diff --git a/src/screens/emulators/emulators-home.ts b/src/screens/emulators/emulators-home.ts
index c7dbcd3e..6594648d 100644
--- a/src/screens/emulators/emulators-home.ts
+++ b/src/screens/emulators/emulators-home.ts
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ export class EmulatorsHome extends connect(store)(PageViewElement) {
Region | Time period | Input (data preparation has been completed) | Model setup has been tested (outside MINT) | Setup (the model setup available in MINT) | Ensemble description (range of parameters completed in the simulation) | Output summary (Ensemble) | Results reviewed by modeler | Status | Validated? | Comments |
Ethiopia | +2010-2018 | https://data.mint.isi.edu/files/CHIRPS/2.0/global_monthly/chirps-v2.0.monthly.nc | +Yes (locally) | +https://w3id.org/okn/i/mint/dsi_1.2.0_cfg_chirps_ethiopia | ++ Index: SPI; + distribution: gamma; + scales: 6; + sim start year: 2010; + sim end year: 2018; + calib start year: 1981; + calib end year: 2010; + global: False; + min lon: 23; + max lon: 48; + min lat: 3; + max lat: 15; + dataset type: CHIRPS; + | +/ethiopia/modeling/scenario/VCWuwuZ6vJQjNiVlrS0Q/4t6hVGaS71FHAmQ2000a/1gT1VIIdDTO1iG88wpgZ/results | ++ | Finished | +NO (no need for calibration) | ++ |
Ethiopia | +2010-2018 | +https://data.mint.isi.edu/files/raw-data/ECMWF.nc | +Yes (locally) | +https://w3id.org/okn/i/mint/dsi_1.2.0_cfg_ecmwf_ethiopia | ++ Index: SPI; + distribution: gamma; + scales: 6; + sim start year: 2010; + sim end year: 2018; + calib start year: 1981; + calib end year: 2010; + global: False; + min lon: 23; + max lon: 48; + min lat: 3; + max lat: 15; + dataset type: ECMWF; + | +/ethiopia/modeling/scenario/VCWuwuZ6vJQjNiVlrS0Q/0bIX4jue50DDcVEPTow9/zaJQOpdyIka9diQ9bz5p/results | ++ | Finished | +NO (no need for calibration) | ++ |
Ethiopia | +2010-2018 | +https://data.mint.isi.edu/files/raw-data/GLDAS2.1_TP_2000_2018.nc | +Yes (locally) | +https://w3id.org/okn/i/mint/dsi_1.2.0_cfg_ecmwf_ethiopia | ++ Index: SPI; + distribution: gamma; + scales: 6; + data start year: 2008; + data end year: 2017; + calib start year: 2000; + calib end year: 2017; + min lon: 23; + max lon: 48; + min lat: 3; + max lat: 15; + data type: GLDAS; + periodicity: monthly; + generate visualization: True; + | +/ethiopia/modeling/scenario/VCWuwuZ6vJQjNiVlrS0Q/eGvdXNQWUuZKdLUeMQPB/z6ICs8Bup4AUWKjYm6g2/results | ++ | Finished | +NO (no need for calibration) | ++ |