diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss
index 9a795f4548..e12e19614c 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ $govuk-assets-path: "/";
 @import "table-sort";
 @import "tables";
 @import "sort-transactions";
+@import "summary-card";
 @import "width-style-correction";
 @import "citizens/spinner";
 @import "providers/legal_aid_applications";
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/check-your-answers.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/check-your-answers.scss
index 6a9045b9c0..ecf2c9feb2 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/check-your-answers.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/check-your-answers.scss
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
   border-top: 3px solid #000000;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;
   font-weight: bold;
   @include govuk-media-query($from: tablet) {
     display: table-row;
@@ -70,6 +71,6 @@
-.print-no-break > .govuk-body {
+.print-no-break>.govuk-body {
   word-wrap: break-word;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/summary-card.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/summary-card.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24d13439a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/summary-card.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.bold-border-top {
+  border-top: 2px solid govuk-colour("black");
+.govuk-summary-card {
+  break-inside: avoid;
diff --git a/app/components/reports/merits/delegated_functions_component.html.erb b/app/components/reports/merits/delegated_functions_component.html.erb
index 97f875b012..fd5afd1628 100644
--- a/app/components/reports/merits/delegated_functions_component.html.erb
+++ b/app/components/reports/merits/delegated_functions_component.html.erb
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-<h3 class="govuk-heading-s">
-  <%= @proceeding.meaning %>
 <% if @proceeding.used_delegated_functions? %>
   <%= govuk_summary_list(
+        card: { title: @proceeding.meaning },
         actions: false,
-        classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
       ) %>
 <% else %>
+  <h3 class="govuk-heading-s">
+    <%= @proceeding.meaning %>
+  </h3>
   <p class="govuk-body govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
     <%= t(".not_used") %>
diff --git a/app/helpers/check_answers_helper.rb b/app/helpers/check_answers_helper.rb
index 98f7d1cfff..94b77d05c9 100644
--- a/app/helpers/check_answers_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/check_answers_helper.rb
@@ -1,31 +1,5 @@
 module CheckAnswersHelper
   ItemStruct = Struct.new(:label, :amount_text, :name)
-  # Creates one dictionary list item - so needs to be used within a `govuk-summary-list` `dl`:
-  #     <dl class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-  #       <%= check_answer_link ..... %>
-  #     </dl>
-  def check_answer_link(question:, answer:, name:, url: nil, read_only: false, no_border: false)
-    render(
-      "shared/check_answers/item",
-      name:,
-      url:,
-      question:,
-      answer:,
-      read_only: url.nil? ? true : read_only,
-      no_border:,
-    )
-  end
-  def check_answer_no_link(question:, answer:, name:, no_border: false, read_only: false)
-    render(
-      "shared/check_answers/no_link_item",
-      name:,
-      question:,
-      answer:,
-      read_only:,
-      no_border:,
-    )
-  end
   # Creates both the outer `div` and the inner list items
   def check_answer_change_link(name:, url:, question:, read_only: false)
@@ -38,16 +12,6 @@ def check_answer_change_link(name:, url:, question:, read_only: false)
-  def check_long_question_no_link(question:, answer:, name:, no_border: false)
-    render(
-      "shared/check_answers/no_link_long_item",
-      name:,
-      question:,
-      answer:,
-      no_border:,
-    )
-  end
   def number_to_currency_or_na(number)
     number.to_d == BigDecimal("999_999_999_999.0", 12) ? "N/a" : gds_number_to_currency(number)
diff --git a/app/views/providers/check_passported_answers/show.html.erb b/app/views/providers/check_passported_answers/show.html.erb
index 98df2aa368..69fcbb285a 100644
--- a/app/views/providers/check_passported_answers/show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/providers/check_passported_answers/show.html.erb
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
   <%= render "shared/check_answers/assets", individual: %>
-  <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".chances_of_success_h2") %></h2>
+  <h3 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".what_happens_next") %></h2>
-  <p class="govuk-body"><%= t(".chances_of_success_body") %></p>
+  <p class="govuk-body"><%= t(".what_happens_next_body") %></p>
   <%= next_action_buttons_with_form(
         url: continue_providers_legal_aid_application_check_passported_answers_path(@legal_aid_application),
diff --git a/app/views/providers/check_provider_answers/_read_only.html.erb b/app/views/providers/check_provider_answers/_read_only.html.erb
index 111d914216..6d33733bbc 100644
--- a/app/views/providers/check_provider_answers/_read_only.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/providers/check_provider_answers/_read_only.html.erb
@@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
 <p class="govuk-body"><%= t ".sent_email_text", email: @legal_aid_application.applicant.email %></p>
-  <%= govuk_button_link_to t(".change_email_button"),
-                           providers_legal_aid_application_email_address_path,
-                           role: "button",
-                           secondary: true,
-                           id: "change-email" %>
+<%= govuk_button_link_to t(".change_email_button"),
+                         providers_legal_aid_application_email_address_path,
+                         role: "button",
+                         secondary: true,
+                         id: "change-email" %>
-  <%= page_template(
-        page_title: t(".title"),
-        notification_banner_title: t("generic.important"),
-        notification_banner_text: t(".banner.your_client_needs_to"),
-        back_link: {
-          path: submitted_providers_legal_aid_applications_path,
-          text: t("generic.home"),
-          method: :get,
-        },
-      ) do %>
+<%= page_template(
+      page_title: t(".title"),
+      notification_banner_title: t("generic.important"),
+      notification_banner_text: t(".banner.your_client_needs_to"),
+      back_link: {
+        path: submitted_providers_legal_aid_applications_path,
+        text: t("generic.home"),
+        method: :get,
+      },
+    ) do %>
-    <%= render("providers/check_provider_answers/shared",
-               applicant: @applicant,
-               address: @address,
-               read_only: @read_only) %>
-    <%= next_action_buttons_with_form(
-          url: submitted_providers_legal_aid_applications_path,
-          method: :get,
-          show_draft: false,
-          continue_button_text: t("generic.back_to_your_applications"),
-        ) %>
+  <%= render("providers/check_provider_answers/shared",
+             applicant: @applicant,
+             address: @address,
+             read_only: @read_only) %>
+  <%= next_action_buttons_with_form(
+        url: submitted_providers_legal_aid_applications_path,
+        method: :get,
+        show_draft: false,
+        continue_button_text: t("generic.back_to_your_applications"),
+      ) %>
 <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/check_provider_answers/_shared.html.erb b/app/views/providers/check_provider_answers/_shared.html.erb
index 53824de1d2..3edd97d2c7 100644
--- a/app/views/providers/check_provider_answers/_shared.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/providers/check_provider_answers/_shared.html.erb
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".section_proceeding.heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
     <%= @source_application.proceedings_by_name.each_with_index do |proceeding, i| %>
       <%= summary_list.with_row(classes: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.name}_proceeding") do |row| %>
         <%= row.with_key(text: "#{t('.proceeding')} #{i + 1}", classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
     <%= render(
           legal_aid_application: @source_application,
+          heading: t(".substantive_cost_limit"),
           read_only: @read_only,
         ) %>
   <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_capital_disregards.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_capital_disregards.html.erb
index b002fcde42..ec335ca7d3 100644
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_capital_disregards.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_capital_disregards.html.erb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".heading") %></h2>
 <%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: t(".heading") },
       actions: false,
-      classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
       html_attributes: { id: "capital-disregards-questions" },
     ) do |summary_list| %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_caseworker_review.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_caseworker_review.html.erb
index 7c13f18607..f2f8d29708 100644
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_caseworker_review.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_caseworker_review.html.erb
@@ -1,48 +1,34 @@
-  <section class="print-no-break">
-    <h2 class="govuk-heading-l"><%= t("providers.means_reports.caseworker_review_section_heading") %></h2>
+<section class="print-no-break">
+  <h2 class="govuk-heading-l"><%= t("providers.means_reports.caseworker_review_section_heading") %></h2>
-    <section>
-      <dl id="caseworker-review-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-        <div class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__row  normal-word-break govuk-summary-list__row--no-border" %>" id="<%= "means-merits-report__caseworker-review-required" %>">
-          <dt class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__key govuk-!-width-one-half" %>">
-            <%= t(".required") %>
-          </dt>
-          <dd class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__value govuk-!-text-align-right" %>" id="caseworker_review_required_answer">
-            <%= yes_no(@manual_review_determiner.manual_review_required?) %>
-          </dd>
-        </div>
-        <% if @manual_review_determiner.manual_review_required? %>
-          <div class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__row  normal-word-break govuk-summary-list__row--no-border" %>" id="<%= "means-merits-report__caseworker-review-required" %>">
-            <dt class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__key govuk-!-width-one-half" %>">
-              <%= t(".reasons") %>
-            </dt>
-            <dd class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__value govuk-!-text-align-right" %>" id="caseworker_review_reasons">
-              <% @manual_review_determiner.review_reasons.each do |reason| %>
-                <%= t(".reason.#{reason}") %>
-                <br>
-              <% end %>
-            </dd>
-          </div>
-          <% @manual_review_determiner.review_categories_by_reason&.each do |reason, categories| %>
-            <div class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__row  normal-word-break govuk-summary-list__row--no-border" %>" id="<%= "means-merits-report__caseworker-review-required-#{reason}" %>">
-              <dt class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__key govuk-!-width-one-half" %>">
-                <%= t(".category-#{reason}") %>
-              </dt>
-              <dd class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__value govuk-!-text-align-right" %>" id="<%= "review-reason-#{reason}" %>">
-                <% categories.each do |category| %>
-                  <%= t(".category.#{category}") %>
-                  <br>
-                <% end %>
-              </dd>
-            </div>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(
+        card: { title: t("providers.means_reports.caseworker_review_section_heading") },
+        actions: false,
+        html_attributes: { id: "caseworker-review-questions" },
+      ) do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %>
+      <%= row.with_key(text: t(".required"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+      <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(@manual_review_determiner.manual_review_required?)) %>
+    <% end %>
+    <% if @manual_review_determiner.manual_review_required? %>
+      <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %>
+        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".reasons")) %>
+        <%= row.with_value do %>
+          <% @manual_review_determiner.review_reasons.each do |reason| %>
+              <%= t(".reason.#{reason}") %><br>
+          <% end %>
+        <% end %>
+      <% end %>
+      <% @manual_review_determiner.review_categories_by_reason&.each do |reason, categories| %>
+        <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %>
+          <%= row.with_key(text: t(".category-#{reason}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+          <%= row.with_value do %>
+            <% categories.each do |category| %>
+                <%= t(".category.#{category}") %><br>
+            <% end %>
           <% end %>
         <% end %>
-      </dl>
-      <hr>
-    </section>
+      <% end %>
+    <% end %>
+  <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_dependants.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_dependants.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index ff22c064b9..0000000000
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_dependants.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t("providers.means_reports.dependants_heading") %></h2>
-<dl id="dependants-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-  <%= check_answer_link(
-        name: "child_dependants",
-        question: t("providers.means_reports.child_dependants"),
-        answer: @legal_aid_application.dependants.child_relative.count,
-        read_only:,
-      ) %>
-  <%= check_answer_link(
-        name: "adult_dependants",
-        question: t("providers.means_reports.adult_dependants"),
-        answer: @legal_aid_application.dependants.adult_relative.count,
-        read_only:,
-      ) %>
-<% if @legal_aid_application.dependants %>
-  <% @legal_aid_application.dependants.each_with_index do |dependant, index| %>
-    <%= render(
-          "shared/check_answers/one_link_section",
-          name: "dependants_#{index + 1}",
-          url: providers_legal_aid_application_means_dependant_path(@legal_aid_application, dependant),
-          question: "Dependant #{index + 1}: #{dependant.name}",
-          answer_hash: dependant_hash(dependant),
-          read_only:,
-        ) %>
-  <% end %>
-<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_income_cash_payments.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_income_cash_payments.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6661327080..0000000000
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_income_cash_payments.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t("providers.means_reports.income_cash_payments_heading") %></h2>
-<% credits = @legal_aid_application.legal_aid_application_transaction_types.credits %>
-<% cash_credits = @legal_aid_application.cash_transactions.credits.order(:transaction_date) %>
-<% credit_categories = TransactionType.credits.not_children %>
-<% if !@legal_aid_application.transaction_types.credits.exists? %>
-  <div class="govuk-body"><%= t("generic.none") %></div>
-<% end %>
-<dl id="income-cash-payments-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-  <% credit_categories.each do |category| %>
-    <% if credits.pluck(:transaction_type_id).include?(category.id) %>
-      <% if cash_credits.pluck(:transaction_type_id).include?(category.id) %>
-        <% cash_payments = cash_credits.where(transaction_type_id: category.id) %>
-        <% cash_payment_list = cash_payments.each_with_object([]) do |payment, list|
-             list << "#{payment.transaction_date.strftime('%B %Y')} #{gds_number_to_currency(payment.amount, precision: 2)}"
-           end %>
-        <%= check_answer_link(
-              name: category.label_name,
-              question: category.label_name,
-              answer: cash_payment_list,
-              read_only: true,
-            ) %>
-      <% else %>
-        <%= check_answer_link(
-              name: category.label_name,
-              question: category.label_name,
-              answer: "None",
-              read_only: true,
-            ) %>
-      <% end %>
-    <% end %>
-  <% end %>>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_income_categories.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_income_categories.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index fa8d409412..0000000000
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_income_categories.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t("providers.means_reports.income_categories_heading") %></h2>
-<% credits = @legal_aid_application.legal_aid_application_transaction_types.credits %>
-<% credit_categories = TransactionType.credits.not_children %>
-<dl id="income-category-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-  <% credit_categories.each do |category| %>
-    <% answer = credits.pluck(:transaction_type_id).include?(category.id) %>
-    <%= check_answer_link(
-          name: category.label_name,
-          question: category.label_name,
-          answer: safe_yes_or_no(answer),
-          read_only: true,
-        ) %>
-  <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_outgoings_cash_payments.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_outgoings_cash_payments.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b00da340a..0000000000
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_outgoings_cash_payments.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t("providers.means_reports.outgoings_cash_payments_heading") %></h2>
-<% debits = @legal_aid_application.legal_aid_application_transaction_types.debits %>
-<% cash_debits = @legal_aid_application.cash_transactions.debits.order(:transaction_date) %>
-<% debit_categories = TransactionType.debits %>
-<% if !@legal_aid_application.transaction_types.debits.exists? %>
-  <div class="govuk-body"> <%= t("generic.none") %> </div>
-<% end %>
-<dl id="outgoings-cash-payments-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-  <% debit_categories.each do |category| %>
-    <% if debits.pluck(:transaction_type_id).include?(category.id) %>
-      <% if cash_debits.pluck(:transaction_type_id).include?(category.id) %>
-        <% cash_payments = cash_debits.where(transaction_type_id: category.id) %>
-        <% cash_payment_list = cash_payments.each_with_object([]) do |payment, list|
-             list << "#{payment.transaction_date.strftime('%B %Y')} #{gds_number_to_currency(payment.amount, precision: 2)}"
-           end %>
-        <%= check_answer_link(
-              name: category.label_name,
-              question: category.label_name,
-              answer: cash_payment_list,
-              read_only: true,
-            ) %>
-      <% else %>
-        <%= check_answer_link(
-              name: category.label_name,
-              question: category.label_name,
-              answer: t("generic.none"),
-              read_only: true,
-            ) %>
-      <% end %>
-    <% end %>
-  <% end %>>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_outgoings_categories.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_outgoings_categories.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a9f83a987..0000000000
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_outgoings_categories.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t("providers.means_reports.outgoings_categories_heading") %></h2>
-<!-- TODO: move ruby to controller or presenter?! -->
-<% debits = @legal_aid_application.legal_aid_application_transaction_types.debits %>
-<% debit_categories = TransactionType.debits %>
-<dl id="outgoings-category-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-  <% debit_categories.each do |category| %>
-    <% answer = debits.pluck(:transaction_type_id).include?(category.id) %>
-    <%= check_answer_link(
-          name: category.label_name,
-          question: category.label_name,
-          answer: safe_yes_or_no(answer),
-          read_only: true,
-        ) %>
-  <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_proceeding_eligibility.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_proceeding_eligibility.html.erb
index 1142c36409..05ba1d9c2b 100644
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_proceeding_eligibility.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_proceeding_eligibility.html.erb
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
 <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t("providers.means_reports.proceeding_eligibility") %></h2>
-<dl id="proceeding-eligibility-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t("providers.means_reports.proceeding_eligibility") }, actions: false, html_attributes: { id: "proceeding-eligibility-questions" }) do |summary_list| %>
   <% results.each do |proceeding_type, result| %>
-    <%= check_answer_link(
-          name: proceeding_type,
-          question: proceeding_type,
-          answer: result,
-          url: nil,
-          read_only: true,
-        ) %>
+    <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %>
+      <%= row.with_key(text: proceeding_type, classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+      <%= row.with_value(text: result) %>
+    <% end %>
   <% end %>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_receives_benefits.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_receives_benefits.html.erb
index 6b98ae74a6..386b3e315a 100644
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_receives_benefits.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_receives_benefits.html.erb
@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@
   <%= t("providers.means_reports.benefit_check_heading") %>
-<dl class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-  <%= check_answer_link(
-        name: :receives_benefit,
-        question: t("providers.means_reports.benefit_check_question"),
-        answer: yes_no(@legal_aid_application.applicant_receives_benefit?),
-        read_only: true,
-      ) %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t("providers.means_reports.benefit_check_heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__receives_benefit" }) do |row| %>
+    <%= row.with_key(text: t("providers.means_reports.benefit_check_question"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+    <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(@legal_aid_application.applicant_receives_benefit?)) %>
+  <% end %>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_student_finance.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_student_finance.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 39df762085..0000000000
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_student_finance.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t("providers.means_reports.student_finance_heading") %></h2>
-<dl id="student-finance-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-  <%= check_answer_no_link(
-        name: :student_finance_annual_amount,
-        question: "Student loan or grant (per year)",
-        answer: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.applicant.student_finance_amount),
-        read_only:,
-      ) %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_with_bank_statement_uploads.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_with_bank_statement_uploads.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b482cb70f..0000000000
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_with_bank_statement_uploads.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-<%= render "receives_benefits" %>
-<% if @legal_aid_application.non_passported? %>
-  <section class="print-no-break">
-    <%= render("income_categories", read_only: true) %>
-  </section>
-  <section class="print-no-break">
-    <%= render("student_finance", read_only: true) %>
-  </section>
-  <section class="print-no-break">
-    <%= render("income_cash_payments", read_only: true) %>
-  </section>
-  <section class="print-no-break">
-    <%= render("dependants", read_only: true) %>
-  </section>
-  <section class="print-no-break">
-    <%= render("outgoings_categories", read_only: true) %>
-  </section>
-  <section class="print-no-break">
-    <%= render("outgoings_cash_payments", read_only: true) %>
-  </section>
-  <section class="print-no-break">
-    <% if @legal_aid_application.applicant.extra_employment_information? %>
-      <%= render "shared/check_answers/employed_income", partner: false, read_only: true %>
-    <% end %>
-  </section>
-  <h2 class="govuk-heading-m">
-    <%= t(".income_result_heading") %>
-  </h2>
-  <section class="print-no-break">
-    <%= render "shared/check_answers/income_result", read_only: true %>
-  </section>
-  <section class="print-no-break">
-    <% if @legal_aid_application.full_employment_details? %>
-      <%= render "shared/check_answers/full_employment_details", individual: "Your client", read_only: true, partner: false %>
-    <% end %>
-  </section>
-  <div class="govuk-!-padding-bottom-8"></div>
-  <%= render "caseworker_review" %>
-<% end %>
-<h2 class="govuk-heading-m">
-  <%= t(".assets_heading") %>
-<%= render "shared/check_answers/assets", read_only: true, individual: "" %>
-<% if @legal_aid_application.passported? && @manual_review_determiner.manual_review_required? %>
-    <div class="govuk-!-padding-bottom-8"></div>
-    <%= render "caseworker_review" %>
-<% end %>
-<section class="print-no-break">
-  <%= render("shared/check_answers/bank_statements", bank_statements: @legal_aid_application.attachments.bank_statement_evidence, read_only: true) %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_with_cfe_result_details.html.erb b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_with_cfe_result_details.html.erb
index ede20c303f..540d38ad42 100644
--- a/app/views/providers/means_reports/_with_cfe_result_details.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/providers/means_reports/_with_cfe_result_details.html.erb
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     <%= t(".income_result_heading") %>
-  <%= render "shared/check_answers/income_result", read_only: true %>
+  <%= render "shared/check_answers/income_result", read_only: true, heading: t(".income_result_heading") %>
   <% if @legal_aid_application.applicant.state_benefits.any? %>
     <section class="print-no-break">
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <h2 class="govuk-heading-m">
       <%= t(".income_details_heading") %>
-    <%= render "shared/check_answers/income_details" %>
+    <%= render "shared/means_report/income_details", heading: t(".income_details_heading") %>
   <section class="print-no-break">
@@ -56,14 +56,12 @@
   <section class="print-no-break">
     <h2 class="govuk-heading-l"><%= t(".debits-section-heading") %></h2>
-    <%= render "shared/check_answers/outgoings_details" %>
+    <%= render "shared/means_report/outgoings_details", heading: t(".debits-section-heading") %>
-  <div class="govuk-!-padding-bottom-8"></div>
   <section class="print-no-break">
     <h2 class="govuk-heading-l"><%= t(".deductions-section-heading") %></h2>
-    <%= render "shared/check_answers/deductions_details" %>
+    <%= render "shared/means_report/deductions_details", heading: t(".deductions-section-heading") %>
   <div class="govuk-!-padding-bottom-8"></div>
@@ -86,7 +84,7 @@
     <%= t(".capital_result_heading") %>
-  <%= render "shared/check_answers/capital_result", read_only: true %>
+  <%= render "shared/check_answers/capital_result", heading: t(".capital_result_heading") %>
 <h2 class="govuk-heading-m">
@@ -102,13 +100,11 @@
 <% end %>
 <% if @legal_aid_application.uploading_bank_statements? %>
-<div class="govuk-!-padding-bottom-8"></div>
+  <section class="print-no-break">
+    <h3 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".bank_statement_heading") %></h3>
-<section class="print-no-break">
-  <h3 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".bank_statement_heading") %></h3>
-  <% if @legal_aid_application.uploading_bank_statements? %>
     <% has_partner = @legal_aid_application.applicant.has_partner_with_no_contrary_interest? %>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".bank_statement_heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
       <% if @legal_aid_application.client_uploading_bank_statements? %>
         <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__bank_statements_client" }) do |row| %>
           <%= row.with_key(text: has_partner ? t(".bank_statement_question_with_partner") : t(".bank_statement_question"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
@@ -134,6 +130,5 @@
         <% end %>
       <% end %>
     <% end %>
-  <% end %>
+  </section>
 <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/merits_reports/show.html.erb b/app/views/providers/merits_reports/show.html.erb
index 3750044e6d..d53a13e49b 100644
--- a/app/views/providers/merits_reports/show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/providers/merits_reports/show.html.erb
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".previous_legal_aid") %></h2>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".previous_legal_aid") },
                          html_attributes: { id: "previous-legal-aid-question" }) do |summary_list| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__applied_previously" }) do |row| %>
         <%= row.with_key(text: t(".has_applied_before"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
diff --git a/app/views/providers/proceeding_merits_task/check_who_client_is/show.html.erb b/app/views/providers/proceeding_merits_task/check_who_client_is/show.html.erb
index f96913594f..59a2848054 100644
--- a/app/views/providers/proceeding_merits_task/check_who_client_is/show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/providers/proceeding_merits_task/check_who_client_is/show.html.erb
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
     <p class="govuk-body"><%= t(".paragraph") %></p>
   <% end %>
-  <%= render("shared/check_answers/relationship_to_child", proceeding: @proceeding, relationship_to_child: @relationship_to_child, read_only: false) %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: page_title }, actions: true) do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= render("shared/check_answers/relationship_to_child", summary_list:, proceeding: @proceeding, relationship_to_child: @relationship_to_child) %>
+  <% end %>
   <%= next_action_buttons_with_form(
         url: providers_merits_task_list_check_who_client_is_path(@proceeding),
diff --git a/app/views/shared/_application_ref.html.erb b/app/views/shared/_application_ref.html.erb
index 1a5170112c..7632c3c73b 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/_application_ref.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/_application_ref.html.erb
@@ -1,18 +1,10 @@
-<dl class="govuk-summary-list govuk-summary-list--no-border">
-  <div class="govuk-summary-list__row">
-    <dt class="govuk-summary-list__key">
-      <%= t(".apply_ref") %>
-    </dt>
-    <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value">
-      <%= legal_aid_application.application_ref %>
-    </dd>
-  </div>
-  <div class="govuk-summary-list__row">
-    <dt class="govuk-summary-list__key">
-      <%= t(".ccms_ref_html") %>
-    </dt>
-    <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value">
-      <%= legal_aid_application.case_ccms_reference %>
-    </dd>
-  </div>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(classes: "govuk-summary-list--no-border") do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %>
+    <%= row.with_key(text: t(".apply_ref")) %>
+    <%= row.with_value(text: legal_aid_application.application_ref) %>
+  <% end %>
+  <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %>
+    <%= row.with_key(text: t(".ccms_ref_html")) %>
+    <%= row.with_value(text: legal_aid_application.case_ccms_reference) %>
+  <% end %>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_assets.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_assets.html.erb
index be675e41c5..005bb50f4d 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_assets.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_assets.html.erb
@@ -14,30 +14,26 @@
 <section class="print-no-break">
   <%= render "shared/check_answers/vehicles", read_only:, individual: %>
-<% if showing_bank_accounts %>
-  <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".assets.bank_accounts") %></h2>
-<% end %>
+  <% if showing_bank_accounts %>
+    <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".assets.bank_accounts") %></h2>
+  <% end %>
   <% if @legal_aid_application.non_passported? && !@legal_aid_application.client_uploading_bank_statements? %>
     <!-- non-passported truelayer only -->
     <% if read_only %>
-      <h3 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".assets.clients_bank_accounts") %></h3>
-      <%= govuk_table(classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9", html_attributes: { id: "applicant-bank-accounts-details" }) do |table|
-            table.with_body do |body|
-              @legal_aid_application&.applicant&.bank_accounts&.each do |account|
-                body.with_row do |row|
-                  row.with_cell(header: true, text: "#{account.name}, #{account.account_number}, #{account.sort_code}")
-                  row.with_cell(numeric: true, text: gds_number_to_currency(account.balance).to_s)
-                end
-              end
-            end
-          end %>
+      <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".assets.clients_bank_accounts") }, html_attributes: { id: "applicant-bank-accounts-details" }) do |summary_list| %>
+        <% @legal_aid_application&.applicant&.bank_accounts&.each do |account| %>
+          <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %>
+            <%= row.with_key(text: "#{account.name}, #{account.account_number}, #{account.sort_code}", classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+            <%= row.with_value { gds_number_to_currency(account.balance).to_s } %>
+          <% end %>
+        <% end %>
+      <% end %>
       <h3 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".assets.money_in_bank_accounts") %></h3>
-      <%= govuk_summary_list(classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9", html_attributes: { "data-test": "applicant-bank-accounts" }) do |summary_list| %>
+      <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".assets.money_in_bank_accounts") }, html_attributes: { "data-test": "applicant-bank-accounts" }) do |summary_list| %>
         <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__online_current_accounts" }) do |row| %>
           <%= row.with_key(text: @legal_aid_application&.applicant&.has_partner? ? t(".assets.client_current_account") : t(".assets.current_accounts"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
           <%= row.with_value { online_current_accounts.present? ? gds_number_to_currency(online_current_accounts) : t("generic.none") } %>
@@ -67,7 +63,10 @@
       <% end %>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9", html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__bank_accounts_items", "data-test": "applicant-bank-accounts" }) do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(
+          card: { title: t(".assets.client_bank_accounts") },
+          html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__bank_accounts_items", "data-test": "applicant-bank-accounts" },
+        ) do |summary_list| %>
       <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__offline_current_accounts" }) do |row| %>
         <%= row.with_key(text: @legal_aid_application&.applicant&.has_partner? ? t(".assets.client_current_account") : t(".assets.current_accounts"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
         <%= row.with_value { @legal_aid_application&.savings_amount&.offline_current_accounts.present? ? gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.savings_amount.offline_current_accounts) : t("generic.none") } %>
@@ -103,8 +102,7 @@
       <% end %>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9", html_attributes: { "data-test": "partner-bank-accounts" }) do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".assets.partner_bank_accounts") }, html_attributes: { "data-test": "partner-bank-accounts" }) do |summary_list| %>
       <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__partner_offline_current_accounts" }) do |row| %>
         <%= row.with_key(text: t(".assets.partner_current_account"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
         <%= row.with_value { @legal_aid_application.savings_amount.partner_offline_current_accounts.present? ? gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.savings_amount.partner_offline_current_accounts) : t("generic.none") } %>
@@ -133,7 +131,7 @@
         <% end %>
-      <%= govuk_summary_list(classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9", html_attributes: { "data-test": "joint-bank-accounts" }) do |summary_list| %>
+      <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".assets.joint_bank_accounts") }, html_attributes: { "data-test": "joint-bank-accounts" }) do |summary_list| %>
         <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__joint_offline_current_accounts" }) do |row| %>
           <%= row.with_key(text: t(".assets.joint_current_account"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
           <%= row.with_value { @legal_aid_application.savings_amount.joint_offline_current_accounts.present? ? gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.savings_amount.joint_offline_current_accounts) : t("generic.none") } %>
@@ -154,19 +152,17 @@
   <% end %>
   <%#  savings and investments %>
-  <div class="govuk-!-padding-bottom-9">
-    <%= render(
-          "shared/check_answers/one_link_section",
-          name: :savings_and_investments,
-          url: check_answer_url_for(journey_type, :savings_and_investments, @legal_aid_application),
-          question: t(".assets.savings_and_investments#{individual}"),
-          answer_hash: capital_assets_list(
-            @legal_aid_application,
-            locale_namespace: "shared.forms.revealing_checkbox.attribute.#{journey_type}.savings_and_investments.check_box_",
-          ),
-          read_only:,
-        ) %>
-  </div>
+  <%= render(
+        "shared/check_answers/one_link_section",
+        name: :savings_and_investments,
+        url: check_answer_url_for(journey_type, :savings_and_investments, @legal_aid_application),
+        question: t(".assets.savings_and_investments#{individual}"),
+        answer_hash: capital_assets_list(
+          @legal_aid_application,
+          locale_namespace: "shared.forms.revealing_checkbox.attribute.#{journey_type}.savings_and_investments.check_box_",
+        ),
+        read_only:,
+      ) %>
   <%#  other assets %>
   <%= render(
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_bank_statements.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_bank_statements.html.erb
index 191cd4b997..398b7337a2 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_bank_statements.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_bank_statements.html.erb
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
                 end %>
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list| %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".section_heading") }, actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__bank_statements_#{individual.downcase}" }) do |row| %>
     <%= row.with_key(text: t(".bank_statement_question"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
     <%= row.with_value do %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_benefits_breakdown.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_benefits_breakdown.html.erb
index cacc7ad2ee..ecd8aed931 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_benefits_breakdown.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_benefits_breakdown.html.erb
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 <h2 class="govuk-heading-m">
   <%= t(".#{individual}.heading") %>
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".#{individual}.heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
   <% data_source.state_benefits.each do |benefit| %>
     <% summary_list.with_row do |row|
-         row.with_key { benefit.description || "" }
+         row.with_key(text: benefit.description || "", classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
          row.with_value { "#{gds_number_to_currency(benefit.amount)} #{t("transaction_types.frequencies.#{benefit.frequency}").downcase}" }
        end %>
   <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_benefits_income.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_benefits_income.html.erb
index 945544574b..6c6d2eca10 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_benefits_income.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_benefits_income.html.erb
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <% end %>
 <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".#{transactions_for}.heading") %></h2>
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9", html_attributes: { id: "state-benefit-section-#{transactions_for}" }) do |summary_list| %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".#{transactions_for}.heading") }, actions: !read_only, html_attributes: { id: "state-benefit-section-#{transactions_for}" }) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{transactions_for}__state_benefits" }) do |row| %>
     <%= row.with_key(text: t(".#{transactions_for}.question"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
     <%= row.with_value { yes_no(individual.receives_state_benefits?) } %>
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
   <%= govuk_summary_list(
+        card: { title: t(".benefit_heading", index: index + 1) },
         actions: false,
-        classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
         html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{transactions_for}__state_benefits_#{index + 1}_items" },
       ) do |summary_list| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_disregard_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_disregard_details.html.erb
index be32af5593..1b279ff569 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_disregard_details.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_disregard_details.html.erb
@@ -1,22 +1,16 @@
 <% capital_disregard_type = capital_disregard.mandatory? ? "mandatory" : "discretionary" %>
 <% capital_disregard_name = t("providers.means.capital_disregards.#{capital_disregard_type}.#{capital_disregard.name}") %>
+<% action_link = govuk_link_to(t("generic.change"),
+                               providers_legal_aid_application_means_capital_disregards_add_detail_path(@legal_aid_application, capital_disregard),
+                               visually_hidden_suffix: capital_disregard_name,
+                               id: "app-check-your-answers__capital_disregard_#{index}_change_link") %>
 <%= govuk_summary_list(
-      actions: !read_only,
-      classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
+      card: { title: t(".#{capital_disregard_type}.heading", count: index + 1), actions: read_only ? [] : [action_link] },
+      actions: false,
       html_attributes: { id: "#{capital_disregard_type}-capital-disregard-questions_#{index}" },
     ) do |summary_list| %>
-  <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__capital_disregard_#{index}_change_link" }) do |row| %>
-    <%= row.with_key(text: t(".#{capital_disregard_type}.heading", count: index + 1), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half govuk-heading-m") %>
-    <%= row.with_value(text: nil) %>
-    <%= row.with_action(
-          text: t("generic.change"),
-          href: providers_legal_aid_application_means_capital_disregards_add_detail_path(@legal_aid_application, capital_disregard),
-          visually_hidden_text: capital_disregard_name,
-        ) %>
-  <% end %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__payment_type" }) do |row| %>
     <%= row.with_key(text: t(".questions.payment_type"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
     <%= row.with_value { capital_disregard_name } %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_disregards.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_disregards.html.erb
index 357944d36a..87d7e91ad9 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_disregards.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_disregards.html.erb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".heading#{individual}") %></h2>
 <%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: t(".heading#{individual}") },
       actions: !read_only,
-      classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
       html_attributes: { id: "capital-disregards-questions" },
     ) do |summary_list| %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_result.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_result.html.erb
index 214644b246..1c013d0e7f 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_result.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_capital_result.html.erb
@@ -1,31 +1,20 @@
-<% read_only = false unless local_assigns.key?(:read_only) %>
-<dl id="capital-result-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-  <%= check_answer_link(
-        name: :total_capital_assessed,
-        question: t(".total"),
-        answer: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.total_capital),
-        read_only:,
-      ) %>
-  <%= check_answer_link(
-        name: :capital_lower_limit,
-        question: t(".lower_limit_label"),
-        answer: gds_number_to_currency(Rails.configuration.x.capital_result.lower_limit),
-        read_only:,
-      ) %>
-  <%= check_answer_link(
-        name: :capital_upper_limit,
-        question: t(".upper_limit_label"),
-        answer: gds_number_to_currency(Rails.configuration.x.capital_result.upper_limit),
-        read_only:,
-      ) %>
-  <%= check_answer_link(
-        name: :capital_contribution,
-        question: t(".contribution"),
-        answer: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.capital_contribution),
-        read_only:,
-      ) %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: heading },
+                       actions: false,
+                       html_attributes: { id: "capital-result-questions" }) do |summary_list| %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(classes: "app-check-your-answers__total_capital_assessed") do |row|
+         row.with_key(text: t(".total"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+         row.with_value { gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.total_capital) }
+       end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(classes: "app-check-your-answers__capital_lower_limit") do |row|
+         row.with_key { t(".lower_limit_label") }
+         row.with_value(text: gds_number_to_currency(Rails.configuration.x.capital_result.lower_limit))
+       end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(classes: "app-check-your-answers__capital_upper_limit") do |row|
+         row.with_key { t(".upper_limit_label") }
+         row.with_value(text: gds_number_to_currency(Rails.configuration.x.capital_result.upper_limit))
+       end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(classes: "app-check-your-answers__capital_contribution") do |row|
+         row.with_key { t(".contribution") }
+         row.with_value(text: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.capital_contribution))
+       end %>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_cash_payments.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_cash_payments.html.erb
index e45dfafdf3..dea397a837 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_cash_payments.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_cash_payments.html.erb
@@ -16,17 +16,18 @@
                             end %>
-<% if cash_transaction_types.none? %>
-  <div class="govuk-body"><%= t("generic.none") %></div>
-<% end %>
 <% cash_transactions = @legal_aid_application.cash_transactions.where(owner_type: individual) %>
 <%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: t(".#{type}_heading", individual_with_determiner:) },
       actions: false,
-      classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
       html_attributes: { "data-check-your-answers-section": t(".#{type}_heading", individual_with_determiner:).parameterize },
     ) do |summary_list| %>
+  <% if cash_transaction_types.none? %>
+    <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %>
+      <%= row.with_value { t("generic.none") } %>
+    <% end %>
+  <% end %>
   <% cash_transaction_types.each do |category| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{category.label_name.parameterize}-cash-#{type}-#{individual.downcase}" }) do |row| %>
       <%= row.with_key(text: category.label_name, classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_children_involved.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_children_involved.html.erb
index e896e90862..b2b48740c7 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_children_involved.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_children_involved.html.erb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
       ) %>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".involved-children-heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
     <% @legal_aid_application.involved_children.each_with_index do |child, i| %>
       <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__involved_child_#{i + 1}" }) do |row| %>
         <%= row.with_key(text: "#{t('.child')} #{i + 1}", classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_client_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_client_details.html.erb
index d2d15bb2c0..ca8ceebc60 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_client_details.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_client_details.html.erb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<%= govuk_summary_list(classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") },
                        html_attributes: { id: "client-details-questions" },
                        actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
   <% if :first_name.in?(attributes) %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_deductions_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_deductions_details.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index d0388d9b0a..0000000000
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_deductions_details.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  <dl id="deductions-details-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-    <% deductions_detail_items(@legal_aid_application).each do |item| %>
-      <%= render "shared/means_report/item", item.to_h %>
-    <% end %>
-    <%= render "shared/means_report/total", name: "total_deductions", value_method: :total_deductions %>
-  </dl>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_dependants.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_dependants.html.erb
index 84424e7459..4f96beed5c 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_dependants.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_dependants.html.erb
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
    end %>
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only,
-                       classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t("providers.means.check_income_answers.dependants.heading") },
+                       actions: !read_only,
                        html_attributes: { id: "dependants-questions" }) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__dependants" }) do |row| %>
     <%= row.with_key(text: t("shared.check_answers.dependants.has_dependants", individual:), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
       <% end %>
     <%= govuk_summary_list(
+          card: { title: t(".dependant_name", position: index + 1, name: dependant.name) },
           actions: false,
-          classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
           html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__dependants_#{index + 1}_items" },
         ) do |summary_list| %>
       <% dependant_hash(dependant)&.fetch(:items, [])&.each_with_index do |item, index| %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_emergency_costs.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_emergency_costs.html.erb
index 6878fe9d6c..04735c215a 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_emergency_costs.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_emergency_costs.html.erb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list| %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__emergency_cost_override" }) do |row| %>
     <%= row.with_key(text: t(".request_higher_limit"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
     <%= row.with_value { yes_no(@legal_aid_application.emergency_cost_override) } %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_employed_income.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_employed_income.html.erb
index 8c5f7dec34..6833d5b206 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_employed_income.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_employed_income.html.erb
@@ -22,20 +22,20 @@
     <% end %>
-<dl id="employment-<%= individual %>-notes-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-  <%= check_answer_no_link(
-        name: :extra_employment_information,
-        question: t(".#{individual}.employment_question"),
-        answer: safe_yes_or_no(model.extra_employment_information?),
-        read_only:,
-      ) %>
-  <% if model.extra_employment_information? %>
-    <%= check_long_question_no_link(
-          name: :extra_employment_information_details,
-          question: t(".#{individual}.employment_details"),
-          answer: model.extra_employment_information_details,
-        ) %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: t(".#{individual}.heading") },
+      actions: false,
+      html_attributes: { id: "employment-#{individual}-notes-questions" },
+    ) do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__extra_employment_information" }) do |row| %>
+      <%= row.with_key(text: t(".#{individual}.employment_question"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+      <%= row.with_value(text: safe_yes_or_no(model.extra_employment_information?)) %>
+    <% end %>
+    <% if model.extra_employment_information? %>
+      <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__extra_employment_information_details" }) do |row| %>
+        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".#{individual}.employment_details"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+        <%= row.with_value(text: model.extra_employment_information_details) %>
+      <% end %>
+    <% end %>
   <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_full_employment_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_full_employment_details.html.erb
index f43805f2cb..bcb2f7afe5 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_full_employment_details.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_full_employment_details.html.erb
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   <% end %>
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9", html_attributes: { id: "employment-income-questions" }) do |summary_list| %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".employment", individual:) }, actions: false, html_attributes: { id: "employment-income-questions" }) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__full_employment_details" }) do |row| %>
     <%= row.with_key(text: t(".details", individual_with_determiner:).upcase_first, classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
     <%= row.with_value { content.presence || "-" } %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_gateway_evidence.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_gateway_evidence.html.erb
index 04f80dee79..4a14962db1 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_gateway_evidence.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_gateway_evidence.html.erb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <section class="print-no-break govuk-!-padding-top-6">
   <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".heading") %></h2>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") }) do |summary_list| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__gateway_evidence" }) do |row| %>
       <%= row.with_key(text: t(".gateway_evidence"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
       <%= row.with_value do %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_housing_benefit.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_housing_benefit.html.erb
index 16a9721b4c..11f778c597 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_housing_benefit.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_housing_benefit.html.erb
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 <%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: t(".heading") },
       actions: false,
-      classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
       html_attributes: { "data-check-your-answers-section": t(".heading").parameterize },
     ) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__housing_benefit_question" }) do |row| %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_income_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_income_details.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index dcdb202c0f..0000000000
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_income_details.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  <dl id="income-details-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-    <% income_detail_items(@legal_aid_application).each do |item| %>
-      <%= render "shared/means_report/item", item.to_h %>
-    <% end %>
-    <%= render "shared/means_report/total", name: "total_income", value_method: :combined_total_gross_income_assessed %>
-  </dl>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_income_result.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_income_result.html.erb
index 42f15d4920..0a38423d40 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_income_result.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_income_result.html.erb
@@ -1,47 +1,30 @@
 <section class="print-no-break">
-  <% read_only = false unless local_assigns.key?(:read_only) %>
-  <dl id="income-result-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-    <%= check_answer_link(
-          name: :total_gross_income_assessed,
-          question: t(".total_gross_income"),
-          answer: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.combined_total_gross_income_assessed),
-          read_only:,
-        ) %>
-    <%= check_answer_link(
-          name: :total_disposable_income_assessed,
-          question: t(".total_disposable_income"),
-          answer: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.total_disposable_income_assessed(partner: @legal_aid_application&.applicant&.has_partner_with_no_contrary_interest?)),
-          read_only:,
-        ) %>
-    <%= check_answer_link(
-          name: :gross_income_limit,
-          question: t(".gross_income_limit"),
-          answer: number_to_currency_or_na(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.gross_income_upper_threshold),
-          read_only:,
-        ) %>
-    <%= check_answer_link(
-          name: :disposable_income_lower_limit,
-          question: t(".disposable_income_lower_limit"),
-          answer: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.disposable_income_lower_threshold),
-          read_only:,
-        ) %>
-    <%= check_answer_link(
-          name: :disposable_income_upper_limit_limit,
-          question: t(".disposable_income_upper_limit"),
-          answer: number_to_currency_or_na(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.disposable_income_upper_threshold),
-          read_only:,
-        ) %>
-    <%= check_answer_link(
-          name: :disposable_income_contribution,
-          question: t(".disposable_income_contribution"),
-          answer: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.income_contribution),
-          read_only:,
-        ) %>
-  </dl>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: heading },
+                         actions: false,
+                         html_attributes: { id: "income-result-questions" }) do |summary_list| %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__total_gross_income_assessed" }) do |row|
+         row.with_key(text: t(".total_gross_income"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+         row.with_value(text: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.combined_total_gross_income_assessed))
+       end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__total_disposable_income_assessed" }) do |row|
+         row.with_key(text: t(".total_disposable_income"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+         row.with_value(text: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.total_disposable_income_assessed(partner: @legal_aid_application&.applicant&.has_partner_with_no_contrary_interest?)))
+       end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__gross_income_limit" }) do |row|
+         row.with_key(text: t(".gross_income_limit"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+         row.with_value(text: number_to_currency_or_na(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.gross_income_upper_threshold))
+       end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__disposable_income_lower_limit" }) do |row|
+         row.with_key(text: t(".disposable_income_lower_limit"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+         row.with_value(text: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.disposable_income_lower_threshold))
+       end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__disposable_income_upper_limit_limit" }) do |row|
+         row.with_key(text: t(".disposable_income_upper_limit"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+         row.with_value(text: number_to_currency_or_na(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.disposable_income_upper_threshold))
+       end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__disposable_income_contribution" }) do |row|
+         row.with_key(text: t(".disposable_income_contribution"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+         row.with_value(text: gds_number_to_currency(@legal_aid_application.cfe_result.income_contribution))
+       end %>
+  <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_laspo.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_laspo.html.erb
index 2426b33c1a..7456d5e059 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_laspo.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_laspo.html.erb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   <h2 class="govuk-heading-m govuk-!-padding-top-6"><%= t(".heading") %></h2>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") }, actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__in_scope_of_laspo" }) do |row| %>
       <%= row.with_key(text: t(".question"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
       <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(@legal_aid_application.in_scope_of_laspo)) %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_latest_incident_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_latest_incident_details.html.erb
index f1dda7aa74..1d3d652122 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_latest_incident_details.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_latest_incident_details.html.erb
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
         ) %>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".latest-incident-heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
       <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__notification_of_latest_incident" }) do |row| %>
         <%= row.with_key(text: t(".notification_of_latest_incident"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
         <%= row.with_value(text: incident&.told_on) %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_linking_and_copying.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_linking_and_copying.html.erb
index e6458c6add..1a6c3a8f6a 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_linking_and_copying.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_linking_and_copying.html.erb
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
       <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t ".section_linking.heading" %></h2>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only,
-                         classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".section_linking.heading") },
+                         actions: !read_only,
                          html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__linking_items" }) do |summary_list|
         summary_list.with_row(classes: "app-check-your-answers__linking_question") do |row|
           row.with_key(text: t(".section_linking.linked"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
         <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t ".other_links_section.#{@legal_aid_application.lead_linked_application.link_type_code}" %></h2>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list|
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".other_links_section.#{@legal_aid_application.lead_linked_application.link_type_code}") }, actions: false) do |summary_list|
           all_linked_applications(@legal_aid_application).each do |application|
             summary_list.with_row do |row|
               row.with_key(text: application.applicant.full_name, classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
             end %>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only,
-                           classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".section_copying.heading") },
+                           actions: !read_only,
                            html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__copying_items" }) do |summary_list|
           summary_list.with_row(classes: "app-check-your-answers__copy_question") do |row|
             row.with_key(text: t(".section_copying.question"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_matter_opposition.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_matter_opposition.html.erb
index 28508b4737..4d3d41e007 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_matter_opposition.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_matter_opposition.html.erb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
       ) %>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".matter_opposed_reason_heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__matter_opposed_reason" }) do |row| %>
       <%= row.with_key(text: t(".matter_opposed_reason"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
       <%= row.with_value(text: @legal_aid_application.matter_opposition.reason) %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_merits_proceeding_section.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_merits_proceeding_section.html.erb
index 78c437a80b..bb2011c68d 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_merits_proceeding_section.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_merits_proceeding_section.html.erb
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
   <section class="print-no-break govuk-!-padding-top-6">
     <h2 class="govuk-heading-l"><%= proceeding.meaning %></h2>
-    <% if proceeding.chances_of_success %>
-      <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-0") do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: proceeding.meaning }, actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
+      <% if proceeding.chances_of_success %>
         <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_success_likely" }) do |row| %>
           <%= row.with_key(text: t(".prospects_of_success"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
           <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(proceeding.chances_of_success.success_likely)) %>
@@ -16,10 +16,7 @@
               ) %>
         <% end %>
         <% unless proceeding.chances_of_success.success_likely? %>
-          <%= summary_list.with_row(
-                classes: "govuk-summary-list__row--no-border",
-                html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_success_prospect" },
-              ) do |row| %>
+          <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_success_prospect" }) do |row| %>
             <%= row.with_key(text: t(".success_prospect"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
             <%= row.with_value(text: t("shared.forms.success_prospect.#{proceeding.chances_of_success.success_prospect}")) %>
             <%= row.with_action(
@@ -29,16 +26,19 @@
                 ) %>
           <% end %>
         <% end %>
+        <% if proceeding.chances_of_success.success_prospect_details %>
+          <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_success_prospect" }) do |row| %>
+            <%= row.with_key(text: t(".chances_of_success_details"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+            <%= row.with_value(text: proceeding.chances_of_success.success_prospect_details) %>
+            <%= row.with_action(
+                  text: t("generic.change"),
+                  href: providers_merits_task_list_success_prospects_path(proceeding),
+                  visually_hidden_text: t(".chances_of_success_details"),
+                ) %>
+          <% end %>
+        <% end %>
       <% end %>
-      <% if proceeding.chances_of_success.success_prospect_details %>
-        <p class='govuk-body'><%= proceeding.chances_of_success.success_prospect_details %></p>
-        <hr class="govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-!-width-full">
-      <% end %>
-    <% end %>
-    <% if proceeding.attempts_to_settle || proceeding.section8? || proceeding.specific_issue || proceeding.prohibited_steps || proceeding.special_childrens_act? %>
-      <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-0") do |summary_list| %>
+      <% if proceeding.attempts_to_settle || proceeding.section8? || proceeding.specific_issue || proceeding.prohibited_steps || proceeding.special_childrens_act? %>
         <% if proceeding.attempts_to_settle %>
           <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_attempts_to_settle" }) do |row| %>
             <%= row.with_key(text: t(".attempts_to_settle"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
@@ -62,10 +62,7 @@
           <% end %>
         <% end %>
         <% if proceeding.specific_issue %>
-          <%= summary_list.with_row(
-                html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_specific_issue",
-                                   classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2" },
-              ) do |row| %>
+          <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_specific_issue" }) do |row| %>
             <%= row.with_key(text: t(".specific_issue"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
             <%= row.with_value(text: proceeding.specific_issue.details) %>
             <%= row.with_action(
@@ -76,10 +73,7 @@
           <% end %>
         <% end %>
         <% if proceeding.prohibited_steps %>
-          <%= summary_list.with_row(
-                html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_prohibited_steps" },
-                classes: "govuk-summary-list__row--no-border",
-              ) do |row| %>
+          <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_prohibited_steps" }) do |row| %>
             <%= row.with_key(text: t(".prohibited_steps"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
             <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(proceeding.prohibited_steps.uk_removal)) %>
             <%= row.with_action(
@@ -88,21 +82,24 @@
                   visually_hidden_text: t(".prohibited_steps"),
                 ) %>
           <% end %>
+          <% unless proceeding.prohibited_steps.uk_removal %>
+            <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_prohibited_steps" }) do |row| %>
+              <%= row.with_key(text: t(".what_is_prohibited"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+              <%= row.with_value(text: proceeding.prohibited_steps.details) %>
+              <%= row.with_action(
+                    text: t("generic.change"),
+                    href: providers_merits_task_list_prohibited_steps_path(proceeding),
+                    visually_hidden_text: t(".what_is_prohibited"),
+                  ) %>
+            <% end %>
+          <% end %>
         <% end %>
       <% end %>
-      <% if proceeding.prohibited_steps && !proceeding.prohibited_steps.uk_removal %>
-        <p class='govuk-body'><%= proceeding.prohibited_steps.details %></p>
+      <% if proceeding.relationship_to_child %>
+        <%= render("shared/check_answers/relationship_to_child", summary_list:, proceeding:, relationship_to_child: proceeding.relationship_to_child) %>
       <% end %>
-      <hr class="govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-!-width-full">
-    <% end %>
-    <% if proceeding.relationship_to_child %>
-      <%= render("shared/check_answers/relationship_to_child", proceeding:, relationship_to_child: proceeding.relationship_to_child, read_only:) %>
-    <% end %>
-    <% unless proceeding.special_childrens_act? %>
-      <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
+      <% unless proceeding.special_childrens_act? %>
         <% if proceeding.vary_order %>
           <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.id}_vary_order" }) do |row| %>
             <%= row.with_key(text: t(".vary_order"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_offline_savings_accounts.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_offline_savings_accounts.html.erb
index 5be9ac40d1..81f0cf6818 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_offline_savings_accounts.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_offline_savings_accounts.html.erb
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
     <% end %>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9", html_attributes: { "data-test": "offline-savings-accounts" }) do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") }, actions: false, html_attributes: { "data-test": "offline-savings-accounts" }) do |summary_list| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__has_offline_savings" }) do |row| %>
       <%= row.with_key(text: t(".offline_savings_accounts"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
       <%= row.with_value { safe_yes_or_no(@legal_aid_application.offline_savings?) } %>
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   <% end %>
 <% else %>
   <h3 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".heading") %></h3>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") }, actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__has_offline_savings" }) do |row| %>
       <%= row.with_key(text: t(".offline_savings_accounts"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
       <%= row.with_value { safe_yes_or_no(@legal_aid_application.offline_savings?) } %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_one_link_section.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_one_link_section.html.erb
index ef13864d68..a748cdd1ef 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_one_link_section.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_one_link_section.html.erb
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 <%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: question },
       actions: !read_only,
-      classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
       html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{name}_items" },
     ) do |summary_list| %>
   <% if answer_hash.present? %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_opponent_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_opponent_details.html.erb
index 88671bbdbf..9629b9e275 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_opponent_details.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_opponent_details.html.erb
@@ -5,132 +5,147 @@
         question: t(".opponent-heading"),
       ) %>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".opponent-heading") }, actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
     <% opponents.order(:created_at).each_with_index do |opponent, i| %>
       <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__opponent_#{i + 1}" }) do |row| %>
         <%= row.with_key(text: "#{t('.opponent')} #{i + 1}", classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
         <%= row.with_value { sanitize("#{opponent.full_name},<br>#{opponent_type_description(opponent)}") } %>
       <% end %>
     <% end %>
-    <% if parties_mental_capacity %>
+  <% end %>
+  <% if parties_mental_capacity %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".mental_capacity.heading") }, actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
       <%= summary_list.with_row(
-            classes: "govuk-summary-list__row--no-border",
             html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__opponent_understands_terms_of_court_order" },
           ) do |row| %>
-        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".understands_terms_of_court_order"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".mental_capacity.understands_terms"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
         <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(parties_mental_capacity.understands_terms_of_court_order)) %>
         <%= row.with_action(
               text: t("generic.change"),
               href: providers_legal_aid_application_opponents_mental_capacity_path(@legal_aid_application),
-              visually_hidden_text: t(".understands_terms_of_court_order"),
+              visually_hidden_text: t(".mental_capacity.understands_terms"),
             ) %>
       <% end %>
+      <% unless parties_mental_capacity.understands_terms_of_court_order? %>
+        <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %>
+          <%= row.with_key(text: t(".mental_capacity.reasons"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+          <%= row.with_value(text: parties_mental_capacity.understands_terms_of_court_order_details) %>
+          <%= row.with_action(
+                text: t("generic.change"),
+                href: providers_legal_aid_application_opponents_mental_capacity_path(@legal_aid_application),
+                visually_hidden_text: t(".mental_capacity.reasons"),
+              ) %>
+        <% end %>
+      <% end %>
     <% end %>
   <% end %>
-  <% if parties_mental_capacity %>
-    <div class='govuk-body'><%= parties_mental_capacity.understands_terms_of_court_order_details %></div>
-    <hr class="govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-!-width-full">
-  <% end %>
   <% if task_list_includes?(@legal_aid_application, :domestic_abuse_summary) %>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
-      <%= summary_list.with_row(
-            classes: "govuk-summary-list__row--no-border",
-            html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__opponent_warning_letter_sent" },
-          ) do |row| %>
-        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".warning_letter_sent"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
-        <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(domestic_abuse_summary.warning_letter_sent)) %>
-        <%= row.with_action(
-              text: t("generic.change"),
-              href: providers_legal_aid_application_domestic_abuse_summary_path(@legal_aid_application),
-              visually_hidden_text: t(".warning_letter_sent"),
-            ) %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".domestic_abuse.heading") }, actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
+      <% unless domestic_abuse_summary.warning_letter_sent? %>
+        <%= summary_list.with_row(
+              html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__opponent_warning_letter_sent" },
+            ) do |row| %>
+          <%= row.with_key(text: t(".domestic_abuse.warning_letter_reasons"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+          <%= row.with_value(text: domestic_abuse_summary.warning_letter_sent_details) %>
+          <%= row.with_action(
+                text: t("generic.change"),
+                href: providers_legal_aid_application_domestic_abuse_summary_path(@legal_aid_application),
+                visually_hidden_text: t(".domestic_abuse.warning_letter_reasons"),
+              ) %>
+        <% end %>
       <% end %>
-    <% end %>
-    <div class='govuk-body'><%= domestic_abuse_summary.warning_letter_sent_details %></div>
-    <hr class="govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-!-width-full">
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
-      <%= summary_list.with_row(
-            classes: "govuk-summary-list__row--no-border",
-            html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__police_notified" },
-          ) do |row| %>
-        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".police_notified"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
-        <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(domestic_abuse_summary.police_notified)) %>
+      <% police_question = domestic_abuse_summary.police_notified? ? "police_notified_details" : "police_not_notified" %>
+      <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__opponent_warning_letter_sent" }) do |row| %>
+        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".domestic_abuse.#{police_question}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+        <%= row.with_value(text: domestic_abuse_summary.police_notified_details) %>
         <%= row.with_action(
               text: t("generic.change"),
               href: providers_legal_aid_application_domestic_abuse_summary_path(@legal_aid_application),
-              visually_hidden_text: t(".police_notified"),
+              visually_hidden_text: t(".domestic_abuse.#{police_question}"),
             ) %>
       <% end %>
-    <% end %>
-    <div class='govuk-body'><%= domestic_abuse_summary.police_notified_details %></div>
-    <hr class="govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-!-width-full">
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
-      <%= summary_list.with_row(
-            classes: "govuk-summary-list__row--no-border",
-            html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__bail_conditions_set" },
-          ) do |row| %>
-        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".bail_conditions_set"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
-        <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(domestic_abuse_summary.bail_conditions_set)) %>
-        <%= row.with_action(
-              text: t("generic.change"),
-              href: providers_legal_aid_application_domestic_abuse_summary_path(@legal_aid_application),
-              visually_hidden_text: t(".bail_conditions_set"),
-            ) %>
+      <% if domestic_abuse_summary.bail_conditions_set %>
+        <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__bail_conditions" }) do |row| %>
+          <%= row.with_key(text: t(".domestic_abuse.bail_conditions"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+          <%= row.with_value(text: domestic_abuse_summary.bail_conditions_set_details) %>
+          <%= row.with_action(
+                text: t("generic.change"),
+                href: providers_legal_aid_application_domestic_abuse_summary_path(@legal_aid_application),
+                visually_hidden_text: t(".domestic_abuse.bail_conditions"),
+              ) %>
+        <% end %>
+      <% else %>
+        <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__bail_conditions_set" }) do |row| %>
+          <%= row.with_key(text: t(".domestic_abuse.bail_conditions_set"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+          <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(domestic_abuse_summary.bail_conditions_set)) %>
+          <%= row.with_action(
+                text: t("generic.change"),
+                href: providers_legal_aid_application_domestic_abuse_summary_path(@legal_aid_application),
+                visually_hidden_text: t(".domestic_abuse.bail_conditions_set"),
+              ) %>
+        <% end %>
       <% end %>
     <% end %>
-    <div class='govuk-body'><%= domestic_abuse_summary.bail_conditions_set_details %></div>
-    <hr class="govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-!-width-full">
   <% end %>
   <% unless @legal_aid_application.special_children_act_proceedings? %>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
-      <%= summary_list.with_row(
-            classes: "govuk-summary-list__row--no-border",
-            html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__statement_of_case" },
-          ) do |row| %>
-        <%= row.with_key(text: t("shared.check_answers.merits.statement-of-case-heading"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
-        <%= row.with_value do %>
-          <% if attachments_with_size(statement_of_case&.original_attachments).present? %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".statement_of_case.heading") }, actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
+      <% if attachments_with_size(statement_of_case&.original_attachments).present? %>
+        <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__statement_of_case_file" }) do |row| %>
+          <%= row.with_key(text: t(".statement_of_case.file_names"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+          <%= row.with_value do %>
             <ul class="govuk-list">
               <% attachments_with_size(statement_of_case&.original_attachments).each do |item| %>
                 <li><%= item %></li>
               <% end %>
           <% end %>
+          <%= row.with_action(
+                text: t("generic.change"),
+                href: providers_legal_aid_application_statement_of_case_path(@legal_aid_application),
+                visually_hidden_text: t("shared.check_answers.merits.statement-of-case-heading"),
+              ) %>
+        <% end %>
+      <% end %>
+      <% if statement_of_case.statement? %>
+        <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__statement_of_case" }) do |row| %>
+          <%= row.with_key(text: t(".statement_of_case.statement"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+          <%= row.with_value(text: statement_of_case&.statement) %>
+          <%= row.with_action(
+                text: t("generic.change"),
+                href: providers_legal_aid_application_statement_of_case_path(@legal_aid_application),
+                visually_hidden_text: t(".statement_of_case.statement"),
+              ) %>
         <% end %>
-        <%= row.with_action(
-              text: t("generic.change"),
-              href: providers_legal_aid_application_statement_of_case_path(@legal_aid_application),
-              visually_hidden_text: t("shared.check_answers.merits.statement-of-case-heading"),
-            ) %>
       <% end %>
     <% end %>
-    <div class='govuk-body'><%= statement_of_case&.statement %></div>
-    <hr class="govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-!-width-full">
   <% end %>
   <% if @legal_aid_application.allegation %>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".allegation.heading") }, actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
       <%= summary_list.with_row(
-            classes: "govuk-summary-list__row--no-border",
             html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__allegation_denies_all" },
           ) do |row| %>
-        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".allegation_denies_all"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".allegation.denies_all"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
         <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(allegation.denies_all)) %>
         <%= row.with_action(
               text: t("generic.change"),
               href: providers_legal_aid_application_client_denial_of_allegation_path(@legal_aid_application),
-              visually_hidden_text: t(".allegation_denies_all"),
+              visually_hidden_text: t(".allegation.denies_all"),
+            ) %>
+      <% end %>
+      <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__allegation_denies_all" }) do |row| %>
+        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".allegation.additional_information"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+        <%= row.with_value(text: allegation.additional_information) %>
+        <%= row.with_action(
+              text: t("generic.change"),
+              href: providers_legal_aid_application_client_denial_of_allegation_path(@legal_aid_application),
+              visually_hidden_text: t(".allegation.additional_information"),
             ) %>
       <% end %>
     <% end %>
-    <p class='govuk-body'><%= allegation.additional_information %></p>
-    <hr class="govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-!-width-full">
   <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_outgoings_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_outgoings_details.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 06e2a1915d..0000000000
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_outgoings_details.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-  <dl id="outgoings-details-questions" class="govuk-summary-list govuk-!-margin-bottom-9">
-    <% outgoings_detail_items.each do |item| %>
-      <%= render "shared/means_report/item", item.to_h %>
-    <% end %>
-    <%= render "shared/means_report/total", name: "total_outgoings", value_method: :total_monthly_outgoings %>
-  </dl>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_partner_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_partner_details.html.erb
index 9719ca38d4..389670c0ef 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_partner_details.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_partner_details.html.erb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <% read_only = false unless local_assigns.key?(:read_only)
    heading_class = local_assigns.key?(:heading) ? local_assigns[:heading] : "govuk-heading-m" %>
 <h2 class="<%= heading_class %>"><%= t ".section_heading" %></h2>
-<%= govuk_summary_list(classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".section_heading") },
                        html_attributes: { id: "partner-details-questions" },
                        actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_payments_summary.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_payments_summary.html.erb
index c4dcfaafb0..62d88ec042 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_payments_summary.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_payments_summary.html.erb
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 <%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: payment_type },
       actions: false,
-      classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
       html_attributes: { "data-check-your-answers-section": payment_type.parameterize },
     ) do |summary_list| %>
   <% transaction_types.each do |transaction_type| %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceeding_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceeding_details.html.erb
index 330ec932a5..7e305a3a43 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceeding_details.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceeding_details.html.erb
@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list| %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: proceeding.meaning },
+      actions: false,
+    ) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.name}_client_involvement_type" }) do |row| %>
     <%= row.with_key(text: t(".client_involvement_type_details.question"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
     <%= row.with_value { proceeding.client_involvement_type_description } %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceeding_details_section.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceeding_details_section.html.erb
index b05ca883c7..de1085324d 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceeding_details_section.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceeding_details_section.html.erb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <% @legal_aid_application.proceedings.each_with_index do |proceeding, index| %>
   <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= proceeding.meaning %></h2>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: proceeding.meaning }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__client_role-#{index}" }) do |row| %>
       <%= row.with_key(text: t(".client_role"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
       <%= row.with_value { proceeding.client_involvement_type_description } %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceedings_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceedings_details.html.erb
index abbf9c647d..3f6c5486b3 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceedings_details.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_proceedings_details.html.erb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list| %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= @legal_aid_application.proceedings_by_name.each_with_index do |proceeding, i| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row(classes: "app-check-your-answers__#{proceeding.name}_proceeding") do |row| %>
       <%= row.with_key(text: "#{t('.proceeding')} #{i + 1}", classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_property.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_property.html.erb
index 5ec2ec8854..7d7c2bc699 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_property.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_property.html.erb
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 <h3 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t("shared.check_answers.assets.property.heading_own_home") %></h3>
 <%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: t("shared.check_answers.assets.property.heading_own_home") },
       actions: !read_only,
-      classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
       html_attributes: { id: "property-question" },
     ) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__own_home" }) do |row| %>
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 <% if @legal_aid_application.own_home? %>
   <h3 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t("shared.check_answers.assets.property.heading_property_details#{individual}") %></h3>
   <%= govuk_summary_list(
+        card: { title: t("shared.check_answers.assets.property.heading_property_details#{individual}") },
         actions: !read_only,
-        classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
         html_attributes: { id: "property-details-questions" },
       ) do |summary_list| %>
       <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__property_value" }) do |row| %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_relationship_to_child.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_relationship_to_child.html.erb
index 3138a52b2f..9e3446ac33 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_relationship_to_child.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_relationship_to_child.html.erb
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only) do |summary_list|
+<%= summary_list.with_row do |row|
+      row.with_key(text: t("shared.check_answers.relationship_to_child.biological_parent"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+      row.with_value(text: yes_no(relationship_to_child.eql?("biological")))
+      row.with_action(text: t("generic.change"), href: providers_merits_task_list_is_client_biological_parent_path(proceeding), visually_hidden_text: t("shared.check_answers.relationship_to_child.biological_parent"))
+    end
+    unless relationship_to_child.eql?("biological")
       summary_list.with_row do |row|
-        row.with_key(text: t(".biological_parent"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
-        row.with_value(text: yes_no(relationship_to_child.eql?("biological")))
-        row.with_action(text: t("generic.change"), href: providers_merits_task_list_is_client_biological_parent_path(proceeding), visually_hidden_text: t(".biological_parent"))
+        row.with_key(text: t("shared.check_answers.relationship_to_child.parental_responsibilities"))
+        row.with_value(text: relationship_to_child.nil? || relationship_to_child.eql?("child_subject") ? t("generic.no") : t("shared.check_answers.relationship_to_child.#{relationship_to_child}"))
+        row.with_action(text: t("generic.change"), href: providers_merits_task_list_does_client_have_parental_responsibility_path(proceeding), visually_hidden_text: t("shared.check_answers.relationship_to_child.parental_responsibilities"))
-      unless relationship_to_child.eql?("biological")
+      if relationship_to_child.eql?("child_subject") || relationship_to_child.nil?
         summary_list.with_row do |row|
-          row.with_key(text: t(".parental_responsibilities"))
-          row.with_value(text: relationship_to_child.nil? || relationship_to_child.eql?("child_subject") ? t("generic.no") : t(".#{relationship_to_child}"))
-          row.with_action(text: t("generic.change"), href: providers_merits_task_list_does_client_have_parental_responsibility_path(proceeding), visually_hidden_text: t(".parental_responsibilities"))
-        end
-        if relationship_to_child.eql?("child_subject") || relationship_to_child.nil?
-          summary_list.with_row do |row|
-            row.with_key(text: t(".child_subject"))
-            row.with_value(text: yes_no(relationship_to_child.eql?("child_subject")))
-            row.with_action(text: t("generic.change"), href: providers_merits_task_list_is_client_child_subject_path(proceeding), visually_hidden_text: t(".child_subject"))
-          end
+          row.with_key(text: t("shared.check_answers.relationship_to_child.child_subject"))
+          row.with_value(text: yes_no(relationship_to_child.eql?("child_subject")))
+          row.with_action(text: t("generic.change"), href: providers_merits_task_list_is_client_child_subject_path(proceeding), visually_hidden_text: t("shared.check_answers.relationship_to_child.child_subject"))
     end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_restrictions.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_restrictions.html.erb
index 76a86156b9..b8596a42fa 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_restrictions.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_restrictions.html.erb
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".#{journey_type}.heading#{individual}") %></h2>
-<%= govuk_summary_list(classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9", html_attributes: { id: "restrictions-on-clients-assets-questions" }) do |summary_list| %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: t(".#{journey_type}.heading#{individual}") },
+      html_attributes: { id: "restrictions-on-clients-assets-questions" },
+    ) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__restrictions" }) do |row| %>
     <%= row.with_key(text: t(".#{journey_type}.question#{individual}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
     <%= row.with_value { yes_no(@legal_aid_application.has_restrictions) } %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_scope_limits.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_scope_limits.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index ff7a2c4bc6..0000000000
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_scope_limits.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<% read_only = false unless local_assigns.key?(:read_only) %>
-<%= check_answer_no_link(
-      name: :"#{proceeding.name}_#{level_of_service}_scope_limitations_#{proceeding.id}",
-      question: t(".#{level_of_service}.question"),
-      answer: scope_limits(proceeding, level_of_service),
-      read_only:,
-    ) %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_section_break.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_section_break.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 225e28238a..0000000000
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_section_break.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<div class="govuk-!-margin-bottom-2">
-  <hr class="govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-!-width-full" style="width: 100%;">
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_separate_representation.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_separate_representation.html.erb
index 0e6dfe6437..0a821310a3 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_separate_representation.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_separate_representation.html.erb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   <section class="print-no-break govuk-!-padding-top-6">
     <h2 class="govuk-heading-l"><%= t(".heading") %></h2>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
         <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__separate_representation_required" }) do |row| %>
           <%= row.with_key(text: t(".separate_representation"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
           <%= row.with_value(text: t(".confirmed")) %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_student_finance.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_student_finance.html.erb
index e6110ce4f7..c7dd6e2a6e 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_student_finance.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_student_finance.html.erb
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   <% end %>
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9") do |summary_list| %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{individual.class.to_s.downcase}_student_finance_question" }) do |row| %>
     <%= row.with_key(text: t(".does_your_client", individual_text:), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
     <%= row.with_value { yes_no(individual.student_finance?) } %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_substantive_costs.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_substantive_costs.html.erb
index d2e9a65de4..c01540bf50 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_substantive_costs.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_substantive_costs.html.erb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-6 govuk") do |summary_list| %>
+<%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: heading }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__emergency_cost_override" }) do |row| %>
     <%= row.with_key(text: t(".request_higher_limit"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
     <%= row.with_value { yes_no(@legal_aid_application.substantive_cost_override) } %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_supporting_evidence.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_supporting_evidence.html.erb
index 13ff5413f2..6aa37fc808 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_supporting_evidence.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_supporting_evidence.html.erb
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
         ) %>
-    <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".evidence_upload_heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
       <% @legal_aid_application.uploaded_evidence_by_category.each do | category, attachments| %>
         <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__#{category}" }) do |row| %>
           <%= row.with_key(text: t(".evidence_types.#{category}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_undertaking.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_undertaking.html.erb
index 88dbbe5334..4f917dc7bd 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_undertaking.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_undertaking.html.erb
@@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
 <section class="print-no-break govuk-!-padding-top-6">
   <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"><%= t(".heading") %></h2>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: !read_only, classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-2") do |summary_list| %>
-    <%= summary_list.with_row(
-          classes: "govuk-summary-list__row--no-border",
-          html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__undertaking_offered" },
-        ) do |row| %>
-      <%= row.with_key(text: t(".undertaking_offered"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") }, actions: !read_only) do |summary_list| %>
+    <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__undertaking_offered" }) do |row| %>
+      <%= row.with_key(text: t(".undertaking_offered_question"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
       <%= row.with_value(text: yes_no(undertaking.offered)) %>
       <%= row.with_action(
             text: t("generic.change"),
             href: providers_legal_aid_application_client_offered_undertakings_path(@legal_aid_application),
-            visually_hidden_text: t(".undertaking_offered"),
+            visually_hidden_text: t(".undertaking_offered_question"),
+          ) %>
+    <% end %>
+    <% text = undertaking.offered? ? "what" : "why" %>
+    <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__undertaking_offered" }) do |row| %>
+      <%= row.with_key(text: t(".undertaking_offered_#{text}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
+      <%= row.with_value(text: undertaking.additional_information) %>
+      <%= row.with_action(
+            text: t("generic.change"),
+            href: providers_legal_aid_application_client_offered_undertakings_path(@legal_aid_application),
+            visually_hidden_text: t(".undertaking_offered_#{text}"),
           ) %>
     <% end %>
   <% end %>
-  <div class='govuk-body'><%= undertaking.additional_information %></div>
-  <hr class="govuk-section-break govuk-section-break--visible govuk-!-width-full">
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_urgency.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_urgency.html.erb
index f668ea2927..28e14af0ff 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_urgency.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_urgency.html.erb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
       ) %>
-  <%= govuk_summary_list(actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: t(".heading") }, actions: false) do |summary_list| %>
     <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__nature_of_urgency" }) do |row| %>
       <%= row.with_key(text: t(".nature_of_urgency"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
       <%= row.with_value(text: urgency.nature_of_urgency) %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_vehicles.html.erb b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_vehicles.html.erb
index 23d62bc4ac..4434c4a485 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/check_answers/_vehicles.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/check_answers/_vehicles.html.erb
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 <%= govuk_summary_list(
+      card: { title: t(".#{journey_type}.heading") },
       actions: !read_only,
-      classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
       html_attributes: { id: "vehicles-questions" },
     ) do |summary_list| %>
   <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__own-vehicle" }) do |row| %>
@@ -27,22 +27,16 @@
 <% if @legal_aid_application.vehicles.any? %>
   <% @legal_aid_application.vehicles.each_with_index do |vehicle, index| %>
+    <% action_link = govuk_link_to(t("generic.change"),
+                                   providers_legal_aid_application_means_vehicle_detail_path(@legal_aid_application, vehicle),
+                                   visually_hidden_suffix: t(".providers.vehicle_index", sequence: index + 1),
+                                   id: "app-check-your-answers__vehicle__#{index}_change_link") %>
     <%= govuk_summary_list(
-          actions: !read_only,
-          classes: "govuk-!-margin-bottom-9",
+          card: { title: t(".providers.vehicle_index", sequence: index + 1),
+                  actions: read_only ? [] : [action_link] },
           html_attributes: { id: "vehicle-questions__#{index}" },
         ) do |summary_list| %>
-      <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__vehicle__#{index}_change_link" }) do |row| %>
-        <%= row.with_key(text: t(".providers.vehicle_index", sequence: index + 1), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half govuk-heading-m") %>
-        <%= row.with_value(text: nil) %>
-        <%= row.with_action(
-              text: t("generic.change"),
-              href: providers_legal_aid_application_means_vehicle_detail_path(@legal_aid_application, vehicle),
-              visually_hidden_text: t(".providers.vehicle_index", sequence: index + 1),
-            ) %>
-      <% end %>
       <% if @legal_aid_application.applicant.has_partner_with_no_contrary_interest? %>
         <%= summary_list.with_row(html_attributes: { id: "app-check-your-answers__vehicles_owner" }) do |row| %>
           <%= row.with_key(text: t(".#{journey_type}.owner"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half") %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/means_report/_deductions_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/means_report/_deductions_details.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6aace489f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/shared/means_report/_deductions_details.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: heading },
+                         actions: false,
+                         html_attributes: { id: "deductions-details-questions" }) do |summary_list| %>
+    <% deductions_detail_items(@legal_aid_application).each do |item| %>
+      <% summary_list.with_row do |row|
+           row.with_key(text: t(".client.#{item.name}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+           row.with_value { gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(item.value_method)) }
+         end %>
+      <% if @legal_aid_application.applicant.has_partner_with_no_contrary_interest? && !partner_exclude_items.include?(item.value_method) %>
+        <% summary_list.with_row do |row|
+             row.with_key(text: t(".partner.#{item.name}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+             row.with_value { gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(item.value_method, partner: true)) }
+           end %>
+      <% end %>
+    <% end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(classes: "bold-border-top") do |row|
+         row.with_key { t(".total_deductions") }
+         row.with_value(text: gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(:total_deductions)), html_attributes: { class: "govuk-!-font-weight-bold" })
+       end %>
+  <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/means_report/_income_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/means_report/_income_details.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6fd41ba5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/shared/means_report/_income_details.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: heading },
+                         actions: false,
+                         html_attributes: { id: "income-details-questions" }) do |summary_list| %>
+    <% income_detail_items(@legal_aid_application).each do |item| %>
+      <% summary_list.with_row do |row|
+           row.with_key(text: t(".client.#{item.name}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+           row.with_value { gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(item.value_method)) }
+         end %>
+    <% end %>
+    <% income_detail_items(@legal_aid_application).each do |item| %>
+      <% if @legal_aid_application.applicant.has_partner_with_no_contrary_interest? && !partner_exclude_items.include?(item.value_method) %>
+        <% summary_list.with_row do |row|
+             row.with_key(text: t(".partner.#{item.name}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+             row.with_value { gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(item.value_method, partner: true)) }
+           end %>
+      <% end %>
+    <% end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(classes: "bold-border-top") do |row|
+         row.with_key { t(".total_income") }
+         row.with_value(text: gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(:combined_total_gross_income_assessed)), html_attributes: { class: "govuk-!-font-weight-bold" })
+       end %>
+  <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/means_report/_item.html.erb b/app/views/shared/means_report/_item.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index fbb9d161f8..0000000000
--- a/app/views/shared/means_report/_item.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<% suppress_border ||= false %>
-<% css_border_klass = suppress_border ? "govuk-summary-list__row--no-border" : "" %>
-<div class="govuk-summary-list__row  normal-word-break" id="<%= "means-merits-report__#{name}" %>">
-  <dt class="govuk-summary-list__key govuk-!-width-one-half">
-    <%= t(".#{scope}.client.#{name}") %>
-  </dt>
-  <!--  in-line styling due to issues around pdf generation in our production envs -->
-  <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value govuk-!-text-align-right">
-    <%= gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(value_method)) %>
-  </dd>
-<% if @legal_aid_application.applicant.has_partner_with_no_contrary_interest? %>
-  <% unless partner_exclude_items.include?(value_method) %>
-    <div class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__row  normal-word-break #{css_border_klass}" %>" id="<%= "means-merits-report__partner_#{name}" %>">
-      <dt class="<%= "govuk-summary-list__key govuk-!-width-one-half" %>">
-        <%= t(".#{scope}.partner.#{name}") %>
-      </dt>
-      <!--  in-line styling due to issues around pdf generation in our production envs -->
-      <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value govuk-!-text-align-right">
-        <%= gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(value_method, partner: true)) %>
-      </dd>
-    </div>
-  <% end %>
-<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/means_report/_outgoings_details.html.erb b/app/views/shared/means_report/_outgoings_details.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d278e513e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/shared/means_report/_outgoings_details.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  <%= govuk_summary_list(card: { title: heading },
+                         actions: false,
+                         html_attributes: { id: "outgoings-details-questions" }) do |summary_list| %>
+    <% outgoings_detail_items.each do |item| %>
+      <% summary_list.with_row do |row|
+           row.with_key(text: t(".client.#{item.name}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+           row.with_value { gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(item.value_method)) }
+         end %>
+    <% end %>
+    <% outgoings_detail_items.each do |item| %>
+      <% if @legal_aid_application.applicant.has_partner_with_no_contrary_interest? && !partner_exclude_items.include?(item.value_method) %>
+        <% summary_list.with_row do |row|
+             row.with_key(text: t(".partner.#{item.name}"), classes: "govuk-!-width-one-half")
+             row.with_value { gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(item.value_method, partner: true)) }
+           end %>
+      <% end %>
+    <% end %>
+    <% result = if @legal_aid_application.applicant.has_partner_with_no_contrary_interest?
+                  @cfe_result.__send__(:total_monthly_outgoings) + @cfe_result.__send__(:total_monthly_outgoings, partner: true)
+                else
+                  @cfe_result.__send__(:total_monthly_outgoings)
+                end %>
+    <% summary_list.with_row(classes: "bold-border-top") do |row|
+         row.with_key { t(".total_outgoings") }
+         row.with_value(text: gds_number_to_currency(gds_number_to_currency(result)), html_attributes: { class: "govuk-!-font-weight-bold" })
+       end %>
+  <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/means_report/_total.html.erb b/app/views/shared/means_report/_total.html.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 538c73e645..0000000000
--- a/app/views/shared/means_report/_total.html.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<div class="govuk-summary-list__total-row  normal-word-break" id="<%= "means-merits-report__#{name}" %>">
-  <dt class="govuk-summary-list__key govuk-!-width-one-half">
-    <%= t(".#{name}") %>
-  </dt>
-  <!--  in-line styling due to issues around pdf generation in our production envs -->
-  <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value govuk-!-text-align-right">
-    <%= gds_number_to_currency(@cfe_result.__send__(value_method)) %>
-  </dd>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/review_application/_questions_and_answers.html.erb b/app/views/shared/review_application/_questions_and_answers.html.erb
index 1fd6f77c05..f0b1037ad6 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/review_application/_questions_and_answers.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/review_application/_questions_and_answers.html.erb
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
     <%= render(
           legal_aid_application: @legal_aid_application,
+          heading: t(".substantive_cost_limit"),
           read_only: true,
         ) %>
   <% end %>
diff --git a/config/locales/cy/shared.yml b/config/locales/cy/shared.yml
index 4d7ad48c9e..6a10a79480 100644
--- a/config/locales/cy/shared.yml
+++ b/config/locales/cy/shared.yml
@@ -96,25 +96,25 @@ cy:
         - You still need to provide details of the case before we can decide if they’re
-      item:
-        deductions:
-          dependants_allowance: ecnawolla stnadnepeD
-        income:
+      income_details:
+        total_income: emocni latoT
+        client:
           benefits: stifeneB
           family_help: ylimaf ro sdneirf morf pleh laicnaniF
           maintenance_in: stnemyap ecnanetniaM
           property_or_lodger: regdol ro ytreporp morf emocnI
           student_loan: tnarg ro naol tnedutS
           pension: noisneP
-        outgoing:
+      outgoings_details:
+        total_outgoings: sgniogtuo latoT
+        client:
           housing: stnemyap gnisuoH
           childcare: stnemyap eracdlihC
           maintenance_out: rentrap remrof a ot stnemyap ecnanetniaM
           legal_aid: esac lanimirc a ni dia lagel sdrawot stnemyaP
-      total:
-        total_income: emocni latoT
-        total_outgoings: sgniogtuo latoT
+      deductions_details:
         total_deductions: snoitcuded latoT
+        dependants_allowance: ecnawolla stnadnepeD
diff --git a/config/locales/en/providers.yml b/config/locales/en/providers.yml
index 27b21811db..61f4a8f5cb 100644
--- a/config/locales/en/providers.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en/providers.yml
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ en:
         h1-heading: Check your answers
         h2-heading: Your client's capital
-        chances_of_success_body: We'll use your answers to calculate your client's financial eligibility for legal aid.
-        chances_of_success_h2: What happens next
+        what_happens_next: What happens next
+        what_happens_next_body: We'll use your answers to calculate your client's financial eligibility for legal aid.
         title: Check your answers
@@ -1420,7 +1420,6 @@ en:
         emergency_cost_limit: Emergency cost limit
         substantive_cost_limit: Substantive cost limit
-      adult_dependants: Adult dependants
       assets_heading: &assets_heading Property, savings and other assets
       benefit_check_heading: Passported means
       benefit_check_question: In receipt of passporting benefit
@@ -1433,17 +1432,9 @@ en:
       capital_result_heading: &capital_result_heading Capital result
       caseworker_review_section_heading: Caseworker Review
-      child_dependants: Child dependants
       deductions-section-heading: &deductions-section-heading Deductions
       debits-section-heading: &debits-section-heading Outgoings
-      dependants_heading: Dependants
       employment_heading: &employment_heading Employment income
-      income_cash_payments_heading: Declared cash income
-      income_categories_heading: Declared income categories
-      income_details_heading: &income_details_heading Income
-      income_result_heading: &income_result_heading Income result
-      outgoings_cash_payments_heading: Declared cash outgoings
-      outgoings_categories_heading: Declared outgoings categories
       proceeding_eligibility: Proceeding eligibility
       student_finance_heading: Student finance
@@ -1520,10 +1511,6 @@ en:
         client_details_heading: Client details
         evidence_upload_heading: Supporting evidence
         heading: Means report
-      with_bank_statement_uploads:
-        assets_heading: *assets_heading
-        income_details_heading: *income_details_heading
-        income_result_heading: Employed income result
         assets_heading: *assets_heading
         capital_result_heading: *capital_result_heading
@@ -1539,8 +1526,8 @@ en:
           client: *client_employment_details
           partner: *partner_employment_details
-        income_details_heading: *income_details_heading
-        income_result_heading: *income_result_heading
+        income_details_heading: Income
+        income_result_heading: Income result
         bank_statement_heading: Bank statements
         bank_statement_question: Uploaded bank statements
diff --git a/config/locales/en/shared.yml b/config/locales/en/shared.yml
index 735596db1c..07e711f8e9 100644
--- a/config/locales/en/shared.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en/shared.yml
@@ -302,65 +302,49 @@ en:
           - Widow's Pension lump sum payments
           - Windrush Compensation Scheme Payments
-      item:
-        deductions:
-          dependants_allowance: Dependants allowance
-          partner_allowance: Partner allowance
-          client:
-            dependants_allowance: Dependants allowance
-            partner_allowance: Partner allowance
-        income:
-          benefits: Benefits
-          employment: Gross employment income
-          fixed_employment_deduction: Fixed employment deduction
-          family_help: Financial help from friends or family
-          income_tax: Income tax
-          maintenance_in: Maintenance payments
-          national_insurance: National insurance
-          property_or_lodger: Income from property or lodger
-          student_loan: Student loan or grant
-          pension: Pension
-          client:
-            benefits: Client benefits, charitable or government payments
-            employment: Client gross employment income
-            fixed_employment_deduction: Client fixed employment deduction
-            family_help: Client financial help from friends or family
-            income_tax: Client income tax
-            maintenance_in: Client maintenance payments
-            national_insurance: Client national insurance
-            property_or_lodger: Client income from property or lodger
-            student_loan: Client student loan or grant
-            pension: Client pension
-          partner:
-            benefits: Partner benefits, charitable or government payments
-            employment: Partner gross employment income
-            fixed_employment_deduction: Partner fixed employment deduction
-            family_help: Partner financial help from friends or family
-            income_tax: Partner income tax
-            maintenance_in: Partner maintenance payments
-            national_insurance: Partner national insurance
-            property_or_lodger: Partner income from property or lodger
-            student_loan: Partner student loan or grant
-            pension: Partner pension
-        outgoing:
-          housing: "Housing payments (any declared housing benefits have been deducted from this total)"
-          childcare: Childcare payments
-          maintenance_out: Maintenance payments to a former partner
-          legal_aid: Payments towards legal aid in a criminal case
-          client:
-            housing: "Client housing payments (any declared housing benefits have been deducted from this total)"
-            childcare: Client childcare payments
-            maintenance_out: Client maintenance payments to a former partner
-            legal_aid: Client payments towards legal aid in a criminal case
-          partner:
-            housing: "Partner housing payments (any declared housing benefits have been deducted from this total)"
-            childcare: Partner childcare payments
-            maintenance_out: Partner maintenance payments to a former partner
-            legal_aid: Partner payments towards legal aid in a criminal case
-      total:
+      income_details:
         total_income: Total income
+        client:
+          benefits: Client benefits, charitable or government payments
+          employment: Client gross employment income
+          fixed_employment_deduction: Client fixed employment deduction
+          family_help: Client financial help from friends or family
+          income_tax: Client income tax
+          maintenance_in: Client maintenance payments
+          national_insurance: Client national insurance
+          property_or_lodger: Client income from property or lodger
+          student_loan: Client student loan or grant
+          pension: Client pension
+        partner:
+          benefits: Partner benefits, charitable or government payments
+          employment: Partner gross employment income
+          fixed_employment_deduction: Partner fixed employment deduction
+          family_help: Partner financial help from friends or family
+          income_tax: Partner income tax
+          maintenance_in: Partner maintenance payments
+          national_insurance: Partner national insurance
+          property_or_lodger: Partner income from property or lodger
+          student_loan: Partner student loan or grant
+          pension: Partner pension
+      outgoings_details:
         total_outgoings: Total outgoings
+        client:
+          housing: "Client housing payments (any declared housing benefits have been deducted from this total)"
+          childcare: Client childcare payments
+          maintenance_out: Client maintenance payments to a former partner
+          legal_aid: Client payments towards legal aid in a criminal case
+        partner:
+          housing: "Partner housing payments (any declared housing benefits have been deducted from this total)"
+          childcare: Partner childcare payments
+          maintenance_out: Partner maintenance payments to a former partner
+          legal_aid: Partner payments towards legal aid in a criminal case
+      deductions_details:
         total_deductions: Total deductions
+        dependants_allowance: Dependants allowance
+        partner_allowance: Partner allowance
+        client:
+          dependants_allowance: Dependants allowance
+          partner_allowance: Partner allowance
@@ -434,6 +418,7 @@ en:
         upper_limit_label: Capital upper limit
         total: Total capital assessed
+        heading: Client details
         previous_application_reference: Previous application reference
         has_applied_before: Has applied before?
         correspondence_address_choice: Where to send client's mail
@@ -478,6 +463,7 @@ en:
         nino: National Insurance number
         has_partner: Does your client have a partner?
+        dependant_name: "Dependant %{position}: %{name}"
         has_dependants: Does %{individual} have any dependants?
         add-new: Add dependant
         delete: Delete dependant
@@ -488,6 +474,7 @@ en:
         income: Do they receive any income?
         assets: Do they have assets worth more than £8,000?
+        heading: Emergency cost limit
         request_higher_limit: Higher cost limit requested
         new_cost_limit: Amount requested
         new_limit_reasons: Reason
@@ -566,26 +553,43 @@ en:
         matter_opposed_reason: Why is the Section 8 matter opposed by your client or the other party?
         matter_opposed_reason_heading: Why the matter is opposed
-        allegation_denies_all: Does the client wholly or substantially deny any allegations?
-        bail_conditions_set: Have bail conditions been set?
+        allegation:
+          heading: Allegation
+          denies_all: Does the client wholly or substantially deny any allegations?
+          additional_information: Additional information
         opponent: Opponent
         opponent-heading: Opponent details
-        police_notified: Have the police been notified?
-        understands_terms_of_court_order: Do all parties have the mental capacity to understand the terms of a court order?
-        warning_letter_sent: Has a warning letter been sent to the opponent?
+        domestic_abuse:
+          heading: Domestic abuse summary
+          warning_letter_reasons: Why a warning letter has not been sent
+          police_notified_details: Police action taken
+          police_not_notified: Why the police have not been notified
+          bail_conditions_set: Have bail conditions been set?
+          bail_conditions: Bail conditions
+        statement_of_case:
+          heading: Statement of case
+          file_names: File names
+          statement: Statement
+        mental_capacity:
+          heading: Mental capacity
+          understands_terms: All parties have the mental capacity to understand the terms of a court order?
+          reasons: Why you think the court would enforce a breach of an order
         heading: Separate representation
         separate_representation: Client wants separate representation?
         confirmed: Confirmed
         heading: Client offer of undertakings
-        undertaking_offered: Has the client offered undertakings?
+        undertaking_offered_question: Has the client offered undertakings?
+        undertaking_offered_what: What undertakings have been offered?
+        undertaking_offered_why: Why have undertakings not been offered?
         heading: Nature of urgency and hearing date
         hearing_date_set: Has a date been set for the hearing?
         nature_of_urgency: What is the nature of the urgency?
         attempts_to_settle: What attempts have been made to settle the matter?
+        chances_of_success_details: Details on the chance of a successful outcome
         linked_children: Which children are covered under this proceeding?
         opponents_application_question: Do you have a copy of the opponent's application to the court or a copy of the court order?
         opponents_application_reason: Reason for applying for legal aid at this stage
@@ -594,6 +598,7 @@ en:
         success_prospect: What is the chance of a successful outcome?
         specific_issue: What specific issue do you want to determine at court?
         vary_order: Why are you making a new application?
+        what_is_prohibited: What you're asking to be prohibited
           benefit_evidence: Benefit evidence
@@ -611,9 +616,9 @@ en:
         child: Child
         biological_parent: Client is the biological parent of any child involved?
-        parental_responsibilities: Client has parental responsibility for any child involved?
         child_subject: Client is a child subject of this proceeding?
         court_order: Yes, under a court order
+        parental_responsibilities: Client has parental responsibility for any child involved?
         parental_responsibility_agreement: Yes, they have a parental responsibility agreement
         employment: "%{individual} employment income"
@@ -631,6 +636,7 @@ en:
         income_heading: Payments %{individual_with_determiner} receives in cash
         outgoings_heading: Payments %{individual_with_determiner} makes in cash
+        heading: Proceedings
         proceeding: Proceeding
           client_involvement_type: Client involvement type
diff --git a/features/providers/means_report.feature b/features/providers/means_report.feature
index c9112f3081..5657b9dec0 100644
--- a/features/providers/means_report.feature
+++ b/features/providers/means_report.feature
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ Feature: Means report
       | Client income from property or lodger | £0 |
       | Client student loan or grant | £0 |
       | Client pension | £0 |
+      | Total income | |
-    And I should see "Total income"
     And the 'Client' employment notes questions should exist:
       | Do you need to tell us anything else about your client's employment? |
       | Details for client |
@@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ Feature: Means report
       | Client childcare payments | £0 |
       | Client maintenance payments to a former partner | £0 |
       | Client payments towards legal aid in a criminal case | £100 |
-    And I should see "Total outgoings"
+      | Total outgoings | £225 |
     And the Deductions questions should exist:
       | question |
@@ -206,7 +205,7 @@ Feature: Means report
       | h2  | Which assets does your client have? |
       | h2  | Restrictions on your client's assets |
       | h2  | Payments from scheme or charities |
-      | h3  | Client's bank accounts |
+      | h2  | Client's bank accounts |
     Then the following sections should not exist:
       | tag | section |
@@ -252,8 +251,8 @@ Feature: Means report
       | Client income from property or lodger | £0 |
       | Client student loan or grant | £0 |
       | Client pension | £0 |
+      | Total income | |
-    And I should see "Total income"
     And the 'Client' employment notes questions should exist:
       | Do you need to tell us anything else about your client's employment? |
       | Details for client |
@@ -264,8 +263,7 @@ Feature: Means report
       | Client childcare payments | £0 |
       | Client maintenance payments to a former partner | £0 |
       | Client payments towards legal aid in a criminal case | £100 |
-    And I should see "Total outgoings"
+      | Total outgoings | £225 |
     And the Deductions questions should exist:
       | question |
@@ -297,7 +295,7 @@ Feature: Means report
       | question |
       | How much is the home your client lives in worth? |
       | How much is left to pay on the mortgage? |
-      |Does your client own the home with anyone else? |
+      | Does your client own the home with anyone else? |
       | What percentage of the home does your client legally own? |
     And the Vehicle ownership question should exist:
@@ -317,8 +315,8 @@ Feature: Means report
     And the "Bank accounts", for open banking accounts, questions and answers table should exist:
       | question | answer |
-      | Account Name, 12345678, 000000 | 75.57 |
-      | Second Account, 87654321, 999999 | 57.57 |
+      | Account Name, 12345678, 000000 | £75.57 |
+      | Second Account, 87654321, 999999 | £57.57 |
     And the "Your client's accounts" questions should exist:
       | question |
diff --git a/features/providers/mtr_accelerated/check_capital_answers.feature b/features/providers/mtr_accelerated/check_capital_answers.feature
index 525b165155..451754b12e 100644
--- a/features/providers/mtr_accelerated/check_capital_answers.feature
+++ b/features/providers/mtr_accelerated/check_capital_answers.feature
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ Feature: Check capital income answers
       | h3  | Property |
       | h3  | Your client's property |
       | h3  | Vehicles |
-      | dt  | Vehicle 1 |
+      | h2  | Vehicle 1 |
       | h2  | Bank accounts |
-      | h3  | Your client's accounts |
+      | h2  | Your client's accounts |
       | h2  | Which savings or investments does your client have? |
       | h2  | Which assets does your client have? |
       | h2  | Restrictions on your client's assets |
       | h2  | One-off payments your client received |
-      | dt  | Disregarded payment 1 |
-      | dt  | Payment to be reviewed 1 |
+      | h2  | Disregarded payment 1 |
+      | h2  | Payment to be reviewed 1 |
       | h3  | What happens next |
     Then the following sections should not exist:
@@ -36,20 +36,18 @@ Feature: Check capital income answers
       | h3  | Student finance |
       | h2  | Your client's outgoings |
       | h3  | Payments your client makes |
-      | h3  | "Payments your client receives in cash" |
-      | h3  | "Payments your client makes in cash"    |
+      | h3  | Payments your client receives in cash |
+      | h3  | Payments your client makes in cash |
       | h2  | Payments from scheme or charities |
     And the Disregarded payment 1 questions and answers should match:
       | question | answer |
-      | Disregarded payment 1 | |
       | Payment type | Budgeting Advances |
       | Amount and date received | £1,001 on 8 August 2024 |
       | Bank account | Halifax |
     And the Payment to be reviewed 1 questions and answers should match:
       | question | answer |
-      | Payment to be reviewed 1 | |
       | Payment type | Compensation, damages or ex-gratia payments for personal harm |
       | What the payment is for | life changing injuries |
       | Amount and date received | £1,002 on 8 August 2024 |
@@ -68,15 +66,15 @@ Feature: Check capital income answers
       | h3  | Property |
       | h3  | Your client's property |
       | h3  | Vehicles |
-      | dt  | Vehicle 1 |
+      | h2  | Vehicle 1 |
       | h2  | Bank accounts |
       | h3  | Your client's accounts |
       | h2  | Which savings or investments does your client have? |
       | h2  | Which assets does your client have? |
       | h2  | Restrictions on your client's assets |
       | h2  | One-off payments your client received |
-      | dt  | Disregarded payment 1 |
-      | dt  | Payment to be reviewed 1 |
+      | h2  | Disregarded payment 1 |
+      | h2  | Payment to be reviewed 1 |
       | h3  | What happens next |
     Then the following sections should not exist:
@@ -93,14 +91,12 @@ Feature: Check capital income answers
     And the Disregarded payment 1 questions and answers should match:
       | question | answer |
-      | Disregarded payment 1 | |
       | Payment type | Budgeting Advances |
       | Amount and date received | £1,001 on 8 August 2024 |
       | Bank account | Halifax |
     And the Payment to be reviewed 1 questions and answers should match:
       | question | answer |
-      | Payment to be reviewed 1 | |
       | Payment type | Compensation, damages or ex-gratia payments for personal harm |
       | What the payment is for | life changing injuries |
       | Amount and date received | £1,002 on 8 August 2024 |
@@ -119,16 +115,16 @@ Feature: Check capital income answers
       | h3  | Property |
       | h3  | Your client's property |
       | h3  | Vehicles |
-      | dt  | Vehicle 1 |
+      | h2  | Vehicle 1 |
       | h2  | Bank accounts |
       | h3  | Your client's accounts |
       | h2  | Which savings or investments does your client have? |
       | h2  | Which assets does your client have? |
       | h2  | Restrictions on your client's assets |
       | h2  | One-off payments your client received |
-      | dt  | Disregarded payment 1 |
-      | dt  | Payment to be reviewed 1 |
-      | h2  | What happens next |
+      | h2  | Disregarded payment 1 |
+      | h2  | Payment to be reviewed 1 |
+      | h3  | What happens next |
     Then the following sections should not exist:
       | tag | section |
@@ -144,16 +140,13 @@ Feature: Check capital income answers
     And the Disregarded payment 1 questions and answers should match:
       | question | answer |
-      | Disregarded payment 1 | |
       | Payment type | Budgeting Advances |
       | Amount and date received | £1,001 on 8 August 2024 |
       | Bank account | Halifax |
     And the Payment to be reviewed 1 questions and answers should match:
       | question | answer |
-      | Payment to be reviewed 1 | |
       | Payment type | Compensation, damages or ex-gratia payments for personal harm |
       | What the payment is for | life changing injuries |
       | Amount and date received | £1,002 on 8 August 2024 |
       | Bank account | Halifax |
diff --git a/features/providers/mtr_accelerated/means_report.feature b/features/providers/mtr_accelerated/means_report.feature
index 4ac5c96a9d..fea950a66d 100644
--- a/features/providers/mtr_accelerated/means_report.feature
+++ b/features/providers/mtr_accelerated/means_report.feature
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ Feature: Means report
       | Client income from property or lodger | £0 |
       | Client student loan or grant | £0 |
       | Client pension | £0 |
+      | Total income | |
-    And I should see "Total income"
     And the 'Client' employment notes questions should exist:
       | Do you need to tell us anything else about your client's employment? |
       | Details for client |
@@ -96,8 +96,7 @@ Feature: Means report
       | Client childcare payments | £0 |
       | Client maintenance payments to a former partner | £0 |
       | Client payments towards legal aid in a criminal case | £100 |
-    And I should see "Total outgoings"
+      | Total outgoings | £225 |
     And the Deductions questions should exist:
       | question |
@@ -215,7 +214,7 @@ Feature: Means report
       | h2  | Which assets does your client have? |
       | h2  | Restrictions on your client's assets |
       | h2  | Capital disregards |
-      | h3  | Client's bank accounts |
+      | h2  | Client's bank accounts |
     Then the following sections should not exist:
       | tag | section |
@@ -266,8 +265,8 @@ Feature: Means report
       | Client income from property or lodger | £0 |
       | Client student loan or grant | £0 |
       | Client pension | £0 |
+      | Total income | |
-    And I should see "Total income"
     And the 'Client' employment notes questions should exist:
       | Do you need to tell us anything else about your client's employment? |
       | Details for client |
@@ -278,8 +277,7 @@ Feature: Means report
       | Client childcare payments | £0 |
       | Client maintenance payments to a former partner | £0 |
       | Client payments towards legal aid in a criminal case | £100 |
-    And I should see "Total outgoings"
+      | Total outgoings | £225 |
     And the Deductions questions should exist:
       | question |
@@ -338,8 +336,8 @@ Feature: Means report
     And the "Bank accounts", for open banking accounts, questions and answers table should exist:
       | question | answer |
-      | Account Name, 12345678, 000000 | 75.57 |
-      | Second Account, 87654321, 999999 | 57.57 |
+      | Account Name, 12345678, 000000 | £75.57 |
+      | Second Account, 87654321, 999999 | £57.57 |
     And the "Your client's accounts" questions should exist:
       | question |
diff --git a/features/providers/partner_means_assessment/means_report.feature b/features/providers/partner_means_assessment/means_report.feature
index e0254cee2b..aeb19ee750 100644
--- a/features/providers/partner_means_assessment/means_report.feature
+++ b/features/providers/partner_means_assessment/means_report.feature
@@ -84,8 +84,7 @@ Feature: Means report when partner is present
       | Partner income from property or lodger | £200 |
       | Partner student loan or grant | £100 |
       | Partner pension | £30 |
-    And I should see "Total income"
+      | Total income | | 
     And the 'Client' employment notes questions should exist:
       | Do you need to tell us anything else about your client's employment? |
@@ -104,8 +103,7 @@ Feature: Means report when partner is present
       | Partner childcare payments | £30 |
       | Partner maintenance payments to a former partner | £50 |
       | Partner payments towards legal aid in a criminal case | £0 |
-    And I should see "Total outgoings"
+      | Total outgoings | £705 |
     And the Deductions questions should exist:
       | question |
diff --git a/features/providers/passported_journey.feature b/features/providers/passported_journey.feature
index 174a5daacc..ce525e3944 100644
--- a/features/providers/passported_journey.feature
+++ b/features/providers/passported_journey.feature
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Feature: passported_journey completes application
     Then I enter the application merits task statement of case statement field 'This is some test data for the statement of case'
     Then I click 'Save and continue'
     Then I should be on a page showing "Check your answers"
-    And the answer for 'Statement of case' should be 'hello_world.pdf (15.7 KB)'
+    And the answer for 'Statement of case file' should be 'hello_world.pdf (15.7 KB)'
     And I should be on a page showing "This is some test data for the statement of case"
     Then I click 'Save and continue'
     And I should be on a page showing "Confirm the following"
diff --git a/features/step_definitions/means_report_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/means_report_steps.rb
index e7c638adf4..8eaa77b3d4 100644
--- a/features/step_definitions/means_report_steps.rb
+++ b/features/step_definitions/means_report_steps.rb
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
 Then("the \"Bank accounts\", for open banking accounts, questions and answers table should exist:") do |table|
-  expect_questions_and_answers_in_table(selector: "#applicant-bank-accounts-details", expected: table)
+  expect_matching_questions_and_answers(actual_selector: "#applicant-bank-accounts-details", expected_table: table)
 Then("the \"Your client's accounts\" questions should exist:") do |table|
diff --git a/spec/components/reports/merits/delegated_functions_component_spec.rb b/spec/components/reports/merits/delegated_functions_component_spec.rb
index 42531f4102..0b09351c7d 100644
--- a/spec/components/reports/merits/delegated_functions_component_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/components/reports/merits/delegated_functions_component_spec.rb
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
     it "renders the proceeding heading" do
-      expect(page).to have_css("h3", text: "Test proceeding meaning")
+      expect(page).to have_css("h2", text: "Test proceeding meaning")
     it "renders the delegated functions summary list", :aggregate_failures do
diff --git a/spec/requests/providers/check_merits_answers_spec.rb b/spec/requests/providers/check_merits_answers_spec.rb
index a557e578c3..ce1ceb13a4 100644
--- a/spec/requests/providers/check_merits_answers_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/requests/providers/check_merits_answers_spec.rb
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@
+             domestic_abuse_summary:,
              explicit_proceedings: %i[da001 se014])
     let(:smtl) { create(:legal_framework_merits_task_list, legal_aid_application: application) }
+    let(:domestic_abuse_summary) { create(:domestic_abuse_summary, :police_notified_true) }
     before { allow(LegalFramework::MeritsTasksService).to receive(:call).with(application).and_return(smtl) }
@@ -45,10 +47,10 @@
         scope = "shared.check_answers"
         expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("latest_incident_details.notification_of_latest_incident", scope:))
         expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("latest_incident_details.date_of_latest_incident", scope:))
-        expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("opponent_details.understands_terms_of_court_order", scope:))
-        expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("opponent_details.warning_letter_sent", scope:))
-        expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("opponent_details.police_notified", scope:))
-        expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("opponent_details.bail_conditions_set", scope:))
+        expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("opponent_details.mental_capacity.understands_terms", scope:))
+        expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("opponent_details.domestic_abuse.warning_letter_reasons", scope:))
+        expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("opponent_details.domestic_abuse.police_notified_details", scope:))
+        expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("opponent_details.domestic_abuse.bail_conditions", scope:))
         expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("merits.items.statement_of_case", scope:))
         expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("merits_proceeding_section.prospects_of_success", scope:))
         expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("merits_proceeding_section.success_prospect", scope:))