - """Sets the adjustable_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. + @readme.setter + def readme(self, readme): + """Sets the readme of this DataTransformationSetup. - Parameter that can be adjusted in a configuration setup # noqa: E501 + URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param adjustable_parameter: The adjustable_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Parameter] + :param readme: The readme of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter + self._readme = readme @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._reference_publication - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this DataTransformationSetup. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def has_support_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_support_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_support_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The screenshot of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_support_script_location + return self._screenshot - @has_support_script_location.setter - def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): - """Sets the has_support_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 - :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location + self._screenshot = screenshot @property - def readme(self): - """Gets the readme of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The readme of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The short_description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._readme + return self._short_description - @readme.setter - def readme(self, readme): - """Sets the readme of this DataTransformationSetup. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this DataTransformationSetup. - URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param readme: The readme of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._readme = readme + self._short_description = short_description @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._software_requirements - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this DataTransformationSetup. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this DataTransformationSetup. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def status(self): + """Gets the status of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The status of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._status - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this DataTransformationSetup. + @status.setter + def status(self, status): + """Sets the status of this DataTransformationSetup. - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Data property to indicate the status of a configuration setups. For example, to indicate that a setup has been executed in a platform, that the setup should notbe shown to users (it's an auxiliary setup), etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param status: The status of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._status = status @property - def has_parameter(self): - """Gets the has_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Parameter] + :return: The support_details of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_parameter + return self._support_details - @has_parameter.setter - def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): - """Sets the has_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Parameter] + :param support_details: The support_details of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_parameter = has_parameter + self._support_details = support_details @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def tag(self): + """Gets the tag of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The tag of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._tag - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this DataTransformationSetup. + @tag.setter + def tag(self, tag): + """Sets the tag of this DataTransformationSetup. - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param tag: The tag of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._tag = tag @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The type of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._type - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformationSetup. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param type: The type of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1749,27 +1726,50 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index @property - def has_input(self): - """Gets the has_input of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def was_derived_from_setup(self): + """Gets the was_derived_from_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 + Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_input of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The was_derived_from_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - return self._has_input + return self._was_derived_from_setup - @has_input.setter - def has_input(self, has_input): - """Sets the has_input of this DataTransformationSetup. + @was_derived_from_setup.setter + def was_derived_from_setup(self, was_derived_from_setup): + """Sets the was_derived_from_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. - Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 + Property that links a setup to a previous version of that setup. This property is needed (for example) when creating snapshots of setups. # noqa: E501 - :param has_input: The has_input of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param was_derived_from_setup: The was_derived_from_setup of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - self._has_input = has_input + self._was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup + + @property + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Website of the software # noqa: E501 + + :return: The website of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._website + + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this DataTransformationSetup. + + Website of the software # noqa: E501 + + :param website: The website of this DataTransformationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._website = website def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/dataset_specification.py b/modelcatalog/models/dataset_specification.py index 694b7f8..0292033 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/dataset_specification.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/dataset_specification.py @@ -31,142 +31,165 @@ class DatasetSpecification(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_dimensionality': 'list[int]', - 'has_format': 'list[str]', - 'path_location': 'list[str]', - 'has_file_structure': 'list[object]', 'description': 'list[str]', 'has_data_transformation': 'list[DataTransformation]', - 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', - 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', + 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'list[DataTransformationSetup]', + 'has_dimensionality': 'list[int]', + 'has_file_structure': 'list[object]', 'has_fixed_resource': 'list[SampleResource]', + 'has_format': 'list[str]', + 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', + 'id': 'str', 'is_transformed_from': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', - 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'list[DataTransformationSetup]', + 'label': 'list[str]', + 'path_location': 'list[str]', 'position': 'list[int]', - 'id': 'str' + 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_dimensionality': 'hasDimensionality', - 'has_format': 'hasFormat', - 'path_location': 'pathLocation', - 'has_file_structure': 'hasFileStructure', 'description': 'description', 'has_data_transformation': 'hasDataTransformation', - 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', - 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type', + 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'hasDataTransformationSetup', + 'has_dimensionality': 'hasDimensionality', + 'has_file_structure': 'hasFileStructure', 'has_fixed_resource': 'hasFixedResource', + 'has_format': 'hasFormat', + 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', + 'id': 'id', 'is_transformed_from': 'isTransformedFrom', - 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'hasDataTransformationSetup', + 'label': 'label', + 'path_location': 'pathLocation', 'position': 'position', - 'id': 'id' + 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, has_dimensionality=None, has_format=None, path_location=None, has_file_structure=None, description=None, has_data_transformation=None, has_presentation=None, label=None, type=None, has_fixed_resource=None, is_transformed_from=None, has_data_transformation_setup=None, position=None, id=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, has_data_transformation=None, has_data_transformation_setup=None, has_dimensionality=None, has_file_structure=None, has_fixed_resource=None, has_format=None, has_presentation=None, id=None, is_transformed_from=None, label=None, path_location=None, position=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """DatasetSpecification - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_dimensionality = None - self._has_format = None - self._path_location = None - self._has_file_structure = None self._description = None self._has_data_transformation = None - self._has_presentation = None - self._label = None - self._type = None + self._has_data_transformation_setup = None + self._has_dimensionality = None + self._has_file_structure = None self._has_fixed_resource = None + self._has_format = None + self._has_presentation = None + self._id = None self._is_transformed_from = None - self._has_data_transformation_setup = None + self._label = None + self._path_location = None self._position = None - self._id = None + self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality - self.has_format = has_format - self.path_location = path_location - self.has_file_structure = has_file_structure self.description = description self.has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation - self.has_presentation = has_presentation - self.label = label - self.type = type - self.has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource - self.is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from self.has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup - self.position = position + self.has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality + self.has_file_structure = has_file_structure + self.has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource + self.has_format = has_format + self.has_presentation = has_presentation if id is not None: self.id = id + self.is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from + self.label = label + self.path_location = path_location + self.position = position + self.type = type @property - def has_dimensionality(self): - """Gets the has_dimensionality of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_dimensionality of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[int] + :return: The description of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_dimensionality + return self._description - @has_dimensionality.setter - def has_dimensionality(self, has_dimensionality): - """Sets the has_dimensionality of this DatasetSpecification. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this DatasetSpecification. - Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_dimensionality: The has_dimensionality of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[int] + :param description: The description of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality + self._description = description @property - def has_format(self): - """Gets the has_format of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + def has_data_transformation(self): + """Gets the has_data_transformation of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 + Property that associates an input/output with their corresponding data transformation. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_format of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_data_transformation of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DataTransformation] """ - return self._has_format + return self._has_data_transformation - @has_format.setter - def has_format(self, has_format): - """Sets the has_format of this DatasetSpecification. + @has_data_transformation.setter + def has_data_transformation(self, has_data_transformation): + """Sets the has_data_transformation of this DatasetSpecification. - Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 + Property that associates an input/output with their corresponding data transformation. # noqa: E501 - :param has_format: The has_format of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_data_transformation: The has_data_transformation of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DataTransformation] """ - self._has_format = has_format + self._has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation @property - def path_location(self): - """Gets the path_location of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + def has_data_transformation_setup(self): + """Gets the has_data_transformation_setup of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` # noqa: E501 + Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs # noqa: E501 - :return: The path_location of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_data_transformation_setup of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DataTransformationSetup] """ - return self._path_location + return self._has_data_transformation_setup - @path_location.setter - def path_location(self, path_location): - """Sets the path_location of this DatasetSpecification. + @has_data_transformation_setup.setter + def has_data_transformation_setup(self, has_data_transformation_setup): + """Sets the has_data_transformation_setup of this DatasetSpecification. - Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` # noqa: E501 + Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs # noqa: E501 - :param path_location: The path_location of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_data_transformation_setup: The has_data_transformation_setup of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DataTransformationSetup] """ - self._path_location = path_location + self._has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup + + @property + def has_dimensionality(self): + """Gets the has_dimensionality of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + + Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_dimensionality of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[int] + """ + return self._has_dimensionality + + @has_dimensionality.setter + def has_dimensionality(self, has_dimensionality): + """Sets the has_dimensionality of this DatasetSpecification. + + Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification # noqa: E501 + + :param has_dimensionality: The has_dimensionality of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[int] + """ + + self._has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality @property def has_file_structure(self): @@ -192,50 +215,50 @@ def has_file_structure(self, has_file_structure): self._has_file_structure = has_file_structure @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + def has_fixed_resource(self): + """Gets the has_fixed_resource of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that links a parameter or an input to a fixed value. For example, in a given configuration a parameter with the planting date for a model could be fixed to avoid the user changing it for that region. # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_fixed_resource of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._description + return self._has_fixed_resource - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this DatasetSpecification. + @has_fixed_resource.setter + def has_fixed_resource(self, has_fixed_resource): + """Sets the has_fixed_resource of this DatasetSpecification. - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that links a parameter or an input to a fixed value. For example, in a given configuration a parameter with the planting date for a model could be fixed to avoid the user changing it for that region. # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_fixed_resource: The has_fixed_resource of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._description = description + self._has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource @property - def has_data_transformation(self): - """Gets the has_data_transformation of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + def has_format(self): + """Gets the has_format of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - Property that associates an input/output with their corresponding data transformation. # noqa: E501 + Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_data_transformation of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DataTransformation] + :return: The has_format of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_data_transformation + return self._has_format - @has_data_transformation.setter - def has_data_transformation(self, has_data_transformation): - """Sets the has_data_transformation of this DatasetSpecification. + @has_format.setter + def has_format(self, has_format): + """Sets the has_format of this DatasetSpecification. - Property that associates an input/output with their corresponding data transformation. # noqa: E501 + Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_data_transformation: The has_data_transformation of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DataTransformation] + :param has_format: The has_format of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation + self._has_format = has_format @property def has_presentation(self): @@ -261,73 +284,27 @@ def has_presentation(self, has_presentation): self._has_presentation = has_presentation @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :return: The label of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._label - - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this DatasetSpecification. - - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :param label: The label of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._label = label - - @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - - type of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :return: The type of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._type - - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this DatasetSpecification. - - type of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :param type: The type of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._type = type - - @property - def has_fixed_resource(self): - """Gets the has_fixed_resource of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a parameter or an input to a fixed value. For example, in a given configuration a parameter with the planting date for a model could be fixed to avoid the user changing it for that region. # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_fixed_resource of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The id of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_fixed_resource + return self._id - @has_fixed_resource.setter - def has_fixed_resource(self, has_fixed_resource): - """Sets the has_fixed_resource of this DatasetSpecification. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this DatasetSpecification. - Property that links a parameter or an input to a fixed value. For example, in a given configuration a parameter with the planting date for a model could be fixed to avoid the user changing it for that region. # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_fixed_resource: The has_fixed_resource of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param id: The id of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource + self._id = id @property def is_transformed_from(self): @@ -353,27 +330,50 @@ def is_transformed_from(self, is_transformed_from): self._is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from @property - def has_data_transformation_setup(self): - """Gets the has_data_transformation_setup of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_data_transformation_setup of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DataTransformationSetup] + :return: The label of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_data_transformation_setup + return self._label - @has_data_transformation_setup.setter - def has_data_transformation_setup(self, has_data_transformation_setup): - """Sets the has_data_transformation_setup of this DatasetSpecification. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this DatasetSpecification. - Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_data_transformation_setup: The has_data_transformation_setup of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DataTransformationSetup] + :param label: The label of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup + self._label = label + + @property + def path_location(self): + """Gets the path_location of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + + Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` # noqa: E501 + + :return: The path_location of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._path_location + + @path_location.setter + def path_location(self, path_location): + """Sets the path_location of this DatasetSpecification. + + Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` # noqa: E501 + + :param path_location: The path_location of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._path_location = path_location @property def position(self): @@ -399,27 +399,27 @@ def position(self, position): self._position = position @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The type of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._type - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this DatasetSpecification. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this DatasetSpecification. - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param type: The type of this DatasetSpecification. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._type = type def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/empirical_model.py b/modelcatalog/models/empirical_model.py index ecdec38..59f8491 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/empirical_model.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/empirical_model.py @@ -31,869 +31,989 @@ class EmpiricalModel(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_grid': 'list[Grid]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', - 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', - 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'description': 'list[str]', 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 'support_details': 'list[str]', - 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', - 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', - 'description': 'list[str]', - 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', - 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'has_grid': 'list[Grid]', + 'has_input_variable': 'list[VariablePresentation]', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', 'has_model_category': 'list[ModelCategory]', - 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', - 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', - 'date_created': 'list[str]', - 'contributor': 'list[Person]', + 'has_output_variable': 'list[VariablePresentation]', + 'has_process': 'list[Process]', 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', 'has_sample_visualization': 'list[Visualization]', - 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'website': 'list[str]', - 'citation': 'list[str]', - 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', - 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'id': 'str', + 'identifier': 'list[str]', + 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', + 'keywords': 'list[str]', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'limitations': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', - 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', - 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]' + 'parameterization': 'list[str]', + 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'runtime_estimation': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'theoretical_basis': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', + 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', - 'keywords': 'keywords', - 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', - 'has_grid': 'hasGrid', - 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', - 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'author': 'author', + 'citation': 'citation', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'compatibleVisualizationSoftware', + 'contributor': 'contributor', 'copyright_holder': 'copyrightHolder', - 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', - 'logo': 'logo', - 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', - 'id': 'id', - 'identifier': 'identifier', - 'author': 'author', - 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', - 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'date_created': 'dateCreated', 'date_published': 'datePublished', - 'license': 'license', - 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', - 'has_explanation_diagram': 'hasExplanationDiagram', - 'has_example': 'hasExample', - 'publisher': 'publisher', + 'description': 'description', 'doi': 'doi', + 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', + 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', + 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', + 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', + 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', + 'has_equation': 'hasEquation', + 'has_example': 'hasExample', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'has_explanation_diagram': 'hasExplanationDiagram', + 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', - 'support_details': 'supportDetails', - 'has_version': 'hasVersion', - 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', - 'description': 'description', - 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', - 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'has_grid': 'hasGrid', + 'has_input_variable': 'hasInputVariable', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', 'has_model_category': 'hasModelCategory', - 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', - 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', - 'date_created': 'dateCreated', - 'contributor': 'contributor', + 'has_output_variable': 'hasOutputVariable', + 'has_process': 'hasProcess', 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', - 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', - 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', - 'website': 'website', - 'citation': 'citation', - 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', - 'readme': 'readme', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', + 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', + 'keywords': 'keywords', 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'license': 'license', + 'limitations': 'limitations', + 'logo': 'logo', + 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', - 'has_equation': 'hasEquation', - 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex' + 'parameterization': 'parameterization', + 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', + 'publisher': 'publisher', + 'readme': 'readme', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'runtime_estimation': 'runtimeEstimation', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'theoretical_basis': 'theoreticalBasis', + 'type': 'type', + 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_grid=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, id=None, identifier=None, author=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, has_model_category=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_equation=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_equation=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_grid=None, has_input_variable=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_model_category=None, has_output_variable=None, has_process=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_source_code=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, limitations=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, parameterization=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, runtime_estimation=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, theoretical_basis=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """EmpiricalModel - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_grid = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None - self._has_contact_person = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None - self._author = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None + self._date_created = None self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_explanation_diagram = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None + self._description = None self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_contact_person = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_equation = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_explanation_diagram = None + self._has_faq = None self._has_funding = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None + self._has_grid = None + self._has_input_variable = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None self._has_model_category = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None + self._has_output_variable = None + self._has_process = None self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None self._has_sample_visualization = None - self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._processor_requirements = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None self._has_usage_notes = None - self._readme = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None + self._license = None + self._limitations = None + self._logo = None + self._memory_requirements = None self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None - self._has_equation = None + self._parameterization = None + self._processor_requirements = None + self._publisher = None + self._readme = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._runtime_estimation = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._theoretical_basis = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_grid = has_grid - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo - self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier - self.author = author - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description + self.date_created = date_created self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher + self.description = description self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_equation = has_equation + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self.has_faq = has_faq self.has_funding = has_funding - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot + self.has_grid = has_grid + self.has_input_variable = has_input_variable + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions self.has_model_category = has_model_category - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor + self.has_output_variable = has_output_variable + self.has_process = has_process self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.readme = readme + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.license = license + self.limitations = limitations + self.logo = logo + self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook - self.has_equation = has_equation + self.parameterization = parameterization + self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.publisher = publisher + self.readme = readme + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The author of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._author + + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this EmpiricalModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param author: The author of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._author = author + + @property + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The citation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._citation + + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this EmpiricalModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param citation: The citation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._citation = citation + + @property + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] + """ + return self._compatible_visualization_software + + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this EmpiricalModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The contributor of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._contributor - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param contributor: The contributor of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._contributor = contributor @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The copyright_holder of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._keywords + return self._copyright_holder - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this EmpiricalModel. + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._date_created - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this EmpiricalModel. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._date_created = date_created @property - def has_grid(self): - """Gets the has_grid of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_grid of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Grid] + :return: The date_published of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_grid + return self._date_published - @has_grid.setter - def has_grid(self, has_grid): - """Sets the has_grid of this EmpiricalModel. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this EmpiricalModel. - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_grid: The has_grid of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Grid] + :param date_published: The date_published of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_grid = has_grid + self._date_published = date_published @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._description - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this EmpiricalModel. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this EmpiricalModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._description = description @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._doi - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this EmpiricalModel. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._doi = doi @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._type + return self._had_primary_source - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this EmpiricalModel. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this EmpiricalModel. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._type = type + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_assumption of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._has_assumption - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] + :return: The has_build_file of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software + return self._has_build_file - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_contact_person of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._has_contact_person - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[object] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_documentation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._has_documentation - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_download_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._has_download_instructions - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_contact_person of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + + :return: The has_download_url of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._has_download_url - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_equation(self): + """Gets the has_equation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_equation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Equation] """ - return self._id + return self._has_equation - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_equation.setter + def has_equation(self, has_equation): + """Sets the has_equation of this EmpiricalModel. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_equation: The has_equation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Equation] """ - self._id = id + self._has_equation = has_equation @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_example - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_example = has_example @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_executable_instructions - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_executable_notebook - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_explanation_diagram(self): + """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_explanation_diagram - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_explanation_diagram.setter + def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): + """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this EmpiricalModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_faq - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._license + return self._has_funding - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._license = license + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_grid(self): + """Gets the has_grid of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_grid of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Grid] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_grid - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_grid.setter + def has_grid(self, has_grid): + """Sets the has_grid of this EmpiricalModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_grid: The has_grid of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Grid] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_grid = has_grid @property - def has_explanation_diagram(self): - """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_input_variable(self): + """Gets the has_input_variable of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_input_variable of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_explanation_diagram + return self._has_input_variable - @has_explanation_diagram.setter - def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): - """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_input_variable.setter + def has_input_variable(self, has_input_variable): + """Sets the has_input_variable of this EmpiricalModel. - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_input_variable: The has_input_variable of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self._has_input_variable = has_input_variable @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_installation_instructions - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_model_category(self): + """Gets the has_model_category of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_model_category of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ModelCategory] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_model_category - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_model_category.setter + def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): + """Sets the has_model_category of this EmpiricalModel. + + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ModelCategory] + """ + + self._has_model_category = has_model_category + + @property + def has_output_variable(self): + """Gets the has_output_variable of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_output_variable of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] + """ + return self._has_output_variable + + @has_output_variable.setter + def has_output_variable(self, has_output_variable): + """Sets the has_output_variable of this EmpiricalModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_output_variable: The has_output_variable of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_output_variable = has_output_variable @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_process(self): + """Gets the has_process of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_process of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Process] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_process - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_process.setter + def has_process(self, has_process): + """Sets the has_process of this EmpiricalModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_process: The has_process of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Process] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_process = has_process @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_purpose of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_purpose - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_sample_visualization - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_source_code of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_source_code - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -919,119 +1039,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :return: The description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._description - - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this EmpiricalModel. - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :param description: The description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._description = description - - @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_usage_notes - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_version of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._screenshot + return self._has_version - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this EmpiricalModel. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_version: The has_version of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._has_version = has_version @property - def has_model_category(self): - """Gets the has_model_category of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_model_category of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ModelCategory] + :return: The id of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_model_category + return self._id - @has_model_category.setter - def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): - """Sets the has_model_category of this EmpiricalModel. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this EmpiricalModel. - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ModelCategory] + :param id: The id of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_model_category = has_model_category + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this EmpiricalModel. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1057,119 +1154,119 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this EmpiricalModel. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created + self._keywords = keywords @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The contributor of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] + :return: The label of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._contributor + return self._label - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this EmpiricalModel. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this EmpiricalModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param contributor: The contributor of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] + :param label: The label of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._contributor = contributor + self._label = label @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._license - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this EmpiricalModel. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._license = license @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def limitations(self): + """Gets the limitations of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The limitations of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._limitations - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. + @limitations.setter + def limitations(self, limitations): + """Sets the limitations of this EmpiricalModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param limitations: The limitations of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._limitations = limitations @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this EmpiricalModel. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1195,50 +1292,50 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The website of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._website + return self._operating_systems - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this EmpiricalModel. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param website: The website of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._website = website + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def parameterization(self): + """Gets the parameterization of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The parameterization of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._parameterization - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this EmpiricalModel. + @parameterization.setter + def parameterization(self, parameterization): + """Sets the parameterization of this EmpiricalModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param parameterization: The parameterization of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._parameterization = parameterization @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1264,27 +1361,27 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this EmpiricalModel. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property def readme(self): @@ -1310,119 +1407,188 @@ def readme(self, readme): self._readme = readme @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._reference_publication - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this EmpiricalModel. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this EmpiricalModel. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def runtime_estimation(self): + """Gets the runtime_estimation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :return: The runtime_estimation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._runtime_estimation + + @runtime_estimation.setter + def runtime_estimation(self, runtime_estimation): + """Sets the runtime_estimation of this EmpiricalModel. + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :param runtime_estimation: The runtime_estimation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + + @property + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this EmpiricalModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._short_description - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this EmpiricalModel. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._short_description = short_description @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._software_requirements - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this EmpiricalModel. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._support_details - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this EmpiricalModel. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this EmpiricalModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._support_details = support_details @property - def has_equation(self): - """Gets the has_equation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + def theoretical_basis(self): + """Gets the theoretical_basis of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_equation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Equation] + :return: The theoretical_basis of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_equation + return self._theoretical_basis - @has_equation.setter - def has_equation(self, has_equation): - """Sets the has_equation of this EmpiricalModel. + @theoretical_basis.setter + def theoretical_basis(self, theoretical_basis): + """Sets the theoretical_basis of this EmpiricalModel. - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_equation: The has_equation of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Equation] + :param theoretical_basis: The theoretical_basis of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_equation = has_equation + self._theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this EmpiricalModel. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1447,6 +1613,29 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + @property + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The website of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._website + + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this EmpiricalModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param website: The website of this EmpiricalModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._website = website + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/emulator.py b/modelcatalog/models/emulator.py index 62a0fad..59e355a 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/emulator.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/emulator.py @@ -31,869 +31,989 @@ class Emulator(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_grid': 'list[Grid]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', - 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', - 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'description': 'list[str]', 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 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'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'limitations': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', - 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', - 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]' + 'parameterization': 'list[str]', + 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'runtime_estimation': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'theoretical_basis': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', + 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', - 'keywords': 'keywords', - 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', - 'has_grid': 'hasGrid', - 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', - 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'author': 'author', + 'citation': 'citation', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'compatibleVisualizationSoftware', + 'contributor': 'contributor', 'copyright_holder': 'copyrightHolder', - 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', - 'logo': 'logo', - 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', - 'id': 'id', - 'identifier': 'identifier', - 'author': 'author', - 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', - 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'date_created': 'dateCreated', 'date_published': 'datePublished', - 'license': 'license', - 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', - 'has_explanation_diagram': 'hasExplanationDiagram', - 'has_example': 'hasExample', - 'publisher': 'publisher', + 'description': 'description', 'doi': 'doi', + 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', + 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', + 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', + 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', + 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', + 'has_equation': 'hasEquation', + 'has_example': 'hasExample', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'has_explanation_diagram': 'hasExplanationDiagram', + 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', - 'support_details': 'supportDetails', - 'has_version': 'hasVersion', - 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', - 'description': 'description', - 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', - 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'has_grid': 'hasGrid', + 'has_input_variable': 'hasInputVariable', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', 'has_model_category': 'hasModelCategory', - 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', - 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', - 'date_created': 'dateCreated', - 'contributor': 'contributor', + 'has_output_variable': 'hasOutputVariable', + 'has_process': 'hasProcess', 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', - 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', - 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', - 'website': 'website', - 'citation': 'citation', - 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', - 'readme': 'readme', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', + 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', + 'keywords': 'keywords', 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'license': 'license', + 'limitations': 'limitations', + 'logo': 'logo', + 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', - 'has_equation': 'hasEquation', - 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex' + 'parameterization': 'parameterization', + 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', + 'publisher': 'publisher', + 'readme': 'readme', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'runtime_estimation': 'runtimeEstimation', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'theoretical_basis': 'theoreticalBasis', + 'type': 'type', + 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_grid=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, id=None, identifier=None, author=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, has_model_category=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_equation=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_equation=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_grid=None, has_input_variable=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_model_category=None, has_output_variable=None, has_process=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_source_code=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, limitations=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, parameterization=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, runtime_estimation=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, theoretical_basis=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """Emulator - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_grid = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None - self._has_contact_person = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None - self._author = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None + self._date_created = None self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_explanation_diagram = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None + self._description = None self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_contact_person = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_equation = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_explanation_diagram = None + self._has_faq = None self._has_funding = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None + self._has_grid = None + self._has_input_variable = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None self._has_model_category = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None + self._has_output_variable = None + self._has_process = None self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None self._has_sample_visualization = None - self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._processor_requirements = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None self._has_usage_notes = None - self._readme = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None + self._license = None + self._limitations = None + self._logo = None + self._memory_requirements = None self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None - self._has_equation = None + self._parameterization = None + self._processor_requirements = None + self._publisher = None + self._readme = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._runtime_estimation = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._theoretical_basis = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_grid = has_grid - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo - self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier - self.author = author - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description + self.date_created = date_created self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher + self.description = description self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_equation = has_equation + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self.has_faq = has_faq self.has_funding = has_funding - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot + self.has_grid = has_grid + self.has_input_variable = has_input_variable + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions self.has_model_category = has_model_category - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor + self.has_output_variable = has_output_variable + self.has_process = has_process self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.readme = readme + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.license = license + self.limitations = limitations + self.logo = logo + self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook - self.has_equation = has_equation + self.parameterization = parameterization + self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.publisher = publisher + self.readme = readme + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The author of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._author + + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this Emulator. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param author: The author of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._author = author + + @property + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The citation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._citation + + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this Emulator. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param citation: The citation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._citation = citation + + @property + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] + """ + return self._compatible_visualization_software + + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this Emulator. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The contributor of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._contributor - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this Emulator. + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param contributor: The contributor of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._contributor = contributor @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The copyright_holder of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._keywords + return self._copyright_holder - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this Emulator. + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._date_created - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this Emulator. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._date_created = date_created @property - def has_grid(self): - """Gets the has_grid of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_grid of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Grid] + :return: The date_published of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_grid + return self._date_published - @has_grid.setter - def has_grid(self, has_grid): - """Sets the has_grid of this Emulator. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this Emulator. - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_grid: The has_grid of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Grid] + :param date_published: The date_published of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_grid = has_grid + self._date_published = date_published @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._description - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this Emulator. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this Emulator. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._description = description @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._doi - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this Emulator. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._doi = doi @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._type + return self._had_primary_source - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this Emulator. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this Emulator. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._type = type + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_assumption of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._has_assumption - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this Emulator. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] + :return: The has_build_file of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software + return self._has_build_file - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this Emulator. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_contact_person of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._has_contact_person - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this Emulator. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[object] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_documentation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._has_documentation - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this Emulator. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_download_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._has_download_instructions - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this Emulator. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_contact_person of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + + :return: The has_download_url of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._has_download_url - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this Emulator. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_equation(self): + """Gets the has_equation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_equation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Equation] """ - return self._id + return self._has_equation - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this Emulator. + @has_equation.setter + def has_equation(self, has_equation): + """Sets the has_equation of this Emulator. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_equation: The has_equation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Equation] """ - self._id = id + self._has_equation = has_equation @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_example - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this Emulator. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_example = has_example @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_executable_instructions - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this Emulator. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_executable_notebook - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this Emulator. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_explanation_diagram(self): + """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_explanation_diagram - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this Emulator. + @has_explanation_diagram.setter + def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): + """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this Emulator. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_faq - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this Emulator. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._license + return self._has_funding - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this Emulator. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._license = license + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_grid(self): + """Gets the has_grid of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_grid of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Grid] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_grid - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this Emulator. + @has_grid.setter + def has_grid(self, has_grid): + """Sets the has_grid of this Emulator. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_grid: The has_grid of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Grid] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_grid = has_grid @property - def has_explanation_diagram(self): - """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_input_variable(self): + """Gets the has_input_variable of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_input_variable of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_explanation_diagram + return self._has_input_variable - @has_explanation_diagram.setter - def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): - """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this Emulator. + @has_input_variable.setter + def has_input_variable(self, has_input_variable): + """Sets the has_input_variable of this Emulator. - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_input_variable: The has_input_variable of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self._has_input_variable = has_input_variable @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_installation_instructions - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this Emulator. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_model_category(self): + """Gets the has_model_category of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_model_category of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ModelCategory] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_model_category - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this Emulator. + @has_model_category.setter + def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): + """Sets the has_model_category of this Emulator. + + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ModelCategory] + """ + + self._has_model_category = has_model_category + + @property + def has_output_variable(self): + """Gets the has_output_variable of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_output_variable of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] + """ + return self._has_output_variable + + @has_output_variable.setter + def has_output_variable(self, has_output_variable): + """Sets the has_output_variable of this Emulator. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_output_variable: The has_output_variable of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_output_variable = has_output_variable @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_process(self): + """Gets the has_process of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_process of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Process] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_process - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this Emulator. + @has_process.setter + def has_process(self, has_process): + """Sets the has_process of this Emulator. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_process: The has_process of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Process] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_process = has_process @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_purpose of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_purpose - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this Emulator. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_sample_visualization - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this Emulator. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_source_code of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_source_code - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this Emulator. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -919,119 +1039,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :return: The description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._description - - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this Emulator. - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :param description: The description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._description = description - - @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_usage_notes - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this Emulator. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_version of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._screenshot + return self._has_version - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this Emulator. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_version: The has_version of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._has_version = has_version @property - def has_model_category(self): - """Gets the has_model_category of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_model_category of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ModelCategory] + :return: The id of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_model_category + return self._id - @has_model_category.setter - def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): - """Sets the has_model_category of this Emulator. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this Emulator. - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ModelCategory] + :param id: The id of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_model_category = has_model_category + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this Emulator. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1057,119 +1154,119 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this Emulator. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created + self._keywords = keywords @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The contributor of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] + :return: The label of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._contributor + return self._label - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this Emulator. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this Emulator. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param contributor: The contributor of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] + :param label: The label of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._contributor = contributor + self._label = label @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._license - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this Emulator. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._license = license @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def limitations(self): + """Gets the limitations of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The limitations of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._limitations - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this Emulator. + @limitations.setter + def limitations(self, limitations): + """Sets the limitations of this Emulator. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param limitations: The limitations of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._limitations = limitations @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this Emulator. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1195,50 +1292,50 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The website of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._website + return self._operating_systems - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this Emulator. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param website: The website of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._website = website + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def parameterization(self): + """Gets the parameterization of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The parameterization of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._parameterization - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this Emulator. + @parameterization.setter + def parameterization(self, parameterization): + """Sets the parameterization of this Emulator. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param parameterization: The parameterization of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._parameterization = parameterization @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1264,27 +1361,27 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this Emulator. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property def readme(self): @@ -1310,119 +1407,188 @@ def readme(self, readme): self._readme = readme @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._reference_publication - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this Emulator. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this Emulator. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def runtime_estimation(self): + """Gets the runtime_estimation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :return: The runtime_estimation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._runtime_estimation + + @runtime_estimation.setter + def runtime_estimation(self, runtime_estimation): + """Sets the runtime_estimation of this Emulator. + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :param runtime_estimation: The runtime_estimation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + + @property + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this Emulator. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._short_description - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this Emulator. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._short_description = short_description @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._software_requirements - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this Emulator. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._support_details - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this Emulator. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this Emulator. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._support_details = support_details @property - def has_equation(self): - """Gets the has_equation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + def theoretical_basis(self): + """Gets the theoretical_basis of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_equation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Equation] + :return: The theoretical_basis of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_equation + return self._theoretical_basis - @has_equation.setter - def has_equation(self, has_equation): - """Sets the has_equation of this Emulator. + @theoretical_basis.setter + def theoretical_basis(self, theoretical_basis): + """Sets the theoretical_basis of this Emulator. - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_equation: The has_equation of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Equation] + :param theoretical_basis: The theoretical_basis of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_equation = has_equation + self._theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this Emulator. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1447,6 +1613,29 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + @property + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The website of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._website + + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this Emulator. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param website: The website of this Emulator. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._website = website + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/funding_information.py b/modelcatalog/models/funding_information.py index c69e3b1..a7278b9 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/funding_information.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/funding_information.py @@ -32,40 +32,40 @@ class FundingInformation(object): """ openapi_types = { 'description': 'list[str]', + 'funding_grant': 'list[str]', + 'funding_source': 'list[Organization]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'funding_source': 'list[Organization]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'funding_grant': 'list[str]' + 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { 'description': 'description', + 'funding_grant': 'fundingGrant', + 'funding_source': 'fundingSource', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', - 'funding_source': 'fundingSource', - 'type': 'type', - 'funding_grant': 'fundingGrant' + 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, description=None, id=None, label=None, funding_source=None, type=None, funding_grant=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, funding_grant=None, funding_source=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """FundingInformation - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 self._description = None + self._funding_grant = None + self._funding_source = None self._id = None self._label = None - self._funding_source = None self._type = None - self._funding_grant = None self.discriminator = None self.description = description + self.funding_grant = funding_grant + self.funding_source = funding_source if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label - self.funding_source = funding_source self.type = type - self.funding_grant = funding_grant @property def description(self): @@ -90,6 +90,52 @@ def description(self, description): self._description = description + @property + def funding_grant(self): + """Gets the funding_grant of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 + + Grant number used for funding # noqa: E501 + + :return: The funding_grant of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._funding_grant + + @funding_grant.setter + def funding_grant(self, funding_grant): + """Sets the funding_grant of this FundingInformation. + + Grant number used for funding # noqa: E501 + + :param funding_grant: The funding_grant of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._funding_grant = funding_grant + + @property + def funding_source(self): + """Gets the funding_source of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 + + Link to the organization funding a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The funding_source of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Organization] + """ + return self._funding_source + + @funding_source.setter + def funding_source(self, funding_source): + """Sets the funding_source of this FundingInformation. + + Link to the organization funding a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param funding_source: The funding_source of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Organization] + """ + + self._funding_source = funding_source + @property def id(self): """Gets the id of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 @@ -136,29 +182,6 @@ def label(self, label): self._label = label - @property - def funding_source(self): - """Gets the funding_source of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 - - Link to the organization funding a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The funding_source of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Organization] - """ - return self._funding_source - - @funding_source.setter - def funding_source(self, funding_source): - """Sets the funding_source of this FundingInformation. - - Link to the organization funding a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param funding_source: The funding_source of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Organization] - """ - - self._funding_source = funding_source - @property def type(self): """Gets the type of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 @@ -182,29 +205,6 @@ def type(self, type): self._type = type - @property - def funding_grant(self): - """Gets the funding_grant of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 - - Grant number used for funding # noqa: E501 - - :return: The funding_grant of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._funding_grant - - @funding_grant.setter - def funding_grant(self, funding_grant): - """Sets the funding_grant of this FundingInformation. - - Grant number used for funding # noqa: E501 - - :param funding_grant: The funding_grant of this FundingInformation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._funding_grant = funding_grant - def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/geo_coordinates.py b/modelcatalog/models/geo_coordinates.py index f1b09bc..789fa30 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/geo_coordinates.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/geo_coordinates.py @@ -31,114 +31,91 @@ class GeoCoordinates(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'elevation': 'list[str]', - 'latitude': 'list[str]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'elevation': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'longitude': 'list[str]' + 'latitude': 'list[str]', + 'longitude': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'elevation': 'elevation', - 'latitude': 'latitude', 'description': 'description', + 'elevation': 'elevation', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type', - 'longitude': 'longitude' + 'latitude': 'latitude', + 'longitude': 'longitude', + 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, elevation=None, latitude=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None, longitude=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, elevation=None, id=None, label=None, latitude=None, longitude=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """GeoCoordinates - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._elevation = None - self._latitude = None self._description = None + self._elevation = None self._id = None self._label = None - self._type = None + self._latitude = None self._longitude = None + self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.elevation = elevation - self.latitude = latitude self.description = description + self.elevation = elevation if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label - self.type = type + self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude + self.type = type @property - def elevation(self): - """Gets the elevation of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 - - Elevation of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - - :return: The elevation of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._elevation - - @elevation.setter - def elevation(self, elevation): - """Sets the elevation of this GeoCoordinates. - - Elevation of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - - :param elevation: The elevation of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._elevation = elevation - - @property - def latitude(self): - """Gets the latitude of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 - Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The latitude of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._latitude + return self._description - @latitude.setter - def latitude(self, latitude): - """Sets the latitude of this GeoCoordinates. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this GeoCoordinates. - Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param latitude: The latitude of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._latitude = latitude + self._description = description @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + def elevation(self): + """Gets the elevation of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Elevation of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + :return: The elevation of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._elevation - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this GeoCoordinates. + @elevation.setter + def elevation(self, elevation): + """Sets the elevation of this GeoCoordinates. - small description # noqa: E501 + Elevation of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + :param elevation: The elevation of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._elevation = elevation @property def id(self): @@ -187,27 +164,27 @@ def label(self, label): self._label = label @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + def latitude(self): + """Gets the latitude of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + :return: The latitude of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._latitude - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this GeoCoordinates. + @latitude.setter + def latitude(self, latitude): + """Sets the latitude of this GeoCoordinates. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + :param latitude: The latitude of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._latitude = latitude @property def longitude(self): @@ -232,6 +209,29 @@ def longitude(self, longitude): self._longitude = longitude + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this GeoCoordinates. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this GeoCoordinates. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/geo_shape.py b/modelcatalog/models/geo_shape.py index 35e4b7d..246c3e6 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/geo_shape.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/geo_shape.py @@ -31,95 +31,72 @@ class GeoShape(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'elevation': 'list[str]', - 'latitude': 'list[str]', - 'description': 'list[str]', 'box': 'list[str]', + 'description': 'list[str]', + 'elevation': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'longitude': 'list[str]' + 'latitude': 'list[str]', + 'longitude': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'elevation': 'elevation', - 'latitude': 'latitude', - 'description': 'description', 'box': 'box', + 'description': 'description', + 'elevation': 'elevation', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type', - 'longitude': 'longitude' + 'latitude': 'latitude', + 'longitude': 'longitude', + 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, elevation=None, latitude=None, description=None, box=None, id=None, label=None, type=None, longitude=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, box=None, description=None, elevation=None, id=None, label=None, latitude=None, longitude=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """GeoShape - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._elevation = None - self._latitude = None - self._description = None self._box = None + self._description = None + self._elevation = None self._id = None self._label = None - self._type = None + self._latitude = None self._longitude = None + self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.elevation = elevation - self.latitude = latitude - self.description = description self.box = box + self.description = description + self.elevation = elevation if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label - self.type = type + self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude + self.type = type @property - def elevation(self): - """Gets the elevation of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 - - Elevation of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - - :return: The elevation of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._elevation - - @elevation.setter - def elevation(self, elevation): - """Sets the elevation of this GeoShape. - - Elevation of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - - :param elevation: The elevation of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._elevation = elevation - - @property - def latitude(self): - """Gets the latitude of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + def box(self): + """Gets the box of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 - Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The latitude of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + :return: The box of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._latitude + return self._box - @latitude.setter - def latitude(self, latitude): - """Sets the latitude of this GeoShape. + @box.setter + def box(self, box): + """Sets the box of this GeoShape. - Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param latitude: The latitude of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + :param box: The box of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._latitude = latitude + self._box = box @property def description(self): @@ -145,27 +122,27 @@ def description(self, description): self._description = description @property - def box(self): - """Gets the box of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + def elevation(self): + """Gets the elevation of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Elevation of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - :return: The box of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + :return: The elevation of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._box + return self._elevation - @box.setter - def box(self, box): - """Sets the box of this GeoShape. + @elevation.setter + def elevation(self, elevation): + """Sets the elevation of this GeoShape. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Elevation of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - :param box: The box of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + :param elevation: The elevation of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._box = box + self._elevation = elevation @property def id(self): @@ -214,27 +191,27 @@ def label(self, label): self._label = label @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + def latitude(self): + """Gets the latitude of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + :return: The latitude of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._latitude - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this GeoShape. + @latitude.setter + def latitude(self, latitude): + """Sets the latitude of this GeoShape. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Latitude (coordinates) of a location (WGS84) # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + :param latitude: The latitude of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._latitude = latitude @property def longitude(self): @@ -259,6 +236,29 @@ def longitude(self, longitude): self._longitude = longitude + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this GeoShape. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this GeoShape. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/grid.py b/modelcatalog/models/grid.py index 386dec8..73299ba 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/grid.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/grid.py @@ -31,342 +31,342 @@ class Grid(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_dimensionality': 'list[int]', - 'has_format': 'list[str]', - 'path_location': 'list[str]', - 'has_file_structure': 'list[object]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'has_coordinate_system': 'list[str]', 'has_data_transformation': 'list[DataTransformation]', - 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', - 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', + 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'list[DataTransformationSetup]', + 'has_dimension': 'list[str]', + 'has_dimensionality': 'list[int]', + 'has_file_structure': 'list[object]', 'has_fixed_resource': 'list[SampleResource]', - 'has_coordinate_system': 'list[str]', + 'has_format': 'list[str]', + 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', + 'has_shape': 'list[str]', 'has_spatial_resolution': 'list[str]', + 'id': 'str', 'is_transformed_from': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', - 'has_shape': 'list[str]', - 'has_dimension': 'list[str]', - 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'list[DataTransformationSetup]', + 'label': 'list[str]', + 'path_location': 'list[str]', 'position': 'list[int]', - 'id': 'str' + 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_dimensionality': 'hasDimensionality', - 'has_format': 'hasFormat', - 'path_location': 'pathLocation', - 'has_file_structure': 'hasFileStructure', 'description': 'description', + 'has_coordinate_system': 'hasCoordinateSystem', 'has_data_transformation': 'hasDataTransformation', - 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', - 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type', + 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'hasDataTransformationSetup', + 'has_dimension': 'hasDimension', + 'has_dimensionality': 'hasDimensionality', + 'has_file_structure': 'hasFileStructure', 'has_fixed_resource': 'hasFixedResource', - 'has_coordinate_system': 'hasCoordinateSystem', + 'has_format': 'hasFormat', + 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', + 'has_shape': 'hasShape', 'has_spatial_resolution': 'hasSpatialResolution', + 'id': 'id', 'is_transformed_from': 'isTransformedFrom', - 'has_shape': 'hasShape', - 'has_dimension': 'hasDimension', - 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'hasDataTransformationSetup', + 'label': 'label', + 'path_location': 'pathLocation', 'position': 'position', - 'id': 'id' + 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, has_dimensionality=None, has_format=None, path_location=None, has_file_structure=None, description=None, has_data_transformation=None, has_presentation=None, label=None, type=None, has_fixed_resource=None, has_coordinate_system=None, has_spatial_resolution=None, is_transformed_from=None, has_shape=None, has_dimension=None, has_data_transformation_setup=None, position=None, id=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, has_coordinate_system=None, has_data_transformation=None, has_data_transformation_setup=None, has_dimension=None, has_dimensionality=None, has_file_structure=None, has_fixed_resource=None, has_format=None, has_presentation=None, has_shape=None, has_spatial_resolution=None, id=None, is_transformed_from=None, label=None, path_location=None, position=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """Grid - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_dimensionality = None - self._has_format = None - self._path_location = None - self._has_file_structure = None self._description = None + self._has_coordinate_system = None self._has_data_transformation = None - self._has_presentation = None - self._label = None - self._type = None + self._has_data_transformation_setup = None + self._has_dimension = None + self._has_dimensionality = None + self._has_file_structure = None self._has_fixed_resource = None - self._has_coordinate_system = None + self._has_format = None + self._has_presentation = None + self._has_shape = None self._has_spatial_resolution = None + self._id = None self._is_transformed_from = None - self._has_shape = None - self._has_dimension = None - self._has_data_transformation_setup = None + self._label = None + self._path_location = None self._position = None - self._id = None + self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality - self.has_format = has_format - self.path_location = path_location - self.has_file_structure = has_file_structure self.description = description + self.has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system self.has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation - self.has_presentation = has_presentation - self.label = label - self.type = type + self.has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup + self.has_dimension = has_dimension + self.has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality + self.has_file_structure = has_file_structure self.has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource - self.has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system - self.has_spatial_resolution = has_spatial_resolution - self.is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from + self.has_format = has_format + self.has_presentation = has_presentation self.has_shape = has_shape - self.has_dimension = has_dimension - self.has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup - self.position = position + self.has_spatial_resolution = has_spatial_resolution if id is not None: self.id = id + self.is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from + self.label = label + self.path_location = path_location + self.position = position + self.type = type @property - def has_dimensionality(self): - """Gets the has_dimensionality of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_dimensionality of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[int] + :return: The description of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_dimensionality + return self._description - @has_dimensionality.setter - def has_dimensionality(self, has_dimensionality): - """Sets the has_dimensionality of this Grid. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this Grid. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_dimensionality: The has_dimensionality of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[int] + :param description: The description of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality + self._description = description @property - def has_format(self): - """Gets the has_format of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def has_coordinate_system(self): + """Gets the has_coordinate_system of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_format of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_coordinate_system of this Grid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_format + return self._has_coordinate_system - @has_format.setter - def has_format(self, has_format): - """Sets the has_format of this Grid. + @has_coordinate_system.setter + def has_coordinate_system(self, has_coordinate_system): + """Sets the has_coordinate_system of this Grid. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 - :param has_format: The has_format of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_coordinate_system: The has_coordinate_system of this Grid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_format = has_format + self._has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system @property - def path_location(self): - """Gets the path_location of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def has_data_transformation(self): + """Gets the has_data_transformation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The path_location of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_data_transformation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DataTransformation] """ - return self._path_location + return self._has_data_transformation - @path_location.setter - def path_location(self, path_location): - """Sets the path_location of this Grid. + @has_data_transformation.setter + def has_data_transformation(self, has_data_transformation): + """Sets the has_data_transformation of this Grid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param path_location: The path_location of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_data_transformation: The has_data_transformation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DataTransformation] """ - self._path_location = path_location + self._has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation @property - def has_file_structure(self): - """Gets the has_file_structure of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def has_data_transformation_setup(self): + """Gets the has_data_transformation_setup of this Grid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_file_structure of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_data_transformation_setup of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DataTransformationSetup] """ - return self._has_file_structure + return self._has_data_transformation_setup - @has_file_structure.setter - def has_file_structure(self, has_file_structure): - """Sets the has_file_structure of this Grid. + @has_data_transformation_setup.setter + def has_data_transformation_setup(self, has_data_transformation_setup): + """Sets the has_data_transformation_setup of this Grid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_file_structure: The has_file_structure of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_data_transformation_setup: The has_data_transformation_setup of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DataTransformationSetup] """ - self._has_file_structure = has_file_structure + self._has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def has_dimension(self): + """Gets the has_dimension of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_dimension of this Grid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_dimension - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this Grid. + @has_dimension.setter + def has_dimension(self, has_dimension): + """Sets the has_dimension of this Grid. - small description # noqa: E501 + Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_dimension: The has_dimension of this Grid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_dimension = has_dimension @property - def has_data_transformation(self): - """Gets the has_data_transformation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def has_dimensionality(self): + """Gets the has_dimensionality of this Grid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_data_transformation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DataTransformation] + :return: The has_dimensionality of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[int] """ - return self._has_data_transformation + return self._has_dimensionality - @has_data_transformation.setter - def has_data_transformation(self, has_data_transformation): - """Sets the has_data_transformation of this Grid. + @has_dimensionality.setter + def has_dimensionality(self, has_dimensionality): + """Sets the has_dimensionality of this Grid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_data_transformation: The has_data_transformation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DataTransformation] + :param has_dimensionality: The has_dimensionality of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[int] """ - self._has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation + self._has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality @property - def has_presentation(self): - """Gets the has_presentation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def has_file_structure(self): + """Gets the has_file_structure of this Grid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_presentation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] + :return: The has_file_structure of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_presentation + return self._has_file_structure - @has_presentation.setter - def has_presentation(self, has_presentation): - """Sets the has_presentation of this Grid. + @has_file_structure.setter + def has_file_structure(self, has_file_structure): + """Sets the has_file_structure of this Grid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_presentation: The has_presentation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[VariablePresentation] + :param has_file_structure: The has_file_structure of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_presentation = has_presentation + self._has_file_structure = has_file_structure @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def has_fixed_resource(self): + """Gets the has_fixed_resource of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_fixed_resource of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._label + return self._has_fixed_resource - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this Grid. + @has_fixed_resource.setter + def has_fixed_resource(self, has_fixed_resource): + """Sets the has_fixed_resource of this Grid. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_fixed_resource: The has_fixed_resource of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._label = label + self._has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def has_format(self): + """Gets the has_format of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_format of this Grid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._has_format - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this Grid. + @has_format.setter + def has_format(self, has_format): + """Sets the has_format of this Grid. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_format: The has_format of this Grid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._has_format = has_format @property - def has_fixed_resource(self): - """Gets the has_fixed_resource of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def has_presentation(self): + """Gets the has_presentation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_fixed_resource of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The has_presentation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_fixed_resource + return self._has_presentation - @has_fixed_resource.setter - def has_fixed_resource(self, has_fixed_resource): - """Sets the has_fixed_resource of this Grid. + @has_presentation.setter + def has_presentation(self, has_presentation): + """Sets the has_presentation of this Grid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_fixed_resource: The has_fixed_resource of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param has_presentation: The has_presentation of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource + self._has_presentation = has_presentation @property - def has_coordinate_system(self): - """Gets the has_coordinate_system of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def has_shape(self): + """Gets the has_shape of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 + Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_coordinate_system of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_shape of this Grid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_coordinate_system + return self._has_shape - @has_coordinate_system.setter - def has_coordinate_system(self, has_coordinate_system): - """Sets the has_coordinate_system of this Grid. + @has_shape.setter + def has_shape(self, has_shape): + """Sets the has_shape of this Grid. - Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 + Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_coordinate_system: The has_coordinate_system of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_shape: The has_shape of this Grid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system + self._has_shape = has_shape @property def has_spatial_resolution(self): @@ -391,6 +391,29 @@ def has_spatial_resolution(self, has_spatial_resolution): self._has_spatial_resolution = has_spatial_resolution + @property + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + + identifier # noqa: E501 + + :return: The id of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str + """ + return self._id + + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this Grid. + + identifier # noqa: E501 + + :param id: The id of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :type: str + """ + + self._id = id + @property def is_transformed_from(self): """Gets the is_transformed_from of this Grid. # noqa: E501 @@ -415,73 +438,50 @@ def is_transformed_from(self, is_transformed_from): self._is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from @property - def has_shape(self): - """Gets the has_shape of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - - Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_shape of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_shape - - @has_shape.setter - def has_shape(self, has_shape): - """Sets the has_shape of this Grid. - - Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - - :param has_shape: The has_shape of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_shape = has_shape - - @property - def has_dimension(self): - """Gets the has_dimension of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_dimension of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this Grid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_dimension + return self._label - @has_dimension.setter - def has_dimension(self, has_dimension): - """Sets the has_dimension of this Grid. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this Grid. - Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_dimension: The has_dimension of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this Grid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_dimension = has_dimension + self._label = label @property - def has_data_transformation_setup(self): - """Gets the has_data_transformation_setup of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def path_location(self): + """Gets the path_location of this Grid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_data_transformation_setup of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DataTransformationSetup] + :return: The path_location of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_data_transformation_setup + return self._path_location - @has_data_transformation_setup.setter - def has_data_transformation_setup(self, has_data_transformation_setup): - """Sets the has_data_transformation_setup of this Grid. + @path_location.setter + def path_location(self, path_location): + """Sets the path_location of this Grid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_data_transformation_setup: The has_data_transformation_setup of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DataTransformationSetup] + :param path_location: The path_location of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup + self._path_location = path_location @property def position(self): @@ -507,27 +507,27 @@ def position(self, position): self._position = position @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The type of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._type - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this Grid. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this Grid. - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this Grid. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param type: The type of this Grid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._type = type def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/hybrid_model.py b/modelcatalog/models/hybrid_model.py index c218d33..a33a74a 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/hybrid_model.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/hybrid_model.py @@ -31,869 +31,989 @@ class HybridModel(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_grid': 'list[Grid]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', - 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', - 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'description': 'list[str]', 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 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def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_grid=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, id=None, identifier=None, author=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, has_model_category=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_equation=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_equation=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_grid=None, has_input_variable=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_model_category=None, has_output_variable=None, has_process=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_source_code=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, limitations=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, parameterization=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, runtime_estimation=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, theoretical_basis=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """HybridModel - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_grid = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None - self._has_contact_person = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None - self._author = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None + self._date_created = None self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_explanation_diagram = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None + self._description = None self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_contact_person = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_equation = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_explanation_diagram = None + self._has_faq = None self._has_funding = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None + self._has_grid = None + self._has_input_variable = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None self._has_model_category = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None + self._has_output_variable = None + self._has_process = None self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None self._has_sample_visualization = None - self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._processor_requirements = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None self._has_usage_notes = None - self._readme = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None + self._license = None + self._limitations = None + self._logo = None + self._memory_requirements = None self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None - self._has_equation = None + self._parameterization = None + self._processor_requirements = None + self._publisher = None + self._readme = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._runtime_estimation = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._theoretical_basis = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_grid = has_grid - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo - self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier - self.author = author - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description + self.date_created = date_created self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher + self.description = description self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_equation = has_equation + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self.has_faq = has_faq self.has_funding = has_funding - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot + self.has_grid = has_grid + self.has_input_variable = has_input_variable + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions self.has_model_category = has_model_category - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor + self.has_output_variable = has_output_variable + self.has_process = has_process self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.readme = readme + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.license = license + self.limitations = limitations + self.logo = logo + self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook - self.has_equation = has_equation + self.parameterization = parameterization + self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.publisher = publisher + self.readme = readme + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The author of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._author + + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this HybridModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param author: The author of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._author = author + + @property + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The citation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._citation + + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this HybridModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param citation: The citation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._citation = citation + + @property + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] + """ + return self._compatible_visualization_software + + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this HybridModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The contributor of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._contributor - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this HybridModel. + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param contributor: The contributor of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._contributor = contributor @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The copyright_holder of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._keywords + return self._copyright_holder - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this HybridModel. + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._date_created - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this HybridModel. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._date_created = date_created @property - def has_grid(self): - """Gets the has_grid of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_grid of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Grid] + :return: The date_published of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_grid + return self._date_published - @has_grid.setter - def has_grid(self, has_grid): - """Sets the has_grid of this HybridModel. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this HybridModel. - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_grid: The has_grid of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Grid] + :param date_published: The date_published of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_grid = has_grid + self._date_published = date_published @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._description - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this HybridModel. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this HybridModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._description = description @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._doi - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this HybridModel. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._doi = doi @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._type + return self._had_primary_source - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this HybridModel. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this HybridModel. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._type = type + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_assumption of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._has_assumption - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this HybridModel. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] + :return: The has_build_file of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software + return self._has_build_file - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this HybridModel. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_contact_person of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._has_contact_person - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this HybridModel. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[object] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_documentation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._has_documentation - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this HybridModel. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_download_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._has_download_instructions - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this HybridModel. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_contact_person of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + + :return: The has_download_url of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._has_download_url - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this HybridModel. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_equation(self): + """Gets the has_equation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_equation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Equation] """ - return self._id + return self._has_equation - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this HybridModel. + @has_equation.setter + def has_equation(self, has_equation): + """Sets the has_equation of this HybridModel. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_equation: The has_equation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Equation] """ - self._id = id + self._has_equation = has_equation @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_example - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this HybridModel. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_example = has_example @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_executable_instructions - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this HybridModel. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_executable_notebook - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this HybridModel. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_explanation_diagram(self): + """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_explanation_diagram - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this HybridModel. + @has_explanation_diagram.setter + def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): + """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this HybridModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_faq - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this HybridModel. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._license + return self._has_funding - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this HybridModel. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._license = license + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_grid(self): + """Gets the has_grid of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_grid of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Grid] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_grid - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this HybridModel. + @has_grid.setter + def has_grid(self, has_grid): + """Sets the has_grid of this HybridModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_grid: The has_grid of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Grid] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_grid = has_grid @property - def has_explanation_diagram(self): - """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_input_variable(self): + """Gets the has_input_variable of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_input_variable of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_explanation_diagram + return self._has_input_variable - @has_explanation_diagram.setter - def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): - """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this HybridModel. + @has_input_variable.setter + def has_input_variable(self, has_input_variable): + """Sets the has_input_variable of this HybridModel. - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_input_variable: The has_input_variable of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self._has_input_variable = has_input_variable @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_installation_instructions - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this HybridModel. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_model_category(self): + """Gets the has_model_category of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_model_category of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ModelCategory] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_model_category - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this HybridModel. + @has_model_category.setter + def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): + """Sets the has_model_category of this HybridModel. + + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ModelCategory] + """ + + self._has_model_category = has_model_category + + @property + def has_output_variable(self): + """Gets the has_output_variable of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_output_variable of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] + """ + return self._has_output_variable + + @has_output_variable.setter + def has_output_variable(self, has_output_variable): + """Sets the has_output_variable of this HybridModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_output_variable: The has_output_variable of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_output_variable = has_output_variable @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_process(self): + """Gets the has_process of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_process of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Process] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_process - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this HybridModel. + @has_process.setter + def has_process(self, has_process): + """Sets the has_process of this HybridModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_process: The has_process of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Process] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_process = has_process @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_purpose of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_purpose - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this HybridModel. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_sample_visualization - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this HybridModel. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_source_code of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_source_code - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this HybridModel. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -919,119 +1039,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :return: The description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._description - - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this HybridModel. - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :param description: The description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._description = description - - @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_usage_notes - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this HybridModel. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_version of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._screenshot + return self._has_version - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this HybridModel. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_version: The has_version of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._has_version = has_version @property - def has_model_category(self): - """Gets the has_model_category of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_model_category of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ModelCategory] + :return: The id of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_model_category + return self._id - @has_model_category.setter - def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): - """Sets the has_model_category of this HybridModel. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this HybridModel. - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ModelCategory] + :param id: The id of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_model_category = has_model_category + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this HybridModel. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1057,119 +1154,119 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this HybridModel. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created + self._keywords = keywords @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The contributor of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] + :return: The label of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._contributor + return self._label - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this HybridModel. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this HybridModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param contributor: The contributor of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] + :param label: The label of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._contributor = contributor + self._label = label @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._license - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this HybridModel. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._license = license @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def limitations(self): + """Gets the limitations of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The limitations of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._limitations - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this HybridModel. + @limitations.setter + def limitations(self, limitations): + """Sets the limitations of this HybridModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param limitations: The limitations of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._limitations = limitations @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this HybridModel. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1195,50 +1292,50 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The website of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._website + return self._operating_systems - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this HybridModel. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param website: The website of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._website = website + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def parameterization(self): + """Gets the parameterization of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The parameterization of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._parameterization - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this HybridModel. + @parameterization.setter + def parameterization(self, parameterization): + """Sets the parameterization of this HybridModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param parameterization: The parameterization of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._parameterization = parameterization @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1264,27 +1361,27 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this HybridModel. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property def readme(self): @@ -1310,119 +1407,188 @@ def readme(self, readme): self._readme = readme @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._reference_publication - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this HybridModel. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this HybridModel. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def runtime_estimation(self): + """Gets the runtime_estimation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :return: The runtime_estimation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._runtime_estimation + + @runtime_estimation.setter + def runtime_estimation(self, runtime_estimation): + """Sets the runtime_estimation of this HybridModel. + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :param runtime_estimation: The runtime_estimation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + + @property + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this HybridModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._short_description - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this HybridModel. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._short_description = short_description @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._software_requirements - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this HybridModel. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._support_details - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this HybridModel. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this HybridModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._support_details = support_details @property - def has_equation(self): - """Gets the has_equation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + def theoretical_basis(self): + """Gets the theoretical_basis of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_equation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Equation] + :return: The theoretical_basis of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_equation + return self._theoretical_basis - @has_equation.setter - def has_equation(self, has_equation): - """Sets the has_equation of this HybridModel. + @theoretical_basis.setter + def theoretical_basis(self, theoretical_basis): + """Sets the theoretical_basis of this HybridModel. - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_equation: The has_equation of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Equation] + :param theoretical_basis: The theoretical_basis of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_equation = has_equation + self._theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this HybridModel. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1447,6 +1613,29 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + @property + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The website of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._website + + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this HybridModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param website: The website of this HybridModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._website = website + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/image.py b/modelcatalog/models/image.py index 9acb140..5d68e22 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/image.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/image.py @@ -31,150 +31,196 @@ class Image(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_dimensionality': 'list[int]', - 'has_format': 'list[str]', - 'path_location': 'list[str]', - 'has_file_structure': 'list[object]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', 'has_data_transformation': 'list[DataTransformation]', - 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', - 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', + 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'list[DataTransformationSetup]', + 'has_dimensionality': 'list[int]', + 'has_file_structure': 'list[object]', 'has_fixed_resource': 'list[SampleResource]', + 'has_format': 'list[str]', + 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', + 'id': 'str', 'is_transformed_from': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', - 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', - 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'list[DataTransformationSetup]', + 'label': 'list[str]', + 'path_location': 'list[str]', 'position': 'list[int]', - 'id': 'str', + 'type': 'list[str]', 'value': 'list[object]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_dimensionality': 'hasDimensionality', - 'has_format': 'hasFormat', - 'path_location': 'pathLocation', - 'has_file_structure': 'hasFileStructure', 'description': 'description', + 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', 'has_data_transformation': 'hasDataTransformation', - 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', - 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type', + 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'hasDataTransformationSetup', + 'has_dimensionality': 'hasDimensionality', + 'has_file_structure': 'hasFileStructure', 'has_fixed_resource': 'hasFixedResource', + 'has_format': 'hasFormat', + 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', + 'id': 'id', 'is_transformed_from': 'isTransformedFrom', - 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', - 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'hasDataTransformationSetup', + 'label': 'label', + 'path_location': 'pathLocation', 'position': 'position', - 'id': 'id', + 'type': 'type', 'value': 'value' } - def __init__(self, has_dimensionality=None, has_format=None, path_location=None, has_file_structure=None, description=None, has_data_transformation=None, has_presentation=None, label=None, type=None, has_fixed_resource=None, is_transformed_from=None, had_primary_source=None, has_data_transformation_setup=None, position=None, id=None, value=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, had_primary_source=None, has_data_transformation=None, has_data_transformation_setup=None, has_dimensionality=None, has_file_structure=None, has_fixed_resource=None, has_format=None, has_presentation=None, id=None, is_transformed_from=None, label=None, path_location=None, position=None, type=None, value=None): # noqa: E501 """Image - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_dimensionality = None - self._has_format = None - self._path_location = None - self._has_file_structure = None self._description = None + self._had_primary_source = None self._has_data_transformation = None - self._has_presentation = None - self._label = None - self._type = None + self._has_data_transformation_setup = None + self._has_dimensionality = None + self._has_file_structure = None self._has_fixed_resource = None + self._has_format = None + self._has_presentation = None + self._id = None self._is_transformed_from = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._has_data_transformation_setup = None + self._label = None + self._path_location = None self._position = None - self._id = None + self._type = None self._value = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality - self.has_format = has_format - self.path_location = path_location - self.has_file_structure = has_file_structure self.description = description - self.has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation - self.has_presentation = has_presentation - self.label = label - self.type = type - self.has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource - self.is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation self.has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup - self.position = position + self.has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality + self.has_file_structure = has_file_structure + self.has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource + self.has_format = has_format + self.has_presentation = has_presentation if id is not None: self.id = id + self.is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from + self.label = label + self.path_location = path_location + self.position = position + self.type = type self.value = value @property - def has_dimensionality(self): - """Gets the has_dimensionality of this Image. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this Image. # noqa: E501 - Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_dimensionality of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[int] + :return: The description of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_dimensionality + return self._description - @has_dimensionality.setter - def has_dimensionality(self, has_dimensionality): - """Sets the has_dimensionality of this Image. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this Image. - Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_dimensionality: The has_dimensionality of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[int] + :param description: The description of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality + self._description = description @property - def has_format(self): - """Gets the has_format of this Image. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this Image. # noqa: E501 - Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_format of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_format + return self._had_primary_source - @has_format.setter - def has_format(self, has_format): - """Sets the has_format of this Image. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this Image. - Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_format: The has_format of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_format = has_format + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def path_location(self): - """Gets the path_location of this Image. # noqa: E501 + def has_data_transformation(self): + """Gets the has_data_transformation of this Image. # noqa: E501 - Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` # noqa: E501 + Property that associates an input/output with their corresponding data transformation. # noqa: E501 - :return: The path_location of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_data_transformation of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DataTransformation] """ - return self._path_location + return self._has_data_transformation - @path_location.setter - def path_location(self, path_location): - """Sets the path_location of this Image. + @has_data_transformation.setter + def has_data_transformation(self, has_data_transformation): + """Sets the has_data_transformation of this Image. - Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` # noqa: E501 + Property that associates an input/output with their corresponding data transformation. # noqa: E501 - :param path_location: The path_location of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_data_transformation: The has_data_transformation of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DataTransformation] """ - self._path_location = path_location + self._has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation + + @property + def has_data_transformation_setup(self): + """Gets the has_data_transformation_setup of this Image. # noqa: E501 + + Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_data_transformation_setup of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DataTransformationSetup] + """ + return self._has_data_transformation_setup + + @has_data_transformation_setup.setter + def has_data_transformation_setup(self, has_data_transformation_setup): + """Sets the has_data_transformation_setup of this Image. + + Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs # noqa: E501 + + :param has_data_transformation_setup: The has_data_transformation_setup of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DataTransformationSetup] + """ + + self._has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup + + @property + def has_dimensionality(self): + """Gets the has_dimensionality of this Image. # noqa: E501 + + Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_dimensionality of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[int] + """ + return self._has_dimensionality + + @has_dimensionality.setter + def has_dimensionality(self, has_dimensionality): + """Sets the has_dimensionality of this Image. + + Property to indicate dimensionality of the input or output of a dataset specification # noqa: E501 + + :param has_dimensionality: The has_dimensionality of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[int] + """ + + self._has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality @property def has_file_structure(self): @@ -200,50 +246,50 @@ def has_file_structure(self, has_file_structure): self._has_file_structure = has_file_structure @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this Image. # noqa: E501 + def has_fixed_resource(self): + """Gets the has_fixed_resource of this Image. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that links a parameter or an input to a fixed value. For example, in a given configuration a parameter with the planting date for a model could be fixed to avoid the user changing it for that region. # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_fixed_resource of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._description + return self._has_fixed_resource - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this Image. + @has_fixed_resource.setter + def has_fixed_resource(self, has_fixed_resource): + """Sets the has_fixed_resource of this Image. - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that links a parameter or an input to a fixed value. For example, in a given configuration a parameter with the planting date for a model could be fixed to avoid the user changing it for that region. # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_fixed_resource: The has_fixed_resource of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._description = description + self._has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource @property - def has_data_transformation(self): - """Gets the has_data_transformation of this Image. # noqa: E501 + def has_format(self): + """Gets the has_format of this Image. # noqa: E501 - Property that associates an input/output with their corresponding data transformation. # noqa: E501 + Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_data_transformation of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DataTransformation] + :return: The has_format of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_data_transformation + return self._has_format - @has_data_transformation.setter - def has_data_transformation(self, has_data_transformation): - """Sets the has_data_transformation of this Image. + @has_format.setter + def has_format(self, has_format): + """Sets the has_format of this Image. - Property that associates an input/output with their corresponding data transformation. # noqa: E501 + Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_data_transformation: The has_data_transformation of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DataTransformation] + :param has_format: The has_format of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation + self._has_format = has_format @property def has_presentation(self): @@ -269,73 +315,27 @@ def has_presentation(self, has_presentation): self._has_presentation = has_presentation @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this Image. # noqa: E501 - - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :return: The label of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._label - - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this Image. - - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :param label: The label of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._label = label - - @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this Image. # noqa: E501 - - type of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :return: The type of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._type - - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this Image. - - type of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :param type: The type of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._type = type - - @property - def has_fixed_resource(self): - """Gets the has_fixed_resource of this Image. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this Image. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a parameter or an input to a fixed value. For example, in a given configuration a parameter with the planting date for a model could be fixed to avoid the user changing it for that region. # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_fixed_resource of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The id of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_fixed_resource + return self._id - @has_fixed_resource.setter - def has_fixed_resource(self, has_fixed_resource): - """Sets the has_fixed_resource of this Image. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this Image. - Property that links a parameter or an input to a fixed value. For example, in a given configuration a parameter with the planting date for a model could be fixed to avoid the user changing it for that region. # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_fixed_resource: The has_fixed_resource of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param id: The id of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource + self._id = id @property def is_transformed_from(self): @@ -361,50 +361,50 @@ def is_transformed_from(self, is_transformed_from): self._is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this Image. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this Image. # noqa: E501 - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The label of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._label - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this Image. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this Image. - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param label: The label of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._label = label @property - def has_data_transformation_setup(self): - """Gets the has_data_transformation_setup of this Image. # noqa: E501 + def path_location(self): + """Gets the path_location of this Image. # noqa: E501 - Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_data_transformation_setup of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DataTransformationSetup] + :return: The path_location of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_data_transformation_setup + return self._path_location - @has_data_transformation_setup.setter - def has_data_transformation_setup(self, has_data_transformation_setup): - """Sets the has_data_transformation_setup of this Image. + @path_location.setter + def path_location(self, path_location): + """Sets the path_location of this Image. - Property to link an input/output dataset to the specific data transformation (with URLs # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates the relative path of an input or output with respect to the folder structure of the executable. For example, let's assume we have an input that has to exist in the folder `/datasets` or the executable will not work. This property ensures that this knowledge is captured for a given software component execution. In this case the property would capture this as follows: ``` :input_prep a sd:DatasetSpecification . :input_prep rdfs:label \"precipitation file\" . :input_precip sd:pathLocation \"/datasets/\". ``` # noqa: E501 - :param has_data_transformation_setup: The has_data_transformation_setup of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DataTransformationSetup] + :param path_location: The path_location of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup + self._path_location = path_location @property def position(self): @@ -430,27 +430,27 @@ def position(self, position): self._position = position @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this Image. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this Image. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The type of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._type - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this Image. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this Image. - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this Image. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param type: The type of this Image. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._type = type @property def value(self): diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/model.py b/modelcatalog/models/model.py index 4cbfd5f..a542d9a 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/model.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/model.py @@ -31,869 +31,989 @@ class Model(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_grid': 'list[Grid]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', - 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', - 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'description': 'list[str]', 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 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'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'limitations': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', - 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', - 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]' + 'parameterization': 'list[str]', + 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'runtime_estimation': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'theoretical_basis': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', + 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', - 'keywords': 'keywords', - 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', - 'has_grid': 'hasGrid', - 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', - 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def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_grid=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, id=None, identifier=None, author=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, has_model_category=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_equation=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_equation=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_grid=None, has_input_variable=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_model_category=None, has_output_variable=None, has_process=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_source_code=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, limitations=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, parameterization=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, runtime_estimation=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, theoretical_basis=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """Model - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_grid = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None - self._has_contact_person = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None - self._author = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None + self._date_created = None self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_explanation_diagram = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None + self._description = None self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_contact_person = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_equation = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_explanation_diagram = None + self._has_faq = None self._has_funding = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None + self._has_grid = None + self._has_input_variable = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None self._has_model_category = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None + self._has_output_variable = None + self._has_process = None self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None self._has_sample_visualization = None - self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._processor_requirements = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None self._has_usage_notes = None - self._readme = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None + self._license = None + self._limitations = None + self._logo = None + self._memory_requirements = None self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None - self._has_equation = None + self._parameterization = None + self._processor_requirements = None + self._publisher = None + self._readme = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._runtime_estimation = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._theoretical_basis = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_grid = has_grid - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo - self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier - self.author = author - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description + self.date_created = date_created self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher + self.description = description self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_equation = has_equation + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self.has_faq = has_faq self.has_funding = has_funding - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot + self.has_grid = has_grid + self.has_input_variable = has_input_variable + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions self.has_model_category = has_model_category - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor + self.has_output_variable = has_output_variable + self.has_process = has_process self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.readme = readme + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.license = license + self.limitations = limitations + self.logo = logo + self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook - self.has_equation = has_equation + self.parameterization = parameterization + self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.publisher = publisher + self.readme = readme + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this Model. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The author of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._author + + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this Model. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param author: The author of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._author = author + + @property + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The citation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._citation + + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this Model. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param citation: The citation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._citation = citation + + @property + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this Model. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] + """ + return self._compatible_visualization_software + + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this Model. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The contributor of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._contributor - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this Model. + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param contributor: The contributor of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._contributor = contributor @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The copyright_holder of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._keywords + return self._copyright_holder - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this Model. + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._date_created - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this Model. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._date_created = date_created @property - def has_grid(self): - """Gets the has_grid of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_grid of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Grid] + :return: The date_published of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_grid + return self._date_published - @has_grid.setter - def has_grid(self, has_grid): - """Sets the has_grid of this Model. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this Model. - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_grid: The has_grid of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Grid] + :param date_published: The date_published of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_grid = has_grid + self._date_published = date_published @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._description - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this Model. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this Model. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._description = description @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._doi - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this Model. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._doi = doi @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this Model. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._type + return self._had_primary_source - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this Model. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this Model. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._type = type + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_assumption of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._has_assumption - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this Model. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] + :return: The has_build_file of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software + return self._has_build_file - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this Model. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_contact_person of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._has_contact_person - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this Model. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[object] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_documentation of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._has_documentation - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this Model. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_download_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._has_download_instructions - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this Model. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_contact_person of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + + :return: The has_download_url of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._has_download_url - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this Model. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_equation(self): + """Gets the has_equation of this Model. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_equation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Equation] """ - return self._id + return self._has_equation - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this Model. + @has_equation.setter + def has_equation(self, has_equation): + """Sets the has_equation of this Model. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_equation: The has_equation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Equation] """ - self._id = id + self._has_equation = has_equation @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_example - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this Model. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_example = has_example @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_executable_instructions - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this Model. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_executable_notebook - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this Model. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_explanation_diagram(self): + """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_explanation_diagram - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this Model. + @has_explanation_diagram.setter + def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): + """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this Model. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_faq - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this Model. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._license + return self._has_funding - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this Model. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._license = license + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_grid(self): + """Gets the has_grid of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_grid of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Grid] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_grid - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this Model. + @has_grid.setter + def has_grid(self, has_grid): + """Sets the has_grid of this Model. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_grid: The has_grid of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Grid] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_grid = has_grid @property - def has_explanation_diagram(self): - """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_input_variable(self): + """Gets the has_input_variable of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_input_variable of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_explanation_diagram + return self._has_input_variable - @has_explanation_diagram.setter - def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): - """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this Model. + @has_input_variable.setter + def has_input_variable(self, has_input_variable): + """Sets the has_input_variable of this Model. - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_input_variable: The has_input_variable of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self._has_input_variable = has_input_variable @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_installation_instructions - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this Model. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_model_category(self): + """Gets the has_model_category of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_model_category of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ModelCategory] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_model_category - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this Model. + @has_model_category.setter + def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): + """Sets the has_model_category of this Model. + + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ModelCategory] + """ + + self._has_model_category = has_model_category + + @property + def has_output_variable(self): + """Gets the has_output_variable of this Model. # noqa: E501 + + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_output_variable of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] + """ + return self._has_output_variable + + @has_output_variable.setter + def has_output_variable(self, has_output_variable): + """Sets the has_output_variable of this Model. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_output_variable: The has_output_variable of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_output_variable = has_output_variable @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_process(self): + """Gets the has_process of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_process of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Process] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_process - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this Model. + @has_process.setter + def has_process(self, has_process): + """Sets the has_process of this Model. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_process: The has_process of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Process] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_process = has_process @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_purpose of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_purpose - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this Model. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_sample_visualization - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this Model. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_source_code of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_source_code - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this Model. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -919,119 +1039,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this Model. # noqa: E501 - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :return: The description of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._description - - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this Model. - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :param description: The description of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._description = description - - @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_usage_notes - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this Model. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_version of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._screenshot + return self._has_version - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this Model. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_version: The has_version of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._has_version = has_version @property - def has_model_category(self): - """Gets the has_model_category of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_model_category of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ModelCategory] + :return: The id of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_model_category + return self._id - @has_model_category.setter - def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): - """Sets the has_model_category of this Model. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this Model. - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ModelCategory] + :param id: The id of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_model_category = has_model_category + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this Model. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1057,119 +1154,119 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this Model. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created + self._keywords = keywords @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The contributor of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] + :return: The label of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._contributor + return self._label - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this Model. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this Model. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param contributor: The contributor of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] + :param label: The label of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._contributor = contributor + self._label = label @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._license - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this Model. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._license = license @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def limitations(self): + """Gets the limitations of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The limitations of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._limitations - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this Model. + @limitations.setter + def limitations(self, limitations): + """Sets the limitations of this Model. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param limitations: The limitations of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._limitations = limitations @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this Model. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1195,50 +1292,50 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The website of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._website + return self._operating_systems - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this Model. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param website: The website of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._website = website + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def parameterization(self): + """Gets the parameterization of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The parameterization of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._parameterization - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this Model. + @parameterization.setter + def parameterization(self, parameterization): + """Sets the parameterization of this Model. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param parameterization: The parameterization of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._parameterization = parameterization @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1264,27 +1361,27 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this Model. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property def readme(self): @@ -1310,119 +1407,188 @@ def readme(self, readme): self._readme = readme @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this Model. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._reference_publication - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this Model. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this Model. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def runtime_estimation(self): + """Gets the runtime_estimation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :return: The runtime_estimation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._runtime_estimation + + @runtime_estimation.setter + def runtime_estimation(self, runtime_estimation): + """Sets the runtime_estimation of this Model. + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :param runtime_estimation: The runtime_estimation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + + @property + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this Model. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this Model. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._short_description - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this Model. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._short_description = short_description @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._software_requirements - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this Model. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this Model. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this Model. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._support_details - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this Model. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this Model. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this Model. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._support_details = support_details @property - def has_equation(self): - """Gets the has_equation of this Model. # noqa: E501 + def theoretical_basis(self): + """Gets the theoretical_basis of this Model. # noqa: E501 - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_equation of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Equation] + :return: The theoretical_basis of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_equation + return self._theoretical_basis - @has_equation.setter - def has_equation(self, has_equation): - """Sets the has_equation of this Model. + @theoretical_basis.setter + def theoretical_basis(self, theoretical_basis): + """Sets the theoretical_basis of this Model. - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_equation: The has_equation of this Model. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Equation] + :param theoretical_basis: The theoretical_basis of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_equation = has_equation + self._theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this Model. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this Model. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1447,6 +1613,29 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + @property + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this Model. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The website of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._website + + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this Model. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param website: The website of this Model. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._website = website + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/model_category.py b/modelcatalog/models/model_category.py index 1223741..b7a1a35 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/model_category.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/model_category.py @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class ModelCategory(object): 'description': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', + 'parent_category': 'list[ModelCategory]', 'type': 'list[str]' } @@ -41,15 +42,17 @@ class ModelCategory(object): 'description': 'description', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', + 'parent_category': 'parentCategory', 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, id=None, label=None, parent_category=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """ModelCategory - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 self._description = None self._id = None self._label = None + self._parent_category = None self._type = None self.discriminator = None @@ -57,6 +60,7 @@ def __init__(self, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label + self.parent_category = parent_category self.type = type @property @@ -128,6 +132,29 @@ def label(self, label): self._label = label + @property + def parent_category(self): + """Gets the parent_category of this ModelCategory. # noqa: E501 + + Indicates this subcategory parent category # noqa: E501 + + :return: The parent_category of this ModelCategory. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ModelCategory] + """ + return self._parent_category + + @parent_category.setter + def parent_category(self, parent_category): + """Sets the parent_category of this ModelCategory. + + Indicates this subcategory parent category # noqa: E501 + + :param parent_category: The parent_category of this ModelCategory. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ModelCategory] + """ + + self._parent_category = parent_category + @property def type(self): """Gets the type of this ModelCategory. # noqa: E501 diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/model_configuration.py b/modelcatalog/models/model_configuration.py index 2e7c454..97ce985 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/model_configuration.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/model_configuration.py @@ -31,1355 +31,1540 @@ class ModelConfiguration(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_grid': 'list[Grid]', - 'has_implementation_script_location': 'list[str]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_region': 'list[Region]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', - 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'tag': 'list[str]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'has_sample_execution': 'list[SampleExecution]', - 'has_sample_result': 'list[SampleResource]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'has_constraint': 'list[str]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', + 'date_published': 'list[str]', + 'description': 'list[str]', + 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 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'has_causal_diagram': 'list[CausalDiagram]', - 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'website': 'list[str]', - 'citation': 'list[str]', - 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', + 'has_setup': 'list[ConfigurationSetup]', + 'has_software_image': 'list[SoftwareImage]', + 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', 'has_support_script_location': 'list[str]', - 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', + 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', + 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'id': 'str', + 'identifier': 'list[str]', + 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', + 'keywords': 'list[str]', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', - 'has_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'limitations': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', - 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', + 'parameterization': 'list[str]', + 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'runtime_estimation': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'tag': 'list[str]', + 'theoretical_basis': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', - 'has_input': 'list[DatasetSpecification]' + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', - 'keywords': 'keywords', - 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', - 'has_grid': 'hasGrid', - 'has_implementation_script_location': 'hasImplementationScriptLocation', - 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', - 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'author': 'author', + 'citation': 'citation', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'compatibleVisualizationSoftware', + 'contributor': 'contributor', 'copyright_holder': 'copyrightHolder', - 'has_region': 'hasRegion', - 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', - 'logo': 'logo', - 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', - 'tag': 'tag', - 'id': 'id', - 'identifier': 'identifier', - 'has_sample_execution': 'hasSampleExecution', - 'has_sample_result': 'hasSampleResult', - 'author': 'author', - 'has_constraint': 'hasConstraint', + 'date_created': 'dateCreated', + 'date_published': 'datePublished', + 'description': 'description', + 'doi': 'doi', + 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', - 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'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', + 'has_region': 'hasRegion', + 'has_sample_execution': 'hasSampleExecution', + 'has_sample_result': 'hasSampleResult', 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', - 'has_causal_diagram': 'hasCausalDiagram', - 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', - 'website': 'website', - 'citation': 'citation', - 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', - 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', + 'has_setup': 'hasSetup', + 'has_software_image': 'hasSoftwareImage', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', 'has_support_script_location': 'hasSupportScriptLocation', - 'readme': 'readme', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', + 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', + 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', + 'keywords': 'keywords', 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', - 'has_parameter': 'hasParameter', + 'license': 'license', + 'limitations': 'limitations', + 'logo': 'logo', + 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', - 'has_equation': 'hasEquation', + 'parameterization': 'parameterization', + 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', + 'publisher': 'publisher', + 'readme': 'readme', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'runtime_estimation': 'runtimeEstimation', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'tag': 'tag', + 'theoretical_basis': 'theoreticalBasis', + 'type': 'type', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', - 'has_input': 'hasInput' + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_grid=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_region=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, tag=None, id=None, identifier=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, author=None, has_constraint=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, has_execution_command=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_setup=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, has_output=None, has_output_time_interval=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, has_component_location=None, has_process=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, has_model_category=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, has_software_image=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_model_result_table=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_causal_diagram=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_support_script_location=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, has_parameter=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_equation=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, has_input=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_causal_diagram=None, has_component_location=None, has_constraint=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_equation=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_execution_command=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_grid=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, has_input=None, has_input_variable=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_model_category=None, has_model_result_table=None, has_output=None, has_output_time_interval=None, has_output_variable=None, has_parameter=None, has_process=None, has_purpose=None, has_region=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_setup=None, has_software_image=None, has_source_code=None, has_support_script_location=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, limitations=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, parameterization=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, runtime_estimation=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, tag=None, theoretical_basis=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """ModelConfiguration - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_grid = None - self._has_implementation_script_location = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_region = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None - self._has_contact_person = None - self._tag = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None - self._has_sample_execution = None - self._has_sample_result = None - self._author = None - self._has_constraint = None + self._date_created = None + self._date_published = None + self._description = None + self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None + self._has_causal_diagram = None + self._has_component_location = None + self._has_constraint = None + self._has_contact_person = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_equation = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None self._has_execution_command = None - self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_setup = None self._has_explanation_diagram = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None - self._has_output = None - self._has_output_time_interval = None - self._doi = None + self._has_faq = None self._has_funding = None - self._has_component_location = None - self._has_process = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None + self._has_grid = None + self._has_implementation_script_location = None + self._has_input = None + self._has_input_variable = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None self._has_model_category = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._has_software_image = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None self._has_model_result_table = None + self._has_output = None + self._has_output_time_interval = None + self._has_output_variable = None + self._has_parameter = None + self._has_process = None self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_region = None + self._has_sample_execution = None + self._has_sample_result = None self._has_sample_visualization = None - self._has_causal_diagram = None - self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._processor_requirements = None - self._has_usage_notes = None + self._has_setup = None + self._has_software_image = None + self._has_source_code = None self._has_support_script_location = None - self._readme = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None + self._has_usage_notes = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None - self._has_parameter = None + self._license = None + self._limitations = None + self._logo = None + self._memory_requirements = None self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None - self._has_equation = None + self._parameterization = None + self._processor_requirements = None + self._publisher = None + self._readme = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._runtime_estimation = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._tag = None + self._theoretical_basis = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None - self._has_input = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_grid = has_grid - self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_region = has_region - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo - self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - self.tag = tag - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier - self.has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution - self.has_sample_result = has_sample_result - self.author = author - self.has_constraint = has_constraint + self.date_created = date_created + self.date_published = date_published + self.description = description + self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description + self.has_causal_diagram = has_causal_diagram + self.has_component_location = has_component_location + self.has_constraint = has_constraint + self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_equation = has_equation + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command - self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_setup = has_setup self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher - self.has_output = has_output - self.has_output_time_interval = has_output_time_interval - self.doi = doi + self.has_faq = has_faq self.has_funding = has_funding - self.has_component_location = has_component_location - self.has_process = has_process - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot + self.has_grid = has_grid + self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self.has_input = has_input + self.has_input_variable = has_input_variable + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions self.has_model_category = has_model_category - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.has_software_image = has_software_image - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor self.has_model_result_table = has_model_result_table + self.has_output = has_output + self.has_output_time_interval = has_output_time_interval + self.has_output_variable = has_output_variable + self.has_parameter = has_parameter + self.has_process = has_process self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_region = has_region + self.has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution + self.has_sample_result = has_sample_result self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - self.has_causal_diagram = has_causal_diagram - self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements - self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self.has_setup = has_setup + self.has_software_image = has_software_image + self.has_source_code = has_source_code self.has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location - self.readme = readme + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source + self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption - self.has_parameter = has_parameter + self.license = license + self.limitations = limitations + self.logo = logo + self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook - self.has_equation = has_equation + self.parameterization = parameterization + self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.publisher = publisher + self.readme = readme + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.tag = tag + self.theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index - self.has_input = has_input + self.website = website + + @property + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The author of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._author + + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this ModelConfiguration. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param author: The author of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._author = author @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The citation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._citation - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param citation: The citation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._citation = citation @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] + """ + return self._compatible_visualization_software + + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this ModelConfiguration. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The contributor of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] + """ + return self._contributor + + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this ModelConfiguration. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param contributor: The contributor of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] + """ + + self._contributor = contributor + + @property + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The copyright_holder of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._copyright_holder + + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this ModelConfiguration. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + + @property + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The date_created of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._keywords + return self._date_created - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this ModelConfiguration. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._date_created = date_created @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_published of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._date_published - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this ModelConfiguration. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param date_published: The date_published of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._date_published = date_published @property - def has_grid(self): - """Gets the has_grid of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_grid of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Grid] + :return: The description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_grid + return self._description - @has_grid.setter - def has_grid(self, has_grid): - """Sets the has_grid of this ModelConfiguration. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this ModelConfiguration. - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_grid: The has_grid of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Grid] + :param description: The description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_grid = has_grid + self._description = description @property - def has_implementation_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_implementation_script_location + return self._doi - @has_implementation_script_location.setter - def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): - """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self._doi = doi @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The had_primary_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._had_primary_source + + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this ModelConfiguration. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + + @property + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_assumption of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._has_assumption - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_build_file of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._has_build_file - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_causal_diagram(self): + """Gets the has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Diagram associated to a model configuration # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[CausalDiagram] + """ + return self._has_causal_diagram + + @has_causal_diagram.setter + def has_causal_diagram(self, has_causal_diagram): + """Sets the has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. + + Diagram associated to a model configuration # noqa: E501 + + :param has_causal_diagram: The has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[CausalDiagram] + """ + + self._has_causal_diagram = has_causal_diagram + + @property + def has_component_location(self): + """Gets the has_component_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_component_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._has_component_location - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_component_location.setter + def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): + """Sets the has_component_location of this ModelConfiguration. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._has_component_location = has_component_location @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_constraint(self): + """Gets the has_constraint of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_constraint of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._has_constraint - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_constraint.setter + def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): + """Sets the has_constraint of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._has_constraint = has_constraint @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] + :return: The has_contact_person of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software + return self._has_contact_person - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_documentation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._has_documentation - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def has_region(self): - """Gets the has_region of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_region of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Region] + :return: The has_download_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_region + return self._has_download_instructions - @has_region.setter - def has_region(self, has_region): - """Sets the has_region of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. - Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_region: The has_region of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Region] + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_region = has_region + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_download_url of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._has_download_url - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_equation(self): + """Gets the has_equation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_equation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Equation] """ - return self._logo + return self._has_equation - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_equation.setter + def has_equation(self, has_equation): + """Sets the has_equation of this ModelConfiguration. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_equation: The has_equation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Equation] """ - self._logo = logo + self._has_equation = has_equation @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_contact_person of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_example of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._has_example - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_example: The has_example of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._has_example = has_example @property - def tag(self): - """Gets the tag of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The tag of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._tag + return self._has_executable_instructions - @tag.setter - def tag(self, tag): - """Sets the tag of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param tag: The tag of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._tag = tag + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._has_executable_notebook - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfiguration. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_execution_command(self): + """Gets the has_execution_command of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_execution_command of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_execution_command - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_execution_command.setter + def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): + """Sets the has_execution_command of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_execution_command: The has_execution_command of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command @property - def has_sample_execution(self): - """Gets the has_sample_execution of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_explanation_diagram(self): + """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._has_explanation_diagram + + @has_explanation_diagram.setter + def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): + """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. + + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + + :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + + @property + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_execution of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleExecution] + :return: The has_faq of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_sample_execution + return self._has_faq - @has_sample_execution.setter - def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): - """Sets the has_sample_execution of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleExecution] + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def has_sample_result(self): - """Gets the has_sample_result of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_result of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The has_funding of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._has_sample_result + return self._has_funding - @has_sample_result.setter - def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): - """Sets the has_sample_result of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_grid(self): + """Gets the has_grid of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_grid of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Grid] """ - return self._author + return self._has_grid - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_grid.setter + def has_grid(self, has_grid): + """Sets the has_grid of this ModelConfiguration. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_grid: The has_grid of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Grid] """ - self._author = author + self._has_grid = has_grid @property - def has_constraint(self): - """Gets the has_constraint of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_implementation_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_constraint of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_constraint + return self._has_implementation_script_location - @has_constraint.setter - def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): - """Sets the has_constraint of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_implementation_script_location.setter + def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): + """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_constraint = has_constraint + self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_input(self): + """Gets the has_input of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_input of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_input - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_input.setter + def has_input(self, has_input): + """Sets the has_input of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_input: The has_input of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_input = has_input @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_input_variable(self): + """Gets the has_input_variable of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_input_variable of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_input_variable - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_input_variable.setter + def has_input_variable(self, has_input_variable): + """Sets the has_input_variable of this ModelConfiguration. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_input_variable: The has_input_variable of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_input_variable = has_input_variable @property - def has_execution_command(self): - """Gets the has_execution_command of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_execution_command of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_execution_command + return self._has_installation_instructions - @has_execution_command.setter - def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): - """Sets the has_execution_command of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_execution_command: The has_execution_command of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_model_category(self): + """Gets the has_model_category of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_model_category of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ModelCategory] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_model_category - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_model_category.setter + def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): + """Sets the has_model_category of this ModelConfiguration. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ModelCategory] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_model_category = has_model_category @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_model_result_table(self): + """Gets the has_model_result_table of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Sample result table associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_model_result_table of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._license + return self._has_model_result_table - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_model_result_table.setter + def has_model_result_table(self, has_model_result_table): + """Sets the has_model_result_table of this ModelConfiguration. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Sample result table associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_model_result_table: The has_model_result_table of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._license = license + self._has_model_result_table = has_model_result_table @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_output(self): + """Gets the has_output of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_output of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_output - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_output.setter + def has_output(self, has_output): + """Sets the has_output of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_output: The has_output of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_output = has_output @property - def has_setup(self): - """Gets the has_setup of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_output_time_interval(self): + """Gets the has_output_time_interval of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Time interval used in the model configuration # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_setup of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :return: The has_output_time_interval of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[TimeInterval] """ - return self._has_setup + return self._has_output_time_interval - @has_setup.setter - def has_setup(self, has_setup): - """Sets the has_setup of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_output_time_interval.setter + def has_output_time_interval(self, has_output_time_interval): + """Sets the has_output_time_interval of this ModelConfiguration. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Time interval used in the model configuration # noqa: E501 - :param has_setup: The has_setup of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :param has_output_time_interval: The has_output_time_interval of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[TimeInterval] """ - self._has_setup = has_setup + self._has_output_time_interval = has_output_time_interval @property - def has_explanation_diagram(self): - """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_output_variable(self): + """Gets the has_output_variable of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_output_variable of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_explanation_diagram + return self._has_output_variable - @has_explanation_diagram.setter - def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): - """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_output_variable.setter + def has_output_variable(self, has_output_variable): + """Sets the has_output_variable of this ModelConfiguration. - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 - :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_output_variable: The has_output_variable of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self._has_output_variable = has_output_variable @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_parameter(self): + """Gets the has_parameter of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_parameter of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Parameter] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_parameter - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_parameter.setter + def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): + """Sets the has_parameter of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Parameter] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_parameter = has_parameter @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_process(self): + """Gets the has_process of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_process of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Process] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_process - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_process.setter + def has_process(self, has_process): + """Sets the has_process of this ModelConfiguration. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_process: The has_process of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Process] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_process = has_process @property - def has_output(self): - """Gets the has_output of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_output of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The has_purpose of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_output + return self._has_purpose - @has_output.setter - def has_output(self, has_output): - """Sets the has_output of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_output: The has_output of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_output = has_output + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def has_output_time_interval(self): - """Gets the has_output_time_interval of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_region(self): + """Gets the has_region of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Time interval used in the model configuration # noqa: E501 + Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_output_time_interval of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[TimeInterval] + :return: The has_region of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Region] """ - return self._has_output_time_interval + return self._has_region - @has_output_time_interval.setter - def has_output_time_interval(self, has_output_time_interval): - """Sets the has_output_time_interval of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_region.setter + def has_region(self, has_region): + """Sets the has_region of this ModelConfiguration. - Time interval used in the model configuration # noqa: E501 + Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region # noqa: E501 - :param has_output_time_interval: The has_output_time_interval of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[TimeInterval] + :param has_region: The has_region of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Region] """ - self._has_output_time_interval = has_output_time_interval + self._has_region = has_region @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_execution(self): + """Gets the has_sample_execution of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_execution of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleExecution] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_sample_execution - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_sample_execution.setter + def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): + """Sets the has_sample_execution of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleExecution] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_result(self): + """Gets the has_sample_result of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_sample_result of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_sample_result - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_sample_result.setter + def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): + """Sets the has_sample_result of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result @property - def has_component_location(self): - """Gets the has_component_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_component_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._has_component_location + return self._has_sample_visualization - @has_component_location.setter - def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): - """Sets the has_component_location of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._has_component_location = has_component_location + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_process(self): - """Gets the has_process of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_setup(self): + """Gets the has_setup of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_process of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Process] + :return: The has_setup of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - return self._has_process + return self._has_setup - @has_process.setter - def has_process(self, has_process): - """Sets the has_process of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_setup.setter + def has_setup(self, has_setup): + """Sets the has_setup of this ModelConfiguration. - Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_process: The has_process of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Process] + :param has_setup: The has_setup of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - self._has_process = has_process + self._has_setup = has_setup @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_software_image(self): + """Gets the has_software_image of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_software_image of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_software_image - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_software_image.setter + def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): + """Sets the has_software_image of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareImage] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_software_image = has_software_image @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_source_code of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_source_code - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property - def has_typical_data_source(self): - """Gets the has_typical_data_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_support_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_support_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_typical_data_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_support_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_typical_data_source + return self._has_support_script_location - @has_typical_data_source.setter - def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): - """Sets the has_typical_data_source of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_support_script_location.setter + def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): + """Sets the has_support_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_typical_data_source: The has_typical_data_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source + self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_typical_data_source(self): + """Gets the has_typical_data_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_typical_data_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_typical_data_source - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_typical_data_source.setter + def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): + """Sets the has_typical_data_source of this ModelConfiguration. - small description # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_typical_data_source: The has_typical_data_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_usage_notes - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_version of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._screenshot + return self._has_version - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this ModelConfiguration. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_version: The has_version of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._has_version = has_version @property - def has_model_category(self): - """Gets the has_model_category of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_model_category of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ModelCategory] + :return: The id of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_model_category + return self._id - @has_model_category.setter - def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): - """Sets the has_model_category of this ModelConfiguration. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this ModelConfiguration. - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ModelCategory] + :param id: The id of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_model_category = has_model_category + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this ModelConfiguration. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1405,188 +1590,119 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def has_software_image(self): - """Gets the has_software_image of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - - Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_software_image of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] - """ - return self._has_software_image - - @has_software_image.setter - def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): - """Sets the has_software_image of this ModelConfiguration. - - Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareImage] - """ - - self._has_software_image = has_software_image - - @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this ModelConfiguration. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created - - @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - - Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :return: The contributor of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] - """ - return self._contributor - - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this ModelConfiguration. - - Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :param contributor: The contributor of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] - """ - - self._contributor = contributor + self._keywords = keywords @property - def has_model_result_table(self): - """Gets the has_model_result_table of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Sample result table associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_model_result_table of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_model_result_table + return self._label - @has_model_result_table.setter - def has_model_result_table(self, has_model_result_table): - """Sets the has_model_result_table of this ModelConfiguration. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this ModelConfiguration. - Sample result table associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_model_result_table: The has_model_result_table of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_model_result_table = has_model_result_table + self._label = label @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._license - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this ModelConfiguration. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._license = license @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def limitations(self): + """Gets the limitations of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The limitations of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._limitations - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. + @limitations.setter + def limitations(self, limitations): + """Sets the limitations of this ModelConfiguration. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param limitations: The limitations of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._limitations = limitations @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfiguration. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] - """ - - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - - @property - def has_causal_diagram(self): - """Gets the has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - - Diagram associated to a model configuration # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[CausalDiagram] - """ - return self._has_causal_diagram - - @has_causal_diagram.setter - def has_causal_diagram(self, has_causal_diagram): - """Sets the has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. - - Diagram associated to a model configuration # noqa: E501 - - :param has_causal_diagram: The has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[CausalDiagram] + :param logo: The logo of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_causal_diagram = has_causal_diagram + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1611,51 +1727,51 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements - @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + @property + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The website of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._website + return self._operating_systems - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this ModelConfiguration. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param website: The website of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._website = website + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def parameterization(self): + """Gets the parameterization of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The parameterization of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._parameterization - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this ModelConfiguration. + @parameterization.setter + def parameterization(self, parameterization): + """Sets the parameterization of this ModelConfiguration. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param parameterization: The parameterization of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._parameterization = parameterization @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1681,211 +1797,257 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this ModelConfiguration. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property - def has_support_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_support_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def readme(self): + """Gets the readme of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_support_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The readme of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_support_script_location + return self._readme - @has_support_script_location.setter - def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): - """Sets the has_support_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. + @readme.setter + def readme(self, readme): + """Sets the readme of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param readme: The readme of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location + self._readme = readme @property - def readme(self): - """Gets the readme of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The readme of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._readme + return self._reference_publication - @readme.setter - def readme(self, readme): - """Sets the readme of this ModelConfiguration. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param readme: The readme of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._readme = readme + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def runtime_estimation(self): + """Gets the runtime_estimation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The runtime_estimation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._runtime_estimation - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this ModelConfiguration. + @runtime_estimation.setter + def runtime_estimation(self, runtime_estimation): + """Sets the runtime_estimation of this ModelConfiguration. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param runtime_estimation: The runtime_estimation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this ModelConfiguration. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._short_description - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this ModelConfiguration. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._short_description = short_description @property - def has_parameter(self): - """Gets the has_parameter of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_parameter of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Parameter] + :return: The software_requirements of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_parameter + return self._software_requirements - @has_parameter.setter - def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): - """Sets the has_parameter of this ModelConfiguration. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Parameter] + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_parameter = has_parameter + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._support_details - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this ModelConfiguration. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._support_details = support_details @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def tag(self): + """Gets the tag of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The tag of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._tag - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfiguration. + @tag.setter + def tag(self, tag): + """Sets the tag of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param tag: The tag of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._tag = tag @property - def has_equation(self): - """Gets the has_equation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def theoretical_basis(self): + """Gets the theoretical_basis of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_equation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Equation] + :return: The theoretical_basis of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_equation + return self._theoretical_basis - @has_equation.setter - def has_equation(self, has_equation): - """Sets the has_equation of this ModelConfiguration. + @theoretical_basis.setter + def theoretical_basis(self, theoretical_basis): + """Sets the theoretical_basis of this ModelConfiguration. - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_equation: The has_equation of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Equation] + :param theoretical_basis: The theoretical_basis of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_equation = has_equation + self._theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this ModelConfiguration. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1911,27 +2073,27 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index @property - def has_input(self): - """Gets the has_input of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_input of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The website of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_input + return self._website - @has_input.setter - def has_input(self, has_input): - """Sets the has_input of this ModelConfiguration. + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this ModelConfiguration. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_input: The has_input of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param website: The website of this ModelConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_input = has_input + self._website = website def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/model_configuration_setup.py b/modelcatalog/models/model_configuration_setup.py index f63de52..ef933ae 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/model_configuration_setup.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/model_configuration_setup.py @@ -31,563 +31,518 @@ class ModelConfigurationSetup(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_grid': 'list[Grid]', - 'has_implementation_script_location': 'list[str]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', + 'adjustable_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', + 'author': 'list[object]', 'calibrated_variable': 'list[VariablePresentation]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'calibration_interval': 'list[str]', + 'calibration_method': 'list[str]', + 'calibration_target_variable': 'list[VariablePresentation]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'calibration_method': 'list[str]', - 'has_region': 'list[Region]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', - 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'tag': 'list[str]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 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'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', + 'has_setup': 'hasSetup', + 'has_software_image': 'hasSoftwareImage', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', 'has_support_script_location': 'hasSupportScriptLocation', - 'readme': 'readme', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', + 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', + 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', + 'keywords': 'keywords', 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', - 'has_parameter': 'hasParameter', + 'license': 'license', + 'limitations': 'limitations', + 'logo': 'logo', + 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', - 'valid_until': 'validUntil', - 'has_equation': 'hasEquation', + 'parameter_assignment_method': 'parameterAssignmentMethod', + 'parameterization': 'parameterization', + 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', + 'publisher': 'publisher', + 'readme': 'readme', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'runtime_estimation': 'runtimeEstimation', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'status': 'status', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'tag': 'tag', + 'theoretical_basis': 'theoreticalBasis', + 'type': 'type', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', - 'has_input': 'hasInput' + 'valid_until': 'validUntil', + 'was_derived_from_setup': 'wasDerivedFromSetup', + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_grid=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, calibrated_variable=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, calibration_method=None, has_region=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, tag=None, id=None, identifier=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, author=None, was_derived_from_setup=None, has_constraint=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, has_execution_command=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_setup=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_example=None, calibration_interval=None, publisher=None, has_output=None, has_output_time_interval=None, status=None, doi=None, parameter_assignment_method=None, has_funding=None, has_component_location=None, has_process=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, has_model_category=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, has_software_image=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_model_result_table=None, calibration_target_variable=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_causal_diagram=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, adjustable_parameter=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_support_script_location=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, has_parameter=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, valid_until=None, has_equation=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, has_input=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, adjustable_parameter=None, author=None, calibrated_variable=None, calibration_interval=None, calibration_method=None, calibration_target_variable=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_causal_diagram=None, has_component_location=None, has_constraint=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_equation=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_execution_command=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_grid=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, has_input=None, has_input_variable=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_model_category=None, has_model_result_table=None, has_output=None, has_output_time_interval=None, has_output_variable=None, has_parameter=None, has_process=None, has_purpose=None, has_region=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_setup=None, has_software_image=None, has_source_code=None, has_support_script_location=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, limitations=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, parameter_assignment_method=None, parameterization=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, runtime_estimation=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, status=None, support_details=None, tag=None, theoretical_basis=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, valid_until=None, was_derived_from_setup=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """ModelConfigurationSetup - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_grid = None - self._has_implementation_script_location = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None + self._adjustable_parameter = None + self._author = None self._calibrated_variable = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._calibration_interval = None + self._calibration_method = None + self._calibration_target_variable = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._calibration_method = None - self._has_region = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None - self._has_contact_person = None - self._tag = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None - self._has_sample_execution = None - self._has_sample_result = None - self._author = None - self._was_derived_from_setup = None - self._has_constraint = None + self._date_created = None + self._date_published = None + self._description = None + self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None + self._has_causal_diagram = None + self._has_component_location = None + self._has_constraint = None + self._has_contact_person = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_equation = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None self._has_execution_command = None - self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_setup = None self._has_explanation_diagram = None - self._has_example = None - self._calibration_interval = None - self._publisher = None - self._has_output = None - self._has_output_time_interval = None - self._status = None - self._doi = None - self._parameter_assignment_method = None + self._has_faq = None self._has_funding = None - self._has_component_location = None - self._has_process = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None + self._has_grid = None + self._has_implementation_script_location = None + self._has_input = None + self._has_input_variable = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None self._has_model_category = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._has_software_image = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None self._has_model_result_table = None - self._calibration_target_variable = None + self._has_output = None + self._has_output_time_interval = None + self._has_output_variable = None + self._has_parameter = None + self._has_process = None self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_region = None + self._has_sample_execution = None + self._has_sample_result = None self._has_sample_visualization = None - self._has_causal_diagram = None - self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._processor_requirements = None - self._adjustable_parameter = None - self._has_usage_notes = None + self._has_setup = None + self._has_software_image = None + self._has_source_code = None self._has_support_script_location = None - self._readme = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None + self._has_usage_notes = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None - self._has_parameter = None + self._license = None + self._limitations = None + self._logo = None + self._memory_requirements = None self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None - self._valid_until = None - self._has_equation = None + self._parameter_assignment_method = None + self._parameterization = None + self._processor_requirements = None + self._publisher = None + self._readme = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._runtime_estimation = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._status = None + self._support_details = None + self._tag = None + self._theoretical_basis = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None - self._has_input = None + self._valid_until = None + self._was_derived_from_setup = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_grid = has_grid - self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type + self.adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter + self.author = author self.calibrated_variable = calibrated_variable - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.calibration_interval = calibration_interval + self.calibration_method = calibration_method + self.calibration_target_variable = calibration_target_variable + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.calibration_method = calibration_method - self.has_region = has_region - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo - self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - self.tag = tag - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier - self.has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution - self.has_sample_result = has_sample_result - self.author = author - self.was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup - self.has_constraint = has_constraint + self.date_created = date_created + self.date_published = date_published + self.description = description + self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description + self.has_causal_diagram = has_causal_diagram + self.has_component_location = has_component_location + self.has_constraint = has_constraint + self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_equation = has_equation + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command - self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_setup = has_setup self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram - self.has_example = has_example - self.calibration_interval = calibration_interval - self.publisher = publisher - self.has_output = has_output - self.has_output_time_interval = has_output_time_interval - self.status = status - self.doi = doi - self.parameter_assignment_method = parameter_assignment_method + self.has_faq = has_faq self.has_funding = has_funding - self.has_component_location = has_component_location - self.has_process = has_process - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot + self.has_grid = has_grid + self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self.has_input = has_input + self.has_input_variable = has_input_variable + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions self.has_model_category = has_model_category - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.has_software_image = has_software_image - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor self.has_model_result_table = has_model_result_table - self.calibration_target_variable = calibration_target_variable + self.has_output = has_output + self.has_output_time_interval = has_output_time_interval + self.has_output_variable = has_output_variable + self.has_parameter = has_parameter + self.has_process = has_process self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_region = has_region + self.has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution + self.has_sample_result = has_sample_result self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - self.has_causal_diagram = has_causal_diagram - self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements - self.adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter - self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self.has_setup = has_setup + self.has_software_image = has_software_image + self.has_source_code = has_source_code self.has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location - self.readme = readme + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source + self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption - self.has_parameter = has_parameter + self.license = license + self.limitations = limitations + self.logo = logo + self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook - self.valid_until = valid_until - self.has_equation = has_equation + self.parameter_assignment_method = parameter_assignment_method + self.parameterization = parameterization + self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.publisher = publisher + self.readme = readme + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.status = status + self.support_details = support_details + self.tag = tag + self.theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index - self.has_input = has_input - - @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_download_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_download_instructions - - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - - Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - - @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :return: The keywords of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._keywords - - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - - Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :param keywords: The keywords of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._keywords = keywords + self.valid_until = valid_until + self.was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup + self.website = website @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def adjustable_parameter(self): + """Gets the adjustable_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The adjustable_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Parameter] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._adjustable_parameter - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @adjustable_parameter.setter + def adjustable_parameter(self, adjustable_parameter): + """Sets the adjustable_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_documentation = has_documentation - - @property - def has_grid(self): - """Gets the has_grid of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_grid of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Grid] - """ - return self._has_grid - - @has_grid.setter - def has_grid(self, has_grid): - """Sets the has_grid of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - - :param has_grid: The has_grid of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Grid] + :param adjustable_parameter: The adjustable_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Parameter] """ - self._has_grid = has_grid + self._adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter @property - def has_implementation_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The author of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_implementation_script_location + return self._author - @has_implementation_script_location.setter - def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): - """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param author: The author of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self._author = author @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def calibrated_variable(self): + """Gets the calibrated_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that was calibrated in this particular model configuration calibration # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The calibrated_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._calibrated_variable - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @calibrated_variable.setter + def calibrated_variable(self, calibrated_variable): + """Sets the calibrated_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that was calibrated in this particular model configuration calibration # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param calibrated_variable: The calibrated_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._calibrated_variable = calibrated_variable @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def calibration_interval(self): + """Gets the calibration_interval of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that represents the temporal interval used to calibrate a model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The calibration_interval of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._calibration_interval - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @calibration_interval.setter + def calibration_interval(self, calibration_interval): + """Sets the calibration_interval of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that represents the temporal interval used to calibrate a model # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param calibration_interval: The calibration_interval of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._calibration_interval = calibration_interval @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def calibration_method(self): + """Gets the calibration_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Calibration method used for a particular model configuration or setup # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The calibration_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._calibration_method - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @calibration_method.setter + def calibration_method(self, calibration_method): + """Sets the calibration_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Calibration method used for a particular model configuration or setup # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param calibration_method: The calibration_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._calibration_method = calibration_method @property - def calibrated_variable(self): - """Gets the calibrated_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def calibration_target_variable(self): + """Gets the calibration_target_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Variable that was calibrated in this particular model configuration calibration # noqa: E501 + Variable for which the model was calibrated for. For example, in a hydrology model one calibrate the predicted river width by varying hydrologic conductivity # noqa: E501 - :return: The calibrated_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The calibration_target_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._calibrated_variable + return self._calibration_target_variable - @calibrated_variable.setter - def calibrated_variable(self, calibrated_variable): - """Sets the calibrated_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @calibration_target_variable.setter + def calibration_target_variable(self, calibration_target_variable): + """Sets the calibration_target_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Variable that was calibrated in this particular model configuration calibration # noqa: E501 + Variable for which the model was calibrated for. For example, in a hydrology model one calibrate the predicted river width by varying hydrologic conductivity # noqa: E501 - :param calibrated_variable: The calibrated_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param calibration_target_variable: The calibration_target_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._calibrated_variable = calibrated_variable + self._calibration_target_variable = calibration_target_variable @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The citation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._citation - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param citation: The citation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._citation = citation @property def compatible_visualization_software(self): @@ -612,6 +567,29 @@ def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The contributor of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] + """ + return self._contributor + + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param contributor: The contributor of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] + """ + + self._contributor = contributor + @property def copyright_holder(self): """Gets the copyright_holder of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 @@ -636,349 +614,418 @@ def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def calibration_method(self): - """Gets the calibration_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Calibration method used for a particular model configuration or setup # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The calibration_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._calibration_method + return self._date_created - @calibration_method.setter - def calibration_method(self, calibration_method): - """Sets the calibration_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Calibration method used for a particular model configuration or setup # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param calibration_method: The calibration_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._calibration_method = calibration_method + self._date_created = date_created @property - def has_region(self): - """Gets the has_region of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_region of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Region] + :return: The date_published of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_region + return self._date_published - @has_region.setter - def has_region(self, has_region): - """Sets the has_region of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_region: The has_region of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Region] + :param date_published: The date_published of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_region = has_region + self._date_published = date_published @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._description - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._description = description @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The doi of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._doi - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param doi: The doi of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._doi = doi @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_contact_person of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The had_primary_source of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._had_primary_source - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[object] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def tag(self): - """Gets the tag of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The tag of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_assumption of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._tag + return self._has_assumption - @tag.setter - def tag(self, tag): - """Sets the tag of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param tag: The tag of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._tag = tag + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_build_file of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._has_build_file + + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_build_file = has_build_file + + @property + def has_causal_diagram(self): + """Gets the has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Diagram associated to a model configuration # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[CausalDiagram] + """ + return self._has_causal_diagram + + @has_causal_diagram.setter + def has_causal_diagram(self, has_causal_diagram): + """Sets the has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Diagram associated to a model configuration # noqa: E501 + + :param has_causal_diagram: The has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[CausalDiagram] + """ + + self._has_causal_diagram = has_causal_diagram + + @property + def has_component_location(self): + """Gets the has_component_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_component_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_component_location + + @has_component_location.setter + def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): + """Sets the has_component_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_component_location = has_component_location + + @property + def has_constraint(self): + """Gets the has_constraint of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_constraint of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_constraint - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_constraint.setter + def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): + """Sets the has_constraint of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._has_constraint = has_constraint @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_contact_person of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_contact_person - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def has_sample_execution(self): - """Gets the has_sample_execution of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_execution of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleExecution] + :return: The has_documentation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_sample_execution + return self._has_documentation - @has_sample_execution.setter - def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): - """Sets the has_sample_execution of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleExecution] + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def has_sample_result(self): - """Gets the has_sample_result of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_result of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The has_download_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_sample_result + return self._has_download_instructions - @has_sample_result.setter - def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): - """Sets the has_sample_result of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_download_url of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_download_url - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def was_derived_from_setup(self): - """Gets the was_derived_from_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_equation(self): + """Gets the has_equation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The was_derived_from_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :return: The has_equation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Equation] """ - return self._was_derived_from_setup + return self._has_equation - @was_derived_from_setup.setter - def was_derived_from_setup(self, was_derived_from_setup): - """Sets the was_derived_from_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_equation.setter + def has_equation(self, has_equation): + """Sets the has_equation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :param was_derived_from_setup: The was_derived_from_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :param has_equation: The has_equation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Equation] """ - self._was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup + self._has_equation = has_equation @property - def has_constraint(self): - """Gets the has_constraint of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_constraint of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_constraint + return self._has_example - @has_constraint.setter - def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): - """Sets the has_constraint of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_constraint = has_constraint + self._has_example = has_example @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_executable_instructions - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_executable_notebook - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property def has_execution_command(self): @@ -1004,188 +1051,234 @@ def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_explanation_diagram(self): + """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._has_explanation_diagram + + @has_explanation_diagram.setter + def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): + """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + + :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + + @property + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_faq - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._license + return self._has_funding + + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] + """ + + self._has_funding = has_funding + + @property + def has_grid(self): + """Gets the has_grid of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_grid of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Grid] + """ + return self._has_grid - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_grid.setter + def has_grid(self, has_grid): + """Sets the has_grid of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_grid: The has_grid of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Grid] """ - self._license = license + self._has_grid = has_grid @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_implementation_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_implementation_script_location - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_implementation_script_location.setter + def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): + """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location @property - def has_setup(self): - """Gets the has_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_input(self): + """Gets the has_input of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :return: The has_input of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - return self._has_setup + return self._has_input - @has_setup.setter - def has_setup(self, has_setup): - """Sets the has_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_input.setter + def has_input(self, has_input): + """Sets the has_input of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_setup: The has_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :param has_input: The has_input of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - self._has_setup = has_setup + self._has_input = has_input @property - def has_explanation_diagram(self): - """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_input_variable(self): + """Gets the has_input_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_input_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_explanation_diagram + return self._has_input_variable - @has_explanation_diagram.setter - def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): - """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_input_variable.setter + def has_input_variable(self, has_input_variable): + """Sets the has_input_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_input_variable: The has_input_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self._has_input_variable = has_input_variable @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_installation_instructions - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def calibration_interval(self): - """Gets the calibration_interval of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_model_category(self): + """Gets the has_model_category of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that represents the temporal interval used to calibrate a model # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :return: The calibration_interval of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_model_category of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ModelCategory] """ - return self._calibration_interval + return self._has_model_category - @calibration_interval.setter - def calibration_interval(self, calibration_interval): - """Sets the calibration_interval of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_model_category.setter + def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): + """Sets the has_model_category of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Property that represents the temporal interval used to calibrate a model # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :param calibration_interval: The calibration_interval of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ModelCategory] """ - self._calibration_interval = calibration_interval + self._has_model_category = has_model_category @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_model_result_table(self): + """Gets the has_model_result_table of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Sample result table associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_model_result_table of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_model_result_table - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_model_result_table.setter + def has_model_result_table(self, has_model_result_table): + """Sets the has_model_result_table of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Sample result table associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_model_result_table: The has_model_result_table of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_model_result_table = has_model_result_table @property def has_output(self): @@ -1234,188 +1327,280 @@ def has_output_time_interval(self, has_output_time_interval): self._has_output_time_interval = has_output_time_interval @property - def status(self): - """Gets the status of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_output_variable(self): + """Gets the has_output_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_output_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] + """ + return self._has_output_variable + + @has_output_variable.setter + def has_output_variable(self, has_output_variable): + """Sets the has_output_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 + + :param has_output_variable: The has_output_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] + """ + + self._has_output_variable = has_output_variable + + @property + def has_parameter(self): + """Gets the has_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The status of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Parameter] + """ + return self._has_parameter + + @has_parameter.setter + def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): + """Sets the has_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Parameter] + """ + + self._has_parameter = has_parameter + + @property + def has_process(self): + """Gets the has_process of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_process of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Process] + """ + return self._has_process + + @has_process.setter + def has_process(self, has_process): + """Sets the has_process of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 + + :param has_process: The has_process of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Process] + """ + + self._has_process = has_process + + @property + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_purpose of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._status + return self._has_purpose - @status.setter - def status(self, status): - """Sets the status of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param status: The status of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._status = status + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_region(self): + """Gets the has_region of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_region of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Region] + """ + return self._has_region + + @has_region.setter + def has_region(self, has_region): + """Sets the has_region of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Property linking a region to a model configuration/calibration. This property implies that the described model configuration is prepared to execute in that target region # noqa: E501 + + :param has_region: The has_region of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Region] + """ + + self._has_region = has_region + + @property + def has_sample_execution(self): + """Gets the has_sample_execution of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_execution of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleExecution] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_sample_execution - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_sample_execution.setter + def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): + """Sets the has_sample_execution of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleExecution] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution @property - def parameter_assignment_method(self): - """Gets the parameter_assignment_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_result(self): + """Gets the has_sample_result of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that indicates how have the parameters assigned in a model configuration (e.g., using an expert guess, by using calibration, etc.) # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The parameter_assignment_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_result of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._parameter_assignment_method + return self._has_sample_result - @parameter_assignment_method.setter - def parameter_assignment_method(self, parameter_assignment_method): - """Sets the parameter_assignment_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_sample_result.setter + def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): + """Sets the has_sample_result of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Property that indicates how have the parameters assigned in a model configuration (e.g., using an expert guess, by using calibration, etc.) # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param parameter_assignment_method: The parameter_assignment_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._parameter_assignment_method = parameter_assignment_method + self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_sample_visualization - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_component_location(self): - """Gets the has_component_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_setup(self): + """Gets the has_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_component_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - return self._has_component_location + return self._has_setup - @has_component_location.setter - def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): - """Sets the has_component_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_setup.setter + def has_setup(self, has_setup): + """Sets the has_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_setup: The has_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - self._has_component_location = has_component_location + self._has_setup = has_setup @property - def has_process(self): - """Gets the has_process of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_software_image(self): + """Gets the has_software_image of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_process of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Process] + :return: The has_software_image of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] """ - return self._has_process + return self._has_software_image - @has_process.setter - def has_process(self, has_process): - """Sets the has_process of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_software_image.setter + def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): + """Sets the has_software_image of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_process: The has_process of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Process] + :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareImage] """ - self._has_process = has_process + self._has_software_image = has_software_image @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_source_code of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_source_code - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_support_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_support_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_support_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_support_script_location - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_support_script_location.setter + def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): + """Sets the has_support_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -1441,119 +1626,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :return: The description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._description - - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :param description: The description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._description = description - - @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_usage_notes - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_version of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._screenshot + return self._has_version - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_version: The has_version of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._has_version = has_version @property - def has_model_category(self): - """Gets the has_model_category of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_model_category of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ModelCategory] + :return: The id of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_model_category + return self._id - @has_model_category.setter - def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): - """Sets the has_model_category of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ModelCategory] + :param id: The id of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_model_category = has_model_category + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1579,510 +1741,533 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def has_software_image(self): - """Gets the has_software_image of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_software_image of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] + :return: The keywords of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_software_image + return self._keywords - @has_software_image.setter - def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): - """Sets the has_software_image of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareImage] + :param keywords: The keywords of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_software_image = has_software_image + self._keywords = keywords @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._label - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created + self._label = label @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The contributor of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] + :return: The license of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._contributor + return self._license - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param contributor: The contributor of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] + :param license: The license of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._contributor = contributor + self._license = license @property - def has_model_result_table(self): - """Gets the has_model_result_table of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def limitations(self): + """Gets the limitations of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Sample result table associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_model_result_table of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The limitations of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_model_result_table + return self._limitations - @has_model_result_table.setter - def has_model_result_table(self, has_model_result_table): - """Sets the has_model_result_table of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @limitations.setter + def limitations(self, limitations): + """Sets the limitations of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Sample result table associated with a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :param has_model_result_table: The has_model_result_table of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param limitations: The limitations of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_model_result_table = has_model_result_table + self._limitations = limitations @property - def calibration_target_variable(self): - """Gets the calibration_target_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Variable for which the model was calibrated for. For example, in a hydrology model one calibrate the predicted river width by varying hydrologic conductivity # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The calibration_target_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] + :return: The logo of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._calibration_target_variable + return self._logo - @calibration_target_variable.setter - def calibration_target_variable(self, calibration_target_variable): - """Sets the calibration_target_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Variable for which the model was calibrated for. For example, in a hydrology model one calibrate the predicted river width by varying hydrologic conductivity # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param calibration_target_variable: The calibration_target_variable of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[VariablePresentation] + :param logo: The logo of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._calibration_target_variable = calibration_target_variable + self._logo = logo @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def memory_requirements(self): + """Gets the memory_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The memory_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._memory_requirements - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @memory_requirements.setter + def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): + """Sets the memory_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param memory_requirements: The memory_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._operating_systems - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def parameter_assignment_method(self): + """Gets the parameter_assignment_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates how have the parameters assigned in a model configuration (e.g., using an expert guess, by using calibration, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The parameter_assignment_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._parameter_assignment_method - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @parameter_assignment_method.setter + def parameter_assignment_method(self, parameter_assignment_method): + """Sets the parameter_assignment_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates how have the parameters assigned in a model configuration (e.g., using an expert guess, by using calibration, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param parameter_assignment_method: The parameter_assignment_method of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._parameter_assignment_method = parameter_assignment_method @property - def has_causal_diagram(self): - """Gets the has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def parameterization(self): + """Gets the parameterization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Diagram associated to a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[CausalDiagram] + :return: The parameterization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_causal_diagram + return self._parameterization - @has_causal_diagram.setter - def has_causal_diagram(self, has_causal_diagram): - """Sets the has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @parameterization.setter + def parameterization(self, parameterization): + """Sets the parameterization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Diagram associated to a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :param has_causal_diagram: The has_causal_diagram of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[CausalDiagram] + :param parameterization: The parameterization of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_causal_diagram = has_causal_diagram + self._parameterization = parameterization @property - def memory_requirements(self): - """Gets the memory_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def processor_requirements(self): + """Gets the processor_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The memory_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The processor_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._memory_requirements + return self._processor_requirements - @memory_requirements.setter - def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): - """Sets the memory_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @processor_requirements.setter + def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): + """Sets the processor_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param memory_requirements: The memory_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param processor_requirements: The processor_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements + self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The website of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The publisher of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._publisher + + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param publisher: The publisher of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._publisher = publisher + + @property + def readme(self): + """Gets the readme of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The readme of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._website + return self._readme - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @readme.setter + def readme(self, readme): + """Sets the readme of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param website: The website of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param readme: The readme of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._website = website + self._readme = readme @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._reference_publication - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def processor_requirements(self): - """Gets the processor_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def runtime_estimation(self): + """Gets the runtime_estimation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 - :return: The processor_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The runtime_estimation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._processor_requirements + return self._runtime_estimation - @processor_requirements.setter - def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): - """Sets the processor_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @runtime_estimation.setter + def runtime_estimation(self, runtime_estimation): + """Sets the runtime_estimation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 - :param processor_requirements: The processor_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param runtime_estimation: The runtime_estimation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self._runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation @property - def adjustable_parameter(self): - """Gets the adjustable_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The adjustable_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Parameter] + :return: The screenshot of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._adjustable_parameter + return self._screenshot - @adjustable_parameter.setter - def adjustable_parameter(self, adjustable_parameter): - """Sets the adjustable_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param adjustable_parameter: The adjustable_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Parameter] + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._adjustable_parameter = adjustable_parameter + self._screenshot = screenshot @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The short_description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._short_description - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._short_description = short_description @property - def has_support_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_support_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_support_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_support_script_location + return self._software_requirements - @has_support_script_location.setter - def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): - """Sets the has_support_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def readme(self): - """Gets the readme of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def status(self): + """Gets the status of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The readme of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The status of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._readme + return self._status - @readme.setter - def readme(self, readme): - """Sets the readme of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @status.setter + def status(self, status): + """Sets the status of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param readme: The readme of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param status: The status of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._readme = readme + self._status = status @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._support_details - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._support_details = support_details @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def tag(self): + """Gets the tag of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The tag of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._tag - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @tag.setter + def tag(self, tag): + """Sets the tag of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param tag: The tag of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._tag = tag @property - def has_parameter(self): - """Gets the has_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def theoretical_basis(self): + """Gets the theoretical_basis of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Parameter] + :return: The theoretical_basis of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_parameter + return self._theoretical_basis - @has_parameter.setter - def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): - """Sets the has_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @theoretical_basis.setter + def theoretical_basis(self, theoretical_basis): + """Sets the theoretical_basis of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Parameter] + :param theoretical_basis: The theoretical_basis of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_parameter = has_parameter + self._theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :return: The type of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._type - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :param type: The type of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._type = type @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def useful_for_calculating_index(self): + """Gets the useful_for_calculating_index of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The useful_for_calculating_index of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[NumericalIndex] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._useful_for_calculating_index - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @useful_for_calculating_index.setter + def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): + """Sets the useful_for_calculating_index of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param useful_for_calculating_index: The useful_for_calculating_index of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[NumericalIndex] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index @property def valid_until(self): @@ -2091,7 +2276,7 @@ def valid_until(self): Date until which the calibration of a model is valid. For example, a trained model with data from 2005-2010 may only be valid for predictions until 2015. # noqa: E501 :return: The valid_until of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :rtype: list[datetime] """ return self._valid_until @@ -2102,79 +2287,56 @@ def valid_until(self, valid_until): Date until which the calibration of a model is valid. For example, a trained model with data from 2005-2010 may only be valid for predictions until 2015. # noqa: E501 :param valid_until: The valid_until of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :type: list[datetime] """ self._valid_until = valid_until @property - def has_equation(self): - """Gets the has_equation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_equation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Equation] - """ - return self._has_equation - - @has_equation.setter - def has_equation(self, has_equation): - """Sets the has_equation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. - - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - - :param has_equation: The has_equation of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Equation] - """ - - self._has_equation = has_equation - - @property - def useful_for_calculating_index(self): - """Gets the useful_for_calculating_index of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def was_derived_from_setup(self): + """Gets the was_derived_from_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The useful_for_calculating_index of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[NumericalIndex] + :return: The was_derived_from_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - return self._useful_for_calculating_index + return self._was_derived_from_setup - @useful_for_calculating_index.setter - def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): - """Sets the useful_for_calculating_index of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @was_derived_from_setup.setter + def was_derived_from_setup(self, was_derived_from_setup): + """Sets the was_derived_from_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param useful_for_calculating_index: The useful_for_calculating_index of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[NumericalIndex] + :param was_derived_from_setup: The was_derived_from_setup of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + self._was_derived_from_setup = was_derived_from_setup @property - def has_input(self): - """Gets the has_input of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_input of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The website of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_input + return self._website - @has_input.setter - def has_input(self, has_input): - """Sets the has_input of this ModelConfigurationSetup. + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this ModelConfigurationSetup. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_input: The has_input of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param website: The website of this ModelConfigurationSetup. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_input = has_input + self._website = website def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/numerical_index.py b/modelcatalog/models/numerical_index.py index 87a2774..039f57b 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/numerical_index.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/numerical_index.py @@ -31,61 +31,38 @@ class NumericalIndex(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_standard_variable': 'list[StandardVariable]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'has_standard_variable': 'list[StandardVariable]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_standard_variable': 'hasStandardVariable', 'description': 'description', + 'has_standard_variable': 'hasStandardVariable', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, has_standard_variable=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, has_standard_variable=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """NumericalIndex - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_standard_variable = None self._description = None + self._has_standard_variable = None self._id = None self._label = None self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_standard_variable = has_standard_variable self.description = description + self.has_standard_variable = has_standard_variable if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label self.type = type - @property - def has_standard_variable(self): - """Gets the has_standard_variable of this NumericalIndex. # noqa: E501 - - the standard name of a variable # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_standard_variable of this NumericalIndex. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[StandardVariable] - """ - return self._has_standard_variable - - @has_standard_variable.setter - def has_standard_variable(self, has_standard_variable): - """Sets the has_standard_variable of this NumericalIndex. - - the standard name of a variable # noqa: E501 - - :param has_standard_variable: The has_standard_variable of this NumericalIndex. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[StandardVariable] - """ - - self._has_standard_variable = has_standard_variable - @property def description(self): """Gets the description of this NumericalIndex. # noqa: E501 @@ -109,6 +86,29 @@ def description(self, description): self._description = description + @property + def has_standard_variable(self): + """Gets the has_standard_variable of this NumericalIndex. # noqa: E501 + + the standard name of a variable # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_standard_variable of this NumericalIndex. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[StandardVariable] + """ + return self._has_standard_variable + + @has_standard_variable.setter + def has_standard_variable(self, has_standard_variable): + """Sets the has_standard_variable of this NumericalIndex. + + the standard name of a variable # noqa: E501 + + :param has_standard_variable: The has_standard_variable of this NumericalIndex. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[StandardVariable] + """ + + self._has_standard_variable = has_standard_variable + @property def id(self): """Gets the id of this NumericalIndex. # noqa: E501 diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/organization.py b/modelcatalog/models/organization.py index 1da25f9..449a343 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/organization.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/organization.py @@ -31,87 +31,41 @@ class Organization(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'website': 'list[str]', 'description': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', + 'identifier': 'list[str]', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]' + 'type': 'list[str]', + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'identifier': 'identifier', - 'website': 'website', 'description': 'description', 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type' + 'type': 'type', + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, identifier=None, website=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, id=None, identifier=None, label=None, type=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """Organization - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._identifier = None - self._website = None self._description = None self._id = None + self._identifier = None self._label = None self._type = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.identifier = identifier - self.website = website self.description = description if id is not None: self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier self.label = label self.type = type - - @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this Organization. # noqa: E501 - - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - - :return: The identifier of this Organization. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._identifier - - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this Organization. - - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - - :param identifier: The identifier of this Organization. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._identifier = identifier - - @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this Organization. # noqa: E501 - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :return: The website of this Organization. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._website - - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this Organization. - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :param website: The website of this Organization. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._website = website + self.website = website @property def description(self): @@ -159,6 +113,29 @@ def id(self, id): self._id = id + @property + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this Organization. # noqa: E501 + + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + + :return: The identifier of this Organization. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._identifier + + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this Organization. + + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + + :param identifier: The identifier of this Organization. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._identifier = identifier + @property def label(self): """Gets the label of this Organization. # noqa: E501 @@ -205,6 +182,29 @@ def type(self, type): self._type = type + @property + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this Organization. # noqa: E501 + + Website of the software # noqa: E501 + + :return: The website of this Organization. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._website + + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this Organization. + + Website of the software # noqa: E501 + + :param website: The website of this Organization. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._website = website + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/parameter.py b/modelcatalog/models/parameter.py index e885ce1..bc743b8 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/parameter.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/parameter.py @@ -31,131 +31,108 @@ class Parameter(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_default_value': 'list[object]', - 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', + 'adjusts_variable': 'list[Variable]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'has_accepted_values': 'list[str]', 'has_data_type': 'list[str]', + 'has_default_value': 'list[object]', 'has_fixed_value': 'list[object]', + 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', + 'has_minimum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', + 'has_step_size': 'list[float]', + 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', + 'position': 'list[int]', 'recommended_increment': 'list[float]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_minimum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', - 'has_accepted_values': 'list[str]', - 'adjusts_variable': 'list[Variable]', 'relevant_for_intervention': 'list[Intervention]', - 'position': 'list[int]', - 'id': 'str', - 'uses_unit': 'list[Unit]', - 'has_step_size': 'list[float]' + 'type': 'list[str]', + 'uses_unit': 'list[Unit]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_default_value': 'hasDefaultValue', - 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'hasMaximumAcceptedValue', + 'adjusts_variable': 'adjustsVariable', 'description': 'description', + 'has_accepted_values': 'hasAcceptedValues', 'has_data_type': 'hasDataType', + 'has_default_value': 'hasDefaultValue', 'has_fixed_value': 'hasFixedValue', + 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'hasMaximumAcceptedValue', + 'has_minimum_accepted_value': 'hasMinimumAcceptedValue', 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', + 'has_step_size': 'hasStepSize', + 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', + 'position': 'position', 'recommended_increment': 'recommendedIncrement', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_minimum_accepted_value': 'hasMinimumAcceptedValue', - 'has_accepted_values': 'hasAcceptedValues', - 'adjusts_variable': 'adjustsVariable', 'relevant_for_intervention': 'relevantForIntervention', - 'position': 'position', - 'id': 'id', - 'uses_unit': 'usesUnit', - 'has_step_size': 'hasStepSize' + 'type': 'type', + 'uses_unit': 'usesUnit' } - def __init__(self, has_default_value=None, has_maximum_accepted_value=None, description=None, has_data_type=None, has_fixed_value=None, has_presentation=None, label=None, recommended_increment=None, type=None, has_minimum_accepted_value=None, has_accepted_values=None, adjusts_variable=None, relevant_for_intervention=None, position=None, id=None, uses_unit=None, has_step_size=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, adjusts_variable=None, description=None, has_accepted_values=None, has_data_type=None, has_default_value=None, has_fixed_value=None, has_maximum_accepted_value=None, has_minimum_accepted_value=None, has_presentation=None, has_step_size=None, id=None, label=None, position=None, recommended_increment=None, relevant_for_intervention=None, type=None, uses_unit=None): # noqa: E501 """Parameter - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_default_value = None - self._has_maximum_accepted_value = None + self._adjusts_variable = None self._description = None + self._has_accepted_values = None self._has_data_type = None + self._has_default_value = None self._has_fixed_value = None + self._has_maximum_accepted_value = None + self._has_minimum_accepted_value = None self._has_presentation = None + self._has_step_size = None + self._id = None self._label = None + self._position = None self._recommended_increment = None - self._type = None - self._has_minimum_accepted_value = None - self._has_accepted_values = None - self._adjusts_variable = None self._relevant_for_intervention = None - self._position = None - self._id = None + self._type = None self._uses_unit = None - self._has_step_size = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_default_value = has_default_value - self.has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value + self.adjusts_variable = adjusts_variable self.description = description + self.has_accepted_values = has_accepted_values self.has_data_type = has_data_type + self.has_default_value = has_default_value self.has_fixed_value = has_fixed_value + self.has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value + self.has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value self.has_presentation = has_presentation + self.has_step_size = has_step_size + if id is not None: + self.id = id self.label = label + self.position = position self.recommended_increment = recommended_increment - self.type = type - self.has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value - self.has_accepted_values = has_accepted_values - self.adjusts_variable = adjusts_variable self.relevant_for_intervention = relevant_for_intervention - self.position = position - if id is not None: - self.id = id + self.type = type self.uses_unit = uses_unit - self.has_step_size = has_step_size - - @property - def has_default_value(self): - """Gets the has_default_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - - Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_default_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] - """ - return self._has_default_value - - @has_default_value.setter - def has_default_value(self, has_default_value): - """Sets the has_default_value of this Parameter. - - Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 - - :param has_default_value: The has_default_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] - """ - - self._has_default_value = has_default_value @property - def has_maximum_accepted_value(self): - """Gets the has_maximum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + def adjusts_variable(self): + """Gets the adjusts_variable of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_maximum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The adjusts_variable of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Variable] """ - return self._has_maximum_accepted_value + return self._adjusts_variable - @has_maximum_accepted_value.setter - def has_maximum_accepted_value(self, has_maximum_accepted_value): - """Sets the has_maximum_accepted_value of this Parameter. + @adjusts_variable.setter + def adjusts_variable(self, adjusts_variable): + """Sets the adjusts_variable of this Parameter. - Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable # noqa: E501 - :param has_maximum_accepted_value: The has_maximum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param adjusts_variable: The adjusts_variable of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Variable] """ - self._has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value + self._adjusts_variable = adjusts_variable @property def description(self): @@ -180,6 +157,29 @@ def description(self, description): self._description = description + @property + def has_accepted_values(self): + """Gets the has_accepted_values of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + + Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_accepted_values of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_accepted_values + + @has_accepted_values.setter + def has_accepted_values(self, has_accepted_values): + """Sets the has_accepted_values of this Parameter. + + Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" # noqa: E501 + + :param has_accepted_values: The has_accepted_values of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_accepted_values = has_accepted_values + @property def has_data_type(self): """Gets the has_data_type of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 @@ -203,6 +203,29 @@ def has_data_type(self, has_data_type): self._has_data_type = has_data_type + @property + def has_default_value(self): + """Gets the has_default_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + + Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_default_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._has_default_value + + @has_default_value.setter + def has_default_value(self, has_default_value): + """Sets the has_default_value of this Parameter. + + Default accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_default_value: The has_default_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._has_default_value = has_default_value + @property def has_fixed_value(self): """Gets the has_fixed_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 @@ -226,6 +249,52 @@ def has_fixed_value(self, has_fixed_value): self._has_fixed_value = has_fixed_value + @property + def has_maximum_accepted_value(self): + """Gets the has_maximum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + + Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_maximum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._has_maximum_accepted_value + + @has_maximum_accepted_value.setter + def has_maximum_accepted_value(self, has_maximum_accepted_value): + """Sets the has_maximum_accepted_value of this Parameter. + + Maximum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_maximum_accepted_value: The has_maximum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value + + @property + def has_minimum_accepted_value(self): + """Gets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + + Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._has_minimum_accepted_value + + @has_minimum_accepted_value.setter + def has_minimum_accepted_value(self, has_minimum_accepted_value): + """Sets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this Parameter. + + Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_minimum_accepted_value: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value + @property def has_presentation(self): """Gets the has_presentation of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 @@ -250,142 +319,119 @@ def has_presentation(self, has_presentation): self._has_presentation = has_presentation @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :return: The label of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._label - - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this Parameter. - - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - - :param label: The label of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._label = label - - @property - def recommended_increment(self): - """Gets the recommended_increment of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + def has_step_size(self): + """Gets the has_step_size of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - Value that represents how a parameter should be incremented on each iteration of a software component execution. This value is important when preparing execution ensembles automatically, e.g., simulating crop production varying the parameter \"fertilizer amount\" in increments of 10%. # noqa: E501 + Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 # noqa: E501 - :return: The recommended_increment of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_step_size of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[float] """ - return self._recommended_increment + return self._has_step_size - @recommended_increment.setter - def recommended_increment(self, recommended_increment): - """Sets the recommended_increment of this Parameter. + @has_step_size.setter + def has_step_size(self, has_step_size): + """Sets the has_step_size of this Parameter. - Value that represents how a parameter should be incremented on each iteration of a software component execution. This value is important when preparing execution ensembles automatically, e.g., simulating crop production varying the parameter \"fertilizer amount\" in increments of 10%. # noqa: E501 + Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 # noqa: E501 - :param recommended_increment: The recommended_increment of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :param has_step_size: The has_step_size of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 :type: list[float] """ - self._recommended_increment = recommended_increment + self._has_step_size = has_step_size @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The id of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._type + return self._id - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this Parameter. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this Parameter. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param id: The id of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._type = type + self._id = id @property - def has_minimum_accepted_value(self): - """Gets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The label of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_minimum_accepted_value + return self._label - @has_minimum_accepted_value.setter - def has_minimum_accepted_value(self, has_minimum_accepted_value): - """Sets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this Parameter. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this Parameter. - Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_minimum_accepted_value: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param label: The label of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value + self._label = label @property - def has_accepted_values(self): - """Gets the has_accepted_values of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + def position(self): + """Gets the position of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" # noqa: E501 + Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_accepted_values of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The position of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[int] """ - return self._has_accepted_values + return self._position - @has_accepted_values.setter - def has_accepted_values(self, has_accepted_values): - """Sets the has_accepted_values of this Parameter. + @position.setter + def position(self, position): + """Sets the position of this Parameter. - Property that constraints which values are accepted for a parameter. For example, the name of a crop can only be \"Maize\" or \"Sorghum\" # noqa: E501 + Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution # noqa: E501 - :param has_accepted_values: The has_accepted_values of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param position: The position of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[int] """ - self._has_accepted_values = has_accepted_values + self._position = position @property - def adjusts_variable(self): - """Gets the adjusts_variable of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + def recommended_increment(self): + """Gets the recommended_increment of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable # noqa: E501 + Value that represents how a parameter should be incremented on each iteration of a software component execution. This value is important when preparing execution ensembles automatically, e.g., simulating crop production varying the parameter \"fertilizer amount\" in increments of 10%. # noqa: E501 - :return: The adjusts_variable of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Variable] + :return: The recommended_increment of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[float] """ - return self._adjusts_variable + return self._recommended_increment - @adjusts_variable.setter - def adjusts_variable(self, adjusts_variable): - """Sets the adjusts_variable of this Parameter. + @recommended_increment.setter + def recommended_increment(self, recommended_increment): + """Sets the recommended_increment of this Parameter. - Property that links parameter with the variable they adjust. This property can be used when parameters quantify variables without directly representing them. For example, a \"fertilizer percentage adjustment\" parameter can quantify a \"fertilizer price\" variable # noqa: E501 + Value that represents how a parameter should be incremented on each iteration of a software component execution. This value is important when preparing execution ensembles automatically, e.g., simulating crop production varying the parameter \"fertilizer amount\" in increments of 10%. # noqa: E501 - :param adjusts_variable: The adjusts_variable of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Variable] + :param recommended_increment: The recommended_increment of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[float] """ - self._adjusts_variable = adjusts_variable + self._recommended_increment = recommended_increment @property def relevant_for_intervention(self): @@ -411,50 +457,27 @@ def relevant_for_intervention(self, relevant_for_intervention): self._relevant_for_intervention = relevant_for_intervention @property - def position(self): - """Gets the position of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - - Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution # noqa: E501 - - :return: The position of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[int] - """ - return self._position - - @position.setter - def position(self, position): - """Sets the position of this Parameter. - - Position of the parameter or input/output in the model configuration. This property is needed to know how to organize the I/O of the component on execution # noqa: E501 - - :param position: The position of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[int] - """ - - self._position = position - - @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The type of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._type - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this Parameter. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this Parameter. - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param type: The type of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._type = type @property def uses_unit(self): @@ -479,29 +502,6 @@ def uses_unit(self, uses_unit): self._uses_unit = uses_unit - @property - def has_step_size(self): - """Gets the has_step_size of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - - Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_step_size of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[float] - """ - return self._has_step_size - - @has_step_size.setter - def has_step_size(self, has_step_size): - """Sets the has_step_size of this Parameter. - - Property that determines what are the increments (step size) that are commonly used to vary a parameter. This is commonly used for automatically setting up software tests. For example, if I want to set up a model and try 30 reasonable values on a parameter, I may use the default value and the step size to create the appropriate increments. If the step size is 0.1 and the default value is 0, then I will will be able to create setups: 0, 0.1, 0.2...2.9,3 # noqa: E501 - - :param has_step_size: The has_step_size of this Parameter. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[float] - """ - - self._has_step_size = has_step_size - def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/person.py b/modelcatalog/models/person.py index e9f7d9a..2932217 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/person.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/person.py @@ -31,114 +31,91 @@ class Person(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'website': 'list[str]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'email': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', + 'identifier': 'list[str]', 'label': 'list[str]', 'type': 'list[str]', - 'email': 'list[str]' + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'identifier': 'identifier', - 'website': 'website', 'description': 'description', + 'email': 'email', 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', 'label': 'label', 'type': 'type', - 'email': 'email' + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, identifier=None, website=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None, email=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, email=None, id=None, identifier=None, label=None, type=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """Person - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._identifier = None - self._website = None self._description = None + self._email = None self._id = None + self._identifier = None self._label = None self._type = None - self._email = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.identifier = identifier - self.website = website self.description = description + self.email = email if id is not None: self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier self.label = label self.type = type - self.email = email - - @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this Person. # noqa: E501 - - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - - :return: The identifier of this Person. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._identifier - - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this Person. - - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - - :param identifier: The identifier of this Person. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._identifier = identifier + self.website = website @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this Person. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this Person. # noqa: E501 - Website of the software # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The website of this Person. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this Person. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._website + return self._description - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this Person. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this Person. - Website of the software # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param website: The website of this Person. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this Person. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._website = website + self._description = description @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this Person. # noqa: E501 + def email(self): + """Gets the email of this Person. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Email of a person # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this Person. # noqa: E501 + :return: The email of this Person. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._email - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this Person. + @email.setter + def email(self, email): + """Sets the email of this Person. - small description # noqa: E501 + Email of a person # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this Person. # noqa: E501 + :param email: The email of this Person. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._email = email @property def id(self): @@ -163,6 +140,29 @@ def id(self, id): self._id = id + @property + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this Person. # noqa: E501 + + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + + :return: The identifier of this Person. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._identifier + + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this Person. + + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + + :param identifier: The identifier of this Person. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._identifier = identifier + @property def label(self): """Gets the label of this Person. # noqa: E501 @@ -210,27 +210,27 @@ def type(self, type): self._type = type @property - def email(self): - """Gets the email of this Person. # noqa: E501 + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this Person. # noqa: E501 - Email of a person # noqa: E501 + Website of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The email of this Person. # noqa: E501 + :return: The website of this Person. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._email + return self._website - @email.setter - def email(self, email): - """Sets the email of this Person. + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this Person. - Email of a person # noqa: E501 + Website of the software # noqa: E501 - :param email: The email of this Person. # noqa: E501 + :param website: The website of this Person. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._email = email + self._website = website def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/point_based_grid.py b/modelcatalog/models/point_based_grid.py index c55c7e5..b02bbfc 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/point_based_grid.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/point_based_grid.py @@ -31,342 +31,342 @@ class PointBasedGrid(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_dimensionality': 'list[int]', - 'has_format': 'list[str]', - 'path_location': 'list[str]', - 'has_file_structure': 'list[object]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'has_coordinate_system': 'list[str]', 'has_data_transformation': 'list[DataTransformation]', - 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', - 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', + 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'list[DataTransformationSetup]', + 'has_dimension': 'list[str]', + 'has_dimensionality': 'list[int]', + 'has_file_structure': 'list[object]', 'has_fixed_resource': 'list[SampleResource]', - 'has_coordinate_system': 'list[str]', + 'has_format': 'list[str]', + 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', + 'has_shape': 'list[str]', 'has_spatial_resolution': 'list[str]', + 'id': 'str', 'is_transformed_from': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', - 'has_shape': 'list[str]', - 'has_dimension': 'list[str]', - 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'list[DataTransformationSetup]', + 'label': 'list[str]', + 'path_location': 'list[str]', 'position': 'list[int]', - 'id': 'str' + 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_dimensionality': 'hasDimensionality', - 'has_format': 'hasFormat', - 'path_location': 'pathLocation', - 'has_file_structure': 'hasFileStructure', 'description': 'description', + 'has_coordinate_system': 'hasCoordinateSystem', 'has_data_transformation': 'hasDataTransformation', - 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', - 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type', + 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'hasDataTransformationSetup', + 'has_dimension': 'hasDimension', + 'has_dimensionality': 'hasDimensionality', + 'has_file_structure': 'hasFileStructure', 'has_fixed_resource': 'hasFixedResource', - 'has_coordinate_system': 'hasCoordinateSystem', + 'has_format': 'hasFormat', + 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', + 'has_shape': 'hasShape', 'has_spatial_resolution': 'hasSpatialResolution', + 'id': 'id', 'is_transformed_from': 'isTransformedFrom', - 'has_shape': 'hasShape', - 'has_dimension': 'hasDimension', - 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'hasDataTransformationSetup', + 'label': 'label', + 'path_location': 'pathLocation', 'position': 'position', - 'id': 'id' + 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, has_dimensionality=None, has_format=None, path_location=None, has_file_structure=None, description=None, has_data_transformation=None, has_presentation=None, label=None, type=None, has_fixed_resource=None, has_coordinate_system=None, has_spatial_resolution=None, is_transformed_from=None, has_shape=None, has_dimension=None, has_data_transformation_setup=None, position=None, id=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, has_coordinate_system=None, has_data_transformation=None, has_data_transformation_setup=None, has_dimension=None, has_dimensionality=None, has_file_structure=None, has_fixed_resource=None, has_format=None, has_presentation=None, has_shape=None, has_spatial_resolution=None, id=None, is_transformed_from=None, label=None, path_location=None, position=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """PointBasedGrid - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_dimensionality = None - self._has_format = None - self._path_location = None - self._has_file_structure = None self._description = None + self._has_coordinate_system = None self._has_data_transformation = None - self._has_presentation = None - self._label = None - self._type = None + self._has_data_transformation_setup = None + self._has_dimension = None + self._has_dimensionality = None + self._has_file_structure = None self._has_fixed_resource = None - self._has_coordinate_system = None + self._has_format = None + self._has_presentation = None + self._has_shape = None self._has_spatial_resolution = None + self._id = None self._is_transformed_from = None - self._has_shape = None - self._has_dimension = None - self._has_data_transformation_setup = None + self._label = None + self._path_location = None self._position = None - self._id = None + self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality - self.has_format = has_format - self.path_location = path_location - self.has_file_structure = has_file_structure self.description = description + self.has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system self.has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation - self.has_presentation = has_presentation - self.label = label - self.type = type + self.has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup + self.has_dimension = has_dimension + self.has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality + self.has_file_structure = has_file_structure self.has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource - self.has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system - self.has_spatial_resolution = has_spatial_resolution - self.is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from + self.has_format = has_format + self.has_presentation = has_presentation self.has_shape = has_shape - self.has_dimension = has_dimension - self.has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup - self.position = position + self.has_spatial_resolution = has_spatial_resolution if id is not None: self.id = id + self.is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from + self.label = label + self.path_location = path_location + self.position = position + self.type = type @property - def has_dimensionality(self): - """Gets the has_dimensionality of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_dimensionality of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[int] + :return: The description of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_dimensionality + return self._description - @has_dimensionality.setter - def has_dimensionality(self, has_dimensionality): - """Sets the has_dimensionality of this PointBasedGrid. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this PointBasedGrid. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_dimensionality: The has_dimensionality of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[int] + :param description: The description of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality + self._description = description @property - def has_format(self): - """Gets the has_format of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_coordinate_system(self): + """Gets the has_coordinate_system of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_format of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_coordinate_system of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_format + return self._has_coordinate_system - @has_format.setter - def has_format(self, has_format): - """Sets the has_format of this PointBasedGrid. + @has_coordinate_system.setter + def has_coordinate_system(self, has_coordinate_system): + """Sets the has_coordinate_system of this PointBasedGrid. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 - :param has_format: The has_format of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_coordinate_system: The has_coordinate_system of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_format = has_format + self._has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system @property - def path_location(self): - """Gets the path_location of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_data_transformation(self): + """Gets the has_data_transformation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The path_location of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_data_transformation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DataTransformation] """ - return self._path_location + return self._has_data_transformation - @path_location.setter - def path_location(self, path_location): - """Sets the path_location of this PointBasedGrid. + @has_data_transformation.setter + def has_data_transformation(self, has_data_transformation): + """Sets the has_data_transformation of this PointBasedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param path_location: The path_location of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_data_transformation: The has_data_transformation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DataTransformation] """ - self._path_location = path_location + self._has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation @property - def has_file_structure(self): - """Gets the has_file_structure of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_data_transformation_setup(self): + """Gets the has_data_transformation_setup of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_file_structure of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_data_transformation_setup of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DataTransformationSetup] """ - return self._has_file_structure + return self._has_data_transformation_setup - @has_file_structure.setter - def has_file_structure(self, has_file_structure): - """Sets the has_file_structure of this PointBasedGrid. + @has_data_transformation_setup.setter + def has_data_transformation_setup(self, has_data_transformation_setup): + """Sets the has_data_transformation_setup of this PointBasedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_file_structure: The has_file_structure of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_data_transformation_setup: The has_data_transformation_setup of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DataTransformationSetup] """ - self._has_file_structure = has_file_structure + self._has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_dimension(self): + """Gets the has_dimension of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_dimension of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_dimension - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this PointBasedGrid. + @has_dimension.setter + def has_dimension(self, has_dimension): + """Sets the has_dimension of this PointBasedGrid. - small description # noqa: E501 + Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_dimension: The has_dimension of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_dimension = has_dimension @property - def has_data_transformation(self): - """Gets the has_data_transformation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_dimensionality(self): + """Gets the has_dimensionality of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_data_transformation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DataTransformation] + :return: The has_dimensionality of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[int] """ - return self._has_data_transformation + return self._has_dimensionality - @has_data_transformation.setter - def has_data_transformation(self, has_data_transformation): - """Sets the has_data_transformation of this PointBasedGrid. + @has_dimensionality.setter + def has_dimensionality(self, has_dimensionality): + """Sets the has_dimensionality of this PointBasedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_data_transformation: The has_data_transformation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DataTransformation] + :param has_dimensionality: The has_dimensionality of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[int] """ - self._has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation + self._has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality @property - def has_presentation(self): - """Gets the has_presentation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_file_structure(self): + """Gets the has_file_structure of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_presentation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] + :return: The has_file_structure of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_presentation + return self._has_file_structure - @has_presentation.setter - def has_presentation(self, has_presentation): - """Sets the has_presentation of this PointBasedGrid. + @has_file_structure.setter + def has_file_structure(self, has_file_structure): + """Sets the has_file_structure of this PointBasedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_presentation: The has_presentation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[VariablePresentation] + :param has_file_structure: The has_file_structure of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_presentation = has_presentation + self._has_file_structure = has_file_structure @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_fixed_resource(self): + """Gets the has_fixed_resource of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_fixed_resource of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._label + return self._has_fixed_resource - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this PointBasedGrid. + @has_fixed_resource.setter + def has_fixed_resource(self, has_fixed_resource): + """Sets the has_fixed_resource of this PointBasedGrid. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_fixed_resource: The has_fixed_resource of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._label = label + self._has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_format(self): + """Gets the has_format of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_format of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._has_format - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this PointBasedGrid. + @has_format.setter + def has_format(self, has_format): + """Sets the has_format of this PointBasedGrid. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_format: The has_format of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._has_format = has_format @property - def has_fixed_resource(self): - """Gets the has_fixed_resource of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_presentation(self): + """Gets the has_presentation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_fixed_resource of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The has_presentation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_fixed_resource + return self._has_presentation - @has_fixed_resource.setter - def has_fixed_resource(self, has_fixed_resource): - """Sets the has_fixed_resource of this PointBasedGrid. + @has_presentation.setter + def has_presentation(self, has_presentation): + """Sets the has_presentation of this PointBasedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_fixed_resource: The has_fixed_resource of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param has_presentation: The has_presentation of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource + self._has_presentation = has_presentation @property - def has_coordinate_system(self): - """Gets the has_coordinate_system of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_shape(self): + """Gets the has_shape of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 + Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_coordinate_system of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_shape of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_coordinate_system + return self._has_shape - @has_coordinate_system.setter - def has_coordinate_system(self, has_coordinate_system): - """Sets the has_coordinate_system of this PointBasedGrid. + @has_shape.setter + def has_shape(self, has_shape): + """Sets the has_shape of this PointBasedGrid. - Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 + Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_coordinate_system: The has_coordinate_system of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_shape: The has_shape of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system + self._has_shape = has_shape @property def has_spatial_resolution(self): @@ -391,6 +391,29 @@ def has_spatial_resolution(self, has_spatial_resolution): self._has_spatial_resolution = has_spatial_resolution + @property + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + + identifier # noqa: E501 + + :return: The id of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str + """ + return self._id + + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this PointBasedGrid. + + identifier # noqa: E501 + + :param id: The id of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: str + """ + + self._id = id + @property def is_transformed_from(self): """Gets the is_transformed_from of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 @@ -415,73 +438,50 @@ def is_transformed_from(self, is_transformed_from): self._is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from @property - def has_shape(self): - """Gets the has_shape of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - - Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_shape of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_shape - - @has_shape.setter - def has_shape(self, has_shape): - """Sets the has_shape of this PointBasedGrid. - - Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - - :param has_shape: The has_shape of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_shape = has_shape - - @property - def has_dimension(self): - """Gets the has_dimension of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_dimension of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_dimension + return self._label - @has_dimension.setter - def has_dimension(self, has_dimension): - """Sets the has_dimension of this PointBasedGrid. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this PointBasedGrid. - Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_dimension: The has_dimension of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_dimension = has_dimension + self._label = label @property - def has_data_transformation_setup(self): - """Gets the has_data_transformation_setup of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def path_location(self): + """Gets the path_location of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_data_transformation_setup of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DataTransformationSetup] + :return: The path_location of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_data_transformation_setup + return self._path_location - @has_data_transformation_setup.setter - def has_data_transformation_setup(self, has_data_transformation_setup): - """Sets the has_data_transformation_setup of this PointBasedGrid. + @path_location.setter + def path_location(self, path_location): + """Sets the path_location of this PointBasedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_data_transformation_setup: The has_data_transformation_setup of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DataTransformationSetup] + :param path_location: The path_location of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup + self._path_location = path_location @property def position(self): @@ -507,27 +507,27 @@ def position(self, position): self._position = position @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The type of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._type - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this PointBasedGrid. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this PointBasedGrid. - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param type: The type of this PointBasedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._type = type def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/process.py b/modelcatalog/models/process.py index 6c3329a..813c121 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/process.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/process.py @@ -31,61 +31,38 @@ class Process(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'influences': 'list[Process]', 'description': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', + 'influences': 'list[Process]', 'label': 'list[str]', 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'influences': 'influences', 'description': 'description', 'id': 'id', + 'influences': 'influences', 'label': 'label', 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, influences=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, id=None, influences=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """Process - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._influences = None self._description = None self._id = None + self._influences = None self._label = None self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.influences = influences self.description = description if id is not None: self.id = id + self.influences = influences self.label = label self.type = type - @property - def influences(self): - """Gets the influences of this Process. # noqa: E501 - - Property that captures if a physical process influences another process # noqa: E501 - - :return: The influences of this Process. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Process] - """ - return self._influences - - @influences.setter - def influences(self, influences): - """Sets the influences of this Process. - - Property that captures if a physical process influences another process # noqa: E501 - - :param influences: The influences of this Process. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Process] - """ - - self._influences = influences - @property def description(self): """Gets the description of this Process. # noqa: E501 @@ -132,6 +109,29 @@ def id(self, id): self._id = id + @property + def influences(self): + """Gets the influences of this Process. # noqa: E501 + + Property that captures if a physical process influences another process # noqa: E501 + + :return: The influences of this Process. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Process] + """ + return self._influences + + @influences.setter + def influences(self, influences): + """Sets the influences of this Process. + + Property that captures if a physical process influences another process # noqa: E501 + + :param influences: The influences of this Process. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Process] + """ + + self._influences = influences + @property def label(self): """Gets the label of this Process. # noqa: E501 diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/region.py b/modelcatalog/models/region.py index 2ab22c0..a18ba5f 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/region.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/region.py @@ -31,88 +31,42 @@ class Region(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'geo': 'list[object]', - 'part_of': 'list[Region]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'geo': 'list[object]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', + 'part_of': 'list[Region]', 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'geo': 'geo', - 'part_of': 'partOf', 'description': 'description', + 'geo': 'geo', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', + 'part_of': 'partOf', 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, geo=None, part_of=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, geo=None, id=None, label=None, part_of=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """Region - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._geo = None - self._part_of = None self._description = None + self._geo = None self._id = None self._label = None + self._part_of = None self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.geo = geo - self.part_of = part_of self.description = description + self.geo = geo if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label + self.part_of = part_of self.type = type - @property - def geo(self): - """Gets the geo of this Region. # noqa: E501 - - Specific coordinates or shape associated with a region # noqa: E501 - - :return: The geo of this Region. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] - """ - return self._geo - - @geo.setter - def geo(self, geo): - """Sets the geo of this Region. - - Specific coordinates or shape associated with a region # noqa: E501 - - :param geo: The geo of this Region. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] - """ - - self._geo = geo - - @property - def part_of(self): - """Gets the part_of of this Region. # noqa: E501 - - Indicates whether a region is part of another region # noqa: E501 - - :return: The part_of of this Region. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Region] - """ - return self._part_of - - @part_of.setter - def part_of(self, part_of): - """Sets the part_of of this Region. - - Indicates whether a region is part of another region # noqa: E501 - - :param part_of: The part_of of this Region. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Region] - """ - - self._part_of = part_of - @property def description(self): """Gets the description of this Region. # noqa: E501 @@ -136,6 +90,29 @@ def description(self, description): self._description = description + @property + def geo(self): + """Gets the geo of this Region. # noqa: E501 + + Specific coordinates or shape associated with a region # noqa: E501 + + :return: The geo of this Region. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._geo + + @geo.setter + def geo(self, geo): + """Sets the geo of this Region. + + Specific coordinates or shape associated with a region # noqa: E501 + + :param geo: The geo of this Region. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._geo = geo + @property def id(self): """Gets the id of this Region. # noqa: E501 @@ -182,6 +159,29 @@ def label(self, label): self._label = label + @property + def part_of(self): + """Gets the part_of of this Region. # noqa: E501 + + Indicates whether a region is part of another region # noqa: E501 + + :return: The part_of of this Region. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Region] + """ + return self._part_of + + @part_of.setter + def part_of(self, part_of): + """Sets the part_of of this Region. + + Indicates whether a region is part of another region # noqa: E501 + + :param part_of: The part_of of this Region. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Region] + """ + + self._part_of = part_of + @property def type(self): """Gets the type of this Region. # noqa: E501 diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/sample_collection.py b/modelcatalog/models/sample_collection.py index 2801ad2..6abfa89 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/sample_collection.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/sample_collection.py @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ class SampleCollection(object): """ openapi_types = { 'data_catalog_identifier': 'list[str]', - 'has_part': 'list[SampleResource]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'has_part': 'list[SampleResource]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', 'type': 'list[str]', @@ -42,20 +42,20 @@ class SampleCollection(object): attribute_map = { 'data_catalog_identifier': 'dataCatalogIdentifier', - 'has_part': 'hasPart', 'description': 'description', + 'has_part': 'hasPart', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', 'type': 'type', 'value': 'value' } - def __init__(self, data_catalog_identifier=None, has_part=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None, value=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, data_catalog_identifier=None, description=None, has_part=None, id=None, label=None, type=None, value=None): # noqa: E501 """SampleCollection - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 self._data_catalog_identifier = None - self._has_part = None self._description = None + self._has_part = None self._id = None self._label = None self._type = None @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ def __init__(self, data_catalog_identifier=None, has_part=None, description=None self.discriminator = None self.data_catalog_identifier = data_catalog_identifier - self.has_part = has_part self.description = description + self.has_part = has_part if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label @@ -94,29 +94,6 @@ def data_catalog_identifier(self, data_catalog_identifier): self._data_catalog_identifier = data_catalog_identifier - @property - def has_part(self): - """Gets the has_part of this SampleCollection. # noqa: E501 - - Property designed to reference the elements included in a sample collection. # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_part of this SampleCollection. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] - """ - return self._has_part - - @has_part.setter - def has_part(self, has_part): - """Sets the has_part of this SampleCollection. - - Property designed to reference the elements included in a sample collection. # noqa: E501 - - :param has_part: The has_part of this SampleCollection. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] - """ - - self._has_part = has_part - @property def description(self): """Gets the description of this SampleCollection. # noqa: E501 @@ -140,6 +117,29 @@ def description(self, description): self._description = description + @property + def has_part(self): + """Gets the has_part of this SampleCollection. # noqa: E501 + + Property designed to reference the elements included in a sample collection. # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_part of this SampleCollection. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] + """ + return self._has_part + + @has_part.setter + def has_part(self, has_part): + """Sets the has_part of this SampleCollection. + + Property designed to reference the elements included in a sample collection. # noqa: E501 + + :param has_part: The has_part of this SampleCollection. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] + """ + + self._has_part = has_part + @property def id(self): """Gets the id of this SampleCollection. # noqa: E501 diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/sample_execution.py b/modelcatalog/models/sample_execution.py index 5d48552..1eef8e6 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/sample_execution.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/sample_execution.py @@ -32,36 +32,36 @@ class SampleExecution(object): """ openapi_types = { 'description': 'list[str]', + 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]' + 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { 'description': 'description', + 'has_execution_command': 'hasExecutionCommand', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_execution_command': 'hasExecutionCommand' + 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None, has_execution_command=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, has_execution_command=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """SampleExecution - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 self._description = None + self._has_execution_command = None self._id = None self._label = None self._type = None - self._has_execution_command = None self.discriminator = None self.description = description + self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label self.type = type - self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command @property def description(self): @@ -86,6 +86,29 @@ def description(self, description): self._description = description + @property + def has_execution_command(self): + """Gets the has_execution_command of this SampleExecution. # noqa: E501 + + Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_execution_command of this SampleExecution. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_execution_command + + @has_execution_command.setter + def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): + """Sets the has_execution_command of this SampleExecution. + + Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 + + :param has_execution_command: The has_execution_command of this SampleExecution. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command + @property def id(self): """Gets the id of this SampleExecution. # noqa: E501 @@ -155,29 +178,6 @@ def type(self, type): self._type = type - @property - def has_execution_command(self): - """Gets the has_execution_command of this SampleExecution. # noqa: E501 - - Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_execution_command of this SampleExecution. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_execution_command - - @has_execution_command.setter - def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): - """Sets the has_execution_command of this SampleExecution. - - Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 - - :param has_execution_command: The has_execution_command of this SampleExecution. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command - def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/software.py b/modelcatalog/models/software.py index dac507f..fdb423e 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/software.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/software.py @@ -31,761 +31,853 @@ class Software(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'support_details': 'list[str]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', - 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'description': 'list[str]', - 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', - 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', - 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', - 'date_created': 'list[str]', - 'contributor': 'list[Person]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', + 'date_published': 'list[str]', + 'description': 'list[str]', + 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', - 'id': 'str', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', + 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', 'has_sample_visualization': 'list[Visualization]', + 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', + 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', + 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'id': 'str', 'identifier': 'list[str]', + 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', + 'keywords': 'list[str]', + 'label': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'website': 'list[str]', - 'citation': 'list[str]', - 'author': 'list[object]', + 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', 'readme': 'list[str]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', 'short_description': 'list[str]', - 'label': 'list[str]', - 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', - 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', - 'doi': 'list[str]' + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', - 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', - 'keywords': 'keywords', - 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', - 'support_details': 'supportDetails', - 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', - 'has_version': 'hasVersion', - 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', - 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', - 'description': 'description', - 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', - 'screenshot': 'screenshot', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', - 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', - 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', - 'date_created': 'dateCreated', - 'contributor': 'contributor', + 'author': 'author', + 'citation': 'citation', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'compatibleVisualizationSoftware', + 'contributor': 'contributor', 'copyright_holder': 'copyrightHolder', - 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', - 'logo': 'logo', + 'date_created': 'dateCreated', + 'date_published': 'datePublished', + 'description': 'description', + 'doi': 'doi', + 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', - 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', - 'id': 'id', + 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', + 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', + 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', + 'has_example': 'hasExample', 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', + 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', + 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'id': 'id', 'identifier': 'identifier', + 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', + 'keywords': 'keywords', + 'label': 'label', + 'license': 'license', + 'logo': 'logo', 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', - 'website': 'website', - 'citation': 'citation', - 'author': 'author', + 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', - 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', + 'publisher': 'publisher', 'readme': 'readme', - 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', 'short_description': 'shortDescription', - 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', - 'date_published': 'datePublished', - 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'license': 'license', - 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', - 'has_example': 'hasExample', - 'publisher': 'publisher', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'type': 'type', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', - 'doi': 'doi' + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, has_funding=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, support_details=None, software_requirements=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_download_url=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, has_purpose=None, id=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, identifier=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, author=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, readme=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, date_published=None, operating_systems=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, doi=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_source_code=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """Software - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._has_funding = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._support_details = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None + self._date_created = None + self._date_published = None + self._description = None + self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None self._has_contact_person = None - self._has_purpose = None - self._id = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_example = None self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_faq = None + self._has_funding = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._has_purpose = None self._has_sample_visualization = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None + self._has_usage_notes = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None + self._label = None + self._license = None + self._logo = None self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._author = None + self._operating_systems = None self._processor_requirements = None - self._has_usage_notes = None + self._publisher = None self._readme = None - self._has_build_file = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._screenshot = None self._short_description = None - self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None - self._date_published = None - self._operating_systems = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None - self._doi = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.has_funding = has_funding - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.support_details = support_details - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo + self.date_created = date_created + self.date_published = date_published + self.description = description + self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_faq = has_faq + self.has_funding = has_funding + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions self.has_purpose = has_purpose + self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source + self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self.has_version = has_version if id is not None: self.id = id - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions - self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords + self.label = label + self.license = license + self.logo = logo self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.author = author + self.operating_systems = operating_systems self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements - self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self.publisher = publisher self.readme = readme - self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.screenshot = screenshot self.short_description = short_description - self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption - self.date_published = date_published - self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index - self.doi = doi + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The author of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._author + + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this Software. + + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param author: The author of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._author = author + + @property + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this Software. # noqa: E501 + + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + + :return: The citation of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._citation - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this Software. + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this Software. - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param citation: The citation of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._citation = citation @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._compatible_visualization_software - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this Software. + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this Software. - Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this Software. # noqa: E501 + + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The contributor of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] + """ + return self._contributor + + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this Software. + + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param contributor: The contributor of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] + """ + + self._contributor = contributor + + @property + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this Software. # noqa: E501 + + Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The copyright_holder of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._copyright_holder + + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this Software. + + Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + + @property + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this Software. # noqa: E501 + + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + + :return: The date_created of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._date_created + + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this Software. + + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + + :param date_created: The date_created of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._date_created = date_created @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_published of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._keywords + return self._date_published - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this Software. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this Software. - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param date_published: The date_published of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._date_published = date_published @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._description - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this Software. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this Software. - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._description = description @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._support_details + return self._doi - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this Software. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this Software. - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._doi = doi @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._had_primary_source - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this Software. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this Software. - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_assumption of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_assumption - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this Software. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this Software. - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def has_typical_data_source(self): - """Gets the has_typical_data_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Typical data sources that are used by a software component # noqa: E501 + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_typical_data_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_build_file of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_typical_data_source + return self._has_build_file - @has_typical_data_source.setter - def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): - """Sets the has_typical_data_source of this Software. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this Software. - Typical data sources that are used by a software component # noqa: E501 + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :param has_typical_data_source: The has_typical_data_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_contact_person of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._has_contact_person - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this Software. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this Software. - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this Software. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_documentation of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_documentation - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this Software. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this Software. - small description # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_download_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_download_instructions - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this Software. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this Software. - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_download_url of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._screenshot + return self._has_download_url - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this Software. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this Software. - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this Software. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._has_example - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this Software. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this Software. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._has_example = has_example @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._has_executable_instructions - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this Software. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this Software. - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._has_executable_notebook - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this Software. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this Software. - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def issue_tracker(self): - """Gets the issue_tracker of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :return: The issue_tracker of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._issue_tracker + return self._has_faq - @issue_tracker.setter - def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): - """Sets the issue_tracker of this Software. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this Software. - Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :param issue_tracker: The issue_tracker of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._date_created + return self._has_funding - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this Software. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this Software. - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._date_created = date_created + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The contributor of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._contributor + return self._has_installation_instructions - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this Software. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this Software. - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param contributor: The contributor of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._contributor = contributor + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] + :return: The has_purpose of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software + return self._has_purpose - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this Software. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this Software. - Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._has_sample_visualization - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this Software. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this Software. - Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_source_code of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._has_source_code - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this Software. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this Software. - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_typical_data_source(self): + """Gets the has_typical_data_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Typical data sources that are used by a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_typical_data_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._has_typical_data_source - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this Software. + @has_typical_data_source.setter + def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): + """Sets the has_typical_data_source of this Software. - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Typical data sources that are used by a software component # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_typical_data_source: The has_typical_data_source of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_contact_person of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_usage_notes of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._has_usage_notes - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this Software. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this Software. - Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_version of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._has_version - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this Software. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this Software. - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_version: The has_version of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._has_version = has_version @property def id(self): @@ -810,52 +902,6 @@ def id(self, id): self._id = id - @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 - - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_executable_instructions - - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this Software. - - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions - - @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this Software. # noqa: E501 - - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] - """ - return self._has_sample_visualization - - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this Software. - - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] - """ - - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - @property def identifier(self): """Gets the identifier of this Software. # noqa: E501 @@ -880,418 +926,372 @@ def identifier(self, identifier): self._identifier = identifier @property - def memory_requirements(self): - """Gets the memory_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 - - Memory requirements of a software # noqa: E501 - - :return: The memory_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._memory_requirements - - @memory_requirements.setter - def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): - """Sets the memory_requirements of this Software. - - Memory requirements of a software # noqa: E501 - - :param memory_requirements: The memory_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements - - @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def issue_tracker(self): + """Gets the issue_tracker of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Website of the software # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The website of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The issue_tracker of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._website + return self._issue_tracker - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this Software. + @issue_tracker.setter + def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): + """Sets the issue_tracker of this Software. - Website of the software # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the issue tracker of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param website: The website of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param issue_tracker: The issue_tracker of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._website = website + self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this Software. # noqa: E501 - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._keywords - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this Software. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this Software. - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation - - @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this Software. # noqa: E501 - - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The author of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] - """ - return self._author - - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this Software. - - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param author: The author of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] - """ - - self._author = author + self._keywords = keywords @property - def processor_requirements(self): - """Gets the processor_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Processor requirements of a software component # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The processor_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._processor_requirements + return self._label - @processor_requirements.setter - def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): - """Sets the processor_requirements of this Software. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this Software. - Processor requirements of a software component # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param processor_requirements: The processor_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self._label = label @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._license - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this Software. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this Software. - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._license = license @property - def readme(self): - """Gets the readme of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this Software. # noqa: E501 - URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The readme of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The logo of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._readme + return self._logo - @readme.setter - def readme(self, readme): - """Sets the readme of this Software. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this Software. - URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param readme: The readme of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param logo: The logo of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._readme = readme + self._logo = logo @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def memory_requirements(self): + """Gets the memory_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Memory requirements of a software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The memory_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._memory_requirements - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this Software. + @memory_requirements.setter + def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): + """Sets the memory_requirements of this Software. - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Memory requirements of a software # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param memory_requirements: The memory_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this Software. # noqa: E501 - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._short_description + return self._operating_systems - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this Software. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this Software. - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def processor_requirements(self): + """Gets the processor_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Processor requirements of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The processor_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._processor_requirements - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this Software. + @processor_requirements.setter + def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): + """Sets the processor_requirements of this Software. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Processor requirements of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param processor_requirements: The processor_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._publisher - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this Software. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this Software. - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._publisher = publisher @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def readme(self): + """Gets the readme of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The readme of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._readme - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this Software. + @readme.setter + def readme(self, readme): + """Sets the readme of this Software. - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param readme: The readme of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._readme = readme @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._reference_publication - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this Software. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this Software. - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this Software. # noqa: E501 - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The screenshot of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._license + return self._screenshot - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this Software. + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this Software. - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._license = license + self._screenshot = screenshot @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The short_description of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._short_description - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this Software. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this Software. - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param short_description: The short_description of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._short_description = short_description @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._software_requirements - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this Software. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this Software. - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this Software. # noqa: E501 - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._support_details - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this Software. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this Software. - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._support_details = support_details @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The type of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._publisher + return self._type - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this Software. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this Software. - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this Software. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param type: The type of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1317,27 +1317,27 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this Software. # noqa: E501 + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this Software. # noqa: E501 - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + Website of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :return: The website of this Software. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._doi + return self._website - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this Software. + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this Software. - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + Website of the software # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this Software. # noqa: E501 + :param website: The website of this Software. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._doi = doi + self._website = website def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/software_configuration.py b/modelcatalog/models/software_configuration.py index d953ae8..54a1bff 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/software_configuration.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/software_configuration.py @@ -31,537 +31,583 @@ class SoftwareConfiguration(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_implementation_script_location': 'list[str]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', + 'date_published': 'list[str]', + 'description': 'list[str]', + 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_component_location': 'list[str]', + 'has_constraint': 'list[str]', 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'tag': 'list[str]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', + 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', + 'has_implementation_script_location': 'list[str]', + 'has_input': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_output': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', + 'has_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', + 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', 'has_sample_execution': 'list[SampleExecution]', 'has_sample_result': 'list[SampleResource]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'has_constraint': 'list[str]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', - 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]', - 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', + 'has_sample_visualization': 'list[Visualization]', 'has_setup': 'list[ConfigurationSetup]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', - 'has_output': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', - 'doi': 'list[str]', - 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 'has_component_location': 'list[str]', - 'support_details': 'list[str]', - 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'has_software_image': 'list[SoftwareImage]', + 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', + 'has_support_script_location': 'list[str]', 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', - 'description': 'list[str]', - 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', - 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', - 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', + 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'id': 'str', + 'identifier': 'list[str]', 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', - 'has_software_image': 'list[SoftwareImage]', - 'date_created': 'list[str]', - 'contributor': 'list[Person]', - 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'has_sample_visualization': 'list[Visualization]', + 'keywords': 'list[str]', + 'label': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'website': 'list[str]', - 'citation': 'list[str]', + 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', - 'has_support_script_location': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', 'readme': 'list[str]', - 'label': 'list[str]', - 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', - 'has_parameter': 'list[Parameter]', - 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'tag': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', - 'has_input': 'list[DatasetSpecification]' + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', - 'keywords': 'keywords', - 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', - 'has_implementation_script_location': 'hasImplementationScriptLocation', - 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', - 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'author': 'author', + 'citation': 'citation', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'compatibleVisualizationSoftware', + 'contributor': 'contributor', 'copyright_holder': 'copyrightHolder', - 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', - 'logo': 'logo', + 'date_created': 'dateCreated', + 'date_published': 'datePublished', + 'description': 'description', + 'doi': 'doi', + 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', + 'has_component_location': 'hasComponentLocation', + 'has_constraint': 'hasConstraint', 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', - 'tag': 'tag', - 'id': 'id', - 'identifier': 'identifier', + 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', + 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', + 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', + 'has_example': 'hasExample', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'has_execution_command': 'hasExecutionCommand', + 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', + 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', + 'has_implementation_script_location': 'hasImplementationScriptLocation', + 'has_input': 'hasInput', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'has_output': 'hasOutput', + 'has_parameter': 'hasParameter', + 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', 'has_sample_execution': 'hasSampleExecution', 'has_sample_result': 'hasSampleResult', - 'author': 'author', - 'has_constraint': 'hasConstraint', - 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', - 'short_description': 'shortDescription', - 'has_execution_command': 'hasExecutionCommand', - 'date_published': 'datePublished', - 'license': 'license', - 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', 'has_setup': 'hasSetup', - 'has_example': 'hasExample', - 'publisher': 'publisher', - 'has_output': 'hasOutput', - 'doi': 'doi', - 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', - 'has_component_location': 'hasComponentLocation', - 'support_details': 'supportDetails', - 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'has_software_image': 'hasSoftwareImage', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_support_script_location': 'hasSupportScriptLocation', 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', - 'description': 'description', - 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', - 'screenshot': 'screenshot', - 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', - 'has_software_image': 'hasSoftwareImage', - 'date_created': 'dateCreated', - 'contributor': 'contributor', - 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', - 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', - 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', + 'keywords': 'keywords', + 'label': 'label', + 'license': 'license', + 'logo': 'logo', 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', - 'website': 'website', - 'citation': 'citation', + 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', - 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', - 'has_support_script_location': 'hasSupportScriptLocation', + 'publisher': 'publisher', 'readme': 'readme', - 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', - 'has_parameter': 'hasParameter', - 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'tag': 'tag', + 'type': 'type', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', - 'has_input': 'hasInput' + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, tag=None, id=None, identifier=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, author=None, has_constraint=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, has_execution_command=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_setup=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, has_output=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, has_component_location=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, has_software_image=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_support_script_location=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, has_parameter=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, has_input=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_component_location=None, has_constraint=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_execution_command=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_implementation_script_location=None, has_input=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_output=None, has_parameter=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_execution=None, has_sample_result=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_setup=None, has_software_image=None, has_source_code=None, has_support_script_location=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, tag=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """SoftwareConfiguration - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_implementation_script_location = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None + self._date_created = None + self._date_published = None + self._description = None + self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_component_location = None + self._has_constraint = None self._has_contact_person = None - self._tag = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_execution_command = None + self._has_faq = None + self._has_funding = None + self._has_implementation_script_location = None + self._has_input = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._has_output = None + self._has_parameter = None + self._has_purpose = None self._has_sample_execution = None self._has_sample_result = None - self._author = None - self._has_constraint = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None - self._has_execution_command = None - self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None + self._has_sample_visualization = None self._has_setup = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None - self._has_output = None - self._doi = None - self._has_funding = None - self._has_component_location = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None + self._has_software_image = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_support_script_location = None self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None - self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_usage_notes = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None self._issue_tracker = None - self._has_software_image = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None - self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None - self._has_sample_visualization = None + self._keywords = None + self._label = None + self._license = None + self._logo = None self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None + self._operating_systems = None self._processor_requirements = None - self._has_usage_notes = None - self._has_support_script_location = None + self._publisher = None self._readme = None - self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None - self._has_parameter = None - self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._tag = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None - self._has_input = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo + self.date_created = date_created + self.date_published = date_published + self.description = description + self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_component_location = has_component_location + self.has_constraint = has_constraint self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - self.tag = tag - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command + self.has_faq = has_faq + self.has_funding = has_funding + self.has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self.has_input = has_input + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.has_output = has_output + self.has_parameter = has_parameter + self.has_purpose = has_purpose self.has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution self.has_sample_result = has_sample_result - self.author = author - self.has_constraint = has_constraint - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description - self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command - self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization self.has_setup = has_setup - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher - self.has_output = has_output - self.doi = doi - self.has_funding = has_funding - self.has_component_location = has_component_location - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version + self.has_software_image = has_software_image + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.has_software_image = has_software_image - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor - self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions - self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self.keywords = keywords + self.label = label + self.license = license + self.logo = logo self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation + self.operating_systems = operating_systems self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements - self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location + self.publisher = publisher self.readme = readme - self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption - self.has_parameter = has_parameter - self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.tag = tag + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index - self.has_input = has_input + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The author of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._author - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param author: The author of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._author = author @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The citation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._keywords + return self._citation - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param citation: The citation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._citation = citation @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._compatible_visualization_software - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The contributor of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] + """ + return self._contributor + + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this SoftwareConfiguration. + + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param contributor: The contributor of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] + """ + + self._contributor = contributor + + @property + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The copyright_holder of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._copyright_holder + + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this SoftwareConfiguration. + + Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def has_implementation_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_implementation_script_location + return self._date_created - @has_implementation_script_location.setter - def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): - """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location + self._date_created = date_created @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_published of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._date_published - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param date_published: The date_published of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._date_published = date_published @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._description - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._description = description @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._doi - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this SoftwareConfiguration. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._doi = doi @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._had_primary_source - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] + :return: The has_assumption of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software + return self._has_assumption - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property that links a software component to other useful software that canbe used to visualize its outputs # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_build_file of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._has_build_file - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Copyright holder for a software component # noqa: E501 + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_component_location(self): + """Gets the has_component_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_component_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._has_component_location - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_component_location.setter + def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): + """Sets the has_component_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._has_component_location = has_component_location @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_constraint(self): + """Gets the has_constraint of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_constraint of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._has_constraint - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_constraint.setter + def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): + """Sets the has_constraint of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._has_constraint = has_constraint @property def has_contact_person(self): @@ -587,510 +633,510 @@ def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def tag(self): - """Gets the tag of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The tag of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_documentation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._tag + return self._has_documentation - @tag.setter - def tag(self, tag): - """Sets the tag of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :param tag: The tag of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._tag = tag + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._has_download_instructions - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_download_url of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_download_url - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def has_sample_execution(self): - """Gets the has_sample_execution of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_execution of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleExecution] + :return: The has_example of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_sample_execution + return self._has_example - @has_sample_execution.setter - def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): - """Sets the has_sample_execution of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleExecution] + :param has_example: The has_example of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution + self._has_example = has_example @property - def has_sample_result(self): - """Gets the has_sample_result of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_result of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_sample_result + return self._has_executable_instructions - @has_sample_result.setter - def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): - """Sets the has_sample_result of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_executable_notebook - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareConfiguration. - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def has_constraint(self): - """Gets the has_constraint of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_execution_command(self): + """Gets the has_execution_command of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 + Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_constraint of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_execution_command of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_constraint + return self._has_execution_command - @has_constraint.setter - def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): - """Sets the has_constraint of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_execution_command.setter + def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): + """Sets the has_execution_command of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 + Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 - :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_execution_command: The has_execution_command of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_constraint = has_constraint + self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_faq - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this SoftwareConfiguration. - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_funding - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this SoftwareConfiguration. - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def has_execution_command(self): - """Gets the has_execution_command of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_implementation_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_implementation_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 + Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_execution_command of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_implementation_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_execution_command + return self._has_implementation_script_location - @has_execution_command.setter - def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): - """Sets the has_execution_command of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_implementation_script_location.setter + def has_implementation_script_location(self, has_implementation_script_location): + """Sets the has_implementation_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 + Property that points to the main runnable script for the current function # noqa: E501 - :param has_execution_command: The has_execution_command of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_implementation_script_location: The has_implementation_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command + self._has_implementation_script_location = has_implementation_script_location @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_input(self): + """Gets the has_input of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_input of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_input - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_input.setter + def has_input(self, has_input): + """Sets the has_input of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_input: The has_input of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_input = has_input @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._license + return self._has_installation_instructions - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._license = license + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_output(self): + """Gets the has_output of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_output of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_output - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_output.setter + def has_output(self, has_output): + """Sets the has_output of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_output: The has_output of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DatasetSpecification] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_output = has_output @property - def has_setup(self): - """Gets the has_setup of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_parameter(self): + """Gets the has_parameter of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_setup of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :return: The has_parameter of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Parameter] """ - return self._has_setup + return self._has_parameter - @has_setup.setter - def has_setup(self, has_setup): - """Sets the has_setup of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_parameter.setter + def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): + """Sets the has_parameter of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 - :param has_setup: The has_setup of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] + :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Parameter] """ - self._has_setup = has_setup + self._has_parameter = has_parameter @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_purpose of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_purpose - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this SoftwareConfiguration. - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_execution(self): + """Gets the has_sample_execution of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_sample_execution of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleExecution] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_sample_execution - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_sample_execution.setter + def has_sample_execution(self, has_sample_execution): + """Sets the has_sample_execution of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Property pointing to a sample execution of a software configuration # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_sample_execution: The has_sample_execution of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleExecution] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_sample_execution = has_sample_execution @property - def has_output(self): - """Gets the has_output of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_result(self): + """Gets the has_sample_result of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_output of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The has_sample_result of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._has_output + return self._has_sample_result - @has_output.setter - def has_output(self, has_output): - """Sets the has_output of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_sample_result.setter + def has_sample_result(self, has_sample_result): + """Sets the has_sample_result of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property that expresses what are the outputs of a model # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software configuration to a sample resource resulting from its execution # noqa: E501 - :param has_output: The has_output of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param has_sample_result: The has_sample_result of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._has_output = has_output + self._has_sample_result = has_sample_result @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_sample_visualization - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_setup(self): + """Gets the has_setup of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 + Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_setup of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_setup - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_setup.setter + def has_setup(self, has_setup): + """Sets the has_setup of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property that links a software project to its funding information # noqa: E501 + Property used to define configurations with some fixed resources and values. The rationale of this property is to allow predefined configurations # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_setup: The has_setup of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ConfigurationSetup] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_setup = has_setup @property - def has_component_location(self): - """Gets the has_component_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_software_image(self): + """Gets the has_software_image of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 + Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_component_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_software_image of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] """ - return self._has_component_location + return self._has_software_image - @has_component_location.setter - def has_component_location(self, has_component_location): - """Sets the has_component_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_software_image.setter + def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): + """Sets the has_software_image of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Location of the aggregation of all the files needed to execute the component. Usually a zip file including the run script and support scripts, including specification files # noqa: E501 + Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - :param has_component_location: The has_component_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareImage] """ - self._has_component_location = has_component_location + self._has_software_image = has_software_image @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_source_code of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_source_code - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_support_script_location(self): + """Gets the has_support_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_support_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_support_script_location - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_support_script_location.setter + def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): + """Sets the has_support_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -1116,96 +1162,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_usage_notes - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareConfiguration. - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_version of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_version - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_version: The has_version of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_version = has_version @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The id of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._screenshot + return self._id - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param id: The id of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1231,142 +1277,96 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def has_software_image(self): - """Gets the has_software_image of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - - Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_software_image of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareImage] - """ - return self._has_software_image - - @has_software_image.setter - def has_software_image(self, has_software_image): - """Sets the has_software_image of this SoftwareConfiguration. - - Function to link a function with its corresponding container # noqa: E501 - - :param has_software_image: The has_software_image of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareImage] - """ - - self._has_software_image = has_software_image - - @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created - - @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The contributor of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] - """ - return self._contributor - - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this SoftwareConfiguration. - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param contributor: The contributor of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] - """ - - self._contributor = contributor + self._keywords = keywords @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._label - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._label = label @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._license - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._license = license @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this SoftwareConfiguration. - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1389,53 +1389,30 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): :type: list[str] """ - self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements - - @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :return: The website of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._website - - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this SoftwareConfiguration. - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :param website: The website of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._website = website + self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._operating_systems - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this SoftwareConfiguration. - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1461,188 +1438,211 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property - def has_support_script_location(self): - """Gets the has_support_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def readme(self): + """Gets the readme of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 + URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_support_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The readme of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_support_script_location + return self._readme - @has_support_script_location.setter - def has_support_script_location(self, has_support_script_location): - """Sets the has_support_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @readme.setter + def readme(self, readme): + """Sets the readme of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property that links to the location of scripts that may be used from the main runnable script. # noqa: E501 + URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_support_script_location: The has_support_script_location of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param readme: The readme of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_support_script_location = has_support_script_location + self._readme = readme @property - def readme(self): - """Gets the readme of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The readme of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._readme + return self._reference_publication - @readme.setter - def readme(self, readme): - """Sets the readme of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this SoftwareConfiguration. - URl to the readme file of a software component # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :param readme: The readme of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._readme = readme + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this SoftwareConfiguration. + + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._short_description - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this SoftwareConfiguration. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._short_description = short_description @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._software_requirements - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_parameter(self): - """Gets the has_parameter of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_parameter of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Parameter] + :return: The support_details of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_parameter + return self._support_details - @has_parameter.setter - def has_parameter(self, has_parameter): - """Sets the has_parameter of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property that indicates the parameters of a model configuration # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :param has_parameter: The has_parameter of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Parameter] + :param support_details: The support_details of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_parameter = has_parameter + self._support_details = support_details @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def tag(self): + """Gets the tag of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The tag of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._tag - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @tag.setter + def tag(self, tag): + """Sets the tag of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param tag: The tag of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._tag = tag @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :return: The type of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._type - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :param type: The type of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1668,27 +1668,27 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index @property - def has_input(self): - """Gets the has_input of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 + Website of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_input of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DatasetSpecification] + :return: The website of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_input + return self._website - @has_input.setter - def has_input(self, has_input): - """Sets the has_input of this SoftwareConfiguration. + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this SoftwareConfiguration. - Property that links a model configuration to the input types expected by it. # noqa: E501 + Website of the software # noqa: E501 - :param has_input: The has_input of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DatasetSpecification] + :param website: The website of this SoftwareConfiguration. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_input = has_input + self._website = website def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/software_image.py b/modelcatalog/models/software_image.py index ec33a9f..7708341 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/software_image.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/software_image.py @@ -31,378 +31,286 @@ class SoftwareImage(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'available_in_registry': 'list[str]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', - 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', - 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', - 'doi': 'list[str]', - 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 'support_details': 'list[str]', - 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', - 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', 'description': 'list[str]', - 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', - 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'doi': 'list[str]', 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', - 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', - 'date_created': 'list[str]', - 'contributor': 'list[Person]', - 'available_in_registry': 'list[str]', - 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_execution_command': 'list[str]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', + 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', 'has_sample_visualization': 'list[Visualization]', - 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'website': 'list[str]', - 'citation': 'list[str]', - 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', - 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'id': 'str', + 'identifier': 'list[str]', + 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', + 'keywords': 'list[str]', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', - 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]' + 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', + 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', - 'keywords': 'keywords', - 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', - 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', - 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'author': 'author', + 'available_in_registry': 'availableInRegistry', + 'citation': 'citation', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'compatibleVisualizationSoftware', + 'contributor': 'contributor', 'copyright_holder': 'copyrightHolder', - 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', - 'logo': 'logo', - 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', - 'id': 'id', - 'identifier': 'identifier', - 'author': 'author', - 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', - 'short_description': 'shortDescription', - 'has_execution_command': 'hasExecutionCommand', + 'date_created': 'dateCreated', 'date_published': 'datePublished', - 'license': 'license', - 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', - 'has_example': 'hasExample', - 'publisher': 'publisher', - 'doi': 'doi', - 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', - 'support_details': 'supportDetails', - 'has_version': 'hasVersion', - 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', 'description': 'description', - 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', - 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'doi': 'doi', 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', - 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', - 'date_created': 'dateCreated', - 'contributor': 'contributor', - 'available_in_registry': 'availableInRegistry', - 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', + 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', + 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', + 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', + 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', + 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', + 'has_example': 'hasExample', 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'has_execution_command': 'hasExecutionCommand', + 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', + 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', - 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', - 'website': 'website', - 'citation': 'citation', - 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', - 'readme': 'readme', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', + 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', + 'keywords': 'keywords', 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'license': 'license', + 'logo': 'logo', + 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', - 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex' + 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', + 'publisher': 'publisher', + 'readme': 'readme', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'type': 'type', + 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, id=None, identifier=None, author=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, has_execution_command=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, available_in_registry=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, available_in_registry=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_execution_command=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_source_code=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """SoftwareImage - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._available_in_registry = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None - self._has_contact_person = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None - self._author = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None - self._has_execution_command = None + self._date_created = None self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None - self._doi = None - self._has_funding = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None + self._doi = None self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None - self._available_in_registry = None - self._has_purpose = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_contact_person = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_example = None self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_execution_command = None + self._has_faq = None + self._has_funding = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._has_purpose = None self._has_sample_visualization = None - self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._processor_requirements = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None self._has_usage_notes = None - self._readme = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None + self._license = None + self._logo = None + self._memory_requirements = None self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._processor_requirements = None + self._publisher = None + self._readme = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.available_in_registry = available_in_registry + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo - self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier - self.author = author - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description - self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command + self.date_created = date_created self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher - self.doi = doi - self.has_funding = has_funding - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot + self.doi = doi self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor - self.available_in_registry = available_in_registry - self.has_purpose = has_purpose + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_example = has_example self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_execution_command = has_execution_command + self.has_faq = has_faq + self.has_funding = has_funding + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.has_purpose = has_purpose self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.readme = readme + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.license = license + self.logo = logo + self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.publisher = publisher + self.readme = readme + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_download_instructions - - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareImage. - - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - - @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The keywords of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._keywords - - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this SoftwareImage. - - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param keywords: The keywords of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._keywords = keywords - - @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_documentation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_documentation - - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this SoftwareImage. - - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_documentation = has_documentation - - @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The software_requirements of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._software_requirements - - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this SoftwareImage. - - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._software_requirements = software_requirements - - @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The author of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._author - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this SoftwareImage. + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this SoftwareImage. - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param author: The author of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._author = author @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def available_in_registry(self): + """Gets the available_in_registry of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates in which registry the software image being described can be found. For example, https://hub.docker.com # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The available_in_registry of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._available_in_registry - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this SoftwareImage. + @available_in_registry.setter + def available_in_registry(self, available_in_registry): + """Sets the available_in_registry of this SoftwareImage. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates in which registry the software image being described can be found. For example, https://hub.docker.com # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param available_in_registry: The available_in_registry of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._available_in_registry = available_in_registry @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The citation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._citation - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareImage. + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this SoftwareImage. - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param citation: The citation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._citation = citation @property def compatible_visualization_software(self): @@ -427,6 +335,29 @@ def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The contributor of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] + """ + return self._contributor + + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this SoftwareImage. + + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param contributor: The contributor of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] + """ + + self._contributor = contributor + @property def copyright_holder(self): """Gets the copyright_holder of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 @@ -451,142 +382,142 @@ def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._date_created - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this SoftwareImage. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this SoftwareImage. - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._date_created = date_created @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The date_published of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._date_published - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this SoftwareImage. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this SoftwareImage. - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param date_published: The date_published of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._date_published = date_published @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_contact_person of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._description - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this SoftwareImage. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this SoftwareImage. - Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param description: The description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._description = description @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The doi of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._doi - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this SoftwareImage. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this SoftwareImage. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param doi: The doi of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._doi = doi @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._identifier + return self._had_primary_source - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this SoftwareImage. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareImage. - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_assumption of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_assumption - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this SoftwareImage. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this SoftwareImage. - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property def has_build_file(self): @@ -594,206 +525,229 @@ def has_build_file(self): A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_build_file of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_build_file + + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this SoftwareImage. + + A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_build_file = has_build_file + + @property + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + + Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_contact_person of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_contact_person - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this SoftwareImage. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this SoftwareImage. - A file (e.g., Dockerfile) with executable instructions indicating how a Software Image or a Software component is built # noqa: E501 + Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_documentation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_documentation - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this SoftwareImage. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this SoftwareImage. - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def has_execution_command(self): - """Gets the has_execution_command of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_execution_command of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_execution_command + return self._has_download_instructions - @has_execution_command.setter - def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): - """Sets the has_execution_command of this SoftwareImage. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareImage. - Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_execution_command: The has_execution_command of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_download_url of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_download_url - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this SoftwareImage. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this SoftwareImage. - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._license + return self._has_example - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this SoftwareImage. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this SoftwareImage. - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._license = license + self._has_example = has_example @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_executable_instructions - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this SoftwareImage. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareImage. - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_executable_notebook - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this SoftwareImage. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareImage. - An example explaining a scenario where the software component was used in plain language. # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_execution_command(self): + """Gets the has_execution_command of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_execution_command of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_execution_command - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this SoftwareImage. + @has_execution_command.setter + def has_execution_command(self, has_execution_command): + """Sets the has_execution_command of this SoftwareImage. - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Execution instructions on how to run the image # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_execution_command: The has_execution_command of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_execution_command = has_execution_command @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_faq - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this SoftwareImage. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this SoftwareImage. - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_faq = has_faq @property def has_funding(self): @@ -819,50 +773,96 @@ def has_funding(self, has_funding): self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_installation_instructions + + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareImage. + + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + + @property + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_purpose of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_purpose + + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this SoftwareImage. + + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_purpose = has_purpose + + @property + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_sample_visualization - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this SoftwareImage. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareImage. - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_source_code of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_source_code - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this SoftwareImage. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this SoftwareImage. - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -888,96 +888,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_usage_notes - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this SoftwareImage. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareImage. - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_version of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_version - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this SoftwareImage. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this SoftwareImage. - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_version: The has_version of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_version = has_version @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The id of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._screenshot + return self._id - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this SoftwareImage. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this SoftwareImage. - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param id: The id of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareImage. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this SoftwareImage. - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1003,142 +1003,96 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - - :return: The date_created of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._date_created - - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this SoftwareImage. - - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - - :param date_created: The date_created of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._date_created = date_created - - @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The contributor of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] - """ - return self._contributor - - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this SoftwareImage. - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param contributor: The contributor of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] - """ - - self._contributor = contributor - - @property - def available_in_registry(self): - """Gets the available_in_registry of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Property that indicates in which registry the software image being described can be found. For example, https://hub.docker.com # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The available_in_registry of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._available_in_registry + return self._keywords - @available_in_registry.setter - def available_in_registry(self, available_in_registry): - """Sets the available_in_registry of this SoftwareImage. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this SoftwareImage. - Property that indicates in which registry the software image being described can be found. For example, https://hub.docker.com # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param available_in_registry: The available_in_registry of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._available_in_registry = available_in_registry + self._keywords = keywords @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._label - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this SoftwareImage. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this SoftwareImage. - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._label = label @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._license - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareImage. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this SoftwareImage. - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._license = license @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareImage. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this SoftwareImage. - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1164,50 +1118,27 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :return: The website of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._website - - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this SoftwareImage. - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :param website: The website of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._website = website - - @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._operating_systems - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this SoftwareImage. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this SoftwareImage. - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1233,27 +1164,27 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareImage. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this SoftwareImage. - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property def readme(self): @@ -1279,96 +1210,142 @@ def readme(self, readme): self._readme = readme @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._reference_publication - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this SoftwareImage. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this SoftwareImage. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this SoftwareImage. + + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._short_description - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this SoftwareImage. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this SoftwareImage. - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._short_description = short_description @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._software_requirements - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this SoftwareImage. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this SoftwareImage. - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._support_details - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareImage. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this SoftwareImage. - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._support_details = support_details + + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this SoftwareImage. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1393,6 +1370,29 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + @property + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + + Website of the software # noqa: E501 + + :return: The website of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._website + + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this SoftwareImage. + + Website of the software # noqa: E501 + + :param website: The website of this SoftwareImage. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._website = website + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/software_version.py b/modelcatalog/models/software_version.py index ce3d944..00f69c2 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/software_version.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/software_version.py @@ -31,382 +31,267 @@ class SoftwareVersion(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', - 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'tag': 'list[str]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'has_configuration': 'list[SoftwareConfiguration]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', - 'doi': 'list[str]', - 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 'support_details': 'list[str]', - 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', - 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', 'description': 'list[str]', - 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', - 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'doi': 'list[str]', 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', - 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', - 'date_created': 'list[str]', - 'contributor': 'list[Person]', - 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_configuration': 'list[SoftwareConfiguration]', + 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', + 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_purpose': 'list[str]', 'has_sample_visualization': 'list[Visualization]', - 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'website': 'list[str]', - 'citation': 'list[str]', - 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'list[str]', 'has_usage_notes': 'list[str]', - 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'has_version': 'list[SoftwareVersion]', + 'has_version_id': 'list[str]', + 'id': 'str', + 'identifier': 'list[str]', + 'issue_tracker': 'list[str]', + 'keywords': 'list[str]', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'logo': 'list[Image]', + 'memory_requirements': 'list[str]', 'operating_systems': 'list[str]', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'processor_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'readme': 'list[str]', + 'reference_publication': 'list[str]', + 'screenshot': 'list[Image]', + 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', + 'support_details': 'list[str]', + 'tag': 'list[str]', + 'type': 'list[str]', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'list[NumericalIndex]', - 'has_version_id': 'list[str]' + 'website': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', - 'keywords': 'keywords', - 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', - 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', - 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', - 'type': 'type', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'author': 'author', + 'citation': 'citation', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'compatibleVisualizationSoftware', + 'contributor': 'contributor', 'copyright_holder': 'copyrightHolder', - 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', - 'logo': 'logo', - 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', - 'tag': 'tag', - 'id': 'id', - 'identifier': 'identifier', - 'has_configuration': 'hasConfiguration', - 'author': 'author', - 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', - 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'date_created': 'dateCreated', 'date_published': 'datePublished', - 'license': 'license', - 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', - 'has_example': 'hasExample', - 'publisher': 'publisher', - 'doi': 'doi', - 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', - 'support_details': 'supportDetails', - 'has_version': 'hasVersion', - 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', 'description': 'description', - 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', - 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'doi': 'doi', 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', - 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', - 'date_created': 'dateCreated', - 'contributor': 'contributor', - 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', + 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'has_build_file': 'hasBuildFile', + 'has_configuration': 'hasConfiguration', + 'has_contact_person': 'hasContactPerson', + 'has_documentation': 'hasDocumentation', + 'has_download_instructions': 'hasDownloadInstructions', + 'has_download_url': 'hasDownloadURL', + 'has_example': 'hasExample', 'has_executable_instructions': 'hasExecutableInstructions', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'has_faq': 'hasFAQ', + 'has_funding': 'hasFunding', + 'has_installation_instructions': 'hasInstallationInstructions', + 'has_purpose': 'hasPurpose', 'has_sample_visualization': 'hasSampleVisualization', - 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', - 'website': 'website', - 'citation': 'citation', - 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', + 'has_source_code': 'hasSourceCode', + 'has_typical_data_source': 'hasTypicalDataSource', 'has_usage_notes': 'hasUsageNotes', - 'readme': 'readme', + 'has_version': 'hasVersion', + 'has_version_id': 'hasVersionId', + 'id': 'id', + 'identifier': 'identifier', + 'issue_tracker': 'issueTracker', + 'keywords': 'keywords', 'label': 'label', - 'has_assumption': 'hasAssumption', + 'license': 'license', + 'logo': 'logo', + 'memory_requirements': 'memoryRequirements', 'operating_systems': 'operatingSystems', - 'has_executable_notebook': 'hasExecutableNotebook', + 'processor_requirements': 'processorRequirements', + 'publisher': 'publisher', + 'readme': 'readme', + 'reference_publication': 'referencePublication', + 'screenshot': 'screenshot', + 'short_description': 'shortDescription', + 'software_requirements': 'softwareRequirements', + 'support_details': 'supportDetails', + 'tag': 'tag', + 'type': 'type', 'useful_for_calculating_index': 'usefulForCalculatingIndex', - 'has_version_id': 'hasVersionId' + 'website': 'website' } - def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, tag=None, id=None, identifier=None, has_configuration=None, author=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, has_version_id=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_configuration=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_source_code=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, has_version_id=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, tag=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """SoftwareVersion - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None - self._has_contact_person = None - self._tag = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None - self._has_configuration = None - self._author = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None + self._date_created = None self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None - self._doi = None - self._has_funding = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None + self._doi = None self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None - self._has_purpose = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_configuration = None + self._has_contact_person = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_example = None self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_faq = None + self._has_funding = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._has_purpose = None self._has_sample_visualization = None - self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._processor_requirements = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None self._has_usage_notes = None - self._readme = None + self._has_version = None + self._has_version_id = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None + self._license = None + self._logo = None + self._memory_requirements = None self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._processor_requirements = None + self._publisher = None + self._readme = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._tag = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None - self._has_version_id = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo - self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - self.tag = tag - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier - self.has_configuration = has_configuration - self.author = author - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description + self.date_created = date_created self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher - self.doi = doi - self.has_funding = has_funding - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot + self.doi = doi self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor - self.has_purpose = has_purpose + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_configuration = has_configuration + self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_example = has_example self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_faq = has_faq + self.has_funding = has_funding + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.has_purpose = has_purpose self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.readme = readme + self.has_version = has_version + self.has_version_id = has_version_id + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.license = license + self.logo = logo + self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.publisher = publisher + self.readme = readme + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.tag = tag + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index - self.has_version_id = has_version_id - - @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_download_instructions - - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. - - Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - - @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The keywords of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._keywords - - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this SoftwareVersion. - - Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param keywords: The keywords of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._keywords = keywords - - @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_documentation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_documentation - - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this SoftwareVersion. - - Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_documentation = has_documentation - - @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The software_requirements of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._software_requirements - - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this SoftwareVersion. - - Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._software_requirements = software_requirements - - @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_download_url of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_download_url - - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this SoftwareVersion. - - Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self.website = website @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The author of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._type + return self._author - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this SoftwareVersion. + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this SoftwareVersion. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param author: The author of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._type = type + self._author = author @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The citation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._citation - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this SoftwareVersion. - Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 + How to cite this software # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param citation: The citation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._citation = citation @property def compatible_visualization_software(self): @@ -431,6 +316,29 @@ def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The contributor of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] + """ + return self._contributor + + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this SoftwareVersion. + + Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param contributor: The contributor of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] + """ + + self._contributor = contributor + @property def copyright_holder(self): """Gets the copyright_holder of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 @@ -455,188 +363,142 @@ def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._date_created - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this SoftwareVersion. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this SoftwareVersion. - Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq - - @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The logo of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] - """ - return self._logo - - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this SoftwareVersion. - - Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param logo: The logo of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] - """ - - self._logo = logo - - @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - - Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_contact_person of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] - """ - return self._has_contact_person - - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this SoftwareVersion. - - Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] - """ - - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._date_created = date_created @property - def tag(self): - """Gets the tag of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :return: The tag of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_published of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._tag + return self._date_published - @tag.setter - def tag(self, tag): - """Sets the tag of this SoftwareVersion. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this SoftwareVersion. - Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 - :param tag: The tag of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param date_published: The date_published of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._tag = tag + self._date_published = date_published @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._description - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this SoftwareVersion. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this SoftwareVersion. - identifier # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param description: The description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._description = description @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._doi - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this SoftwareVersion. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this SoftwareVersion. - Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 + Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._doi = doi @property - def has_configuration(self): - """Gets the has_configuration of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a model to one of its configurations. A model may have multiple configurations, each of which is unique in terms of the inputs and outputs it uses. # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_configuration of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareConfiguration] + :return: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_configuration + return self._had_primary_source - @has_configuration.setter - def has_configuration(self, has_configuration): - """Sets the has_configuration of this SoftwareVersion. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareVersion. - Property that links a model to one of its configurations. A model may have multiple configurations, each of which is unique in terms of the inputs and outputs it uses. # noqa: E501 + Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_configuration: The has_configuration of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareConfiguration] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_configuration = has_configuration + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_assumption of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_assumption - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this SoftwareVersion. - The creator of a software component # noqa: E501 + Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property def has_build_file(self): @@ -662,96 +524,119 @@ def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_configuration(self): + """Gets the has_configuration of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that links a model to one of its configurations. A model may have multiple configurations, each of which is unique in terms of the inputs and outputs it uses. # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_configuration of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareConfiguration] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_configuration - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_configuration.setter + def has_configuration(self, has_configuration): + """Sets the has_configuration of this SoftwareVersion. - A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Property that links a model to one of its configurations. A model may have multiple configurations, each of which is unique in terms of the inputs and outputs it uses. # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_configuration: The has_configuration of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareConfiguration] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_configuration = has_configuration @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_contact_person of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._has_contact_person + + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this SoftwareVersion. + + Contact person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + + @property + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_documentation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_documentation - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this SoftwareVersion. - Date when a software component was published # noqa: E501 + Pointer to the documentation of the model # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._license + return self._has_download_instructions - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + Instructions needed to download a software component. The difference with `hasDownloadURL` is that this property captures the human readable instructions required to download software. For example, sometimes an authentication is needed, users need to fill in a form, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._license = license + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_download_url of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_download_url - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this SoftwareVersion. - Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 + Download URL where to obtain the source/executable of the software # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property def has_example(self): @@ -777,50 +662,73 @@ def has_example(self, has_example): self._has_example = has_example @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_executable_instructions - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. - Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 + Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_executable_notebook - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareVersion. - Digital Object Identifier associated with a software component # noqa: E501 + Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + + @property + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_faq of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_faq + + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this SoftwareVersion. + + Frequently asked questions about a software # noqa: E501 + + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_faq = has_faq @property def has_funding(self): @@ -846,50 +754,96 @@ def has_funding(self, has_funding): self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_installation_instructions - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. - Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 + Instructions required to install this particular piece of software. Installation instructions usually are available in a human-readable manner. # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + + @property + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_purpose of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_purpose + + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this SoftwareVersion. + + Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_purpose = has_purpose + + @property + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] + """ + return self._has_sample_visualization + + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareVersion. + + A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] + """ + + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_source_code of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_source_code - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this SoftwareVersion. - Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software with its software source code (which may reside in a code repository such as GitHub) # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -915,96 +869,119 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_usage_notes - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareVersion. - small description # noqa: E501 + Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_version of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + """ + return self._has_version + + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this SoftwareVersion. + + Property designed to link a software component with its corresponding versions # noqa: E501 + + :param has_version: The has_version of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + """ + + self._has_version = has_version + + @property + def has_version_id(self): + """Gets the has_version_id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + + Identifier of the version of this software # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_version_id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_version_id - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this SoftwareVersion. + @has_version_id.setter + def has_version_id(self, has_version_id): + """Sets the has_version_id of this SoftwareVersion. - Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the version of this software # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param has_version_id: The has_version_id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_version_id = has_version_id @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._screenshot + return self._id - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this SoftwareVersion. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this SoftwareVersion. - Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param id: The id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this SoftwareVersion. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this SoftwareVersion. - Property to identify the original source of the information of the annotated resource. It could be a web page, an organization, a person, some experiment notes, etc. # noqa: E501 + Identifier of the resource being described # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1030,119 +1007,96 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this SoftwareVersion. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this SoftwareVersion. - Date when a software component was created # noqa: E501 + Keywords associated with a software component # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created - - @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The contributor of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] - """ - return self._contributor - - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this SoftwareVersion. - - Contributor to a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param contributor: The contributor of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] - """ - - self._contributor = contributor + self._keywords = keywords @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._label - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this SoftwareVersion. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this SoftwareVersion. - Objective or main functionality that can be achieved by running this software # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._label = label @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._license - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this SoftwareVersion. - Instructions that indicate how a software component should be executed. The difference with `hasExecutionCommand` is that the execution instructions aim to be human-readable, and have explanations between the different commands and instructions # noqa: E501 + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._license = license @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareVersion. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this SoftwareVersion. - A typical sample visualization of the softwware outputs # noqa: E501 + Property that links to the image used as logo for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1168,50 +1122,27 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :return: The website of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._website - - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this SoftwareVersion. - - Website of the software # noqa: E501 - - :param website: The website of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._website = website - - @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._operating_systems - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this SoftwareVersion. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this SoftwareVersion. - How to cite this software # noqa: E501 + Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1237,27 +1168,27 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this SoftwareVersion. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this SoftwareVersion. - Property that describes the usage considerations of a particular software. These notes capture the rationale of for that software configuration, along with an explanation for sample inputs, things to consider when running the model with data, etc. # noqa: E501 + Publisher organization or person responsible for a software component # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property def readme(self): @@ -1283,96 +1214,165 @@ def readme(self, readme): self._readme = readme @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._reference_publication - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this SoftwareVersion. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this SoftwareVersion. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Main publication to cite for this software component # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this SoftwareVersion. + + Image illustrating a snapshot of the target software # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._short_description - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this SoftwareVersion. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this SoftwareVersion. - Assumptions of a software, e.g. the solver being used for a particular model, the source of the data (e.g., all data must have a given resolution), etc. # noqa: E501 + A summarized description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._short_description = short_description @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._software_requirements - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this SoftwareVersion. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this SoftwareVersion. - Operating systems under which a software component can operate # noqa: E501 + Software requirements needed to install a software component # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._support_details - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareVersion. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this SoftwareVersion. - Property that links a software component with an executable notebook (e.g., Jupyter notebook) that illustrates how to use it in an executable manner. # noqa: E501 + Property to link details, such as mailing lists in case a contact person is not provided # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._support_details = support_details + + @property + def tag(self): + """Gets the tag of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + + Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + + :return: The tag of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._tag + + @tag.setter + def tag(self, tag): + """Sets the tag of this SoftwareVersion. + + Tag used to annotate a version or a software configuration. This annotation is useful to show which version is the latest, or which version is deprecated. Supported tags are: \"latest\", \"deprecated\" # noqa: E501 + + :param tag: The tag of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._tag = tag + + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this SoftwareVersion. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1398,27 +1398,27 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index @property - def has_version_id(self): - """Gets the has_version_id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 - Identifier of the version of this software # noqa: E501 + Website of the software # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version_id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :return: The website of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_version_id + return self._website - @has_version_id.setter - def has_version_id(self, has_version_id): - """Sets the has_version_id of this SoftwareVersion. + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this SoftwareVersion. - Identifier of the version of this software # noqa: E501 + Website of the software # noqa: E501 - :param has_version_id: The has_version_id of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 + :param website: The website of this SoftwareVersion. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_version_id = has_version_id + self._website = website def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/source_code.py b/modelcatalog/models/source_code.py index 16e669b..1bf2a78 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/source_code.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/source_code.py @@ -31,91 +31,68 @@ class SourceCode(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'programming_language': 'list[str]', - 'description': 'list[str]', 'code_repository': 'list[str]', + 'description': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', + 'license': 'list[str]', + 'programming_language': 'list[str]', 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'license': 'license', - 'programming_language': 'programmingLanguage', - 'description': 'description', 'code_repository': 'codeRepository', + 'description': 'description', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', + 'license': 'license', + 'programming_language': 'programmingLanguage', 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, license=None, programming_language=None, description=None, code_repository=None, id=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, code_repository=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, license=None, programming_language=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """SourceCode - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._license = None - self._programming_language = None - self._description = None self._code_repository = None + self._description = None self._id = None self._label = None + self._license = None + self._programming_language = None self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.license = license - self.programming_language = programming_language - self.description = description self.code_repository = code_repository + self.description = description if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label + self.license = license + self.programming_language = programming_language self.type = type @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 - - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - - :return: The license of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._license - - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this SourceCode. - - License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 - - :param license: The license of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._license = license - - @property - def programming_language(self): - """Gets the programming_language of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 + def code_repository(self): + """Gets the code_repository of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 - Language used to code a software component # noqa: E501 + URL to the code repository of a software component # noqa: E501 - :return: The programming_language of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 + :return: The code_repository of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._programming_language + return self._code_repository - @programming_language.setter - def programming_language(self, programming_language): - """Sets the programming_language of this SourceCode. + @code_repository.setter + def code_repository(self, code_repository): + """Sets the code_repository of this SourceCode. - Language used to code a software component # noqa: E501 + URL to the code repository of a software component # noqa: E501 - :param programming_language: The programming_language of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 + :param code_repository: The code_repository of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._programming_language = programming_language + self._code_repository = code_repository @property def description(self): @@ -140,29 +117,6 @@ def description(self, description): self._description = description - @property - def code_repository(self): - """Gets the code_repository of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 - - URL to the code repository of a software component # noqa: E501 - - :return: The code_repository of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._code_repository - - @code_repository.setter - def code_repository(self, code_repository): - """Sets the code_repository of this SourceCode. - - URL to the code repository of a software component # noqa: E501 - - :param code_repository: The code_repository of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._code_repository = code_repository - @property def id(self): """Gets the id of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 @@ -209,6 +163,52 @@ def label(self, label): self._label = label + @property + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 + + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + + :return: The license of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._license + + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this SourceCode. + + License of a software component or its source code # noqa: E501 + + :param license: The license of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._license = license + + @property + def programming_language(self): + """Gets the programming_language of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 + + Language used to code a software component # noqa: E501 + + :return: The programming_language of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._programming_language + + @programming_language.setter + def programming_language(self, programming_language): + """Sets the programming_language of this SourceCode. + + Language used to code a software component # noqa: E501 + + :param programming_language: The programming_language of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._programming_language = programming_language + @property def type(self): """Gets the type of this SourceCode. # noqa: E501 diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/spatially_distributed_grid.py b/modelcatalog/models/spatially_distributed_grid.py index 32f53f3..e55c558 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/spatially_distributed_grid.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/spatially_distributed_grid.py @@ -31,342 +31,342 @@ class SpatiallyDistributedGrid(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_dimensionality': 'list[int]', - 'has_format': 'list[str]', - 'path_location': 'list[str]', - 'has_file_structure': 'list[object]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'has_coordinate_system': 'list[str]', 'has_data_transformation': 'list[DataTransformation]', - 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', - 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', + 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'list[DataTransformationSetup]', + 'has_dimension': 'list[str]', + 'has_dimensionality': 'list[int]', + 'has_file_structure': 'list[object]', 'has_fixed_resource': 'list[SampleResource]', - 'has_coordinate_system': 'list[str]', + 'has_format': 'list[str]', + 'has_presentation': 'list[VariablePresentation]', + 'has_shape': 'list[str]', 'has_spatial_resolution': 'list[str]', + 'id': 'str', 'is_transformed_from': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', - 'has_shape': 'list[str]', - 'has_dimension': 'list[str]', - 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'list[DataTransformationSetup]', + 'label': 'list[str]', + 'path_location': 'list[str]', 'position': 'list[int]', - 'id': 'str' + 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_dimensionality': 'hasDimensionality', - 'has_format': 'hasFormat', - 'path_location': 'pathLocation', - 'has_file_structure': 'hasFileStructure', 'description': 'description', + 'has_coordinate_system': 'hasCoordinateSystem', 'has_data_transformation': 'hasDataTransformation', - 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', - 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type', + 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'hasDataTransformationSetup', + 'has_dimension': 'hasDimension', + 'has_dimensionality': 'hasDimensionality', + 'has_file_structure': 'hasFileStructure', 'has_fixed_resource': 'hasFixedResource', - 'has_coordinate_system': 'hasCoordinateSystem', + 'has_format': 'hasFormat', + 'has_presentation': 'hasPresentation', + 'has_shape': 'hasShape', 'has_spatial_resolution': 'hasSpatialResolution', + 'id': 'id', 'is_transformed_from': 'isTransformedFrom', - 'has_shape': 'hasShape', - 'has_dimension': 'hasDimension', - 'has_data_transformation_setup': 'hasDataTransformationSetup', + 'label': 'label', + 'path_location': 'pathLocation', 'position': 'position', - 'id': 'id' + 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, has_dimensionality=None, has_format=None, path_location=None, has_file_structure=None, description=None, has_data_transformation=None, has_presentation=None, label=None, type=None, has_fixed_resource=None, has_coordinate_system=None, has_spatial_resolution=None, is_transformed_from=None, has_shape=None, has_dimension=None, has_data_transformation_setup=None, position=None, id=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, has_coordinate_system=None, has_data_transformation=None, has_data_transformation_setup=None, has_dimension=None, has_dimensionality=None, has_file_structure=None, has_fixed_resource=None, has_format=None, has_presentation=None, has_shape=None, has_spatial_resolution=None, id=None, is_transformed_from=None, label=None, path_location=None, position=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """SpatiallyDistributedGrid - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_dimensionality = None - self._has_format = None - self._path_location = None - self._has_file_structure = None self._description = None + self._has_coordinate_system = None self._has_data_transformation = None - self._has_presentation = None - self._label = None - self._type = None + self._has_data_transformation_setup = None + self._has_dimension = None + self._has_dimensionality = None + self._has_file_structure = None self._has_fixed_resource = None - self._has_coordinate_system = None + self._has_format = None + self._has_presentation = None + self._has_shape = None self._has_spatial_resolution = None + self._id = None self._is_transformed_from = None - self._has_shape = None - self._has_dimension = None - self._has_data_transformation_setup = None + self._label = None + self._path_location = None self._position = None - self._id = None + self._type = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality - self.has_format = has_format - self.path_location = path_location - self.has_file_structure = has_file_structure self.description = description + self.has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system self.has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation - self.has_presentation = has_presentation - self.label = label - self.type = type + self.has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup + self.has_dimension = has_dimension + self.has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality + self.has_file_structure = has_file_structure self.has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource - self.has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system - self.has_spatial_resolution = has_spatial_resolution - self.is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from + self.has_format = has_format + self.has_presentation = has_presentation self.has_shape = has_shape - self.has_dimension = has_dimension - self.has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup - self.position = position + self.has_spatial_resolution = has_spatial_resolution if id is not None: self.id = id + self.is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from + self.label = label + self.path_location = path_location + self.position = position + self.type = type @property - def has_dimensionality(self): - """Gets the has_dimensionality of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_dimensionality of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[int] + :return: The description of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_dimensionality + return self._description - @has_dimensionality.setter - def has_dimensionality(self, has_dimensionality): - """Sets the has_dimensionality of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_dimensionality: The has_dimensionality of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[int] + :param description: The description of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality + self._description = description @property - def has_format(self): - """Gets the has_format of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_coordinate_system(self): + """Gets the has_coordinate_system of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_format of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_coordinate_system of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_format + return self._has_coordinate_system - @has_format.setter - def has_format(self, has_format): - """Sets the has_format of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @has_coordinate_system.setter + def has_coordinate_system(self, has_coordinate_system): + """Sets the has_coordinate_system of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 - :param has_format: The has_format of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_coordinate_system: The has_coordinate_system of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_format = has_format + self._has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system @property - def path_location(self): - """Gets the path_location of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_data_transformation(self): + """Gets the has_data_transformation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The path_location of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_data_transformation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DataTransformation] """ - return self._path_location + return self._has_data_transformation - @path_location.setter - def path_location(self, path_location): - """Sets the path_location of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @has_data_transformation.setter + def has_data_transformation(self, has_data_transformation): + """Sets the has_data_transformation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param path_location: The path_location of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_data_transformation: The has_data_transformation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DataTransformation] """ - self._path_location = path_location + self._has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation @property - def has_file_structure(self): - """Gets the has_file_structure of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_data_transformation_setup(self): + """Gets the has_data_transformation_setup of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_file_structure of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_data_transformation_setup of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[DataTransformationSetup] """ - return self._has_file_structure + return self._has_data_transformation_setup - @has_file_structure.setter - def has_file_structure(self, has_file_structure): - """Sets the has_file_structure of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @has_data_transformation_setup.setter + def has_data_transformation_setup(self, has_data_transformation_setup): + """Sets the has_data_transformation_setup of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_file_structure: The has_file_structure of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_data_transformation_setup: The has_data_transformation_setup of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[DataTransformationSetup] """ - self._has_file_structure = has_file_structure + self._has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_dimension(self): + """Gets the has_dimension of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_dimension of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_dimension - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @has_dimension.setter + def has_dimension(self, has_dimension): + """Sets the has_dimension of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. - small description # noqa: E501 + Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_dimension: The has_dimension of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_dimension = has_dimension @property - def has_data_transformation(self): - """Gets the has_data_transformation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_dimensionality(self): + """Gets the has_dimensionality of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_data_transformation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DataTransformation] + :return: The has_dimensionality of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[int] """ - return self._has_data_transformation + return self._has_dimensionality - @has_data_transformation.setter - def has_data_transformation(self, has_data_transformation): - """Sets the has_data_transformation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @has_dimensionality.setter + def has_dimensionality(self, has_dimensionality): + """Sets the has_dimensionality of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_data_transformation: The has_data_transformation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DataTransformation] + :param has_dimensionality: The has_dimensionality of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[int] """ - self._has_data_transformation = has_data_transformation + self._has_dimensionality = has_dimensionality @property - def has_presentation(self): - """Gets the has_presentation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_file_structure(self): + """Gets the has_file_structure of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_presentation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] + :return: The has_file_structure of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_presentation + return self._has_file_structure - @has_presentation.setter - def has_presentation(self, has_presentation): - """Sets the has_presentation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @has_file_structure.setter + def has_file_structure(self, has_file_structure): + """Sets the has_file_structure of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_presentation: The has_presentation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[VariablePresentation] + :param has_file_structure: The has_file_structure of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_presentation = has_presentation + self._has_file_structure = has_file_structure @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_fixed_resource(self): + """Gets the has_fixed_resource of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_fixed_resource of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SampleResource] """ - return self._label + return self._has_fixed_resource - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @has_fixed_resource.setter + def has_fixed_resource(self, has_fixed_resource): + """Sets the has_fixed_resource of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_fixed_resource: The has_fixed_resource of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SampleResource] """ - self._label = label + self._has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_format(self): + """Gets the has_format of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_format of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._type + return self._has_format - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @has_format.setter + def has_format(self, has_format): + """Sets the has_format of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_format: The has_format of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._type = type + self._has_format = has_format @property - def has_fixed_resource(self): - """Gets the has_fixed_resource of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_presentation(self): + """Gets the has_presentation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_fixed_resource of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SampleResource] + :return: The has_presentation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_fixed_resource + return self._has_presentation - @has_fixed_resource.setter - def has_fixed_resource(self, has_fixed_resource): - """Sets the has_fixed_resource of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @has_presentation.setter + def has_presentation(self, has_presentation): + """Sets the has_presentation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_fixed_resource: The has_fixed_resource of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SampleResource] + :param has_presentation: The has_presentation of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_fixed_resource = has_fixed_resource + self._has_presentation = has_presentation @property - def has_coordinate_system(self): - """Gets the has_coordinate_system of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def has_shape(self): + """Gets the has_shape of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 + Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_coordinate_system of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_shape of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_coordinate_system + return self._has_shape - @has_coordinate_system.setter - def has_coordinate_system(self, has_coordinate_system): - """Sets the has_coordinate_system of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @has_shape.setter + def has_shape(self, has_shape): + """Sets the has_shape of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. - Coordinate system used in a grid # noqa: E501 + Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param has_coordinate_system: The has_coordinate_system of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :param has_shape: The has_shape of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_coordinate_system = has_coordinate_system + self._has_shape = has_shape @property def has_spatial_resolution(self): @@ -391,6 +391,29 @@ def has_spatial_resolution(self, has_spatial_resolution): self._has_spatial_resolution = has_spatial_resolution + @property + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + + identifier # noqa: E501 + + :return: The id of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str + """ + return self._id + + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + + identifier # noqa: E501 + + :param id: The id of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: str + """ + + self._id = id + @property def is_transformed_from(self): """Gets the is_transformed_from of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 @@ -415,73 +438,50 @@ def is_transformed_from(self, is_transformed_from): self._is_transformed_from = is_transformed_from @property - def has_shape(self): - """Gets the has_shape of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - - Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_shape of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_shape - - @has_shape.setter - def has_shape(self, has_shape): - """Sets the has_shape of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. - - Grids may be: rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, hybrid, unstructured, block structure, etc. # noqa: E501 - - :param has_shape: The has_shape of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_shape = has_shape - - @property - def has_dimension(self): - """Gets the has_dimension of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_dimension of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_dimension + return self._label - @has_dimension.setter - def has_dimension(self, has_dimension): - """Sets the has_dimension of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. - Dimension of the grid (2D, 3D) # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_dimension: The has_dimension of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_dimension = has_dimension + self._label = label @property - def has_data_transformation_setup(self): - """Gets the has_data_transformation_setup of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def path_location(self): + """Gets the path_location of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_data_transformation_setup of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[DataTransformationSetup] + :return: The path_location of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_data_transformation_setup + return self._path_location - @has_data_transformation_setup.setter - def has_data_transformation_setup(self, has_data_transformation_setup): - """Sets the has_data_transformation_setup of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @path_location.setter + def path_location(self, path_location): + """Sets the path_location of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_data_transformation_setup: The has_data_transformation_setup of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[DataTransformationSetup] + :param path_location: The path_location of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_data_transformation_setup = has_data_transformation_setup + self._path_location = path_location @property def position(self): @@ -507,27 +507,27 @@ def position(self, position): self._position = position @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The type of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._type - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param type: The type of this SpatiallyDistributedGrid. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._type = type def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/theory_guided_model.py b/modelcatalog/models/theory_guided_model.py index 039fd1f..9d103e7 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/theory_guided_model.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/theory_guided_model.py @@ -31,869 +31,989 @@ class TheoryGuidedModel(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', - 'keywords': 'list[str]', - 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', - 'has_grid': 'list[Grid]', - 'software_requirements': 'list[str]', - 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'has_installation_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'author': 'list[object]', + 'citation': 'list[str]', 'compatible_visualization_software': 'list[Software]', + 'contributor': 'list[Person]', 'copyright_holder': 'list[object]', - 'has_faq': 'list[str]', - 'logo': 'list[Image]', - 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', - 'id': 'str', - 'identifier': 'list[str]', - 'author': 'list[object]', - 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', - 'short_description': 'list[str]', + 'date_created': 'list[str]', 'date_published': 'list[str]', - 'license': 'list[str]', - 'has_source_code': 'list[SourceCode]', - 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', - 'has_example': 'list[str]', - 'publisher': 'list[object]', + 'description': 'list[str]', 'doi': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_assumption': 'list[str]', + 'has_build_file': 'list[str]', + 'has_contact_person': 'list[object]', + 'has_documentation': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_download_url': 'list[str]', + 'has_equation': 'list[Equation]', + 'has_example': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_instructions': 'list[str]', + 'has_executable_notebook': 'list[str]', + 'has_explanation_diagram': 'list[Image]', + 'has_faq': 'list[str]', 'has_funding': 'list[FundingInformation]', - 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def __init__(self, has_download_instructions=None, keywords=None, has_documentation=None, has_grid=None, software_requirements=None, has_download_url=None, type=None, has_installation_instructions=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, copyright_holder=None, has_faq=None, logo=None, has_contact_person=None, id=None, identifier=None, author=None, has_build_file=None, short_description=None, date_published=None, license=None, has_source_code=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_example=None, publisher=None, doi=None, has_funding=None, support_details=None, has_version=None, has_typical_data_source=None, description=None, reference_publication=None, screenshot=None, has_model_category=None, had_primary_source=None, issue_tracker=None, date_created=None, contributor=None, has_purpose=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_sample_visualization=None, memory_requirements=None, website=None, citation=None, processor_requirements=None, has_usage_notes=None, readme=None, label=None, has_assumption=None, operating_systems=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_equation=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, author=None, citation=None, compatible_visualization_software=None, contributor=None, copyright_holder=None, date_created=None, date_published=None, description=None, doi=None, had_primary_source=None, has_assumption=None, has_build_file=None, has_contact_person=None, has_documentation=None, has_download_instructions=None, has_download_url=None, has_equation=None, has_example=None, has_executable_instructions=None, has_executable_notebook=None, has_explanation_diagram=None, has_faq=None, has_funding=None, has_grid=None, has_input_variable=None, has_installation_instructions=None, has_model_category=None, has_output_variable=None, has_process=None, has_purpose=None, has_sample_visualization=None, has_source_code=None, has_typical_data_source=None, has_usage_notes=None, has_version=None, id=None, identifier=None, issue_tracker=None, keywords=None, label=None, license=None, limitations=None, logo=None, memory_requirements=None, operating_systems=None, parameterization=None, processor_requirements=None, publisher=None, readme=None, reference_publication=None, runtime_estimation=None, screenshot=None, short_description=None, software_requirements=None, support_details=None, theoretical_basis=None, type=None, useful_for_calculating_index=None, website=None): # noqa: E501 """TheoryGuidedModel - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_download_instructions = None - self._keywords = None - self._has_documentation = None - self._has_grid = None - self._software_requirements = None - self._has_download_url = None - self._type = None - self._has_installation_instructions = None + self._author = None + self._citation = None self._compatible_visualization_software = None + self._contributor = None self._copyright_holder = None - self._has_faq = None - self._logo = None - self._has_contact_person = None - self._id = None - self._identifier = None - self._author = None - self._has_build_file = None - self._short_description = None + self._date_created = None self._date_published = None - self._license = None - self._has_source_code = None - self._has_explanation_diagram = None - self._has_example = None - self._publisher = None + self._description = None self._doi = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_assumption = None + self._has_build_file = None + self._has_contact_person = None + self._has_documentation = None + self._has_download_instructions = None + self._has_download_url = None + self._has_equation = None + self._has_example = None + self._has_executable_instructions = None + self._has_executable_notebook = None + self._has_explanation_diagram = None + self._has_faq = None self._has_funding = None - self._support_details = None - self._has_version = None - self._has_typical_data_source = None - self._description = None - self._reference_publication = None - self._screenshot = None + self._has_grid = None + self._has_input_variable = None + self._has_installation_instructions = None self._has_model_category = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._issue_tracker = None - self._date_created = None - self._contributor = None + self._has_output_variable = None + self._has_process = None self._has_purpose = None - self._has_executable_instructions = None self._has_sample_visualization = None - self._memory_requirements = None - self._website = None - self._citation = None - self._processor_requirements = None + self._has_source_code = None + self._has_typical_data_source = None self._has_usage_notes = None - self._readme = None + self._has_version = None + self._id = None + self._identifier = None + self._issue_tracker = None + self._keywords = None self._label = None - self._has_assumption = None + self._license = None + self._limitations = None + self._logo = None + self._memory_requirements = None self._operating_systems = None - self._has_executable_notebook = None - self._has_equation = None + self._parameterization = None + self._processor_requirements = None + self._publisher = None + self._readme = None + self._reference_publication = None + self._runtime_estimation = None + self._screenshot = None + self._short_description = None + self._software_requirements = None + self._support_details = None + self._theoretical_basis = None + self._type = None self._useful_for_calculating_index = None + self._website = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions - self.keywords = keywords - self.has_documentation = has_documentation - self.has_grid = has_grid - self.software_requirements = software_requirements - self.has_download_url = has_download_url - self.type = type - self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self.author = author + self.citation = citation self.compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self.contributor = contributor self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder - self.has_faq = has_faq - self.logo = logo - self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person - if id is not None: - self.id = id - self.identifier = identifier - self.author = author - self.has_build_file = has_build_file - self.short_description = short_description + self.date_created = date_created self.date_published = date_published - self.license = license - self.has_source_code = has_source_code - self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram - self.has_example = has_example - self.publisher = publisher + self.description = description self.doi = doi + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.has_build_file = has_build_file + self.has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self.has_documentation = has_documentation + self.has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self.has_download_url = has_download_url + self.has_equation = has_equation + self.has_example = has_example + self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self.has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self.has_faq = has_faq self.has_funding = has_funding - self.support_details = support_details - self.has_version = has_version - self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source - self.description = description - self.reference_publication = reference_publication - self.screenshot = screenshot + self.has_grid = has_grid + self.has_input_variable = has_input_variable + self.has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions self.has_model_category = has_model_category - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker - self.date_created = date_created - self.contributor = contributor + self.has_output_variable = has_output_variable + self.has_process = has_process self.has_purpose = has_purpose - self.has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions self.has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization - self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements - self.website = website - self.citation = citation - self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.has_source_code = has_source_code + self.has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source self.has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes - self.readme = readme + self.has_version = has_version + if id is not None: + self.id = id + self.identifier = identifier + self.issue_tracker = issue_tracker + self.keywords = keywords self.label = label - self.has_assumption = has_assumption + self.license = license + self.limitations = limitations + self.logo = logo + self.memory_requirements = memory_requirements self.operating_systems = operating_systems - self.has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook - self.has_equation = has_equation + self.parameterization = parameterization + self.processor_requirements = processor_requirements + self.publisher = publisher + self.readme = readme + self.reference_publication = reference_publication + self.runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + self.screenshot = screenshot + self.short_description = short_description + self.software_requirements = software_requirements + self.support_details = support_details + self.theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + self.type = type self.useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + self.website = website @property - def has_download_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_download_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def author(self): + """Gets the author of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The author of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._author + + @author.setter + def author(self, author): + """Sets the author of this TheoryGuidedModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param author: The author of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._author = author + + @property + def citation(self): + """Gets the citation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The citation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._citation + + @citation.setter + def citation(self, citation): + """Sets the citation of this TheoryGuidedModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param citation: The citation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._citation = citation + + @property + def compatible_visualization_software(self): + """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] + """ + return self._compatible_visualization_software + + @compatible_visualization_software.setter + def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): + """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this TheoryGuidedModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + + @property + def contributor(self): + """Gets the contributor of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The contributor of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Person] """ - return self._has_download_instructions + return self._contributor - @has_download_instructions.setter - def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): - """Sets the has_download_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @contributor.setter + def contributor(self, contributor): + """Sets the contributor of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param contributor: The contributor of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Person] """ - self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions + self._contributor = contributor @property - def keywords(self): - """Gets the keywords of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def copyright_holder(self): + """Gets the copyright_holder of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The keywords of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The copyright_holder of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._keywords + return self._copyright_holder - @keywords.setter - def keywords(self, keywords): - """Sets the keywords of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @copyright_holder.setter + def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): + """Sets the copyright_holder of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param keywords: The keywords of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._keywords = keywords + self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder @property - def has_documentation(self): - """Gets the has_documentation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def date_created(self): + """Gets the date_created of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_documentation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The date_created of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_documentation + return self._date_created - @has_documentation.setter - def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): - """Sets the has_documentation of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @date_created.setter + def date_created(self, date_created): + """Sets the date_created of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param date_created: The date_created of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_documentation = has_documentation + self._date_created = date_created @property - def has_grid(self): - """Gets the has_grid of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def date_published(self): + """Gets the date_published of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_grid of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Grid] + :return: The date_published of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_grid + return self._date_published - @has_grid.setter - def has_grid(self, has_grid): - """Sets the has_grid of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @date_published.setter + def date_published(self, date_published): + """Sets the date_published of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_grid: The has_grid of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Grid] + :param date_published: The date_published of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_grid = has_grid + self._date_published = date_published @property - def software_requirements(self): - """Gets the software_requirements of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The software_requirements of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._software_requirements + return self._description - @software_requirements.setter - def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): - """Sets the software_requirements of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._software_requirements = software_requirements + self._description = description @property - def has_download_url(self): - """Gets the has_download_url of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def doi(self): + """Gets the doi of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_download_url of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The doi of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_download_url + return self._doi - @has_download_url.setter - def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): - """Sets the has_download_url of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @doi.setter + def doi(self, doi): + """Sets the doi of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param doi: The doi of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_download_url = has_download_url + self._doi = doi @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def had_primary_source(self): + """Gets the had_primary_source of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The had_primary_source of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._type + return self._had_primary_source - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @had_primary_source.setter + def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): + """Sets the had_primary_source of this TheoryGuidedModel. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._type = type + self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def has_installation_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_assumption(self): + """Gets the has_assumption of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_installation_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_assumption of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_installation_instructions + return self._has_assumption - @has_installation_instructions.setter - def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): - """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_assumption.setter + def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): + """Sets the has_assumption of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions + self._has_assumption = has_assumption @property - def compatible_visualization_software(self): - """Gets the compatible_visualization_software of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_build_file(self): + """Gets the has_build_file of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The compatible_visualization_software of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] + :return: The has_build_file of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._compatible_visualization_software + return self._has_build_file - @compatible_visualization_software.setter - def compatible_visualization_software(self, compatible_visualization_software): - """Sets the compatible_visualization_software of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_build_file.setter + def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): + """Sets the has_build_file of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param compatible_visualization_software: The compatible_visualization_software of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] + :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._compatible_visualization_software = compatible_visualization_software + self._has_build_file = has_build_file @property - def copyright_holder(self): - """Gets the copyright_holder of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_contact_person(self): + """Gets the has_contact_person of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The copyright_holder of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_contact_person of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._copyright_holder + return self._has_contact_person - @copyright_holder.setter - def copyright_holder(self, copyright_holder): - """Sets the copyright_holder of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_contact_person.setter + def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): + """Sets the has_contact_person of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param copyright_holder: The copyright_holder of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[object] """ - self._copyright_holder = copyright_holder + self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person @property - def has_faq(self): - """Gets the has_faq of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_documentation(self): + """Gets the has_documentation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_faq of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_documentation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_faq + return self._has_documentation - @has_faq.setter - def has_faq(self, has_faq): - """Sets the has_faq of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_documentation.setter + def has_documentation(self, has_documentation): + """Sets the has_documentation of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_faq: The has_faq of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_documentation: The has_documentation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_faq = has_faq + self._has_documentation = has_documentation @property - def logo(self): - """Gets the logo of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_download_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The logo of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_download_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._logo + return self._has_download_instructions - @logo.setter - def logo(self, logo): - """Sets the logo of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_download_instructions.setter + def has_download_instructions(self, has_download_instructions): + """Sets the has_download_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param logo: The logo of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_download_instructions: The has_download_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._logo = logo + self._has_download_instructions = has_download_instructions @property - def has_contact_person(self): - """Gets the has_contact_person of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_download_url(self): + """Gets the has_download_url of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_contact_person of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + + :return: The has_download_url of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_contact_person + return self._has_download_url - @has_contact_person.setter - def has_contact_person(self, has_contact_person): - """Sets the has_contact_person of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_download_url.setter + def has_download_url(self, has_download_url): + """Sets the has_download_url of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_contact_person: The has_contact_person of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_download_url: The has_download_url of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_contact_person = has_contact_person + self._has_download_url = has_download_url @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_equation(self): + """Gets the has_equation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The has_equation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Equation] """ - return self._id + return self._has_equation - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_equation.setter + def has_equation(self, has_equation): + """Sets the has_equation of this TheoryGuidedModel. - identifier # noqa: E501 + Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param has_equation: The has_equation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Equation] """ - self._id = id + self._has_equation = has_equation @property - def identifier(self): - """Gets the identifier of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_example(self): + """Gets the has_example of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The identifier of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_example of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._identifier + return self._has_example - @identifier.setter - def identifier(self, identifier): - """Sets the identifier of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_example.setter + def has_example(self, has_example): + """Sets the has_example of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param identifier: The identifier of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_example: The has_example of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._identifier = identifier + self._has_example = has_example @property - def author(self): - """Gets the author of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The author of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_executable_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._author + return self._has_executable_instructions - @author.setter - def author(self, author): - """Sets the author of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_executable_instructions.setter + def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): + """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param author: The author of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._author = author + self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions @property - def has_build_file(self): - """Gets the has_build_file of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_executable_notebook(self): + """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_build_file of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_executable_notebook of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_build_file + return self._has_executable_notebook - @has_build_file.setter - def has_build_file(self, has_build_file): - """Sets the has_build_file of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_executable_notebook.setter + def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): + """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_build_file: The has_build_file of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_build_file = has_build_file + self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook @property - def short_description(self): - """Gets the short_description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_explanation_diagram(self): + """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The short_description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._short_description + return self._has_explanation_diagram - @short_description.setter - def short_description(self, short_description): - """Sets the short_description of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_explanation_diagram.setter + def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): + """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 - :param short_description: The short_description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._short_description = short_description + self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram @property - def date_published(self): - """Gets the date_published of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_faq(self): + """Gets the has_faq of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_published of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_faq of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_published + return self._has_faq - @date_published.setter - def date_published(self, date_published): - """Sets the date_published of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_faq.setter + def has_faq(self, has_faq): + """Sets the has_faq of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_published: The date_published of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_faq: The has_faq of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_published = date_published + self._has_faq = has_faq @property - def license(self): - """Gets the license of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_funding(self): + """Gets the has_funding of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The license of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_funding of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[FundingInformation] """ - return self._license + return self._has_funding - @license.setter - def license(self, license): - """Sets the license of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_funding.setter + def has_funding(self, has_funding): + """Sets the has_funding of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param license: The license of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_funding: The has_funding of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[FundingInformation] """ - self._license = license + self._has_funding = has_funding @property - def has_source_code(self): - """Gets the has_source_code of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_grid(self): + """Gets the has_grid of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_source_code of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SourceCode] + :return: The has_grid of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Grid] """ - return self._has_source_code + return self._has_grid - @has_source_code.setter - def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): - """Sets the has_source_code of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_grid.setter + def has_grid(self, has_grid): + """Sets the has_grid of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Grid information about the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SourceCode] + :param has_grid: The has_grid of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Grid] """ - self._has_source_code = has_source_code + self._has_grid = has_grid @property - def has_explanation_diagram(self): - """Gets the has_explanation_diagram of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_input_variable(self): + """Gets the has_input_variable of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_explanation_diagram of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_input_variable of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] """ - return self._has_explanation_diagram + return self._has_input_variable - @has_explanation_diagram.setter - def has_explanation_diagram(self, has_explanation_diagram): - """Sets the has_explanation_diagram of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_input_variable.setter + def has_input_variable(self, has_input_variable): + """Sets the has_input_variable of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Diagram used to explain the behavior of the model # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as input for this model # noqa: E501 - :param has_explanation_diagram: The has_explanation_diagram of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_input_variable: The has_input_variable of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._has_explanation_diagram = has_explanation_diagram + self._has_input_variable = has_input_variable @property - def has_example(self): - """Gets the has_example of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_installation_instructions(self): + """Gets the has_installation_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_example of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_installation_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_example + return self._has_installation_instructions - @has_example.setter - def has_example(self, has_example): - """Sets the has_example of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_installation_instructions.setter + def has_installation_instructions(self, has_installation_instructions): + """Sets the has_installation_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_example: The has_example of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_installation_instructions: The has_installation_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_example = has_example + self._has_installation_instructions = has_installation_instructions @property - def publisher(self): - """Gets the publisher of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_model_category(self): + """Gets the has_model_category of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 - :return: The publisher of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The has_model_category of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[ModelCategory] """ - return self._publisher + return self._has_model_category - @publisher.setter - def publisher(self, publisher): - """Sets the publisher of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_model_category.setter + def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): + """Sets the has_model_category of this TheoryGuidedModel. + + Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + + :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[ModelCategory] + """ + + self._has_model_category = has_model_category + + @property + def has_output_variable(self): + """Gets the has_output_variable of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_output_variable of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[VariablePresentation] + """ + return self._has_output_variable + + @has_output_variable.setter + def has_output_variable(self, has_output_variable): + """Sets the has_output_variable of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Variable that is used as output for this model # noqa: E501 - :param publisher: The publisher of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param has_output_variable: The has_output_variable of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[VariablePresentation] """ - self._publisher = publisher + self._has_output_variable = has_output_variable @property - def doi(self): - """Gets the doi of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_process(self): + """Gets the has_process of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :return: The doi of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_process of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Process] """ - return self._doi + return self._has_process - @doi.setter - def doi(self, doi): - """Sets the doi of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_process.setter + def has_process(self, has_process): + """Sets the has_process of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Property that indicates which physical processes (if any) are associated with a model # noqa: E501 - :param doi: The doi of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_process: The has_process of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Process] """ - self._doi = doi + self._has_process = has_process @property - def has_funding(self): - """Gets the has_funding of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_purpose(self): + """Gets the has_purpose of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_funding of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[FundingInformation] + :return: The has_purpose of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_funding + return self._has_purpose - @has_funding.setter - def has_funding(self, has_funding): - """Sets the has_funding of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_purpose.setter + def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): + """Sets the has_purpose of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_funding: The has_funding of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[FundingInformation] + :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_funding = has_funding + self._has_purpose = has_purpose @property - def support_details(self): - """Gets the support_details of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_sample_visualization(self): + """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The support_details of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_sample_visualization of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Visualization] """ - return self._support_details + return self._has_sample_visualization - @support_details.setter - def support_details(self, support_details): - """Sets the support_details of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_sample_visualization.setter + def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): + """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param support_details: The support_details of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Visualization] """ - self._support_details = support_details + self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization @property - def has_version(self): - """Gets the has_version of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_source_code(self): + """Gets the has_source_code of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_version of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] + :return: The has_source_code of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SourceCode] """ - return self._has_version + return self._has_source_code - @has_version.setter - def has_version(self, has_version): - """Sets the has_version of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_source_code.setter + def has_source_code(self, has_source_code): + """Sets the has_source_code of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_version: The has_version of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[SoftwareVersion] + :param has_source_code: The has_source_code of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SourceCode] """ - self._has_version = has_version + self._has_source_code = has_source_code @property def has_typical_data_source(self): @@ -919,119 +1039,96 @@ def has_typical_data_source(self, has_typical_data_source): self._has_typical_data_source = has_typical_data_source @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :return: The description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._description - - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this TheoryGuidedModel. - - small description # noqa: E501 - - :param description: The description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._description = description - - @property - def reference_publication(self): - """Gets the reference_publication of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_usage_notes(self): + """Gets the has_usage_notes of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The reference_publication of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_usage_notes of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._reference_publication + return self._has_usage_notes - @reference_publication.setter - def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): - """Sets the reference_publication of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_usage_notes.setter + def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): + """Sets the has_usage_notes of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._reference_publication = reference_publication + self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes @property - def screenshot(self): - """Gets the screenshot of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def has_version(self): + """Gets the has_version of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The screenshot of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Image] + :return: The has_version of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - return self._screenshot + return self._has_version - @screenshot.setter - def screenshot(self, screenshot): - """Sets the screenshot of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @has_version.setter + def has_version(self, has_version): + """Sets the has_version of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param screenshot: The screenshot of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Image] + :param has_version: The has_version of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[SoftwareVersion] """ - self._screenshot = screenshot + self._has_version = has_version @property - def has_model_category(self): - """Gets the has_model_category of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_model_category of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[ModelCategory] + :return: The id of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_model_category + return self._id - @has_model_category.setter - def has_model_category(self, has_model_category): - """Sets the has_model_category of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Category associated with a model (e.g., Hydrology, etc.) # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_model_category: The has_model_category of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[ModelCategory] + :param id: The id of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_model_category = has_model_category + self._id = id @property - def had_primary_source(self): - """Gets the had_primary_source of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def identifier(self): + """Gets the identifier of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The had_primary_source of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] + :return: The identifier of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._had_primary_source + return self._identifier - @had_primary_source.setter - def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): - """Sets the had_primary_source of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @identifier.setter + def identifier(self, identifier): + """Sets the identifier of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param had_primary_source: The had_primary_source of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] + :param identifier: The identifier of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self._identifier = identifier @property def issue_tracker(self): @@ -1057,119 +1154,119 @@ def issue_tracker(self, issue_tracker): self._issue_tracker = issue_tracker @property - def date_created(self): - """Gets the date_created of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def keywords(self): + """Gets the keywords of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The date_created of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The keywords of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._date_created + return self._keywords - @date_created.setter - def date_created(self, date_created): - """Sets the date_created of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @keywords.setter + def keywords(self, keywords): + """Sets the keywords of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param date_created: The date_created of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param keywords: The keywords of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._date_created = date_created + self._keywords = keywords @property - def contributor(self): - """Gets the contributor of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The contributor of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Person] + :return: The label of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._contributor + return self._label - @contributor.setter - def contributor(self, contributor): - """Sets the contributor of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param contributor: The contributor of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Person] + :param label: The label of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._contributor = contributor + self._label = label @property - def has_purpose(self): - """Gets the has_purpose of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def license(self): + """Gets the license of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_purpose of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The license of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_purpose + return self._license - @has_purpose.setter - def has_purpose(self, has_purpose): - """Sets the has_purpose of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @license.setter + def license(self, license): + """Sets the license of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_purpose: The has_purpose of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param license: The license of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_purpose = has_purpose + self._license = license @property - def has_executable_instructions(self): - """Gets the has_executable_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def limitations(self): + """Gets the limitations of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The limitations of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_instructions + return self._limitations - @has_executable_instructions.setter - def has_executable_instructions(self, has_executable_instructions): - """Sets the has_executable_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @limitations.setter + def limitations(self, limitations): + """Sets the limitations of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Known restrictions (i.e. cases where the model is known not to be reliable or shouldn't be used) # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_instructions: The has_executable_instructions of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param limitations: The limitations of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_instructions = has_executable_instructions + self._limitations = limitations @property - def has_sample_visualization(self): - """Gets the has_sample_visualization of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def logo(self): + """Gets the logo of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_sample_visualization of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Visualization] + :return: The logo of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] """ - return self._has_sample_visualization + return self._logo - @has_sample_visualization.setter - def has_sample_visualization(self, has_sample_visualization): - """Sets the has_sample_visualization of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @logo.setter + def logo(self, logo): + """Sets the logo of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_sample_visualization: The has_sample_visualization of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Visualization] + :param logo: The logo of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] """ - self._has_sample_visualization = has_sample_visualization + self._logo = logo @property def memory_requirements(self): @@ -1195,50 +1292,50 @@ def memory_requirements(self, memory_requirements): self._memory_requirements = memory_requirements @property - def website(self): - """Gets the website of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def operating_systems(self): + """Gets the operating_systems of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The website of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The operating_systems of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._website + return self._operating_systems - @website.setter - def website(self, website): - """Sets the website of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @operating_systems.setter + def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): + """Sets the operating_systems of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param website: The website of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._website = website + self._operating_systems = operating_systems @property - def citation(self): - """Gets the citation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def parameterization(self): + """Gets the parameterization of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :return: The citation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The parameterization of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._citation + return self._parameterization - @citation.setter - def citation(self, citation): - """Sets the citation of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @parameterization.setter + def parameterization(self, parameterization): + """Sets the parameterization of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Description not available # noqa: E501 + Were there any simplifications made to processes to make the model more efficient # noqa: E501 - :param citation: The citation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param parameterization: The parameterization of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._citation = citation + self._parameterization = parameterization @property def processor_requirements(self): @@ -1264,27 +1361,27 @@ def processor_requirements(self, processor_requirements): self._processor_requirements = processor_requirements @property - def has_usage_notes(self): - """Gets the has_usage_notes of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def publisher(self): + """Gets the publisher of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_usage_notes of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The publisher of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._has_usage_notes + return self._publisher - @has_usage_notes.setter - def has_usage_notes(self, has_usage_notes): - """Sets the has_usage_notes of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @publisher.setter + def publisher(self, publisher): + """Sets the publisher of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_usage_notes: The has_usage_notes of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param publisher: The publisher of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._has_usage_notes = has_usage_notes + self._publisher = publisher @property def readme(self): @@ -1310,119 +1407,188 @@ def readme(self, readme): self._readme = readme @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def reference_publication(self): + """Gets the reference_publication of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The reference_publication of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._reference_publication - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @reference_publication.setter + def reference_publication(self, reference_publication): + """Sets the reference_publication of this TheoryGuidedModel. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param reference_publication: The reference_publication of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._reference_publication = reference_publication @property - def has_assumption(self): - """Gets the has_assumption of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def runtime_estimation(self): + """Gets the runtime_estimation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :return: The runtime_estimation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._runtime_estimation + + @runtime_estimation.setter + def runtime_estimation(self, runtime_estimation): + """Sets the runtime_estimation of this TheoryGuidedModel. + + An estimate of the time required to run example codes or other known configurations # noqa: E501 + + :param runtime_estimation: The runtime_estimation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._runtime_estimation = runtime_estimation + + @property + def screenshot(self): + """Gets the screenshot of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_assumption of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The screenshot of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Image] + """ + return self._screenshot + + @screenshot.setter + def screenshot(self, screenshot): + """Sets the screenshot of this TheoryGuidedModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param screenshot: The screenshot of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Image] + """ + + self._screenshot = screenshot + + @property + def short_description(self): + """Gets the short_description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The short_description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_assumption + return self._short_description - @has_assumption.setter - def has_assumption(self, has_assumption): - """Sets the has_assumption of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @short_description.setter + def short_description(self, short_description): + """Sets the short_description of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_assumption: The has_assumption of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param short_description: The short_description of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_assumption = has_assumption + self._short_description = short_description @property - def operating_systems(self): - """Gets the operating_systems of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def software_requirements(self): + """Gets the software_requirements of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The operating_systems of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The software_requirements of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._operating_systems + return self._software_requirements - @operating_systems.setter - def operating_systems(self, operating_systems): - """Sets the operating_systems of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @software_requirements.setter + def software_requirements(self, software_requirements): + """Sets the software_requirements of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param operating_systems: The operating_systems of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param software_requirements: The software_requirements of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._operating_systems = operating_systems + self._software_requirements = software_requirements @property - def has_executable_notebook(self): - """Gets the has_executable_notebook of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def support_details(self): + """Gets the support_details of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 Description not available # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_executable_notebook of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :return: The support_details of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_executable_notebook + return self._support_details - @has_executable_notebook.setter - def has_executable_notebook(self, has_executable_notebook): - """Sets the has_executable_notebook of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @support_details.setter + def support_details(self, support_details): + """Sets the support_details of this TheoryGuidedModel. Description not available # noqa: E501 - :param has_executable_notebook: The has_executable_notebook of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :param support_details: The support_details of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_executable_notebook = has_executable_notebook + self._support_details = support_details @property - def has_equation(self): - """Gets the has_equation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + def theoretical_basis(self): + """Gets the theoretical_basis of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_equation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Equation] + :return: The theoretical_basis of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_equation + return self._theoretical_basis - @has_equation.setter - def has_equation(self, has_equation): - """Sets the has_equation of this TheoryGuidedModel. + @theoretical_basis.setter + def theoretical_basis(self, theoretical_basis): + """Sets the theoretical_basis of this TheoryGuidedModel. - Equations used in the model # noqa: E501 + What is the theory behind the processes described in the model # noqa: E501 - :param has_equation: The has_equation of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Equation] + :param theoretical_basis: The theoretical_basis of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_equation = has_equation + self._theoretical_basis = theoretical_basis + + @property + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :return: The type of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._type + + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this TheoryGuidedModel. + + type of the resource # noqa: E501 + + :param type: The type of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._type = type @property def useful_for_calculating_index(self): @@ -1447,6 +1613,29 @@ def useful_for_calculating_index(self, useful_for_calculating_index): self._useful_for_calculating_index = useful_for_calculating_index + @property + def website(self): + """Gets the website of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :return: The website of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._website + + @website.setter + def website(self, website): + """Sets the website of this TheoryGuidedModel. + + Description not available # noqa: E501 + + :param website: The website of this TheoryGuidedModel. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._website = website + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/time_interval.py b/modelcatalog/models/time_interval.py index db18bca..3634d9b 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/time_interval.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/time_interval.py @@ -31,64 +31,41 @@ class TimeInterval(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'interval_unit': 'list[Unit]', 'description': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', + 'interval_unit': 'list[Unit]', + 'interval_value': 'list[object]', 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', - 'interval_value': 'list[object]' + 'type': 'list[str]' } attribute_map = { - 'interval_unit': 'intervalUnit', 'description': 'description', 'id': 'id', + 'interval_unit': 'intervalUnit', + 'interval_value': 'intervalValue', 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type', - 'interval_value': 'intervalValue' + 'type': 'type' } - def __init__(self, interval_unit=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None, interval_value=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, id=None, interval_unit=None, interval_value=None, label=None, type=None): # noqa: E501 """TimeInterval - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._interval_unit = None self._description = None self._id = None + self._interval_unit = None + self._interval_value = None self._label = None self._type = None - self._interval_value = None self.discriminator = None - self.interval_unit = interval_unit self.description = description if id is not None: self.id = id + self.interval_unit = interval_unit + self.interval_value = interval_value self.label = label self.type = type - self.interval_value = interval_value - - @property - def interval_unit(self): - """Gets the interval_unit of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 - - Unit used in an interval (e.g., month) # noqa: E501 - - :return: The interval_unit of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Unit] - """ - return self._interval_unit - - @interval_unit.setter - def interval_unit(self, interval_unit): - """Sets the interval_unit of this TimeInterval. - - Unit used in an interval (e.g., month) # noqa: E501 - - :param interval_unit: The interval_unit of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Unit] - """ - - self._interval_unit = interval_unit @property def description(self): @@ -136,6 +113,52 @@ def id(self, id): self._id = id + @property + def interval_unit(self): + """Gets the interval_unit of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 + + Unit used in an interval (e.g., month) # noqa: E501 + + :return: The interval_unit of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Unit] + """ + return self._interval_unit + + @interval_unit.setter + def interval_unit(self, interval_unit): + """Sets the interval_unit of this TimeInterval. + + Unit used in an interval (e.g., month) # noqa: E501 + + :param interval_unit: The interval_unit of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Unit] + """ + + self._interval_unit = interval_unit + + @property + def interval_value(self): + """Gets the interval_value of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 + + Value used in the time interval of a model (e.g., 1 month, 5 days, 'harvest cycle') # noqa: E501 + + :return: The interval_value of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] + """ + return self._interval_value + + @interval_value.setter + def interval_value(self, interval_value): + """Sets the interval_value of this TimeInterval. + + Value used in the time interval of a model (e.g., 1 month, 5 days, 'harvest cycle') # noqa: E501 + + :param interval_value: The interval_value of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] + """ + + self._interval_value = interval_value + @property def label(self): """Gets the label of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 @@ -182,29 +205,6 @@ def type(self, type): self._type = type - @property - def interval_value(self): - """Gets the interval_value of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 - - Value used in the time interval of a model (e.g., 1 month, 5 days, 'harvest cycle') # noqa: E501 - - :return: The interval_value of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] - """ - return self._interval_value - - @interval_value.setter - def interval_value(self, interval_value): - """Sets the interval_value of this TimeInterval. - - Value used in the time interval of a model (e.g., 1 month, 5 days, 'harvest cycle') # noqa: E501 - - :param interval_value: The interval_value of this TimeInterval. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] - """ - - self._interval_value = interval_value - def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/variable_presentation.py b/modelcatalog/models/variable_presentation.py index 9e55501..b1811c2 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/variable_presentation.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/variable_presentation.py @@ -31,70 +31,116 @@ class VariablePresentation(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_default_value': 'list[object]', - 'has_standard_variable': 'list[StandardVariable]', - 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', - 'has_constraint': 'list[str]', 'description': 'list[str]', - 'label': 'list[str]', - 'type': 'list[str]', + 'has_constraint': 'list[str]', + 'has_default_value': 'list[object]', 'has_long_name': 'list[str]', - 'has_short_name': 'list[str]', + 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', 'has_minimum_accepted_value': 'list[object]', - 'part_of_dataset': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', + 'has_short_name': 'list[str]', + 'has_standard_variable': 'list[StandardVariable]', 'id': 'str', + 'label': 'list[str]', + 'part_of_dataset': 'list[DatasetSpecification]', + 'type': 'list[str]', 'uses_unit': 'list[Unit]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_default_value': 'hasDefaultValue', - 'has_standard_variable': 'hasStandardVariable', - 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'hasMaximumAcceptedValue', - 'has_constraint': 'hasConstraint', 'description': 'description', - 'label': 'label', - 'type': 'type', + 'has_constraint': 'hasConstraint', + 'has_default_value': 'hasDefaultValue', 'has_long_name': 'hasLongName', - 'has_short_name': 'hasShortName', + 'has_maximum_accepted_value': 'hasMaximumAcceptedValue', 'has_minimum_accepted_value': 'hasMinimumAcceptedValue', - 'part_of_dataset': 'partOfDataset', + 'has_short_name': 'hasShortName', + 'has_standard_variable': 'hasStandardVariable', 'id': 'id', + 'label': 'label', + 'part_of_dataset': 'partOfDataset', + 'type': 'type', 'uses_unit': 'usesUnit' } - def __init__(self, has_default_value=None, has_standard_variable=None, has_maximum_accepted_value=None, has_constraint=None, description=None, label=None, type=None, has_long_name=None, has_short_name=None, has_minimum_accepted_value=None, part_of_dataset=None, id=None, uses_unit=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, has_constraint=None, has_default_value=None, has_long_name=None, has_maximum_accepted_value=None, has_minimum_accepted_value=None, has_short_name=None, has_standard_variable=None, id=None, label=None, part_of_dataset=None, type=None, uses_unit=None): # noqa: E501 """VariablePresentation - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_default_value = None - self._has_standard_variable = None - self._has_maximum_accepted_value = None - self._has_constraint = None self._description = None - self._label = None - self._type = None + self._has_constraint = None + self._has_default_value = None self._has_long_name = None - self._has_short_name = None + self._has_maximum_accepted_value = None self._has_minimum_accepted_value = None - self._part_of_dataset = None + self._has_short_name = None + self._has_standard_variable = None self._id = None + self._label = None + self._part_of_dataset = None + self._type = None self._uses_unit = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_default_value = has_default_value - self.has_standard_variable = has_standard_variable - self.has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value - self.has_constraint = has_constraint self.description = description - self.label = label - self.type = type + self.has_constraint = has_constraint + self.has_default_value = has_default_value self.has_long_name = has_long_name - self.has_short_name = has_short_name + self.has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value self.has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value - self.part_of_dataset = part_of_dataset + self.has_short_name = has_short_name + self.has_standard_variable = has_standard_variable if id is not None: self.id = id + self.label = label + self.part_of_dataset = part_of_dataset + self.type = type self.uses_unit = uses_unit + @property + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + + small description # noqa: E501 + + :return: The description of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._description + + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this VariablePresentation. + + small description # noqa: E501 + + :param description: The description of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._description = description + + @property + def has_constraint(self): + """Gets the has_constraint of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + + Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 + + :return: The has_constraint of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] + """ + return self._has_constraint + + @has_constraint.setter + def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): + """Sets the has_constraint of this VariablePresentation. + + Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 + + :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] + """ + + self._has_constraint = has_constraint + @property def has_default_value(self): """Gets the has_default_value of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 @@ -119,27 +165,27 @@ def has_default_value(self, has_default_value): self._has_default_value = has_default_value @property - def has_standard_variable(self): - """Gets the has_standard_variable of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + def has_long_name(self): + """Gets the has_long_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - the standard name of a variable # noqa: E501 + Properties that relate the variable representation to its long name. The long name is useful for context (e.g., precipitation is less ambiguous than P) but not as precise as the standard name. # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_standard_variable of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[StandardVariable] + :return: The has_long_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_standard_variable + return self._has_long_name - @has_standard_variable.setter - def has_standard_variable(self, has_standard_variable): - """Sets the has_standard_variable of this VariablePresentation. + @has_long_name.setter + def has_long_name(self, has_long_name): + """Sets the has_long_name of this VariablePresentation. - the standard name of a variable # noqa: E501 + Properties that relate the variable representation to its long name. The long name is useful for context (e.g., precipitation is less ambiguous than P) but not as precise as the standard name. # noqa: E501 - :param has_standard_variable: The has_standard_variable of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[StandardVariable] + :param has_long_name: The has_long_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._has_standard_variable = has_standard_variable + self._has_long_name = has_long_name @property def has_maximum_accepted_value(self): @@ -165,165 +211,119 @@ def has_maximum_accepted_value(self, has_maximum_accepted_value): self._has_maximum_accepted_value = has_maximum_accepted_value @property - def has_constraint(self): - """Gets the has_constraint of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - - Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_constraint of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] - """ - return self._has_constraint - - @has_constraint.setter - def has_constraint(self, has_constraint): - """Sets the has_constraint of this VariablePresentation. - - Constraint or rule associated to a variable or software configuration. For example: \"This model accepts only monthly data\", or \"all inputs of this model configuration must share the same location\". More structured restrictions, such as Jena rules or SWRL rules may also be captured with this property # noqa: E501 - - :param has_constraint: The has_constraint of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] - """ - - self._has_constraint = has_constraint - - @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + def has_minimum_accepted_value(self): + """Gets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[object] """ - return self._description + return self._has_minimum_accepted_value - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this VariablePresentation. + @has_minimum_accepted_value.setter + def has_minimum_accepted_value(self, has_minimum_accepted_value): + """Sets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this VariablePresentation. - small description # noqa: E501 + Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_minimum_accepted_value: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[object] """ - self._description = description + self._has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value @property - def label(self): - """Gets the label of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + def has_short_name(self): + """Gets the has_short_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + A short name (e.g., temperature) capturing the high-level concept of the variable # noqa: E501 - :return: The label of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_short_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._label + return self._has_short_name - @label.setter - def label(self, label): - """Sets the label of this VariablePresentation. + @has_short_name.setter + def has_short_name(self, has_short_name): + """Sets the has_short_name of this VariablePresentation. - short description of the resource # noqa: E501 + A short name (e.g., temperature) capturing the high-level concept of the variable # noqa: E501 - :param label: The label of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :param has_short_name: The has_short_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._label = label + self._has_short_name = has_short_name @property - def type(self): - """Gets the type of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + def has_standard_variable(self): + """Gets the has_standard_variable of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + the standard name of a variable # noqa: E501 - :return: The type of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The has_standard_variable of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[StandardVariable] """ - return self._type + return self._has_standard_variable - @type.setter - def type(self, type): - """Sets the type of this VariablePresentation. + @has_standard_variable.setter + def has_standard_variable(self, has_standard_variable): + """Sets the has_standard_variable of this VariablePresentation. - type of the resource # noqa: E501 + the standard name of a variable # noqa: E501 - :param type: The type of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param has_standard_variable: The has_standard_variable of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[StandardVariable] """ - self._type = type + self._has_standard_variable = has_standard_variable @property - def has_long_name(self): - """Gets the has_long_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + def id(self): + """Gets the id of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - Properties that relate the variable representation to its long name. The long name is useful for context (e.g., precipitation is less ambiguous than P) but not as precise as the standard name. # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_long_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[str] + :return: The id of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: str """ - return self._has_long_name + return self._id - @has_long_name.setter - def has_long_name(self, has_long_name): - """Sets the has_long_name of this VariablePresentation. + @id.setter + def id(self, id): + """Sets the id of this VariablePresentation. - Properties that relate the variable representation to its long name. The long name is useful for context (e.g., precipitation is less ambiguous than P) but not as precise as the standard name. # noqa: E501 + identifier # noqa: E501 - :param has_long_name: The has_long_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[str] + :param id: The id of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :type: str """ - self._has_long_name = has_long_name + self._id = id @property - def has_short_name(self): - """Gets the has_short_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + def label(self): + """Gets the label of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - A short name (e.g., temperature) capturing the high-level concept of the variable # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_short_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :return: The label of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_short_name + return self._label - @has_short_name.setter - def has_short_name(self, has_short_name): - """Sets the has_short_name of this VariablePresentation. + @label.setter + def label(self, label): + """Sets the label of this VariablePresentation. - A short name (e.g., temperature) capturing the high-level concept of the variable # noqa: E501 + short description of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param has_short_name: The has_short_name of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :param label: The label of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_short_name = has_short_name - - @property - def has_minimum_accepted_value(self): - """Gets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - - Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 - - :return: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[object] - """ - return self._has_minimum_accepted_value - - @has_minimum_accepted_value.setter - def has_minimum_accepted_value(self, has_minimum_accepted_value): - """Sets the has_minimum_accepted_value of this VariablePresentation. - - Minimum accepted value of a variable presentation (or a parameter) # noqa: E501 - - :param has_minimum_accepted_value: The has_minimum_accepted_value of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[object] - """ - - self._has_minimum_accepted_value = has_minimum_accepted_value + self._label = label @property def part_of_dataset(self): @@ -349,27 +349,27 @@ def part_of_dataset(self, part_of_dataset): self._part_of_dataset = part_of_dataset @property - def id(self): - """Gets the id of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + def type(self): + """Gets the type of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :return: The id of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: str + :return: The type of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._id + return self._type - @id.setter - def id(self, id): - """Sets the id of this VariablePresentation. + @type.setter + def type(self, type): + """Sets the type of this VariablePresentation. - identifier # noqa: E501 + type of the resource # noqa: E501 - :param id: The id of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 - :type: str + :param type: The type of this VariablePresentation. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[str] """ - self._id = id + self._type = type @property def uses_unit(self): diff --git a/modelcatalog/models/visualization.py b/modelcatalog/models/visualization.py index 765966c..ff95aeb 100644 --- a/modelcatalog/models/visualization.py +++ b/modelcatalog/models/visualization.py @@ -31,72 +31,72 @@ class Visualization(object): and the value is json key in definition. """ openapi_types = { - 'has_format': 'list[str]', - 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', - 'was_derived_from_software': 'list[Software]', 'description': 'list[str]', + 'had_primary_source': 'list[object]', + 'has_format': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', 'label': 'list[str]', 'type': 'list[str]', - 'value': 'list[object]' + 'value': 'list[object]', + 'was_derived_from_software': 'list[Software]' } attribute_map = { - 'has_format': 'hasFormat', - 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', - 'was_derived_from_software': 'wasDerivedFromSoftware', 'description': 'description', + 'had_primary_source': 'hadPrimarySource', + 'has_format': 'hasFormat', 'id': 'id', 'label': 'label', 'type': 'type', - 'value': 'value' + 'value': 'value', + 'was_derived_from_software': 'wasDerivedFromSoftware' } - def __init__(self, has_format=None, had_primary_source=None, was_derived_from_software=None, description=None, id=None, label=None, type=None, value=None): # noqa: E501 + def __init__(self, description=None, had_primary_source=None, has_format=None, id=None, label=None, type=None, value=None, was_derived_from_software=None): # noqa: E501 """Visualization - a model defined in OpenAPI""" # noqa: E501 - self._has_format = None - self._had_primary_source = None - self._was_derived_from_software = None self._description = None + self._had_primary_source = None + self._has_format = None self._id = None self._label = None self._type = None self._value = None + self._was_derived_from_software = None self.discriminator = None - self.has_format = has_format - self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source - self.was_derived_from_software = was_derived_from_software self.description = description + self.had_primary_source = had_primary_source + self.has_format = has_format if id is not None: self.id = id self.label = label self.type = type self.value = value + self.was_derived_from_software = was_derived_from_software @property - def has_format(self): - """Gets the has_format of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 + def description(self): + """Gets the description of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 - Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :return: The has_format of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 + :return: The description of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._has_format + return self._description - @has_format.setter - def has_format(self, has_format): - """Sets the has_format of this Visualization. + @description.setter + def description(self, description): + """Sets the description of this Visualization. - Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 + small description # noqa: E501 - :param has_format: The has_format of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 + :param description: The description of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._has_format = has_format + self._description = description @property def had_primary_source(self): @@ -122,50 +122,27 @@ def had_primary_source(self, had_primary_source): self._had_primary_source = had_primary_source @property - def was_derived_from_software(self): - """Gets the was_derived_from_software of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 - - Property that identifies the software used to create a visualization # noqa: E501 - - :return: The was_derived_from_software of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 - :rtype: list[Software] - """ - return self._was_derived_from_software - - @was_derived_from_software.setter - def was_derived_from_software(self, was_derived_from_software): - """Sets the was_derived_from_software of this Visualization. - - Property that identifies the software used to create a visualization # noqa: E501 - - :param was_derived_from_software: The was_derived_from_software of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 - :type: list[Software] - """ - - self._was_derived_from_software = was_derived_from_software - - @property - def description(self): - """Gets the description of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 + def has_format(self): + """Gets the has_format of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 - small description # noqa: E501 + Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 - :return: The description of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 + :return: The has_format of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[str] """ - return self._description + return self._has_format - @description.setter - def description(self, description): - """Sets the description of this Visualization. + @has_format.setter + def has_format(self, has_format): + """Sets the has_format of this Visualization. - small description # noqa: E501 + Format followed by a file. For example, txt, nc, etc. # noqa: E501 - :param description: The description of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 + :param has_format: The has_format of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 :type: list[str] """ - self._description = description + self._has_format = has_format @property def id(self): @@ -259,6 +236,29 @@ def value(self, value): self._value = value + @property + def was_derived_from_software(self): + """Gets the was_derived_from_software of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 + + Property that identifies the software used to create a visualization # noqa: E501 + + :return: The was_derived_from_software of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 + :rtype: list[Software] + """ + return self._was_derived_from_software + + @was_derived_from_software.setter + def was_derived_from_software(self, was_derived_from_software): + """Sets the was_derived_from_software of this Visualization. + + Property that identifies the software used to create a visualization # noqa: E501 + + :param was_derived_from_software: The was_derived_from_software of this Visualization. # noqa: E501 + :type: list[Software] + """ + + self._was_derived_from_software = was_derived_from_software + def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} diff --git a/openapi-config.json b/openapi-config.json index ec4534b..0d7c2cb 100644 --- a/openapi-config.json +++ b/openapi-config.json @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ "packageName": "modelcatalog", "projectName": "modelcatalog-api", "modelPropertyNaming": "camelCase", - "packageVersion": "7.0.0", + "packageVersion": "7.1.0", "packageUrl": "https://pypi.org/project/modelcatalog-api/" } diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py index 7c1cc45..ea99282 100644 --- a/setup.py +++ b/setup.py @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from setuptools import setup, find_packages # noqa: H301 NAME = "modelcatalog-api" -VERSION = "7.0.0" +VERSION = "7.1.0" # To install the library, run the following # # python setup.py install